In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 116: 0114 Fu Fu

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"sigh, the moment my mask is off this is the suffering I go through," Sora said softly while calmly looking at the storage ring in his hands. he and everyone went to his room, where Sora could finally be away from those 5 crazy people trying to marry him.

"Father you're just too awesome, you have to hide yourself to such a level or the world would fall apart." Wan Xiao said with a smile, it was only natural that they all rush to try and marry Sora. Sora's greatness couldn't be shown or else even heaven might trick him down in jealousy.

"Indeed, why did I pick such a path?" Sora said with a shake of his head, making Ji Ning and the others speechless. why was this brat feeding into Sora's ego? they should be striving that thing and helping Sora humble himself.

"anyways, I will start cultivating, the cultivation system here is unique. I could cultivate all the way up to the Emperor realm," Sora said calmly, the ring in his hands glowed slightly before a bunch of spirit stones appeared on the table before him.

"take the spirit stones, as you all cultivate it shall speed up your adaption speed of this world..." Sora said calmly, the group of 5 all nodded before taking the spirit stones, Sora didn't need the spirit stones, he had the young man's body to absorb.

before they left, Sora had them go pick up Blaze and the others who shall join the academy, only a few of them would enter the academy this time, at least until he grows stronger to make sure he could protect them all.

once they left, Sora closed his eyes before connecting to the knowledge of himself and everyone who knew him. the more a person knew Sora, it was like forming a perfect clone in every way within their minds

from strength to knowledge, it would perfectly reflect Sora. and of course, Sora can draw upon them to increase his own. the more people that knew him, the better as that would mean Sora would grow stronger and stronger

While Sora was cultivating, within another world, the woman known as the scarlet king was watching the battle between Sora and the young man. She had a slight twitched smile seeing the torture Sora brought upon the young man.

"Sora? I didn't expect to find someone I could connect with... I sense it, the pain you inflected upon yourself and others... say, only a person like you who has opened his eyes can help me birth the perfect child. a child which would destroy all free will and enslave everyone." She said softly her body shaking slightly at the suffering they might cause...

{Name: Sora

titles: [conquer]

Age: 3,401/ 1e65

Race: Human

Bloodlines: [God Of Conquest Bloodline}

World Name: Omnipotence Empire

World Size: low Outerverse level 3

worlds conquered: 9 million high-grade worlds, finite mid-grade worlds, finite low-grade world


Body Cultivation- Late Supreme Earth (a powerlevel of 5e449. a powerlevel at the half-step Supreme Sky)


Energy Cultivation- Late Supreme Earth (a powerlevel of 5e449. a powerlevel at the half-step Supreme Sky)


Mental Cultivation- Late Supreme Earth (a powerlevel of 5e449. a powerlevel at the half-step Supreme Sky)


Soul Cultivation- Late Supreme Earth (a powerlevel of 5e449. a powerlevel at the half-step Supreme Sky)


World Godly Marks: 1e380 (plus 5e450 to ones powerlevel


Dao: [The Dao Of Conquest Grade 7+ 1e1,000  (still adapting)


PowerLevel: 1e1,000 {Strength at Late Supreme God realm}

max power level: 1e1,025  (power level at peak Supreme Sky)

With the Conquest armor Set: 1e1,100

Yhawch Mode-1e1,250 (powerlevel higher at least at 1e1,350. note that you grow stronger the fastest through battle)


Cultivation arts: [God Of Conquest Cultivation art.], [Dream Emperor Cultivation art],

Abilities- [Yhwach Defense], [Yhwach Attack], [Yhwach illusion (mind)], [Yhwach Illusion (reality)], [Yhwach Will], [Yhwach Physuque], [Yhwach absorption], [Yhwach Rule], [Knee To Yhwach], [Yhwach Wants So it Shall Happen], [Yhwach Senses], [Yhwach has nothing?], [You're stronger than Yhwach?], [Yhwach has bad luck?], [Wait something affects Yhwach?], [Wait! Someone Wants to Stop Yhwach], [Yhwach Can't be understood], [Wait?!?! Yhwach can't comprehend something], [How Dare Yhwach Be Better Than Yhwach?] [Yhwach is injured?], [Yhwach Endurance is Absolute!], [Yhwach Rejected you], [Yhwach Mirror]

"1 year go by just like that, sigh, I didn't miss how slow cultivation was. but it's nice to see the huge improvement in strength." Sora said softly as he looked at the statue's window, before nodding slightly. he looked at all his skills, before closing his eyes.

for the past hundreds of years, something had been confusing him... why have he not awakened his zanpakuto? He had tried ordering it, and so much other stuff, yet nothing happened. there was also the question of why his skills were all named Yhwach, it's not like Sora named them,

the pressure of being weak and at the mercy of everyone else had been pressuring him, and thats why he locked himself away for 1 year. although this amount of time was a blink in the eye for him, he used every second to make sure he was at his peak. So, only 1 year passed but to him pretty much countless years have passed.

Sora's eyes were shot as he tried to hear the name of his zanpakuto. in truth this was the first time Sora ever really tried and searched for his Zanpakuto since when he ordered it and nothing came he sometimes wondered if he had it. but that of course couldn't be, with how talented he was he had to have a Zanpakuto.

this also went on to show that he didn't fully understand himself, meaning that he didn't fully conquer every part of himself. this was the main reason Sora came to this world, as he was seeking pressure. the pressure that could force him to draw out everything even he himself didn't know he could draw out. just what secrets were hidden?

Time passed, and soon Sora slowly opened his eyes and found himself standing within a world of weapons. countless swords, spears, and other types of weapons were stabbed into the ground, all having something unique to them.

Sora looked around in confusion before he began walking around. he had watched enough Anime to know what was happening. since he arrived here, it seemed like he had a Zanpakuto, and it seemed like he had to find it.

"..." Sora looked around slightly before he closed his eyes. His Zanpakuto was a part of him, it was his soul sword. Sora reached out and grabbed at the air, slowly a black spear began taking shape, Sora slowly opened his eyes to look at the spear, but his hair instantly froze upon seeing a person standing in front of him.

He had a long godly beard, and gray hair, and was wearing pure white robes. he had this calm aura about himself, which calmed Sora down slightly.

"... it been hundreds of years, and never once did you hear my cry... what a shame." He said softly, he stepped aside, turning his back to Sora and looking over this world of weapons.

"this god called you out, yet you never answered my cries.. what is your name?" Sora asked calmly as he rubbed his name.

"My Name is..." He said calmly, but Sora couldn't hear it. seeing this, the man sighed and with a step, he disappeared, leaving Sora speechless for some time.

Depending upon the person's ability to communicate with and control their Zanpakutō's spirit, a Zanpakutō can manifest itself in two additional forms and revert to a sealed state. These two forms, known as Shikai and Bankai, are akin to upgrades for the Zanpakutō, giving it abilities far beyond those of its simple use as a sword.

Sora currently didn't know the name of his Zanpakuto, so it was only within its sealed state. within this state, Sora did feel his strength was far greater than before. but there was a huge problem with this Zanpakuto, and it was that it was too long. the spear was larger than his whole body. but now he could duel wield his two spears,

Sora blinked and found himself back in his room, he calmly got up before going on to head out. but upon leaving he found that he was challenged to a battle. someone named Fu Fu had challenged him, Sora had killed his little brother not too long ago he, of course, wanted revenge,

currently, many people were mocking Sora, thinking he was a coward who looked himself away, not daring to accept the challenge. this was because Fu Fu didn't force Sora to accept the challenge but challenged him to the arena of strength. In this arena, if Fu Fu wins he would be able to take away Sora's core student title and take it for himself. since he the inner student didn't have the right to challenge a core student to a death battle, he planned to do this before making Sora suffer.

as for the phoenix empress and the others getting in his way? they could only watch from the side as the scarlet king as backing Fu Fu. with her backing, he could do anything to Sora without trouble

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

Sora tapped the watch screen and accepted the challenge. Since when did a mighty god like himself care about an inner student? Sora accepting the challenge instantly sent a notification to everyone within the academy, a core student accepting a challenge like this was worth the announcement.

as Sora headed towards the arena of strength, he was instantly blocked by the phoenix empress who blocked his path.

"y-you fool, how can you accept a challenge against a supreme immortal." She said angrily, if Sora wanted to throw his life away, then he could have thrown it at her. but no, he foolishly rushed to challenge someone far above his level.

"fool? how can this god stand aside while someone challenges him? such insolence would not go unpunished," Sora said calmly making the phoenix empress at a loss for words... why the level of pride was this? she would admit within the lower cultivation realm, Sora was unmatched. but these were in the supreme realm. fighting people trillions, decillions or so on times stronger than you was nothing. that was too low for anyone to give it any mind.

She could sense Sora's strength, in her eyes, Sora couldn't hide anything before her. that was just how huge the gap there was. Sora could skip a few stages and fight someone at half-step supreme Sky, indeed this was impressive and thats not adding the Dao.

Sora shot off passing her, he didn't want to bother with this woman until he was strong enough to make her know her place... but until then, it was not a bad idea to use her. anyways, Sora shot off and quickly arrived at the arena of strength. countless people were already gathering to watch the match,

among these people were those ranked within the top 100, all of them grew an interest in Sora for many reasons. it was rare for the scarlet king to set her eyes upon someone, and for the vice principal to go so far for someone.

"what a fool." Fu Fu said with a mocking smile as he walked onto the stage, Sora calmly crossed his hands while looking at this guy. he was an early Supreme Immortal with a power level of 2,509, he was indeed powerful. for more powerful than someone like Sora. just the type of pressure Sora needed, Sora of course knew he could win... he was just that overpowered.

"haha, your insolence shall go unpunished," Sora said softly as he tapped his mask, the mask was strengthened while his eye patch behind the mask was removed. at the same time, a teacher stepped into the arena, and seeing that both of them were ready, he had the match begin

"..." Fu Fu's eyes instantly turned dark as he looked at Sora, this was the person who had put his little brother through great pain before killing him, if he didn't teach sora a lesson, how could he face his parents?

Fu Fu shot forward, and with a punch, Sora shot backward while coughing up a mouthful of blood. Sora slammed heavily onto the barrier, before falling to the ground. sora slowly got to his feet, while rewriting his injuries as nothing more but an illusion.

"haha, so if this is everything you have... tell this god how you would win," Sora said mockingly, Fu Fu frowned slightly. indeed defeating Sora was going to be troublesome, even if he could destroy all realities and so on, Sora effect upon his own self was something he had almost absolute power over.

Sora was sent flying the next moment while he was sent flying while coughing up blood, Sora was hit none stop and was quickly beaten to a state that looked as if he was a dead man. Sora slammed heavily to the ground once more, this time Fu Fu's energy going chaotic within Sora's body.

but something happened that shocked everyone, Sora stood while madly laughing, all injuries he had suffered healed up, while Fu Fu energy was rejected by his body, or his body reformed without Fu FU energy within him

This scene left everyone stunned at his healing capability which was simply unmatched. Sora had an endless amount of ways to recover from any and all injuries, be it by using the powers of illusions, the powers of dreams, or by ordering the injuries to disappear, then he shall recover each time. Sora could make it so that he had never been injured in the first place by simply rewriting reality to make it so, or by making it so that you only attacked a clone or something similar.

Sora's will for power was enlightened, when was the last time he had a fight that forced him to go against all odds?

"Come, show me what a mongrel is capable of," Sora said as he shot forward, Fu Fu was enraged, a weakling like Sora dared to attack him? with a step, he shot toward Sora, and Sora was instantly overwhelmed. Sora had no way to resist and was quickly covered whelmed.

Fu Fu tried to inflect the most amount of pain upon Sora, but Sora didn't care about pain, no pain could affect Sora. no injuries could slow Sora down, and his injuries healed at a rate as everyone began to realize were injuries.

Sora's black armor was covered in his blood, turning it red. Sora's spear of conquest and unnamed Zanpakutō was also red from his blood. all this time Sora had made sure to protect his mask or replace it while it was destroyed, so his mask was still shielding him.

"w-what are you?" Fu Fu said in shock and slight horror, he didn't notice it, but each time Sora got injured he grew stronger. the same type of attack didn't do the same level of damage as before as Sora had adapted, gaining a huge resistance.

"Bitch, I'm the all mightily," Sora said before he shot towards Fu Fu, Fu Fu punched forward to meet Sora, but found that his attack had a hard time reaching Sora. but with slightly more effort, his attack reached Sora.

Fu Fu's fist landed on Sora, sending Sora shooting backward, but he was not injured. he was only pushed backward, Sora shot backward once more, stronger than before, and everyone instantly realized Sora's power level of doubling by the second, while Fu Fu's strength began to drop

Fu Fu found that he could no longer resistance against Sora's ability before he was too powerful leading to Sora's abilities not having any effect. but he was still stronger than Sora, sure Sora's powerlevel had reached 1e2,000, and his cultivation had reached half-step supreme, but he had a powerlevel over 1e2,500 when going all out. he still had 500 more Zeros than Sora to his powerlevel.

he didn't know that Sora only gets better the more he does something. the skill [How Dare Yhwach Be Better Than Yhwach?], allowed Sora to be better and better the more he does anything. the more Sora used the skill [Yhwach Wants So it Shall Happen] the stronger that skill got, along with all of his other abilities.

Before Sora couldn't affect someone with such a huge gap in power, but now the gap in which Sora could affect anyone was growing. Sora had a huge smile behind his mask, a battle where you can throw everything at your opponent, while you grow stronger and stronger... this feeling was something he had missed.

"Haha, thats my DAD." Blaze cheered happily seeing this scene, in his eyes if Sora died in a battle like this, it was worth dying with a smile. a true man shall not die of old age or something foolish, but go down in battle where they push themselves to the fullest. but he of course knew Sora couldn't die

everyone turned to look towards Blaze and were speechless seeing Wan Xiao and a few others watching this match. Blaze had flames covering his body as if he wanted to rush in there and also fight.

"Father has this in the back, with his all mighty powers. he would win." Diablo said softly as he grabbed Blaze, making sure the dumb ass didn't do something stupid. only Blaze, Diablo, and Dracula had entered the academy, Sora didn't allow his daughters to join as he was not in the mood to have some perverted young master try to marry them by force or something.

"what's wrong, don't tell me you're scared," Sora said with a laugh ignoring Blaze. his laugh sounded like the laugh of a demon within Fu Fu's mind. Fu Fu gritted his teeth before he explode with his full power. he floated into the sky before he held his palm towards Sora. Fu Fu's hair suddenly turned green, as his powerlevel shot up to 7e3,000

Sora felt an invisible force grabbing onto him, and slowly began rushing him, Fu Fu walked the path of the mind, this was his Psychokinesis. with a thought, he tried to erase Sora from existence, he had forgotten everything to do with the match or the punishment for killing a core student,

Sora's body instantly caved in upon Fu Fu's power, and he was erased from existence. everyone froze seeing this, Fu Fu actually killed someone? this action was something no one expected, the concept of Sora every existence was destroyed.

Just when the teacher overlooking this match was about to lash out at Fu Fu, before everyone's shocked eyes, Sora's body began reforming from nothing. this was only a healing capability for those at Supreme immortal, yet before their shocked eyes, Sora who had everything about him destroyed was reforming.

"haha," Sora laughed lazily as he reformed, he was caught off guard that he came back to life as well, he thought he would respawn back in his world. but he somehow came back into existence without the need for his world.

'...' everyone eyed looked at Sora in shock, the woman with the power of destruction and the other with the power of creation eyes glowed slightly. this was that unique power that caught their attention, Sora had drawn upon a hint of this ability.

"h-how? how are you alive?" Fu Fu yelled in slight horror, Sora was even stronger than before. he got a huge Zenki boost from this. Sora was a freak, the more things that seemed to try and affect him the stronger Sora was growing,

"Gods Don't Die," Sora said as he shot forward, Fu Psychokinesis reached out and took control of Sora, abe broke Sora down once more, and erased him from existence, but it was slightly harder than before. but Sora reformed once more, faster than the last time.

Fu Fu panicked as he kept erasing Sora, he panicked as Sora grew a higher and higher resistance towards such a thing, while at the same time he grew stronger. before he knew it, Sora was in front of him, grabbing his neck

"Haha, this is everything you had? you disappoint this god." Sora said as he took Fu Fu's power, due to the improvement in his capability, [You're stronger than Yhwach?] had improved. before he only grew 2 times stronger every second and the ability was limited to someone 1e100 times stronger than him.

but now, Sora grew 5 times stronger every second, and the ability was only limited to someone 1e750 times stronger than himself. this is a huge improvement to Sora's strengths, Fu Fu could no longer affect him in any way, shape, or form. the gap was not that huge.

"you... stop." Fu Fu struggled to free himself as his power was dropping, Sora sneered before throwing him to the ground. Sora reached out, and his hand entered Fu Fu's mind and pulled out Fu Fu's nightmare.

Sora pulled out a nest of insects, each being the nightmares of countless males and females. everyone who was watching this felt chills, Sora threw the insect onto Fu Fu, and everyone watched as the insects entered Fu Fu's pants, from of them aiming for the back and some for the front, and all being way too large to fit.

Fu Fu pained screens sounded, but Sora waved his hand, making Fu Fu's senses point increase countless times over. it reached a state that simply blinking brought so much pain that a person could die. at the same time, Sora had his body never adapted, before waiting for the fool to admit defeat.

"YES. Beautiful." a perverted cry suddenly sounded, making everyone who heard it feel chills as they knew who spoke. Sora looked over and saw the scarlet king looking at him with bright eyes. it was like she was looking at the best form of art. Sora shook his head before he went on to turn this match into a death match by using 10,000 of his points.

once this was approved, he walked over and crushed Fu Fu's head, before taking his stuff. but as he was leaving, the scarlet king appeared before Sora. She grabbed Sora's hands, leaving Sora no way to break free. Sora frowned slightly while looking at this woman, he was not able to understand what she wanted.

"join me, and let's take over the world together." She said with a smile, Sora eyebrow raised since when did he need another ruler's help to take over the world?

"Just imagine the chaos, the rain of blood..." She couldn't continue as she found herself too happy to breathe at the thought, she released an aura, an aura of chaos filled with the smell of blood. this aura brought unimaginable pain and suffering to the people. everyone including the teacher quickly got away from the range of this aura, not wanting to be an effect.

meanwhile, Sora who was in the middle of it felt the pain that could cause anyone's mind to break, but his willpower was too powerful. he had put himself through worse pain, pain that willpower alone wasn't enough to handle

"as expected, only a person who had suffered pain has his eyes opened. you understand me right?" She said softly, to which Sora nodded with a slight smile.

"People with freedom only grow to become weak, only when they are enslaved and forced to work can greatness be seen. So, enslaving all creations..." Sora said with a smile, making the scarlet king nod happily,

"Dad, you're not a villain," Blaze yelled seeing Sora was actually connecting to this woman. Sora snapped out of it for a moment,

"oh yes, I'm the good guy," Sora said with a smile, he almost forgot his heroic goals. the scarlet king angrily looked at Blaze, with Sora, they could spread fear, destruction, creation, pain, suffering and so much more across the omniverse. just thinking about it, her goal in life was to enslave everything, before destroying all of existence.

everything in existence came to form nothing and do nothing, they shall return... she was simply there to speed things up. many people will not live long enough to have any real impact on this world, they would all die, breaking down as weak and meaningless as they were when they entered this world.

in her eyes, she was saving everyone... and Sora was the tool she needed. it was rare to find someone who understood her slightly, if she stayed around Sora long enough, then she could have him aim to destroy everything and not simply destroy it.

'damn, to think father hands are reaching out to such a level. well, she was born without the help of mother... it would be easy to control such a woman. and she has such a huge amount of destiny Qi,' Sora thought with an evil smile, as his hair returned to normal,

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