In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 48: 0047 high complex Multiverse

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Sora went on to see Ino, after becoming his wife, although she could have moved into his castle she chose to remain within the Naruto world as this was her world. as Sora entered the small flower shop she ran, and she quickly came to greet him.

"I thought you were working together with the assassins and Gowther?" Sora said softly, although he didn't pay much attention to everything with the system, he paid attention to the most important of stuff,

Ino and her clan were skilled at mind-type techniques, from being able to switch bodies with a target, or reading memories, they were skilled at this. this made them quite useful for seeing if people did a crime or were being blamed by someone else. they were also could be extremely useful for assassins as they could take over a body.

"I did, but they rarely need someone with my skills," Ino said with a smile, she was not too interested in power struggles, otherwise she would have moved into the castle and aimed to be the strongest. with her looks, she would outclass most women. Sora didn't think she was beautiful, he thought she was hot.

She was one of Sora's most beautiful wives, Ino has fair skin, light blue eyes, and long platinum blonde hair worn in a high ponytail with bangs covering the right half of her face. Ino wears her purple outfit again exposing her midriff with one mesh warmer on her left arm and open-toed sandals.

Sora and Ino talked for some time. Ino went on to show Sora the small guard that she and her family was growing. shockingly, they were selling rare plants and had hired partnered with a few fairies to make some good money.

Sora couldn't stay for long, but he didn't want to just leave without doing anything. So, after a slight hesitation, Sora began testing the water. this would be the first time Sora made steps to get laid.

"so, with these fairies, we have monopolized flowers within this world. my family plans to slowly stretch out into other worlds soon." Ino said with a smile, although she didn't seek power, seeing her family raising was something that brought a smile to her face. her family was not just getting their hands into the justice hall, but also the assassin hall, and now this trade. Not to mention she was one of the battle maids, under Sora and was also his wife. her statues were just wide and complex,

of course, she was not the one doing this, one of her uncles was pushing for this, using her connections to get more power.

"What a beautiful smile, no wonder these flowers glow," Sora said with a smile as he picked a rose, and smiled it slightly.. Ino froze hearing Sora's words looking over at him, she froze as she saw a scene which could be said to have come out of a panting.

Sora standing there, with his gentle charming smile, smelling that rose. it made the world seem to lose its color, even Hrayfia who was following them could help but freeze seeing this, Sora's looks were simply unmatched.

meanwhile, sora who was using the rose to hide his blush froze seeing the two ladies looking at him in a stupor, this was the first time he hit on a woman. did he sound too cheesy? regret quickly kicked in, so he quickly tried to clear the air.

"cough, is there something on my face?" Sora asked with a slightly forced smile, Ino and Grayfia snapped out. Ino blushed as she quickly spoke

"n-no, you look amzing... I mean there's nothing on your face." Ino said quickly, Sora was caught off guard for some time before smiling. He had game

"I don't look amazing?" Sora asked teasingly, making Ino blush even more. she tripped over words for some time, not knowing what to say, but when she saw Sora laugh, she turned completely red as she realized Sora was simply teasing her. She pouted slightly, she didn't expect Sora to have this side to him.

Sora seeing time was leaving decided to move leave and see one more person within the Naruto world before moving on to the other world. but as Sora was about to leave, Ino invented Sora to stay for a meal.

Sora agreed as she haven't eaten in hundreds of years. So, he and Ino went on to go wait, Ino shyly got closer to Sora. normally she was not so close, but after spending some time with Sora, she had grown closer to him.

Sora seeing her near him, smiled slightly before warping his hand around her. ino body tightened slightly, but after some time she relaxed as she lost herself within the unique manly aura around Sora. the natural smile Sora gave off was even godly, making her lose herself within his arms. after some time, she began rugging her knees together, as she breathed heavily.

"... I haven't shown you my room. if you're willing I could show you." Ino said weakly, Sora was caught off by this, but he was not full and understood what she meant. with a slight smile, he nodded and they went to her room.

soon, lord moans sounded from her room. Grayfia put up another barrier to cover this, but she couldn't help but be amazed at Sora's energy. it hasn't been an hour since he was with Sarada, yet he was up and at it with another woman. they were at it for a few minutes until Ino couldn't take it anymore. this was her first, even though she fused with an infinite number of parrell versions of herself, the main body was still pure.

Sora left her to rest, before going to see Hanabi. Hanabi was one of his wives, and also one of the battle maids. ever since she got into power, she went through huge changes as she saw the beauty of power. she led one of the strongest power within the Naruto world and was one of its great powers, she was also extremely talented and could force someone like Sadara to take a step back if she pushed hard enough.

to say the least, she was aiming to take over the Naruto world. as a member of the Hyuga clan, she believed her clan was the strongest and should be the rightful ruler of this world, with the support of many people from the otsutsuki clan, she was slowly raising to a power and soon would be fighting for who was the ruler of this world... of course, her sudden change was because she was easily tricked by those within her clan. she was still young, and was easy tricked. but she was now fully grown with the mindset to have her clan become the strongest, she gave off the air of a warrior, as she had entered many portals to other worlds to battle, honing her skills to become the best.

"welcome Husband." She said with a gentle smile as she bowed before seeing Sora. her air of a warrior had disappeared, as she simply looked like a wife greeting her husband. Sora nodded with a smile. before having her go on to show him what she had been up to, but to Sora's shock, Hanabi was the one hitting on him.

after some time, Sora ignore what she had been up to and they entered her room, where loud moans quickly sound. and a few minutes later, Sora walked out with a slight smile, before he moved on to see what those within the Seven deadly sins would have been up to.

Sora went on to see Melascula first, and upon seeing her. he saw that she was ruling over a region of his world called hell. of course his hell had to have a kind of hell, this way people could be reborn and people could have a place to go.

Melascula took this job as it was the simplest job, all she had to do was sit back and lazily have others do her job. From time to time, she could eat the souls of many souls sent to hell, allowing her power to raise even though she does almost nothing.

Melascula is a young woman with long, pink hair. She wears a sleeveless white leotard with horizontal and vertical lines in the middle and on top of her breast. She also wears a pink bow on the choker. She wears long, pink stockings with white ornaments going around each stocking at the thigh. She is constantly cloaked in a shroud of her own darkness.

She was lazily sleeping when Sora arrived, but she quickly woke up upon seeing him. She was extremely lazy, but then again she was already absorbing destiny QI, allowing her strength to always be increasing, even if she didn't eat souls she would be still one of the strongest people within the system. but she likes the taste of some souls and sometimes eats for pleasure. she was of course not a good person, she was more evil than good

"Husband, what are you doing here?" She asked in a slight panic, if she knew Sora was coming by, she would have hell cleaned up. but he just up and appeared. she couldn't help but wonder if she did something wrong

"I came to see you, am I not allowed to come to see my wife?" Sora asked with a smile, Melasula's face turned slightly red at this. Sora walked up to her and sat next to her before they began talking. Sora wrapped his hand around her, drawing her closer into his arm. Melascula's face was completely red, but she didn't resist.

Melascula is a zealot and is extremely loyal to Sora and follows his orders and laws to the letter and cannot fathom nor attempt to understand anyone's reason for going against him, She was like this to the demon king, but when she was dominated, she also became this loyal to Sora.

To Melascula, it was the greatest reward for Sora to just come to visit her. For Sora to even have thoughts about her body... well, that was like a believer finding himself in heaven. to was happy, and even began getting closer and closer to Sora's hands. after some time, they had all the servants of hell leave, allowing them to have some alone time.

after some time, Sora left, leaving Melasula who had fallen into a deep sleep. Sora wanted to go meet the others, but at this time his free time ran out. the allied forces were launching an attack, led by an expert at the peak of the mountain and river tier

"you, dare to yet your eyes upon our young master. death is a punishment too light for you." a huge phoenix raised as it rushed towards the Omnipotence realm. Sora looked at that phoenix before Itachi stepped forward to give him formations about it.

"it's from the divine Immortal Phoenix realm, ruled by the phoenix empress, the daughter of the phoenix clan leader within the immortal realm," Itachi said calmly, Sora nodded slightly before he looked at his statues window

{Name: Sora

titles: [conquer]

Age: 510/750 trillion

Race: Human

Bloodlines: [God Of Conquest Bloodline}

World Name: Omnipotence Empire

World Level: 30

World Size: High Size Complex Multiverse level

worlds conquered: [Naruto], [7 Deadly Sins World], [Peppa Pig], [jackie chan adventures]... +640,000 low grade world.


Body Cultivation: Level 10 Gold rank (+ 25 quadrillions to one PL. Combat level at Half step Level 7  Void shattering realm}


Energy Cultivation: Level 10 Gold rank (+ 25 quadrillions to one PL. Combat level at Half step Level 7  Void shattering realm}


Soul Cultivations: Level 10 Gold rank (+ 25 quadrillions to one PL. Combat level at Half step Level 7  Void shattering realm}

Mind Cultivations: Level 10 Gold rank (+ 25 quadrillions to one PL. Combat level at Half step Level 7  Void shattering realm}


Dreamworld cultivation: Level 10 Gold rank (+ 25 quadrillions to one PL. Combat level at Half step Level 7  Void shattering realm}


God Marks: 18.75 quintillion (plus 187.5 quadrillions to one powerlevel.


You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

Law: 1,000 laws at level 11 (+10 quintillions), 10,000 laws at level 10 (+10 quintillions), 89,000 laws at level 9 (+ 890 quadrillion)


PowerLevel: 281.25 quadrillions {Strength at half step Moutain and river}

max powerlevel: 49 Moutain and river (powerlevel at high early Moutain and river realm this boost of power is thanks to the Fist OF War, and Laws comprehend,

with armor, spear, and Crown formed, + an extra 147 Moutain and river to PL at which point, Max PL is 196 Mountain and river combat power at Low-Late Moutain and river tier.

(note that the Susanoo is considered as a technique, so its boosts to one powerlevel are not counted by the system, as this is a technique not from the system., this technique boosts one powerlevel by 1,000 times. peak powerlevel at 196,060 Moutain and River)


Cultivation arts: [God Of Conquest Cultivation art.], [Dream Emperor Cultivation art],

Martial Arts: [Fist Of War], [Fist Of Slaughter], [full counter], [fist of domaintions], [Step of Conquest], [God Of Conquest Eye],

Qi Art: [Fist Of Victory], [Fist Of Conquest],

Unique Ability: [The System], [Creation], [Disaster], [Heart Reading], [Purgatory Fire], [Snatch], [The Ruler], [The Goddess], [God Of Conquest Eye], [Susanoo],

although Sora cultivated the dream of an emperor cultivating war, due to his powerful mind, the dream he dreamed of was powerful, allowing his dream cultivation not to lose out to his other statues. this was of course this was mostly due to the unique art of the God conquest, and the fact Sora was absorbing others to boost his cultivations

Sora looked at the incoming phoenix, it had a powerful 0.1 star, only 10 times weaker than the normal sun and moon tier expert. Sora calmly flew out to meet this expert, he, of course, didn't have to and could have let this to someone like Itachi to deal with, but he wanted to test his strength,

Sora rushed forward as he used the Susanoo, a red Susanoo covering Sora's body, as Sora went on to clash with the phoenix. the phoenix was overpowered and was sent flying back towards the realm it just came from, but it quickly caught itself in the air.

the phoenix was shocked for some time while looking at Sora before it exploded in rage. small mortal dare pushes it back, this was of course embarrassing. it rushed forward, as he unleashed a huge flame that seemed to burn away everything within existence. space-time within the void was burned by this flame, causing zones with no space-time to appear, but they quickly disappeared.

Sora flew towards the flames before a shield appeared in his hands. as the flame hit the shield, the flames were suddenly sent flying back towards the phoenix, who quickly put up a barrier, blocking the flames.

the phoenix was annoyed to the extreme, but it began taking Sora seriously as he didn't seem normal. he was an extreme talent, maybe even matching the likes of the son of heaven. thinking this, its eyes turned cold. since Sora wouldn't submit, it had to kill him, with a cry, its body which was mad out of flame seem to compress, turning into a flaming armor

the phoenix rushed towards as its powerful suddenly rushed by 10 times, Sora was caught off guard by this, but after some thought, it was not too shocking. he couldn't expect himself to be the only one who could have a technique that boost his powerlevel.

the phoenix with a powerlevel of 1 star rushed towards Sora, Sora flashed backward doing the phoenix's overwhelming speed. the phoenix was clearly shocked by this, he couldn't comprehend how Sora was so fast.

as it turned to go after Sora, it froze as it found its power was leaving it. Sora who was holding his palm out suddenly began growing stronger. when the phoenix realized that Sora was stealing its strength, it roared in rage before the flaming armor around it became more realistic.

its body seemed to have taken the form of armor, its countless red feathers all seemed to have turned into the metal of the highest red, and the aura it gave off caused space-time to burn away around it as space-time couldn't handle its might. at this moment, its powerlevel shot up to 10 stars,

"a technique which increases your powerlevel by 10 times.." Sora said seeing how he could no longer use Snatch to steal his power. the phoenix coldly looked at Sora, this was a complete humiliation to have to go all out before a mortal.

just when the phoenix was about to rush forward, 7 truth-seeking orbs appeared floating behind Sora, they all seemed to turn into a liquid that fused with Sora, allowing Sora's powerlevel to increase once more.

"I call this truth-seeking Susanoo... I just created it right now. what do you think?" Sora asked with a smile, but his smile couldn't be seen behind his mask. Sora had the ability to now create pretty much any ability he could think of. so he thought of the truth-seeking Susanoo, a form the ultimate Suanoo takes after fusing with the truth-seeking orb.

this increased the power of the Susanoo by 5 times. but Sora was not done with the creation, with a thought the totsuka blade appeared within his hand before it fused with the spear of conquest. this fusion creased the Totsuka blade and Spear of conquest to go through a huge transformation, increasing its power.

With another thought, the armor of conquest fused with the Susanoo armor, causing the Susanoo to also go through a new transformation. Sora looked at the changes to his Susanoo before smiling, but as he looked at the shied, he frowned as h didn't know what to fuse it with.

{sensing the host has fused the spear of conquest and armor of conquest into spirit weapons... congratulation host. this fusion caused the armor of conquest and spear of conquest to become truly real weapons that could grow a will of their own...

the host has been rewarded with the shield of conquest, a powerful spear cable for absorbing all attacks, and sending said attack back at the target. the reflected attack although could be blocked, is launched back in a unique form that embodies host capability. meaning, if the host comprehends the law of space, then the reflected attack would have the power of space. appearing before the target, phasing through most defenses.

note that shield would crack and break if hit with an attack too powerful for it to fully absorb... peak power that it could absorb is 5 times the host power level.

keep up the great work host, the fist of slaughter still has more items awaiting for you to waken, so keep doing many things to gain said items.} the system said stunning Sora, Sora smiled before a shield appeared, which quickly fused with the yata mirror

with this fusion, the Susanoo had become a kind of armor that was both real and made out of armor. the Yata mirror and Totsuka blade also broke free from the limitations of the SUsanoo, becoming items Sora could call upon as he wishes.

the current power up the Susanoo brought was... 100,000. making Sora have a peak powerlevel of 19.6 stars, Sora cracked his neck before he calmly looked at the phoenix which was horrified after geeing Sora's strength.

a peak level 10 gold rank expert had the power to rival a mid-early sun and moon tier expert, if this was not scary, the phoenix didn't know what was. the phoenix let out a scary as its killing intent shot into the sky, it rushed towards Sora unwilling to let this freak like a minute longer.

It was not scared of death, as it had the immortal phoenix bloodline, it feared the hand of death the last. and with how powerful its healing capability was, it would allow it to slowly tire Sora out. with the powerful technique, Sora was using, he would run out of energy within a few minutes. maybe 30 minutes or so

this was the drawback of using a technique to boost your powerlevel, you run out of energy much sooner. sadly for it, Sora had Infinity. Sora of course didn't need th Susanoo to win but knew immortals might be watching, so it was best to keep his trump card hidden.

For one, Sora could channel infinity into his attack, allowing his attack to be boosted in power by countless times. of course, he would not be able to control such a powerful attack, but its one of his hidden trump card

Sora flashed towards the phoenix, and with a swing, he easily caught the phoenix in half. as the phoenix's body was about to regroup, its body was absorbed into the spear of conquest, it was horrified, but its eyes quickly went blank as it was caught within a powerful illusion.

"... now I wish they brought someone stronger, the stronger the more I'm creative I am," Sora said in disappointment as he rested the spear of conquest onto his more solid before he looked back towards the many high-grade worlds which were against me.

Sora waved his hand slightly, giving the single for his army to lunch a counter-attack, a seemly endless wave of beings from all types of the race suddenly appeared, rushing towards the many realms which were against him.

barriers appeared around these realms, while those within had dark faces after seeing how easily a peak gold rank expert killed that phoenix who could rival sun and moon tier experts. Sora thought for some time, before raising his, a huge amount of energy exploded from SOra, and went on to cover the whole mortal realm, sealing it off from the immortal realm.

this was a unique seal, it forcefully linked the seal to those high-grade realms. if someone break the seal, then those within the lower realms were at high risk of death. so those within the immortal realm would think twice about trying to break the seal. after all, immortals sent talents to the mortal realm to conquer many realms, and form a huge high-grade realm which they could fuse with upon becoming an immortal, allowing them to become even more talented.

the battle was chaotic, but in the end, Sora's side had to fall back as the other side got higher and higher realms to join their side. With Sora cutting off the immortal realm, pretty much every realm was now joined to fight against Sora.

"This is getting interesting," Sora said with a smile, although Sora could now destroy this world, he couldn't do so as he wanted to absorb every realm within the mortal realm. Sora didn't plan on using all of these realms when he comes immortal, instead, he would use them all when he comes to a diamond rank expert.

the god of conquest cultivation required him to absorb a world when entering the diamond rank, as the dantian is turned into an inner world, he would have to absorb a world or realm. the bigger the world, the better. sadly, the system can be used. Sora needed a world from the cultivation world, so could only conquer the infinite number of realms, allowing him to gain the best.

Sora also thought of absorbing the whole heaven, but he would have to find the first heaven core, but even the heavenly emperor didn't know where such a thing was at. he didn't even know if such a core was real, so he could only do this.

a high-grade realm was a low-size complex Multiverse, if Sora fused them all, although it would not be enough to make this realm become a mid-size complex Multiverse. it would be close, just one level of infinite away. Sora also plans to fuse with other complex multiverses out there, this way allowing him to become stronger and stronger. his actions within the mortal realm were pretty much a cover-up to his true goal within the system.

what would happen if he fuse with a high-complex multiverse? Sora was not fullish to think he could aim for something above high complex multiverse, that was something even sun and moon tier experts can't do. hell, the fact he is aiming for a mid-complex multiverse was crazy in itself, but he knew he could do this. Shisui was one of the man's goals, he also planned on starting to go to war with high-grade worlds within the system

he Sora turned and entered the system and appeared within his throne room where Shisui was sitting waiting for him.

"My lord, I'm ready to ascend," Shisui said softly, Sora nodded slightly while looking at Shisui. the greatest weakness of the people within the system was the fact they haven't faced any true pressure to force them to break through their limitations. they were all stoke skipping one realm,, of course, it was higher with some techniques. but those truly talented ones such as Itachi, Shisui, Zeldris, and others should be able to fight more than that. at least 2 realms.

they had huge potential they needed to draw out, once they face huge danger they would become hundreds of times stronger. sending Shisui out to be a spy was also a test to see what happens when this potential of them is drawn out. Shisui would face many life and death dangers, and he would have to hold back as many techniques he had were used by Sora.

the Susanoo, rinnegan and a few other abilities were of which he could no longer use. this would fuse him to draw out more and more of his true potential, who knows, some of them might travel Sora's ability to skip 3 realms, this would, of course, make Sora happy. but he had to try this out.

"then go, I will make a small hole for you to ascend. at which point, you must go through rebirth and steal someone's body. this is a technique to replace your past, hiding your past of not being within this world. when try to search for your background, they would only see the past of the person you stole..." Sora said as he created a new ability, and gave it to Shisui

"It's an ability that could fool even me. but it would still grow stronger as you grow, so stay away from those many times stronger than yourself." Sora said softly, to which Shisui nodded slightly. Sora went to make a hole within the seal, allowing Shisui to leave the lower realm.

with him gone, Sora moved on to deal with the immortal phoenix he just killed. he thought for some time, before looking at the statues of the higher up. after some thought, Sora decided to change those who were within the 7 deadly sins, and 10 commandments.

Sora also wanted to make more groups under his command, expanding upon those grade 3 soldiers. he wanted to make the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, and the 12 archangels. as for who took which didn't matter to Sora, as everyone in his eyes was of the same race. the conquest race.

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