In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 107: 0104 another grade 5 Dao

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"Haha, this is great." Blaze laughed as he fell into an army of soldiers, He moved fast, attacking the soldiers around him, and not giving them time to react and lunch a counter. within a few seconds, 10 soldiers were killed,

"Sigh, conquering words has gotten a lot harder," Levi said while looking at the battle down on a planet from the huge mother ship, before looking toward Sora who was lazily sitting on his throne. to say the least, this was not DC, but a high-grade world Sora managed to enter after few years of hard work

"it was fun living without rules... we can't even see or know the name of the world we are in, it's quite troublesome," Sora said with an annoyed sigh, this world they were in was a demon lord type of a world. it was a high-grade world, with the strongest being here capable of matching an early sage. indeed strong, but nothing over the top,

"yeah, the fact we need people to know of your existence to get you on the inside is troublesome enough, adding the fact the number of people who need to know you have to reach a high amount just for a small of a gated world to our world to open..." Levi said softly, making Sora nod slightly. this world in the past would have taken only hours at most, but now it will take months or even years

"but this is the perfect world for them to train and gain experience within," Sora said as he looked at the earth ahead of him. Levi nodded slightly before asking something.

"Who is your most talented child? Wan Xiao at one point was believed to be the most talented, but even his ability to transform isn't heaven-breaking." Levi said in confusion, to which Sora smiled slightly. Wan Xiao Dao of transformation was indeed powerful. He could turn into anything he wants, for example, turn into his enemy but stronger.

of course, there was a limit to such a thing. the stronger a person is, the less power he would have when he turns into them. Gemini had taught him to also become a perfect copy of a said person. Sora had made a least to grade the Dao.

Grade 0 to 9.

at Grade 0, which was much weaker than the normal Dao. the Dao of this grade once goes through transcendence and becomes a Sage Dao would be weaker than the average power for a Sage. but walking this path is countless times more easer

A Grade 1 Dao, a Dao of said grade is average. this grade of the Dao is equal to the power of an early Sage. at stage two, it's equal to a late Sage, and so on and so on.

a Grade 2 Dao, is a dao that is above average. this is the same highest grade of Dao as those within the cultivation realm where Ling Han was at. a type 5 Dao. a Dao of this grade once become a Sage Dao would be equal to a late Sage. meaning, this dao unlike a grade 1 Dao which is equal to an early Sage, this Dao is a Stage Above that.

A Grade 3 dao, is a Dao that is above average. this Dao would be considered legendary within Ling Han world. because, at this grade, a Grade 3 Dao that evolves into a Sage Dao is equal to a Peak Sage.

A Grade 4 Dao- a Stage 1 grade 4 Sage Dao is equal to a half-step Great Sage

a Grade 5 Dao- this is the grade Sora Dao was once at before he shattered, with this Dao, at stage 1 Sage Dao, had power equal to an early Great Sage.

A Grade 6 Dao- This is the level of power of the runes, once they are fully gained similar to what Sora did. Dao of this grade is equal to a Late Great Sage once they evolve into a Sage Dao.

a Grade 7 Dao- this grade of Dao is the level of powerful beings like Lucifer, and the others who managed to reach level 5 outerversal stood. once evolved to an Early Sage Dao, this Dao would be equal to a peak Great Sage.

In Grade 8- a Dao of such power would allow someone to reach the level of the True God, a Dao of such power is equal to a half-step God Dao.

a Grade 9 Dao- is a Dao which would allow a person to reach the power of the mother... before she was weakened. this is the level Dao Sora wanted all of his elites to reach, to say the least, Sora expected Huge things from all of them. this grade is equal to a True Dao

but there was a level above all of this Sora didn't speak of... a grade 10 Dao, a Dao which could take every Grade 9 Dao, and fuse them to form a Dao which could allow Sora to sense father, comprehend it, and walk to a path to conquer it. this was a path to become truly omnipotent, a Dao to become supreme in all senses of the world.

"Wan Xiao is talented, but there are many things he needs to find out about himself before he could become the best. but at equal power with someone of equal dao and strength, Wan Xiao can become 0.1 to 100 times stronger than them depending on the knowledge he has of them... that is if the person he turns into doesn't have Dao fo equal grade, which would greatly limit Wan Xiao capable to know them completely." Sora said calmly,

Wan Xiao Dao was overpowered, to say the least, so long as your Dao was of less grade, Wan Xiao's eyes would allow him to see through you like a book. at which point, he could turn into an almost perfect copy of you with everything you have, plus no weaknesses, and stronger.

this was not limited to someone of his strength or weaker, you could be stronger than him, and he could turn into you. but depending on his level of transformation would greatly reduce the level of strength he would have to turn into someone stronger than him.

for someone 10 times stronger than Wan Xiao,  if Wan Xiao turns into him, he might be 1.5 or so times stronger than the guy. but as the difference in power grows, the less that power gap between Wan Xiao and the person he turns into would drop. in the end, they would be of around similar power,

but this capability is greatly weakened when going up against someone with a Dao of a similar grade. Wan Xiao would be like trying to see through a fog to turn into someone, although there was little risk of him turning into someone. he could still suffer a backlash if he turns into someone far above his comprehension.

but he was still not to be looked down upon, for example, he could turn into a perfect version of Blaze, and fight him to a standstill. although he couldn't become stronger than Blaze, he had been around Blaze long enough to understand well to the point he could turn into him. the reason why he couldn't turn into a stronger Blaze was that Blaze although seemed dumb at the time... Blaze could be considered the oldest and most talented among the others.

he had 500 billion years to develop within Irene, and Irene went great miles to make Blaze talented enough to hold his own. Blaze's talent from time to time would show itself when his emotions went out of control, when his grade hit a limit, he would be like a raging flame, using all of existence as fuel to grow stronger.

Natsu, Di Yalan, Escanor, Yamamoto, and many other skilled users of the fire arts took a liking to Blaze and wanted to help him control this flame. but even if they found they were outclassed, the only person within Sora would who have ways to help with this was, Anos and Sora. Blaze was a glitch, fire capable of burning down all of existence, Anos was the perfect person to help Blaze master this, which is why Anos wanted to take Blaze as a disciple as he sensed the same thing within Blaze

Tian Tian was also talented, although his talent is overlooked by the fact he just couldn't be injured by all of creations. he walked the path of the heroes, a path he wanted to become a hero to everyone and everything. but because he was a hero didn't mean he wouldn't kill, only a fool would foolishly not kill thier enemies.

shockingly, this doa Tian Tian began walking causing all things in creation to become weak before his might. The Dao made him Invincible, superpower, super fast, and so on. it pretty much made him Superman, with the power to make all of existence willing become weak to allow him to defeat his enemy.

in other words, if Tian Tian fought against someone with an overpowered ability, Tian Tian with the power of the plot will fight through, and defeat the villain to save the day. that was pretty much all his Doa does, it made him the MC of creation, and slowly made all of creation do as he wishes. if this goes on, then one day, if Tian Tian wishes to destroy all of existence, he would do it as existence would allow him to do so. this level of being spoiled was something that Wan Xiao could copy, Tian Tian was his counter

Sylvie was also extremely talented. She was more talented than the goddess of dark magic, and good magic. Sylvie wasn't just more talented, she magic to create the magic of her own form as young as a few months old. her creation from that age was already heaven-breaking, allowing Sora's world to have a new path toward magic. and with Sora also giving her tips here and there, Sylvie didn't just touch upon the original magic from within Sora's world, no, she was aiming towards origin magic from across the omniverse and higher

Anos was also like a teacher to her. Sylvie's dao was called the Dao of The Magic Of The Supreme, a dao that was walking, a dao which shall embody all magic across the Omniverse. to say the least, she created a spell to block off Wan Xiao from gaining the ability to turn into him.

then there is Hikami, a person who walked the path to freeze anything and everything she wants. under her Dao, even Wan Xiao would lose his ability to transform as that ability shall be frozen. she could freeze things to a point that they shall never change, freezing and destroying the very concept of change on an object, creating something that shall remain the same all of the time, meaning if it moves, it shall never stop moving. leading to it destroying everything that stands in its path.

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

Diablo walked a unique path, the path of the supreme Demon. not wanting to lose out to Sylvie, Diablo had to think big, so he was planning on becoming the very embodiment of demons, a supreme Demon that shall have everything every Dao across the omniverse has. because in Diablo's eyes, the fact that lower lifeforms dare to have his name was enraging. the only way to fix this was to make all demons a part of him, that way it would not be wrong if they are called demons. of course, this was just a small part of the problem.

Diablo was a person who wished to be like Sora, seeing as Sora could order anything and everything shall follow through with his order, how could he aim small? so he wanted to do the same, and become all-powerful. the Supreme Demon Dao, a Dao which gives him absolute power over all and every demon.

lastly Dracula, little is known about his power. but in the past 7 years, he had shown a hint of his power when he was attacked, like Sora, he had absolute power over not only his blood but others. with but a thought, a person's blood shall obey his will. this of course was not limited to just things with a physical body, hell, even concepts in his eyes have blood. and if he manages to drink your blood, he has two options.

the first was to burn your blood, allowing him to get a temper boost of power, this would allow him to reach your level of power, and even have everything you have. but once the blood is burning out, he would suffer a backlash, the bigger the gap of power, the higher the risk of death for doing such a thing.

the last was to drink the blood to allow his strength to improve, this would also give him all his abilities, but without the sudden strength, he could gain.

but that was not all Dracula could do, he can devour souls to allow him to gain an extra life. people within Sora would already have immortality nearing level 9, and this extra life Dracula got was extremely harder to hell.

So long as Dracula has a life, no matter the attack or damage, he shall never die. erase him from existence or whatever, but as long as he has 1 soul, thats equal to 1 extra life for him to simply pop back into extremes. remove him from space-time itself, and make it so he never could have existed? one soul will be used and he shall come back,

lastly, was his power to shapeshift, although not on the same level as Wan Xiao, he could turn perfectly into anything weaker than himself. hiding his aura and seeming almost perfect. his strength will not be weaker or stronger than what he turns into, only his mental strength shall remain the same.

If Sora had to pick a favorite among these children after knowing them for so long, it would have to be Tian Tian. in truth, Sora was stunned that he could birth something so pure. Sora saw himself as a cold-blooded, ruthless killer who didn't care much about killing infinite numbers of people. among such people being children, unborn, and many other poor souls.

yet, somehow Tian Tian was born. this led Sora slowly to favor him, protect this pure light, from his darkness. maybe this was Tian Tian's unique power affecting him, but it made Sora wonder if he was as dark as he believed he was

"if you trying to see who is the person I will big to become king... the honest answer is that I don't know. but your brother is out of the picture, such a fool might lead the whole race to attack someone without reason." Sora said with a shake of his head, causing Levi to smile slightly,

Sure he spoke with Hannah about picking Tian Tian, but that was simply a trick. hopefully, that brat would see that Hannah wasn't playing with him, and if things go as they all, he will not sit upon his throne.

"well... Blaze has been speaking more and more about being king. I'm willing to support my little brother." Levi said with a bitter smile, Sora's eyebrow raised at this new information, and his eyes flashed before realizing what was happening. in the few years, Blaze has been fighting among/with warriors. this allowed Blaze to win over many people's hearts. Blaze might be foolish, but he was hard-working, had a powerful will, and didn't easily give up.

this led many people growing to respect such a man, willing to follow Blaze into battle, some began pushing him towards becoming king, as they didn't think they would follow someone else who would take it. at first, Blaze was not sure, but as time went by, Blaze was having second thoughts about everything.

But in the end, Blaze realized if he was king, then he could do anything he wants. He also began to realize that Sora's ways were not right, taking your time and slowly brow was boring and cowardly. under his rule, they would instantly rush out, showing off their might and instantly over the omniverse. One only grows through battle, under his rule Omnipotence Empire shall quickly skyrocket

Sora grew speechless, but he smiled slightly. it was good that everyone was now eyeing this throne, all but Tian Tian, but he could slowly add Tian Tian into the game, having him also want to rule this world. once he sees who was the most capable, he would start to slowly reshape them to take the throne.

"Well, I'm not against anyone taking my throne. any of my children can take the throne." Sora said calmly, Levi smiled slightly. since there was hope, all he needed was to start reshaping his little brother.

back in Omnipotence Empire, within a hidden Chamber, Wan Xiao was thinking long and hard about what he should do.

'could Tian Tian take the throne because he is unbeatable? damn it, then I shall find a way to defeat him.' Wan Xiao thought angrily, if Sora knew what the brat was thinking, he would have taken off the belt. just what root of thinking was this? he and his mother put on a show to help motivate him, but he was thinking of simply beating someone was enough. since when did taking a throne need only strength?

meanwhile, Sora sat on his throne, not bothered by the outside world. if anything major happened, he will which existed everywhere shall alert him. he was busy comprehending the Dao, improving his Dao with the knowledge he had recently gotten.

at first, he had a grade 5 Dao. but the conquest Dao was slowly absorbing the knowledge of rune Magic, using it to slowly grow to a level 6 Dao. he only needed a few thouands of years, before he shall do such a thing.

well, things were peaceful. sure, Sora and his children from time to time would go out to conquer worlds, and Ainz was busy attacking the cultivation world, slowly conquering it, but everything was peaceful. nothing on the level to truly cause Sora to open his eyes.

So, thouands of years passed. within such time, countless stories were absorbed, and Sora's power only grew and grew as more and more people knew him. at the same time, Sora's children grew and made a name for themselves.

Under Sora Scheme, Even Tian Tian fell in and was also aiming to take the throne. with him having the support of everything, he was willing to carry all of creation's burden, and sit upon that throne,

Wan Xiao no longer targeted only Tian Tian, Wan Xiao grew to realize that being Sora's son alone was not everything. even the oldest among them was still fighting hard, and she completely looked down upon him. her disdain helped him wake up to reality and finally start scheming. but he did it from the dark, making everyone think he was still the same old Wan Xiao who through the throne was his no matter what.

but this was not what caused Sora to open his eyes, with the cultivation world, Zoro and Ling Han were fighting, each covered in injuries. slowly, their two Dao slowly began evolving, each was in a state of enlightenment.

Sora was not the only one who saw this, everyone from Ainz, and Anos were watching on. at of this moment, the Supreme Sword Dao and unbeatable Sword Dao was becoming a Grade 5 Dao. thouands of years of battle lead to such an outcome, if this was the past, these two would have been equal to Sora.

Hell, Zoro at this moment had the second highest Dao within the system just behind Sora, only he had a rival to push him to such a level, only Zoro had someone an equal to fight to the death with, slowly growing stronger and stronger each time they met and fought to the death.

others of course had reached a high level of comprehension, Sora's children had reached Grade 3 of comprehension. Anos and Aniz had reached Grade 4, and Sora had reached Grade 6.

not everyone was like Sora, Sora had the knowledge of conquest to comprehend and slowly go through, meanwhile, they could only use themselves to walk through such things step by step, Sora also had the well of knowledge to drink from, so he had a huge advantage above the others.

"Well... it seems like you're no longer at the top," Sora said with a smile, making Anos just smile slightly at this. Zoro's talent stunned everyone, But Anos didn't believe Zoro was better than him, in a clash with Dao of the same grade, Anos would win. Anos Dao defeated the undefeatable, and Zoro Dao was the undefeatable,

"I will start looking for rivals for everyone, everyone needs a Ling Han in their life to push them," Sora said with a smile,

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