In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 56: 0055 Human sovereign

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within the system, Sora floated in the system, as he added the lifeforms from the dragon ball world to the system. after which, Sora went on to have everyone have the conquest bloodline before he went on to go out and begin the conquest of the mortal realm.

as Sora walked toward the huge lower realm, as Sora walked towards it, out of the blue a group of experts from different races flew out to meet him. Sora with hands behind his back calmly looked at them all,

"you all should surely know you can't win. you can't defeat my soldiers, much less me." Sora said calmly as his eyes landed on a low early mountain and river,  SHe had a heroic aura about her, making many feel like submitting to her. she was a born leader, someone everyone felt like they could put their trust into.

he had seen her before. He had seen her within the dream walker inheritance group, she was the second person to wake up from the dream.

"It's you." She said in shock, she too remembered Sora, he was the first person to waken from the inheritance. she had remained with the mortal realm for countless years awaiting for the inheritance to begin. when Sora gained the complete inheritance, they were able to remain and still gain something.

She had seen Sora as a rival, but he had suddenly disappeared after the first test, she had managed to complete the whole test and came in first among everyone. but even so, she was shocked to find she didn't get the true inheritance, but even so what she got allowed her to remain within the mortal realm cultivating that art.

"those who submit now, I can ignore all your wrongdoing. as for the others... depending on your crimes, you will be punished or killed," Sora said calmly, the golden-haired eric woman seriously looked at Sora, before standing tall. she gave off the aura that said, even if the sky fall, I shall hold it up. Clearly, she was not going to lower her head, but sora exported that.

She had a huge amount of destiny Qi, after all, she was born for greatness. she had the aura and the mind of someone who was meant to be a leader. and shockingly, she was only a pure-blood human, as for what type of human, Sora couldn't tell.

The woman was about to speak, but to her shock, her army suddenly broke apart as some people joined Sora's side. among these people were many from the cat race, dog race, demon race, angel race, spider race, and so many others.

"Nu Mu, even you?" She said in shock while looking at a red-haired demon, she had been born in the shape of a crown, and had devilish looks. she was one of the strongest people on her side and was born with the ancestor demon bloodline and extremely powerful bloodline. but compared to all with such a bloodline, hers was extremely pure, which greatly reflected in her strength,

"he and my father had a huge fallen out, I'm willing to follow you if it means his death." She said softly as she bowed slightly before Sora. With calmly looked at her before nodding,

"even if you don't follow me, the demon race would soon submit under my rule. the demon emperor will die sooner or later..." Sora said calmly, Nu Mu smiled slightly at his words. she deeply hated her father, it all started from the day she was born

Her father only birthed her to have her give birth to his child, he didn't bother to try and hide this. he made it clear he had used many treasures on her mother so she was born with such a bloodline, and the next step was for her to give birth to his son, who he will take over.

Her mother was proven useless, so she was killed before her eyes. it was also a show of might that showed that he could easily kill her whenever he wants, he made it clear he didn't mind starting over, something which left her helplessly, and with a deeply buried hatred toward him.

than Sora came long. the fact he could do so much while only at the gold rank already shocked her. she already had begun thinking of joining his side, to say the least when she got news of how he tortured her father will, she was slightly happy. Sora was the only hope he had to escape her sad fate,

"but you promise..." The golden hair woman said with gritted teeth seeing how Nu Mu couldn't even turn to look at her. Nu Mu just lowered her head slightly, feeling guilty, but with a deep breath to calm her heart. she went to stand by Sora's side, as she coldly looked at her now enemies

"Enough with the pointless talking, get ready for battle." A man with a car over his eye said calmly, everyone got into formations, as countless avatars of all shapes and sizes appeared. Sora calmly stepped forward, while waving at the others to just watch.

Just at that moment, Nu Mu suddenly moved. a sword appeared in her hands, a demonic-looking Sora which stabbed towards Sora's back, she picked a perfect moment as Sora had his guard down. she could feel he was not even paying towards her, leaving him wide open.

everyone's eyes widened while they looked at that sword stabbing forward, but at the least second, Sora's hand seemed to have a will of its own. grabbing the sword in between two fingers. Sora tried to break the sword, but to his shock, he found he couldn't damage the sword

"I let my guard down because I know there is no way you could ever hurt me, I easily knew that you were going to stab me in the back... literally," Sora said lazily, not even bothering to turn around to look at her. this to say the least left her in shock, she tried to pull the sword out, but to her horror, she couldn't move the sword.

With a war cry, she stopped pulling the sword and stabbed it forward. but nothing happened, at this time, the golden-haired woman shot forward with a war cry. a golden sword appeared in her hands which she used to stab forward,

"you had me fooled." She cried as she cut down towards Sora, but Sora caught the attack in between his two fingers. Nu Mu smiled slightly at her words,

"If I'm going to die, I want to go down knowing I had some control of my fate. I will always stand by your side, that's a promise." She yelled as she exploded with power, the sword seemed to grow stronger from her emotions, leading to it moving slightly. Sora's eyebrow raised seeing this, With a flick, he sent her flying before turning towards the gold-haired woman who was slightly stronger than her.

The woman golden sword let out a bright glow, which made the void have some color. Both she and the sword became one, exploring with great power which forced Sora's hand back, Sora frowned slightly while looking at the two swords.

Nu Mu and the golden-haired woman stood side by side as they faced Sora, their two sword glowed with great power before they rushed toward him. at the same time, the other experts shot forward, aiming to kill Sora.

Sora punched forward, but just as his fist was about to connect with the golden-haired woman, a mirror appeared in front of his fist. Sora's fist shot into the mirror, and flew back out, slamming into his chest, sending him flying backward.

'the law of reflections' Sora thought calmly as he tried to find the person with this law, but out of the blue, a person with a body made out of pure muscles appeared in front of him. He had 4 arms, each with 6 fingers. his skin gave off the glow of metal as he punched Sora.

Sora punched forward to meet his match, and shockingly, Sora found he was physically weaker than his man. Sora was shocked as he was sent flying backward, of course not injured.

"the absolute strength physique?" Sora said in shock before he suddenly turned around and saw a lightning tiger appearing behind him. the speed of this tiger was shocking, matching the likes of teleportation.

Sora was hit with countless blows, before the lightning tiger tried itself out, forcing it to make some space before Sora could attack. She was too fact, to match the likes of teleportation, her speed was not limited by time. they were instant

"Heavenly Speed physique," Sora said softly seeing his defense was broken through, and he was injured. the heaven and earth could give people absolute power when it senses its danger was near, the Absoluto strength physique and Heavenly Speed physique were just one of a few.

of course, they were not truly all-powerful. it was like heaven gave them a bit of its power, speed, energy, and so on. the absolute strength physique could give one enough power to lift their whole realm. while the heavenly speed physique could allow one to be as fast as the heavens. of course, the heaven can take this power back whenever it wishes. but normal the heaven would not let someone use this power outside its rage, so one could tell how much danger the heavens were feeling to let them use its power within the void

Sora suddenly turned and saw a huge avatar slamming towards him, it was made out of countless ants, and the ant's two huge teeth bit down at Sora. the force from this bite was so powerful space ripped apart like paper.

Sora reached out, grabbing the ant teeth, and with some force, the ant avatar shattered like glass. Sora's body moved on its own, dodging countless attacks from countless avatars, Sora's eyes suddenly widened as he was locked in space chains.

Looking up, he saw a white-clothed man holding a staff towards him. Just when Sora was about to shatter the chains, his attention was caught by Nu Mu and the golden-haired woman.

"... he is powerful, and he isn't even going all out." The Golden-haired woman said softly as she looked at Sora, Nu Mu smiled slightly as she held her hand. The Golden-haired woman was stunned for a moment before she smiled.

"let's control our own fate. " Nu Mu said softly, the golden-haired woman smiled slightly before wrapping her hand around her waist. their two swords exploded with more power, the two were stunned as they felt a strange feeling from the swords.

The glow from the sword suddenly covered them, they uncontrollably raised the sword into the sky as a huge Yin-Yang trigram appeared behind him. the two were stunned for some time before they smiled, they had awakened the sword spirits.

"let's go, Ya Se" Nu Mu yelled as they both rushed towards Sora, they both suddenly exploded with new and unique energy, Nu Mu exploded with Demon Qi, a unique Qi of those of the demon realm, while Ya Se exploded with Human Qi.

with her newfound power, Sora had no choice but to take them slightly serous. with slight movement, the chains around him shattered. all this time he was simply using his physique, the fact his physique was enough to bully them when they had strength at the sun and moon tier was shocking.

everyone who was watched held their breath seeing the power they explode out with, this was power at half step Heavenly immortal. everyone felt relaxed seeing this, with such power Sora had to die.


They clashed, but to everyone's horror, the two females were sent flying backward while coughing up a mouth full of blood. one punch and two of them were sent flying like kets, they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"I see, you are the future human sovereign. no wonder you have such an aura, you are fated to rule over all humans... and you were chosen to lead over all demons." Sora said calmly shocking everyone who heard his words.

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"Ya Se... go, I will burn my lifeforce to hold him off." Nu Mu said softly as she looked at Sora with a helpless look. but Ya Se pulled her closer, as she looked deeply into her eyes with a loving look.

"where can I run? if we are going to die, let's die together." She said softly, Nu Mu was stunned slightly before she smiled slightly. the Yin-Yang trigram behind them suddenly grew, and their powerlevel suddenly increased once more.

the two looked at each other before they suddenly kissed. their two demons Qi and Human Qi suddenly fused, and the Yin-Yang trigram behind them suddenly began spinning. Sora didn't move to stop them, he was caught off guard by the lovely show before him. two beauties with stunning looks were kissing in front of him, he froze slightly

but, he suddenly felt something off. Yin and Yang were being reversed. the two pointed their sword at Sora, and Sora felt something pressing down upon him. Life and death were being reversed, his eyes widened as he felt this.

this was hard to defend against. Sora's lifespan began dropping at a scary speed. Sora's eyebrow raised for some time before he used his comprehension of law to defend against this, but even Sora, it couldn't be fully defended against.

"Yin and yang, the building block of all things. very few things suppress Yin and Yang, even creations and destruction fall under yin and Yang." Sora said softly as he walked towards them, the two were stunned for a moment before they let out a roar. they put everything they had into their sword, even burning their lifeforce to greatly increase their power.

"But, you were fated to lose," Sora said softly, the world around everyone shattered, and everyone found themselves where they were a few minutes ago. Nu Mu had just betrayed them and had joined Sora's side, but she had yet to stab him in the back. they all realized it was an illusion, but it was so real. everything that happened was too real to be fake.

"I trapped you all within the same illusions. your minds and my mind created it, so everything that played out is what would have played out. in other words, I just showed you all how the future would have most likely played out." Sora said calmly as he looked at the golden sword and demonic sword.

the two swords have not been awakened, allowing him to take them. Sora threw them away into the system, before looking at everyone else, before putting his hands behind his back.

"Now... is this an illusion or reality?" Sora asked calmly, everyone felt absolutely helpless at this moment. such capability with illusion left them all feeling helpless, even those killed in seeing through illusion thought everything was reality

Ya Se who also cultivated the dream emperor cultivation art felt chills, she could awaken from dreams. illusions were similar to dreams, the fact she couldn't even feel such a powerful illusion left her horrified, she couldn't even guess when she was put in such a powerful illusion.

"so, should I show you how illusions could kill?" Sora asked calmly, everyone felt chills at his words, many quickly submitted, as they kneeled before Sora. their leaders and young masters were enraged seeing this, but did they dare to do anything now? even those who didn't get a good look at Sora were caught in the illusion

the illusion Sora created was based on another ability he got off the Bleach world, Kanzen Saimin. Kanzen Saimin controls the five senses to the point where it can make the target misinterpret another person's form, shape, mass, feel, and smell to be an enemy's. The Kanzen Saimin is absolutely flawless; even if the target is aware of being under hypnosis, they cannot resist its influence.

Sora had taken this ability and the Dream emperor cultivation art, now a simple thought could become reality. his illusions were as good as real, they could sense it was an illusion because the illusion at that point was not an illusion, it was reality. Sora indeed was showing them the future, while they were in that state, Sora was able to do whatever he wanted to their main bodies.

Everyone submitted before Sora, they were all confused on rather this was still an illusion or not, this was worse than torture as they were questioning their reality. Sora calmly opened a portal, and took them all in. well they entered, he had his man deal with the high-grade realm and the many other realms within this world.

Meanwhile, far away from the cultivation world. within a world, an overhead-looking alien who looked similar to Zeno was sitting upon a throne. his face was currently twisted in rage as he looked at the angel kneeling before him.

"What happened to the world my son was looking after?" He said angrily, his beloved son. he had given him a world of his own, he had reached a level of strength where he could travel to other worlds. he had a huge world of his own, but he wanted his son to grow and walk on his own two feet. but, he was now hearing the whole world he had given to his son was gone?

"We have gathered the dragon balls and made a wish. we have located the young prince, it seems someone absorbed this world. if we can capture whoever took the prince then we could bring him back." The angel said softly, Zeno's father sighed in relief, before nodding.

"then prepare for war, someone dares harm my son. I will destroy their world." He said angrily, everyone moved to his order, while they were getting ready to head off...

meanwhile, within the immortal realm. Shisui could be seen shooting through mountains, he slammed heavenly into one which caught him. Shisui coughed up a mouth full of blood, as he shakily looked up at the incoming dragon.

slowly, a smile grew on his face as he exploded with a huge amount of power, enough to rival the skills of those at half-step heavenly Immortal. he laughed madly, his powerlevel at his moment was indeed shocking.

this was the mission he had picked, a powerful dragon had been attacking a nearby city. he was to kill the dragon, he had easily killed the dragon but its father had come out of nowhere to kill Shisui. with this newfound power, Shisui was indeed powerful. but this was the strongest he could be if he doesn't go all out and use abilities like Susanoo

Shisui shot forward and fought the dragon once more, their battle was heaven-shaking, and slowly the dragon slowly began running away. slowly, Shisui exploded with power, and with a palm attack, countless after images of the attack filled the sky, hitting the dragon and sending it falling to the ground, covered in injured.

'now, I should get the former owner of this body his payback, before going towards the heavenly court. I will explode in cultivation once I steal everything the sect has.' Shisui thought as he looked at the dragon, he wanted to absorb it, but it would blow his cover. he thought for some time about what he should do, before he decided to cook it. this way, he could devour it, without blowing his cover.

after eating the dragon which was the size of a mountain, Shisui set off and went on to return to the sect. upon his return, everyone within the sect was shocked to see he was still alive. Shisui calmly ignored them all and went to search for where that woman was, but to his disappointment, he found out that they had left the sect it seems like the ancestor had taken an interest in their talent and believed that they could enter those high-grade sects, so currently, they were going to take an exam to enter a higher grade sect.

Shisui headed off to where they went, if he didn't kill that woman then his cultivation path would be hellish. since he fused with the other soul, he had to kill her in order to make him completely disappear. if he remains, Shisui would be limiting his cultivation and would have to ask Sora for help.

back within the system, Sora sat upon his throne while looking at thouands of females, calmly resting his head on his fist, he calmly looked down upon them all like an emperor.

"I gave you all 3 weeks to adapt to the bloodline and to also allow you to know how your future would be... I also wanted your density to increase as well." Sora said calmly, everyone went quiet for some time before a huge amount of them stepped forward, announcing they were willing to marry him.

As Sora accepted them, destiny Qi flew out of their body. the phoenix empire statue flew out of Sora, as it absorbed all of their Qi, allowing it to grow stronger. Sora looked at the others, and those few who still didn't want to marry him gritted their teeth for some time before they submitted. it was best they willing submitted, nothing good was going to come out of them resisting.

the phoenix dragon let out a powerful sky as it absorbed this huge amount of destiny Qi, so much Qi caused its power to explode with life. it suddenly flew out of the castle and flew all over Sora's world, everyone who was married within the castle suddenly had their destiny Qi absorbed by phoenix Dragon, allowing it to grow stronger and stronger.

{congrulation on evolving the phoenix Empire statue into a living lifeform... the phoenix state would now absorb destiny Qi from every lifeform within the system that is married, note that some of it would be lost. it's best that they are married to you.} the system said as Sora smiled slightly,

"The Power 900 billion Heavenly Dao," Sora said with a smile as he looked at the phoenix dragon falling all over the place, before turning to him, and fusing back into his being. Sora calmly sat down and went on to look down upon everyone, and had them leave while having the other males return.

time went by, and soon it was fighting time. Sora sat upon his throne within deep thought, going through his gains from breaking through to the diamond rank. the gains were simple,

The go conquest cultivation art gave him a few things. the Fist of war. it once boosted his strength by 100 times, but it now boosted Sora's strength by 1,000 times. it got 10 times stronger,

The Gods Eye had evolved, allowing Sora to become all-seeing. time didn't limit his sight. he could see into the future, past, and even parrell worlds. Sora was all-seeing, his range could see a low-grade complex world with a simple look, seeing everything within without much work. He didn't simply see, he could see even sound waves, allowing him to sound.

the god of conquest cultivation art also gave him more improvement. he gained the demi-god physique, Demi-God Soul, and Demi-God Mind. with this, his strength went through a huge change, allowing his powerlevel to gain greater power.

Lastly, the Dream Emperor Cutlivaiton's art gave him the ability to turn dreams into reality. with this, it gave him the ability to rewrite his injuries, making them nothing more but a dream. Sora also gained another treasure from the Dream Walker inheritance,

He gained the dream crystal, a unique crystal that could greatly inherence his dream Qi, allowing him to bring more and more stuff into reality. with this, Sora's imitations of what he could do were loosened by 100 times,

"let's begin the tournament. I will give everyone 100 years to get ready, I will also add the dream world to his world." Sora said softly as he stood up, his words traveled across time and space, being heard by everyone with high ranking.

and with that, Sora went on to create a dream world. but he created it in a unique way, he would be the dream, after creating the dream world, Sora went on to give the task of getting the tournament ready, while he sat down and comprehended law.

Now, the law was pointless to him. he needed to comprehend the Dao if he wished to have his strength. with the increase in Sora's strength, his comprehension capability was higher. as a cultivator improves, their IQ improves. this allows them to better understand stuff

someone in the void-shattering realm would seem to instantly understand many things a mortal has trouble understanding. this is because their thinking speed is higher, and their comprehension capability was higher.

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