In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 21: 0020 Naruto world

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"... so, this is the bottom of the ocean," Sora said softly while looking at the blood river at the bottom of the sea floor. everyone looked at this in amazement, they didn't expect that the bottom of the sea was another sea, which was pure blood.

Sora reached out, and his hand entered the portal, while another huge portal suddenly opened, Sora's giant palm reached out, grabbing the blood sea, and sending it into the system. the portals were not strong enough to handle Sora doing stuff like this, Sora could even attack form within the system. since he was stronger within the system, and was pretty much a god within, Sora could do many things, he also felt at home within the system, he felt weakened while in the outside world. he was a fish out of the water after all.

{... the blood of a poisonous void beast has entered the system... void beasts are powerful beasts that exist within the void, these beasts are all-powerful, and are born in the void-shattering realm, they travel between realms, existence outside the normal rules.

the blood which entered the system is from a peak void-shattering realm poisonous beast, known for its powerful poison which is capable of affecting even space and time. this poisonous beast is capable of poisoning others through karma, and those who even know of its name will be poisoned.} the system said as Sora's eyebrow raised at such a powerful beast. how did it even die here?

{void beast can pop up out of nowhere, it's not strange that a void beast was killed, and appeared at the bottom of the ocean. if fact, if it had appeared anywhere else, this whole star system would be covered in its poison. the sea acted to dilute the poison, and since it was at the bottom of the ocean, it was also suppressed by the pressure below. this planet in a way was lucky. plus, it was only some of its blood. at least 50% of its blood. it's unknown if the void beast died or not.} the system said as Sora nodded slightly,

"There are so many beasts within this world... well, that's every forbidden world. I will leave the stabilization of everything to you. if needed, I will be in my throne room." Sora said calmly, everyone nodded slightly before they all headed off to work, Sora left and went on to absorb the void beast bloodline,

'so many times of beast, not to mention there are demons... if there are demons there have to be angels, and other types of races within this world for me to absorb. well, let's take things so by slow, I want to get every king bloodline for every race.' Sora thought as he got stronger, after which he went to start reading some books in his library and so time went by.

schools were quickly formed within the system, Di Yalan began opening these schools, and began spreading her knowledge to everyone. of course, she was annoyed, she found this extremely boring, but she took Sora's words to heart and tried to focus hard on teaching everyone.

this greatly improved everyone's understanding of not just the world, but of law, level of power, and many things. Di Yalan was hot-headed, but she had lived for millions of years and had gained enough knowledge to fill a whole library. Sora even listened in, which greatly improved his understanding of everything.

with everyone's comprehension of law improving, this was great as with all of their strength, they were of course of huge help to Sora. the 10 commandments working together were strong enough to even suppress Sora, and with a formation, they had a 50% of even defeating Sora.

the 7 deadly sins on the other hand had a 70% chance to defeat Sora, Sure made sure that the members of the 7 deadly sins were stronger than the 10 commandments. so even without formations, they could fight Sora and had a 70% chance of defeating him, they had a 40% of defeating Sora with a formation.

this was a good force Sora had, of course, Sora would win even if they all tried to fight him. there was too reason for this. one, they would be suppressed due to them cultivating the God conquest cultivation art., and 2, Sora can draw upon many people's power, allowing him to show power which should be almost impossible for someone of his level.

Merlin went on to set up her own originations, a group of scientists who hungered to know everything, she found many people like herself from the Jackie CHain world, all of who were either mad scientists or were talents that caught her eyes, which she got them into believing in the same hunger for knowledge.

currently, only 5 people were considered scientists within the system, but all of them got to work, trying to add modern technology to the cultivation system. of course they had many helpers and some talents which they would teach,

Zeldris had built an army... well, to be more one point, he made many divisions. there were many races within the system, and not all of them got along, even if they were all considered the conquest race, they were still considered their own type of conquest race. so, he made the races within an army which they could work best with.

He had to train them all to be elites, while also working together to create a formation. these formations all had to have enough strength to rival someone as strong as himself, or else they would be useless. training all of them used up a lot of resources, and the fact they might die outside going on to support the outside world and not the system annoyed Sora slightly,

Zeldris went on to make 3 levels to the army. level 0, is the basic stronger, cannon founder, which could be thrown away without much damage to Sora's power.

level one was to the public eyes elites, they were to fooling the world, they were all powerful of course, had a good amount of teamwork, and a good army formation.

level 2 where the 10 commandments, and 7 deadly sins personal armies. they personally train them and made sure they were worth their time. they were elites amount elites,

level 3 was Sora's personal army. which were the 10 commandments, and the member's 7 deadly sins, Sora's combat maids lead my Silver, and Sora's Combat Butlers, these 17 people were the strongest under him and were capable of even defeating Sora. the maids and butlers who looked after Sora's needs were of course capable of defending Sora if needed. they were all-powerful and trained hard

Zeldris made sure that cities and much other stuff were formed within the system. small empires and other stuff were allowed to form, he did this so conflicts would break out between them, people can't improve without danger after all. with each empire training its own forces, Sora would also have more forces to draw upon, and not risk putting his elites in danger.

Gowther went on to build the justice hall, with the hall building a police force was needed.  He went on to have the elite members of the goddess clan overlook the police force, while he force them on making rules and laws for those within the kingdom.

everyone else also went on to build their own clans, sects, or something similar. these forces would help them keep their positions, while also helping them gather even more resources if needed, Sora's world began to look more and more real within Sora's eyes. competitions for powers and resources began growing, people were born, and others were killed,

Zeldris made the most effect on the system, he came up with the plan of allowing those forces within the system to have the ability to buy portals. those forces which conquer worlds could be rewarded with resources or something of their wishes.

So, those empires, kings, majors, and clan heads were all given the ability to buy portals, of course, they had to gather the spirit stones to open these portals on their own, but this didn't stop them, in days, hundred of lower realms were conquered. Sora's world improved greatly, while Sora absorbed many chaos energy from the creators of these worlds.

meanwhile, within the demon realm. Sora's avatar had already gained the demon king bloodline, and with a huge army, he slowly began taking over the star system, conquering more demons, demonic beasts, and so on.

"... my lord is something wrong?" a two-headed demon asked in confusion as he watched Sora's avatar looking at the sun.

"the sun looks off. it's like a heartbeat." Sora said calmly, the two-headed demon looked at the sky in confusion, and everyone also looked up in confusion, but they shall nothing. just when they were about to speak, the sun suddenly began shaking. they all had the illusion that the sun cracked like an egg, and suddenly a huge black crow appeared, as it opened its wings wide, while letting out a might cry.

"a demonic crow!" everyone face placed seeing this, while they all cursed their luck, their star system was done for. the suns were all just eggs holding a crow, within the lower realm, they would be golden colors, while in the immortal realm, they are black crows.

when they are born, the system would lose its light and would be swallowed by the crow which is stretching its wings and learning to fly. these crows are all born at the void shattering, once born they would fly around for some time before ascending to the immortal plane.

"go subdue it for me," Sora said calmly, the two-headed demon both heads nodded before they shot into the sky. that demon was sent here by the demon king, but Sora had the Di Yalan subdue it. Sora was just an avatar, even his main body would have had trouble with this demon.

Sora held his palm to the sky, creating a huge ball of flames, which went on to become the new sun, but this sun would not last long. he ordered everyone to pack up and get ready to leave, and head to the nearby galaxy.

soon, the two-headed demons returned with the subdued crow, the crow was only at level 1 void-shattering realm. Sora grabbed the crow and threw it into the system,

{new lifeform sensed within the system... the 3-legged black crow. this crow born within the demon realm is a powerful crow of the 3-legged crow clan, born from suns, they are rare and known for their pure bloodlines, and high talents. because they have no physical form, they are immune to most attacks... the 3-legged crow would now be born within the system} the system said as Sora's main body stabbed his spear into the crow, and absorbed its bloodline.

"so many races, I have to get many king-type bloodlines," Sora said with a smile as he felt a burning aura suddenly cover his body.

{new bloodline gained.... the 3-legged black crow bloodline. a powerful bloodline, born from the sun within the demon realm, this crow is known for its demonic nature. evil, it's a walking black sun which burns away all things,

Bloodline has caused the unique ability, of Sunshine, to evolve. Sunshine no longer needs the sun as you have become a sun. you would now remain in the One Mode at all times, unlike you are greatly weakened.} the system said as Sora smiled as he sat back upon his throne.

And like that, it has been 1 year since Sora came to this world. with Sora's world so lively, filled with many lifeforms and powerhouses, Sora set his eyes opened the world beyond his planet. and so, Zeldris, on a demon house, with a flag in hands of Omnipotence empire, rushed into space, with an army on war houses following behind.

{Name: Sora

titles: none

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

Age: 30/150 trillion

Race: Human

Bloodlines: [Beast King Bloodline], [Seven deadly sins humans bloodline], [Gaint Clan], [Fariy Clan], [The demon King], [The Goddess Clan], [Human King Bloodline}, [Sea King Bloodline], [Dragon King Bloodline], [Poisonous void beast Bloodline], [3 legged black Crow], [3 legged Golden crow]

World Name: Omnipotence Empire

World Level: 30

World Size: Low Size lower realm (small universe

worlds conquered: [7 Deadly Sins World], [Peppa Pig], [jackie chan adventures] +5,000 low grade world.


Body Cultivation: 3 Silver rank (+35 million to one PL. Combat level at LVL 10 gold rank}


Energy Cultivation: 3 Silver rank (+35 million to one PL. Combat level at LVL 10 gold rank}


Soul Cultivations: 3 Silver rank (+35 million to one PL. Combat level at LVL 10 gold rank}

Mind Cultivations: 3 Silver rank (+35 million to one PL. Combat level at LVL 10 gold rank}


God Marks: 2,100,000 (plus 210,000,000 to one powerlevel.


Law: Fire LVL 8 (+1 trillion), Earth LVL 8 (+1 trillion), Wind LVL 8 (+1 trillion), Lightning LVL 8 (+1 trillion), LVL 8 (+1 trillion), + 102 other laws at level 8.


PowerLevel: 525,000,000 {Strength at Level 10 Gold rank

max powerlevel: 35 trillion (powerlevel at level half step LVL 7 Void Shattering rank this boost of power is thanks to the Fist OF War, and Laws comprehend,

(note that laws are not affected by the fist of war... at least at this level. powerlevel might improve with a technique that best combines said Laws. note that a powerlevel of 107 trillion, is you somewhat combining all 35 laws, since your powerlevel is below your comprehension, you can't perfectly fuse them.)

with armor, spear, and Crown formed, + an extra 105 trillion to PL at which point, Max PL is 140 trillion PL power at Half Step Level 7 Void Shattering realm


Cultivation arts: [God Of Conquest Cultivation art.]

Martial Arts: [Fist Of War], [Fist Of Slaughter], [full counter], [fist of domaintions], [Step of Conquest], [God Of Conquest Eye],

Qi Art: [Fist Of Victory], [Fist Of Conquest],

Unique Ability: [The System], [Creation], [Disaster], [Heart Reading], [Purgatory Fire], [Snatch], [The Ruler], [The Goddess],

Looking at his state, before looking back at the sky at his army leaving, Sora smiled slightly as he looked at Red and the others.

"let's go deal with a mid-size world," Sora said with a smile, everyone nodded as they all entered the system with Sora. Sora bought the portal, and actived ii, all costing over 150 void spirit stones, which was expensive,

the med grade portal was silver in color, as Sora stepped before the portal, he entered while the others quickly entered. they didn't know how powerful a mid-grade world was, so they had to enter this world while ready for anything.

Sora once again found himself flying through worlds, breaking through walls between worlds, the speed in which they broke between worlds, was much faster than when they used a low-grade portal, it got to the point they looked like a beam of light shooing through these walls of reality, Sora couldn't even see a world as he felt sick.

they suddenly found themselves rolling on the ground before they stopped and went on to begin throwing up. this was much worse than the low-grade portal, they felt like they might just throw their stomach right up. they almost cried, this was torture.

{found a new world... world name, Naruto. this world is a mid-grade world and has many different branches of timelines. peak powerlevel... 100 trillion.} the system said as Sora used some time to recover, before going through what the system just said,

'the world of Naruto? that means chakra and so many other stuff that would make me much stronger.' Sora thought as his eyes brightened slightly, as he stood up, the Naruto world had peak powerlevel powers equal to those at half step level 7 void shattering realm. it was troublesome as he was suppressed by the world, only showing 50% of his powerlevel to the beast, one can't forget that he couldn't use law here. so he only had a powerlevel at most at 21 billion.

"The power levels of those around us barely touch upon a 100," Red said softly while sensing the surrounding, this was a mid-grade world? it was so weak. the although there were some lifeforms with a powerlevel above 100, they were spread out.

"Our main trouble is not this planet, is the whole universe, point your senses to that strange energy over there, and the energy sealed away within people all over the world. if they came together, they could form a powerlevel up to 10 thousand at most. plus, that pocket space, holding a person with a powerlevel over 50 thousand. capture them all, those with a unique bloodline, I want them alive, avoid killing as best as you can. you're not allowed to use Qi as well." Sora said calmly, everyone nodded as they moved

'if being like Kaguya only has a power level of around 10 thousand... then what who has a powerlevel in the thousand? this will be troublesome.' Sora thought with a smile as he looked at the sky before he looked forward, his eyes saw through space and time, looking at a sage looking at him with a deep frown. the two eyes met, and the old man instantly felt chills running down his spine, he had this uncontrollable feeling to submit to this person before him, but he had a strong mind, allowing him to resist long enough to look away before he disappeared from that space.

"This will be fun," Sora said with a smile, he couldn't follow that sage, he could not affect time unless to comprehend the laws of this world. but that's nothing hard to Sora,

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