In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 52: 0051 strange

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Sora appeared within the system, and once he appeared, his aura was felt all over the system, causing everyone within the system to feel his powerful aura. Sora felt his dragon aura, before frowning, he had turned into a dragon thanks to the Dragon God Devil slayer magic he had been training.

But Sora had only turned into a dragon, there was still the God and Devil form, Sora only could turn into a dragon for now. this truly seemed to be the limit of his seemly endless talent. Sora transformed, and turned back into a human form. but he only looked like a human, at his core he was now a dragon

Sora frowned slightly while looking at the changes to his body, but he threw this to the back of his mind before he looked at Goku who he captured.

"with that battle, I'm sure your world will grow stronger after getting my energy, but that's something I can deal with later," Sora said lazily as he felt his overwhelming power following through his body, Goku, on the other hand, struggled to break free, but his power was sealed the moment Sora and he appeared within the system.

"what do you want? you're weird, I faced many bad guys, but I sense no rage or hatred within you." Goku said with a deep frown, Sora's eyebrow raised slightly.

"what do I have to feel hatred towards? wouldn't I be looking too highly upon you if I hate you? as for rage?" Sora said with a shrug, Sora had no idea what he meant by him not sensing rage within him, he was sure he was angry.

"Whatever... I guess since you're not the main timeline goku I can damage your will... no, I could get a baby Goku from another timeline, and fuse you with him. that may I have a Goku who is loyal to me and who I didn't limit their future." Sora said softly before he used the fist of domination on Goku.

But Goku had powerful willpower, Sora had to punch him a few times until Goku was Dominated, Sora nodded slightly while looking at the now loyal Goku kneeling before him. after which, Sora went on to get all the information out of Goku before he had Goku go and become a teacher.

With Goku's mindset, he was perfect for raising the next generation, meanwhile, Sora took a break and went to go meet Irene. Irene was the creator of dragon slayer magic, She Erza and Zeref had set to go to the immortal realm. Sora didn't think it was time for them yet, he would wait for Shishi to map out more of the immortal realm before he pick good spots for them to get.

Upon arriving within the Fairy tail world, Sora ignored everything else and went to meet Irene, who was in close-door cultivation. Irene had nothing to worry about, her son was the ruler of this world, and her daughter was also one of the strongest people in this world. adding that fact that she and her daughter were married to Sora, she could spend all of her time cultivating.

but upon hearing Sora had arrived she quickly came out of close Door cultivation to greet him. but upon seeing Sora, she realized that Sora was no longer the same, as she was now a true dragon.

"now that I'm a dragon, I remembered that you two are a dragon. you who had the mind of a human suddenly becoming a dragon must have been hard, you lost some senses while others grew stronger. I understand why you would go crazy." Sora said with a smile, irene went quiet as she lowered her head slightly.

Her past was quite said, back in the fairy tail world, she was one of the humans who stoop up to fight against the dragons. to help the humans, she came up with dragon slayer magic, which helped the humans slaughter the dragons. but, there was a huge drawback to dragon slayer magic.

those who used this magic too much would turn into a dragon themselves, this caused others to become fearful of everyone who had dragon slayer magic. at this time, she was married, and also was pregnant. her husband went on to lock her away out of fear. for 3 years, she was for three years, Irene was tortured, humiliated, and beaten.

within these 3 years, she used all of her energy to protect her baby, slowing down the baby's growth, it was after 3rd year when her death was near and she told her husband the news. but he tried cutting her stomach open, causing Irene to transform into a dragon, where she rampaged, killing countless people before she ran off, hiding within a forest.

She stayed within the forest for years until Zeref came to meet her, where he helped her regain her human form. but she only looked at humans, she was still a dragon. She lost her sense of taste, she could no longer sleep, and her senses were too much for her to handle. this slowly drove her crazy, but seeing that she was pregnant, she went on to want to give birth to a daughter so she could have a human body again.

But when she gave birth to Erza and Levi, she couldn't carry through with her plans. She couldn't bring herself to take her daughter's body. so, she gave them away to a small village and left, worried that if she stayed she might end up stealing her body.

of course, there were other timelines where she was worthless and went through with this, but in those timelines, Levi was not born. there was only one Levi, there was an infinite number of parrell somewhere she never turned into a dragon and died happy along with her husband and so on, there was somewhere she searched the heaven and earth for a way to regain a human body, which she did after paying a huge price.

even if she fused with all of them, she knew that deep down what her main body was. she still wanted to lose this body she had, and things only got worse for her as she got the conquest bloodline. but she found as she cultivated her mind and soul, she was able to better adapt to this.

So, she spent most of her time cultivating, she wanted nothing more than to live happily with her children. but she knew she feared she might end up doing something she might regret if she didn't fix this problem she had

"you're still a dragon, as your husband, I do have the job to make her your life isn't such a pain in the ass," Sora said as his conquest Qi exploded out, and flew all over the place as if it was the wind. Irene froze as she found that she was a human... of course still of the conquest race, but she had regained her human-like body. but that was now all, she felt as if she could turn into a dragon and back into a human as she wishes.

"T-thank you." She said softly, she never expected Sora to know or even bother himself with her, but to his shock, he went out of his way to personally help him. as a former queen, she knew just what those in power were like. the fact he came all this way to see her was something that didn't go unnoticed by her, it showed just how much he cared, moving her.

"I have some free time, I will be using this time to meet my other wives," Sora said with a slight nod before he left. he remained within the fairy tail world and went to go see Ankhseram. Ankheseram was an evil god, known as the god of life and death. She was a ruthless person, putting benefits above everything else.

to say the least, she was a huge pain in Levi's ass. She was a power-hungry woman who wanted to take control of not just the fairy tail world but had eyes on all other worlds, she had conquered many lower-grade worlds, and some mid-grade worlds, slowly building power of her own. not to mention she also had many gods willing to follow her to the deepest level of hell.

she was a ruthless screaming woman, a cold heart person who couldn't understand the concept of love, care, or friendship. she would have used Sora to get what she wanted, but she knew her place, instead, she pains to slowly build her force and one takes the title of the queen. ruling over this whole world.

within a huge castle, a woman sat on a throne made of bones from all types of people, she had long black hair, and black lipsticks, which gave of an aura of death, making it so no life could exist near her. only those strong enough to resist had hope.

she was one of the few people within the system to master the law of death and even life. two powerful laws that even Sora had trouble comprehending, but she who was the god of life and death had a much easier time mastering these two laws than others. she had locked herself away within Progtoy, and simply stayed within comprehending law.

this was before she made a move to try and take over the fairy tail world, she knew the power was what was most important, so she ignored everyone and put all her attention on growing stronger. as a former ruler of gods, the person everything and everyone once respect and fear, she was unwilling to have someone like Levi take what she thought rightfully belonged to her,

at the moment, she was listening to a report from one of the undead, she had the power to course raise the undead. it was a perfect army,

"Lord Sora had appeared but seemed to have suddenly appeared. his power should have increased once more, he also seemed to be under the effect of dragon slayer magic" the undead said softly, Ankhseram frowned deeply while looking at the undead.

annoyance and displeasure flashed across her eyes, she had been keeping tabs on Sora. She knew Sora went to see his other wives and spent hours with them. yet never once has he come to see her. she didn't see how she was any weaker compared to the others, she had unmatched beauty, perfect size breasts, and a nice juicy ass.

she should have been the first person Sora came to. she could help but release some killing intent, not towards Sora, but the other wives. they were competitions, they had to be killed off quickly.

"Who has the wive in such a bad mood," Sora asked as he appeared within the throne room, Ankhseram froze before her killing intent instantly disappeared as if it was never there. She smiled sweetly, as she gave off a seductive air.

"Husband, you finally remember me." She said softly, she dared not go meet Sora, but since Sora came, she could guess why Sora came to see her. She entered into Sora's hands, while Sora hugged her slightly. he had such good and loving wives. nothing needed to be said, as they entered a bedroom, and loud moans quickly filled the castle,

within the immortal realm, Shisui could be seen flying through countless trees, before slamming heavily to the ground and coughing up a mouthful of blood. Slowly getting to his feet, he looked at the middle-aged man who was arrogantly walking toward him.

"you dare to have eyes Lord Long Wang woman, you have no one but yourself to blame." He said as he rushed forward, Shisui let out a roar before he too rushed forward. as he ran, clones seemed to suddenly appear all over the place.

But the middle-aged man just sneer, this was Shisui technique the body flickered. this movement skill could be used for high-speed movement, but Shisui had mastered it to such a level that he could create after images. He could use it to fade out of sight, leaving no trace of either his presence or indication of his destination.

his velocity and mobility were so great that he could also move undetected by sensor ninja and leave behind multiple tangible after-images that could strike with actual force. similar to Sora's step of conquest,

He had already found the weakness of this move, the afterimages had to become tangible to attack, he simply had to counter-attack when they attacked. He was stronger than Shisui, so he was not worried.

it was a bloody battle, Shisui who couldn't keep up the afterimages forever was hit, and sent flying while suffering many injuries. meanwhile, the middle-aged man wanted to see just how long this could go on until Shisui begs. Shisui was one the most talented people within the sect, but in the end, the sect picked Long Wang over him.

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

Long Wang was just too talented and had hope to become a peak sun and moon tier, and maybe even a heavenly immortal. something which Shisui might never hope to do,

as the battle went on, Shisui was sent flying. The middle-aged man slowly noticed something was off. the first thing he noticed was that Shisui after image technique was becoming more and more powerful, if things went on, the weakness of the afterimages having to become tangible might disappear.

the second thing he noticed was that each time Shisui was knocked back, he came back stronger. his powerlevel was just increasing as if he was drawing out untapped power. with him not even noticing, at some point Shisui had just let him hit him, as the damage and recovery only speed up this growth in power.

"you noticed," Shisui said with a mocking smile, the middle-aged man face darkened before he explode with killing intent. he rushed to end things, and the battle began once more, but this time Shisui was not in a such sorry state,

even if he had tried killing Shisui from the very start, it would have not really changed anything, Shisui's healing capability made him almost unkillable. t

they battle for some time, and Shisui was heavenly suppressed, but in the end, the middle-aged man grew fearful as Shisui was starting to counter. he jumped backward and let out a roar, he was a peak mountain and river tier expert with the power to match those at half step sun and moon, yet to his shock, Shisui at his moment could also match those at half step sun and moon tier, but he was still stronger.

"you piece of trash" The middle-aged man yelled, he had a powerlevel of 300,000 mountains and rive,r meanwhile Shisui only had 190,000 mountains and rivers. the power gap was still huge, but Shisui was body flicker technique was a real pain in the ass.

Now, Shisui's body flicker technique could be said to be perfect, his after images now only had turned part of their body tangible to attack. So, a counter-attack would just go through them and instead might lead to you suffering heavy injuries

the middle-aged man's body suddenly transformed, as his skin turned into metal. his powerlevel increased by 5 times, making Shisui frown slightly, he now had 1.5 stars.  Shisui didn't back down, Itachi was one of the few nearing the ability to skip 3 ranks if he was still at the gold rank, meaning that Itachi even while as heavily suppressed as he was, he could easily defeat this guy.

the middle-aged man rushed towards Shsiui, Shisui fell into defense mode and he suffered another beating. but the more this meant on, the more his will to fight burned heavily. the more it burned, the stronger he got.

meanwhile, the middle-aged man roared in rage. he punched Shsiui to the point his head exploded, but Shisui's head reformed. He swallows Shisui in a fist Qi, erasing his body and soul, but Shisui's body suddenly reformed with a huge explosion of flames.

Shisui only got stronger, while he, on the other hand, grew more and more annoyed, soon he roared before his body turned into a liquid-like state, and this powerlevel doubled two 3 stars. Shisui's punch suddenly entered the metal liquid metal, before he slowly disappeared as if he was just an afterimage.

Shisui found he had no way to attack, but he didn't give up. he soon found that the middle-aged man couldn't help up the liquid state for too long, only for 1 second. of course, to an expert like them, a second is like a whole day for a normal human.

with this discovery, he began aiming his attack. and so, the battle went on, Shsiui only got stronger, while the middle-aged man found he would soon be of no match for Shisui. slowly, fear began growing within his heart. if he remains then he would slowly die if Shisui kept growing like this,

but as he planned to run, he threw a hateful glare at Shisui, but Shisui had already known what he was planning. at that moment he planned to leave, Shisui used Kotoamatsukami.

Within the demon court, the demon emperor was looking toward the mortal realm with a killing intent that reached the sky. The demon prince was not the only son he had, he had countless children. and many of them were within the mortal realm at this moment.

among them was his most beloved daughter, a demon who had been born with the purest bloodline of the demon race. although she was not the most talented, he planned to marry her, so she could give birth to an even more talented child, who might rival the most talented child he currently had.

he had collected many treasures to help his childbirth, he even had created a technique for this child, he would, of course, steal that child's body. but Sora had gotten his way. he dared not destroy the seal out of fear for his daughter's safety,

his most talented child was only second to the son of heaven, but this child he and his daughter could give birth to... he might match or even suppress the son of heaven. the thought of this caused him to be caused his hatred towards Sora to skyrocket.

"we will ally with the other courts, with everyone's mind united they can easily remove the seal," The demon emperor said in a chilling tone, he could not lose his daughter.

many other clans and courts also had the same thoughts, even the heavenly court moved to work together to remove the seal. many people had their disciples, children, and so on within the mortal realm. they, of course, couldn't just sit there and watched,

within the system, Sora who was in Bed with Ankhseram smiled slightly, before he frowned when the notification of the system suddenly went off

{congrulation on enraging every power within the first heaven. a hidden quest has been complete, face off against the immortal realm all on your own,

Reward: {Gods Palm},} the system said, shocking sora was relaxing with Ankhseram fast asleep in his arms. Sora calmly went through the god palm technique.

God's palm was an Omni Palm technique which was extremely powerful, with this palm art, Sora could hold all of existence in his palm. His palm attack would never miss, and be almost unblockable, this was an absolute palm art, embodying the power of an all-powerful god of conquest

Sora put Ankhseram to the side, before his body flashed with the conquest armor, after which he left the system and appeared outside. just as he appeared, he sensed how those within the immortal realm were working together to break the seal.

"speed up the conquest, I will hold them off as much as I could," Sora said as he transformed into a huge dragon before his Supreme Susanoo covered him. he shot up, and energy rushed out of his body before it went on to fuse with the seal, strengthening, and also making it ever-changing, that way it would make those immortals have a harder time

those within the immortal realm, many powerful experts frowned as they saw the changes to the seal. they all frowned as they had question marks appear above their head.

they had to admit, Sora was capable to do something like this, but there was a huge problem with this. Sora in the end was too weak to do this, so he was bypassing this by using a huge amount of energy. now, this brought upon another question, how on earth did someone at the gold rank have this much energy?

the amount leaving Sora was so much that Sora's veins were popping, but removed at such a high speed that many couldn't notice. but they could, Sora wasn't giving the world energy, he had the seal forcefully suck out the energy needed.

By now they all knew Sora was not normal, this was something even True immortal would trouble before, yet a small Gold rank expert was going this? and to make things worse, the true immortal could no longer deal with this seal and had to fall back onto an emperor.

but to their horror, they watched as Sora just stood there for days, as the seal sucked his energy none stop. the seal-sucking power was so much, that Sora's healing ability could no longer keep up, everyone could clearly see Sora slowly drying up.

but after some time, Sora stopped and stepped backward, and his body slowly returned to normal. all the immortals went quiet while looking at the new seal... now, the mortal realm didn't just grow stronger because of Sora, the seal had become one with the mortal realm. meaning, even most immortal emperors were helpless before this.

'damn, I had to use up a huge amount of my world energy for this,' Sora thought as he weakly looked at his body, although he had an endless amount of energy, the seal was sucking even that up, forcing Sora to fall back on his world. There were levels to infinity, just because Sora had infinite energy didn't mean that someone with a level of infinite above his couldn't suck him dry.

'Whatever, now I could relax. my world would recover thanks to the phoenix dragon statue, so I didn't really lose anything... and in fact, this world has turned into a high Complex Multiverse. although still smaller than the immortal realm, this means the lower realm would get bigger, and the limitations of cultivation have increased to half step sun and moon.' Sora thought while looking at the mortal realm,

'i might fuse with a Hyperverse, I since I can't breakthrough until I fuse with a world, I can push myself none stop until I reach my limit. I can only fight 4 realms above my cultivation... let's go for 5. I want to be able to fight a heavenly immortal while only at the gold rank.' Sora thought with detention burning in his eyes before he left to return to the dragon ball world He had to absorb many people, and the more talented they were the better. as they would increase his talent, meaning the further he could grow

meanwhile, far away within an unknown space. a handsome young man sat lazily on a chair while drinking wine. he was looking straight ahead, as his eyes ignored space and time, seeing everything that was happening within the mortal realm.

"Snort, this brat dares not take me as his master. snort, to have already skipped 4 realms at a young age..." He said annoyed, this was none other than Ling Han. He had been eyeing Sora for the longest, he truly wanted Sora to be his disciple, this only grew seeing Sora already skipping for 4 realms. he knew there was a high chance Sora might be more talented than him, which is why he wanted to take him in. a talent like this couldn't be left to be covered by dust, but instead should be looked after closely.

"guess I should be heading to earth, something about that world is not normal." He said softly, people said that experts created earth as an experiment, but he found out that was just a lie. he wanted to get down to the truth of that world, after all, he took was from earth. 2 life ago, he was nothing more than a mortal on earth.

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