In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 112: 0109 still not overpowered

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Blaze, Wan Xiao, and Tian Tian shot forward, all attacking Anos who blocked the attacks with a single palm. Anos smoothly moved, tabbing Tian Tian's fist, and leading his fist to land change and land harder on his chest. Tian Tian flew backward while holding his chest in pain.

the others were shocked seeing Tian Tian who couldn't be injured being injured, Blaze snapped out of it and gathered his flames which fused with lightning. with sword and hammer in both hands, Blaze roared as he rushed towards him. but Anos breathed slightly and the flames and lightning disappeared, leaving Blaze shocked.

Wan Xiao roared as he turned into Anos before he shot forward with everything he had. Anos reached out slightly, and flicked Wan Xiao, forcing him out of the transformation, and sending him flying. the group all looked at Anos, who simply cooly looked at them. Just when Anos was about to step forward, Wan Xiao quickly gave up as he apologized.

"it was only a prank, I didn't mean any harm." Wan Xiao asked softly, he had turned into Anos and had walked around within Anos's world, playing as the big shot when Anos was off meeting Sora, to say the least Anos was not happy with this. Tian Tian and Blaze didn't know what happened. but seeing their brother being bullied by Anos, how could they watch from the sidelines?

But Anos had the power to give them a beating, and Sora wouldn't care. in the end, Wan Xiao had no choice but to quickly admit his mistake before Anos punished him. Anos smiled slightly while looking at Wan Xiao, Wan Xiao forced a smile not knowing what Anos's smile meant.

a few minutes later, Wan Xiao's legs were shaking as he held his hands out, holding two buckets of water. he also had a long stick on his should, which held 2 buckets of water in each hand. to say the least, the water was not normal. the buckets also made Wan Xiao fill like a mortal and unable to use his energy.

"let's see... 30 days like this should do," Anos said making Wan Xiao almost want to cry, but no tears came out. he could only grit his teeth and endure. if Anos told his mother, Wan Xiao's punishment would not like as light as this.

Tian Tian and Blaze didn't say anything, Anos didn't have them do anything as they simply could stand still while watching Wan Xiao getting his ass kicked by him. but after finding out, they didn't dare to step in. after all, Wan Xiao actions could be considered a crime.

"Your father will be heading off to an omniverse size cultivation world, he plans to take the 7 eldest along with a few other people like myself. so you have a few hundred years to get ready." Anos said calmly as he left, Tian Tian and Blaze both looked at each other before stars formed in their eyes.

"w-wait, then can you help me master my power?" Blaze asked softly, Anos froze slightly before looking at Blaze. indeed, he was the only one best suited to help Blaze with this. so he nodded and had Blaze follow him,

meanwhile, Tian Tian felt his chest. he of course knew that his own attacks could injure him. but when his attack landed on himself left him realizing his weakness, he had ignored his defense capability for some time. he should at least have his defense unable to be broken by his own attacks.

thinking this, Tian Tian left to go train. meanwhile, Wan Xiao stayed there, the longer he stayed the more the buckets got heavier. but every time he felt like lowering the buckets, a shape pain hit him, forcing him to not dare lower the bucket.

meanwhile, Blaze and Anos stood within a space of absolute destruction. Blaze looked at Anos for some time before he tried to enter that state he was within while fighting Thor, but he found he had trouble entering that state.

in the end, he chose to attack Anos, but Anos paid little attention to him, simply blocking his attack with one pinky while reading a book. this enraged Blaze, and with his rage, his flames exploded out, but the flames couldn't but anything here. but Blaze didn't care about any of this, as he simply attacked with everything he had, hating the fact Anos was looking down upon him to such a level.

with his anger, the flames grew. Anos soon saw the power similar to his own. a glitch within the system. if Anos was what destroyed the undestroyable, Blaze was what burn the unburnable. Blaze had lost himself, and swallowed by the flames, he attacked Anos with everything he had. but Anos countered everything. this bad attack soon leads to Blaze slowly regaining some control,

"you are chaos, don't reject it as you're only rejecting a part of yourself," Anos said softly, Blaze gritted his teeth as he tried to do as Anos said, but although Blaze tried, deep down his heart was in conflict. this forced Blaze to face these things, and the thing which trouble him was a question.

what made a god a god? was its power? unable to find the question for himself, he wanted to know what Anos, the god of chaos thought.

"What makes a god a god? thats a question that could be answered in many ways, but in my opinion, a god is simply a person with a title. a title that shows power, at the end of the day. a god is nothing without its people, after all, that is a god without its believers?" Anos said calmly, Blaze went quiet for some time before he nodded in agreement.

slowly the raging flames calmed down, completely under his control. Blaze slowly stood up, looking at the golden flames capable of burning that saw all things as fuel.

"then I shall become a true god, one that everyone could pray to, expecting me to answer the prayer no matter what." Blaze said with a smile, Anos looked at Blaze for some time. although Blaze was over a hundred years old, all of Sora's children were still kids, with such a lifespan, their mental state was still growing.

Anos out of all of Sora's kinds only liked 3 of them. Blaze, Tian Tian, and Wan Xiao. these two were good at heart, Wan Xiao acted up at times, but what kid didn't sit in their father's seat and play growing up?

anyways, Blaze thank Anos before setting off. He headed off, quickly arriving at Sora castle where he quickly went to see Sora. but Sora was currently heading to the living room when he saw him.

"Father, I wish for another weapon. a hammer, and a sword that could take lightning and fire." Blaze said with expecting eyes. Sora thought for a moment while looking at him, before nodding slightly.

'i guess this conforms Blaze gaining the density Qi of Thor... I wonder why the phoenix statue didn't gain its destiny Qi?' Sora thought calmly while watching Thor node in joy, he already confirmed that Tian Tian was Baldr, Loki might be Wan Xiao,

Hel might be Sylvia, but that was hard if. Sylvia had shown little interest in anything related to death, all she cared about was magic. Hel was most likely Diablo or Dracula, but then again Sora couldn't say for sure. there was also the fact that they might not even be his children or might be born in the future.

always, Sora entered the meeting where all of the wise men were currently sitting. there was not only the wise man, but those MC who Transmigration, and Hannah. the goddess Najimi Ajimu and the God Hanten were also there. they were all waiting for him, once he sat down, Sora got to the point of him being.

"Well, let's get the matter in hands. OP Hax creation meeting shall start now," Sora said calmly as a whiteboard appeared, everyone sighed speechlessly, hax was overpowered, yet sora wanted super overpowered Hax.

"so far I have the most overpowered defense and overpowered attack. there are more fields of being overpowered that i'm missing out on. ideas." Sora said calmly. Lelouch was the first to stand up to speak.

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"you have ignored something that I believe many people can agree upon. you have no abilities in domination or conquest. Similar to my ability, I believe you should have something it but better." Lelouch said, making Sora's eyes brighten slightly. Lelouch had an ability that allowed him to order anyone into doing something. this ability was only limited to what a person is already capable of doing, so if he ordered a human to fly and they didn't have the ability to fly, they would not be able to do anything.

Lelouch's ability can't be blocked and it didn't have any aura, simple eye contact was all he needed. it evolved to a point where he could command people through videos, once he started cultivating this ability evolved once more, in the past he was limited to ordering a person once, but now he could do it up to 5 times.

"Good, An overpowered Command/domination ability. any thoughts on the ability and how it should work?" Sora said with a smile as he looked at everyone.

"Anyone who has ill will towards you shall be dominated becoming a loyal follower. it should also not affect their dao heart, so their future shall remain bright. also to make sure that they don't notice and move to stop it, it should affect them at a rate that they would not notice. I will give it the name, loyalist" Lelouch said making Sora node happily as he wrote the skill down,

"I have also thought of ways to bypass any immunities against mind effect. So, I believe the ability to call ignorance would work. Ignorance shall allow one to ignore all types of immunity, so long as they don't knowledge that a person is resistant or immune to something, that said immunity and resistance shall be canceled out. this will leave them open." Lelouch said to which Sora happily wrote down,

"Next, an ability to bypass abilities that blocks abilities that cancel out immunities. I call it Mask, this ability shall allow ignorance to affect someone who is immune to their immunities being bypassed. their immunity which would block this would not affect it as it would not see it as something which affects their immunities. allowing skills like Ignorance to affect a person without it being blocked." Lelouch said calmly.

"and lastly, The Rulers Command. an absolute command that shall be followed through no matter what, any and all orders shall be followed through, they would gain unmatched powers and ability to follow through with the order. this ability would simply be a technique that allows you to best use your Dao to its absolute max." Lelouch said before sitting down, Sora finished writing everything before looking at Lelouch in approval. this was not his favorite MC for nothing.

Sora reached out, and give him the ability Rulers Command, and upgraded versions of his ability. Lelouch was stunned for a moment before bowing gratefully at Sora. Sora turned his attention to the others, and everyone quickly got up to speak. and so, the complete set of yhwach skill set was completed.

Yhwach illusion (mind)- a powerful illusion that targets the mind. it could trap a person within an illusion leaving their body defenseless. it could mind control a person, making them think they are doing something they want to do, but in fact, they are not. it could allow Sora to have absolute control over a person's senses, allowing Sora to have anyone sense anything he wants. to say the least, even beings far stronger than Sora would have trouble breaking out of this illusion

Yhwach Illusion (reality)- a powerful illusion that is as good as reality... no it was even better. with this illusion, a person can bring anything not only from their mind but target minds. one could draw out the strongest people you have fought from your memories. with this illusion, anything that could be through could turn into reality,

Yhwach Will- an extremely powerful willpower thats unmatched, all pains and suffering shall not even affect a person with this level of willpower. willpower is so powerful that anything can be shaped and reformed into their wishes. with their will alone, a stick shall become a legendary sword with unmatched hax. one could also will anything not to affect them, or will anything out of existence. you can even will your own body as you wish.

Yhwach Physuque- Have a perfect physique. you're unkillable, undying, and everlasting. so long as you wish, then you shall never die. so long as you don't accept your death, then you shall never die. your stats are all balanced, strength, speed, defense, and so on shall become perfectly balanced. all things that affect you will in the end make you stronger. what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, and what killings you only makes you stronger. you have Kenki boost times a billion, you can adapt to any and all things. with absolute control of your time, the speed of adapts would be heaven shaking

Yhwach absorption- you can absorb anything and use it to make yourself countless times stronger, all of the existence originated from you, so it shall return to you. your absorption of anything shall be unmatched.

Yhwach Rule- anything in existence shall be dominated, under your rule you have absolute power over what you rule over. allowing you from doing anything like ordering people to do what they normally wouldn't be able to do. not ordering people to do what should have been impossible. your order shall be followed through in the best way possible, even if you yourself didn't know of such a way.

Knee To Yhwach- before you, all things shall naturalize lower their head, and submit. any form of defeat anyone suffers at your hands will lead to them willingly submitting to you. so long as they admit deep down they lost to you, and know who you all are. then they shall submit. the bigger the loss, the more effect this shall have on those who are normally too powerful to be affected by this ability.

anyone who sees you and has ill will towards you shall slowly become loyal towards you, this ability would have no drawbacks towards their future growth. the stronger they all, the longer it shall be for them to become loyal. anything you consider as ill will shall lead to them becoming loyal. you yourself don't need to know that they are doing the ill thing. once they see you, it's all thats needed. even a picture shall have this effect.

All who are not loyal to you shall become loyal to you. it matters not if they like you or hate you, they in the end were put in this world to become your loyal follower. the stronger they are the longer this shall take, the near they are to you, the faster it would be for them to become loyal.

Yhwach Wants So it Shall Happen- anything you want to affect a target shall affect them, all Immunities, durabilities, blocks, and resistance shall be ignored, bypassed, or turned off. immunities that protect immunities are also not forgotten. you're the supreme ruler, how dare anyone try to resist what you want?

Yhwach Senses- you're a fucking god. a god of gods, how dare something not be within your sense? any and all things shall be seen, past, future, and all possibles shall be seen. even a target every possible shall be seen. all illusions, traps, weak points, and so on shall be seen. with your sight, you can see the path needed for any win. you shall see the path needed to reach your goals, and so on and so on. your sight alone covers all and every sight, who says one can only hear with years, you can now see the sound and all things.

Yhwach has nothing?- How dare a mighty god-like yourself have nothing? all things you want shall be taken, you want the power of an enemy? then take it, so long as you sense them, nothing is stopping you. Do you want lifeforce? then take it, knowledge? take it. Strength? take it. speed? take that as well. anything you want shall be taken. all shall fully be added to yourself, and never leave you.

You're stronger than Yhwach?- What the fucking is going on? someone is stronger than you? that much be a glitch or something. take their strengths, as time goes by, they shall grow weaker and weaker while you grow stronger and stronger... wait? since when did time limit a god? fuck, another glitch, this one is harder to fix. but don't worry, every second of your space-time that passes, you shall take some equal to your current strength. in other words, for every second that passes, your powerlevel shall double, while your target grows weaker. the power stolen shall be added to your own.

Yhwach has bad luck?- what the fuck is going on, since when did an all-might god have bad luck? your luck shall become supreme, Miracle shall happen left and right. you wish to find something? don't worry about it, go for a walk and it shall fall on your dead. Miracles shall be fall you left and right, living your life or anything thats needed.

Wait something affects Yhwach?-... this can't be. a might being like yourself shouldn't be affected by such concepts. exist within your own space-time, all things within the world shall no longer affect you as you don't affect you, you're just a shadow now. and all they are trying to do is affect your shadow. you no longer exist within one point in space-time but exist in a state where you are one with both the past and the future. you're pretty much all-knowing and all-seeing, already seeing what shall be fall, and already seen what will befall.

Space is like a piece of paper, which you have folded countless of times over, and stabbed a panic through, allowing the said paper to have stabbed every point on the paper. you're the panic and currently land on every point in space (note that you must allow what you see to befall, or else if it never happened, you never saw it. even if you could see all possibilities, the future would go dark the moment you stop someone that should have happened)

Wait! Someone Wants to Stop Yhwach- Good Heavens, what's happening? since when is the all-mighty god stopped? all your actions shall never be stopped. all of your actions call become a Juggernaut, once in motion, they shall never stop unless you wish for them to stop. all outside forces shall become pointless

"sigh, still not overpowered," Sora said with a shake of his head, feeling down he was not overpowered. meanwhile, Hannah and the others looked at him speechless. if he was not overpowered, then what were they? just what mindset did Sora have? they all felt like beating someone, alright. why couldn't they be 'not overpowered' as well?

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