In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 37: 0036 the woman who is 5 steps ahead

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"This map is strange, it looks complete," Sora said as he looked at the map, showing a huge region of the lower realm. the region showed was seemly endless, and Sora could move the map around to see many things from galaxies and even hints of other dimensions within the lower realm.

"let me see." Di Yalan said softly, Sora calmly gave her the map, and Di Yalan studied it for some time before nodding slightly

"This map shows the west region within the lower realm. there are 5 pieces to this map, the first 4 are north, south, east, and west. once these 4 pieces come together they would form the completely map out space within the lower realm. showing other dimensions within the lower realm and all other pocket space." She said calmly as she gave the map back to Sora

"the last map is the time map, once you get it, you would get a complete map of time. but only at the spot you stand. once the time map and space map fuses, you would get the full map of the lower realm, allowing you to see everything within the lower realm. from past, to now. as for the future, those are secrets hidden by the heavens. heaven guards the future, but it's possible to see into the future by comprehending the law of Numeracy. one could also travel through time, past, and future with some technique. of course, the heavens would stop you at all cause." She said calmly as Sora nodded slightly. at this moment, the servant overseeing their room entered, with a stack of paper on those in rooms 3,4, and 7.

Sora took the papers and calmly read through the papers, while the auctions went on. the person in room 3 was a level 8 void-shattering realm expert, she was known as the 9-headed Hydra empress. millions of years ago, an inheritance ground holding the inheritance of a powerful force within the immortal realm opened within the lower realm.

only those under the gold rank could enter, so many powerful experts sent their most talented disciples into the inheritance ground. in the end, none of them returned but one person. the 9-headed Hydra empress returned with a new and powerful bloodline. the 9-headed poisonous Hydra bloodline.

She had returned with a powerful poison that called many level 10 void-shattering realm experts who wanted to get their hands on her before she disappeared. she had made many appearances over the last millions of years, and each appearance was a huge appearance that caused huge chaos within the lower realm. no void-shattering realm expert bothered her much anymore, she was not only immune to poisons, but she had also gained many poisons that she could use. many believed she had strong enough poison to destroy the lower realm and the demon realm.

Di Yalan had a look of shock when she heard of the 9-headed Hydra bloodline, even within the immortal realm, this bloodline was considered unmatched. but one of the most fearful types of the hydra was the 9 headed poisonous bloodline. the normal type of hydra was poisonous, many experts would put their blood onto arrow hands, making them extremely deadly, but the poison could only affect those of the same level.

meanwhile, the 9-head poisonous Hydra was so poisonous that one couldn't even put their blood onto arrows, as the arrows would be effective by the poison. they would slowly rot away, disappearing from this world. be it alive or dead, everything under the heavens would die before the 9 headed poisonous Hydra.

meanwhile, the woman in V.I.P room 4 was a mysterious woman. many claims that she is the reincarnation of an immortal, but it couldn't be said for sure. the Heavenly Gate tried to see her past but found most things around her were over in fog. but they found out that she was born 35 years ago, and on her birth, heaven gave her tribulations as if her birth scared the heavens.

the last person on the last was the dwarf on V.I.P room 7. he was a well-known Dwarf, known all over the lower realm for the many powerful weapons he had created. He lived for millions of years, and within all this time he gave his heart to the law of blacksmith.

if the law of blacksmith was a woman, he was have taken her as his wife. he would have gone to hell and back for her, thats how much he loved Blacksmith. he loved it more than his own life, his dream was to one day create a weapon that could catch the eye of an immortal.

"well... what do you think of the person in V.I.P room 4?" Sora asked calmly, Di Yalan thought for a moment after going over the information, before she pinched her fingers, she closed her eyes for some time before shaking her hands.

"Whatever she is, her karma is too much for me to divine. I might need a ritual or something connected to her to get some useful information, I don't believe a mortal can hind something from me." She said with a frown, Sora just smiled at her words as he looked at the auctions which were slowly coming to an end, but at that moment Red suddenly appeared at his side, stunning the servant seeing him suddenly appear out of the blue.

"what's wrong?" Sora asked with a slight frown while looking at Red who had a serious look while looking at him.

"Young master, you have ignored your duty for far too long. please return with me," he said making Sora frown slightly, but seeing the look in Red eye, Sora knew he was not going to let him go. with a sigh, Sora made an avatar to stay with Di Yalan before entering the system with Red.

The two appeared within an office, which had countless papers laying all over the place. Sora sighed slightly seeing so many papers, as the god of this world, there were many requests, laws, and stuff he had to approve and turned down. although Sora could leave some stuff to others to handle, in the end, the truly important stuff had to go through Sora,

"Young master, this is why as say you should have a child. I'm sure they would be more than help to rule, while you play in the outside world." Red said calmly, Sora sighed as he sat down and went through the first paper. it was on the taxes everyone within the empire had to pay,

for everything those within Sora world buy, they would be a 2% tax on everything. meanwhile, those in the outside world would have a 5% tax on everything they buy. during wars, the tax would increase by 2%. with how much land Sora currently had, being over trillions of galaxies all over the lower realm, and even more, within Sora's world, this would be a huge income for Sora to improve the system.

of course, the spirit stones from within the system were useless to the system, it would not improve the system's strength, the spirit stones were formed by the heavens, they would simply return back to the system once absorbed, although it would slightly improve, it would be a huge waste of spirit stones, compared to using them to the outside world.

Sora approved of this law, before moving on to the next paper. it was a law to heavenly punish those of the same sex daring to try and marry. Sora's eyebrow raised seeing this paper, before looking at Red. Red walked over and quickly looked at the paper before sighing helplessly at Sora at this.

"those from the world known as earth want to have the right to marry who they wish. due to the numbers of citizens too are fighting for this, they thought its best you make a choice. many higher-ups reject the idea of those of the same sex marrying, while others simply ignore the topic." Red said causing Sora to rub his chin slightly

"what a person does within their bed is their business, this is not a matter others should stick their heads in. just mind your own business about such matter, a person ideal shouldn't be forced upon others less they have a good reason," Sora said calmly as he wrote down on the paper before moving on to the next paper.

Sora couldn't have an avatar do something like this, this was because it would be too distracting. with their linked mind, the stress the avatar would have while going through these papers would also be felt by Sora. although not effective in his battle power, having too many thoughts running through your mind all at once could lead to confusion. and for something like the empire, Sora had to think deeply about it, So his main body was the best choice.

as for the avatars, they would not be affected much, as they could become a kind of puppet which followed orders. So, they would not be effective at all by this.

Sora couldn't help but smile while going through some information about his current army power, for example, the grade 0 soldiers have all reached level 8 of the void-shattering realm rank, and with just one army formation they could fight those at low early mountain and river tier

The grade 1 soldiers are at the peak of the void shattering, and with just one army formation, they could fight a high late-mountain and river tier experts,

the grade 2 soldiers are at half-step mountain and river tier, and just one army formation had the power to fight those at the peak of the mountain and river tier.

meanwhile, the grade 3 soldiers are all at the half-step mountain and river tier. and they alone could fight a low peak mountain and river tier experts, and when working together, then maybe they could fight those at half step sun and moon.

Sora had to be honest, he had not paid much attention to his forces in the past months, he was busy studying, and cultivating. to think his side was this powerful after just a few months from him turning away, of course, this huge improvement was all thanks to the destiny Qi the phoenix empire statue had absorbed. with how much destiny Qi it had, Sora world had gone through many improvements, growing in size and quality.

on the matter of the Phoenix empire statue, Sora's concubine was also powerhouses, of course, those who were a part of the grade 3 soldiers were clearly powerhouses. but for others with less talent and only beauty, someone like Ino from the Naruto world. she was also at half step mountain and river

the fact she was now the concubine of Sora led to her also absorbing that destiny Qi, improving her cultivation, and overall power. they didn't have to focus on cultivating, they just grew stronger by being Sora's wives. Sora seeing this went on to limit the number of resources they could get, he couldn't be giving his wives better treatment compared to others. 

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

back to the auctions, Sora and D Yalan left. Sora first flew after the woman who somehow sensed him spying on him, while Di Yalan went after the woman with the Hydra bloodline. shooting through space, Sora flew another ship that was piercing through space, making it seem to almost ignore the distance between point A and Point B.

of course, it was not moving so fast that it might as well be teleporting, but it was moving so fast that its speed neared instant. yet, Sora with the set of conquest was able to keep up, hell he could go faster. as for how this was possible, no matter how fast Sora would go, he would always be infinitely slower than teleportation. Sora was following the ship to see where it was heading.

soon, the ship stopped in a dark region of the lower realm. this region was within the eastern regions, of the lower realm. they traveled a far distance to get here. as Sora stopped, he suddenly noticed the space around him being cut off from the outside world, flags that were hidden in space came out and formed a formation. a huge 5-headed dragon appeared

each head had an element, fire, earth, wind, water, and lightning. the dragon release a powerful aura, which could make those at level 10 void-shattering realm have second thoughts about standing up to this thing.

Sora looked at the dragon in shock, before smiling. to think he was found discovered without him noticing, with a punch, the dragon exploded, along with the whole sealed space. it all shattered like glass, as Sora calmly walked through it all.

looking at the ship ahead of him, Sora saw many hooded people slowly whipping the blood from their mouths, while they looked at Sora with pale faces. Sora's eyebrow raised slightly while looking at this group of people, back in the auction house, they looked to be around 20 or so years old, but now they looked as if they have aged 30 years 

"w-who are you?" the woman with the eye patch asked with a deep frown while looking at Sora, to say the least, Sora's power had shocked her. a mortal shouldn't have such power. Sora smiled slightly while looking at her

"I have taken an interest in someone like you. I want you to take you as my concubine." Sora said with a smile, the woman's eye narrowed slightly. but although it was hard to tell, Sora knew she was not upset. she was one of the most beautiful women Sora have ever seen, she must be somewhat used to people trying to marry her or something

"snort, who asks for something to take them as their concubine without even showing their face?" She asked with a snort, Sora smiled slightly at her words. slowly reaching towards his face, he slowly removed the mask. as the mask was slowly removed, the world lost its color, and the heavens shook in fear as Sora's aura of domination was too much for this lower realm to handle. tribulations countless formed above Sora, as lightning roaded like a mighty dragon. but Sora stopped as he covered his face once more, 

meanwhile, the hooded people had fallen weakly to the ground, some wet their pants, some popped themselves, while others had submitted to Sora, not wanting to face such a thing anymore.

"... y-you no mortal. no mortal will should be this powerful." She said with a darkened face seeing how everything who once followed her, had submitted to someone else. Sora's eyebrow raised slightly at her words, and she came to the conclusion this was his will way too quick, to make things worse she was not mentally affected by his will, but her body was affected and she fought through it.

"do you really want to make an enemy of me?" She asked coldly, Sora didn't say anything as he moved to capture her. but she disappeared the moment he was about to move, leaving him stunned for a moment before he tried to track her down.

1,000 light years away, she had appeared. with eh ring of teleportation, Sora was going to have a hard time capturing her. Sora stepped forward and rushed towards her. but when he appeared before her, he smiled something off with the void. but before he could think much about it, he found that she had laid down a formation at shocking speed. the space-time in which Sora was in disappeared, leaving Sora in a spaceless and timeless zone,

'interesting.' Sora thought as he felt his body about to explode, as the air within his body expanded out. a normal expert might be frozen, and unable to move within this zone. after all, without time equals no changes. without space means no shape. it was void, of course, it was not the same type of void that those within the void-shattering realm could enter. there were different types of voids, and the void Sora was trapped in was of a higher grade and could be called a true void. as not even space and time could exist within, only immortals would be able to break free. of course, this true void was created, so it was as powerful as it should be, but even so, only immortals could be able to break free

Sora moved, shattering the zone which was created. he quickly used the god's eye and searched for that woman, but as he opened his god's eyes, his eyes shrank.

'a double layer formations?' Sora thought as space shattered, the void sucked Sora who was caught off guard. normal voids created when Space is shattered would not have such an effect of sucking someone within, only when it led to the space between realms. that zone was empty, leading to their being a powerful sucking force, but Sora's hand was quickly covered with energy as he grabbed onto space, of course, this was not enough to get rid of Sora, he was only caught off guard.

as Sora was about to fly out, Sora's eyes noticed another formation which was hidden, Sora was caught off guard, how good was she in laying formations? she had little time and even did a 3-layer formation, she was a freak.

Sora's energy which he was using to grab onto space was shocked into the formations, Sora became like a normal person trying to grab space, a pointless effort. he was quickly such into the void, but he could of course fly, so he did just that. but the energy he tried to use for flying was absorbed,

Sora frowned deeply for some time, he was slightly confused. just how were these formations absorbing so much of his energy so quickly? where was the energy this formation was absorbing heading?

but he was quickly answered as he looked into a void as countless void beasts rushed towards him, the formation which was absorbing his energy was working perfectly with the void, leading to the absorbing formations to combine the sucking power from the void. leaving Sora unable to use energy,

Sora's eyes seemed to shine in amazement, to think of something so complex within a short amount of time. but his smile disappeared as he realized one of the void beasts heading his way was at the mountain and river tier. now begged the question, how the hell was she attracting void beast towards him?

"fuck," Sora yelled as he realized the strange smell he smiled when he arrived here was attracting the void beast, she was like 5 steps ahead of him. Sora used the eyes of conquest, and using the knowledge he had on formations, he found a random spot within the formations, which he attacked with the spear of conquest

with the formations suddenly taking damage, it greatly weakened, allowing Sora to free himself once more. ignoring the void beast, Sora looked around but found she had disappeared a long ago, it had been less than a heart beast since Sora was trapped within the true void. at was enough time for her to run while he was distracted.

Sora smiled slightly while he was in deep thought, he was only an avatar, only 1% of his main body's true strength. but even so, within the lower realm he should have been untouchable, yet today he lost to a gold rank expert. Sure she was running away, sure she couldn't injure him, sure she couldn't even hold him down for a heartbeat, sure she had to use many formations to get what she wanted.

but in the end, her goal was to escape, and Sora's goal was to capture her. and he failed his goal and she won. of course, if his main body was here, he would have ignored everything she threw at him, if he had used Susanoo, he could have also ignored everything she threw at him. but he didn't

"it seems i'm still too arrogant. even an Iron would go out against a cornered rabbit," Sora said softly as he summoned the wheel of fate. closing his eyes, he suddenly punched forward rewriting fate, but his eyebrow raised slightly before he coughed up a mouthful of blood.

"her fate is too strong for me to control, I even got a backlash... than she should be the reincarnation of some powerful person. well, it seems things would not be boring for the time being." Sora said with a smile as he disappeared,

within the pocket space within the lower realm. the woman appeared with a paled look. she sat down as she rested, and eat some pills to recover her energy. she breathed heavily for some time before she sighed.

"he could skip 2 realms... no 3 realms, within the gold rank. I didn't expect a god to be reborn, I wonder what type of god he is, or maybe he is a disciple of those concepts. his movements hint that he is not a reborn god, maybe a disciple of some powerful experts. well, it seems I have a rival. just what I wanted, with the pressure he gives him, I will grow stronger. I will too one day skip 3 realms, but for that to happen, I need a few things." she said softly as she stood up, and looked at the pocket space she was within. 

she went on and began searching, she didn't enter a random pocket space but was planning on coming here as she heard that there was a yin-yang rose which had appeared. if she could get her hands on this herb, she would have collected everything she needed to form a powerful pill. once this pill is created, she would finally awaken something which would not only put her on equal footing with Sora but make her tumble over him.

but creating this pill, she would need to die. once she dies, she could need to convince the king of hell to allow her to live once more, something which was going to be much easier than creating the pill.

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