In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 58: 0057 living hell

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"Lord, you summoned us?" Red asked while kneeling before Sora who was standing on the balcony overlooking his kingdom. Sora slowly turned to look at them with a slight smile, he had summoned Red, Silver, Itachi, Zeldris, Di Yalan, and Hope.

they all could sense that at this moment Sora seemed to be a normal human, he was aging like a normal human, he had flesh like a normal human, and even his soul and mind were that of a normal human.

"I will be living for 100 years, I shall return on the day of the tournament, I will leave everything to you 6," Sora said calmly, stunning them.

"where are you going? I will have the maids ready a carriage." Silver said quickly, Sora shook his head slightly as he thought of the quest. To master all Daos would be hard, this was even more so thanks to the fact that one can not use time accusations to speed up the speed they comprehend Dao.

Dao was not affected by time in the normal sense, to speed time up and try to comprehend the Dao was pointless, you would just be shorting your lifespan, Dao was the universe, comprehending it was understanding the working of all things. not small fragments like laws, but everything, to master every Dao was something that Sora didn't believe was possible, even if he was as talented as he was currently.

"I shall go live as a mortal, and comprehend the Dao. I will cut off all connections from you until then." Sora said calmly, stunning Di Yalan, Di Yalan knew Sora well. Sora would not up and go live like a mortal willingly, she knew his pride.

"don't ask why I shall be leaving," Sora said calmly as he waved his hands, using his power within the system, he found the place with the most karma awaiting him. and with that, he disappeared, leaving them all worried for his safety.

But they couldn't allow this news to be spread to the outside world, they had to hide it closely. meanwhile, they had to manage and have everything awaiting Sora's return. but with 6 people working, they were to be in conflict. But, they were all smart people and after some time learned to work together

meanwhile, within the system on a small planet. Sora appeared wearing normal mortal clothing and looking no different from a mortal. of course, his stunning looks were there, but it was more down to earth.

Sora took a deep breath before going through the information the system had installed into his mind. Earth was a portal to the omniverse, so the knowledge it had was great. the reason why humans could be found anywhere, in the center of the story was because of this. of course, each earth was not the same, but more like mirrors.

Sora took a deep breath before he went on to go and find his next move, He had no power. he couldn't even use law, as law needed some level of cultivation and Qi to use. but for Dao, one can use the power of Dao even as a mortal. their every movement would be filled with Dao.

As Sora went on to live his life as a mortal, without the immortal realm, Shisui stood before Long Wang, this man was the man of the woman he had to kill. but now he was standing arrogantly before him.

"So a trash like yourself wants to join the sect as well?" He asked arrogantly, currently, he and countless other people were within a pocket space, taking an exam to enter the sect. He had already caught the eye of the sect leader,  who was a peak heavenly immortal.

the exam was quite simple, they had to kill the beast and collect points. the more points the better. if you also killed someone who had points, you would gain 50% of the points, and the person who was killed would restart with 1% of the 50% points they had. so, if they had 100 points and you killed them, you would get 50 points, while they would restart with only 0.5 points.

only 10,000 people would be accepted every million years, and everyone had to be at least at the Moutain and river tier. Shisui had broken through along the way, allowing him to gain the right to take place within this place. meanwhile, Long Wang's breakthrough had reached the low early  Moutain and river tier and was near a breakthrough in the mid-early mountain and river within this short amount of time.

Long Wang was indeed talented as he was also a ruby grade immortal, boosting his power even more. meanwhile, Shisui was only at low early Moutain and river, even so, he was talented and could be shown as he was a perfections grade immortal.

A ruby grade immortal was 150 times stronger than the mortal immortal, meanwhile, a Perfection grade immortal was 10 times stronger than a ruby grade immortal. currently, Long Wang was well known for having over 10 heavenly Dao of power when going all out.

"you were foolish enough to appear before me," Shisui said softly as he cast an illusion, an illusion of a sword that appeared in his hands before it turned into reality. he had mastered many laws, and the law of illusions was one of such laws, allowing him to create true illusions.

"Haha, kill this fool." Long Wang said mockingly, his followers smiled coldly as they stepped forward while cracking their fists. but as they took the first step, their eyes went colorless and they fell lifeless to the ground.

"you surround yourself with trash... I guess trash belongs with each other." Shisui said with a mocking smile, Long Wang's smile froze slightly as he coldly looked at Shisui. those around him could barely match someone at the sun and moon tier, meanwhile, Shisui could easily kill those at the son and moon tier. Shisui simply killed them all with a look, of course, that look held a powerful illusion

Long Wang slowly stepped forward as he released a powerful aura. his arms were crossed as he looked at Shisui like how one might look at an ant.

"I the heavenly prince shall teach you a lesson you shall never forget," he said coldly before he suddenly raised his palm to the sky. the bright sky suddenly went dark, as Shisui looked up, he saw a huge palm fall frown the sky. this palm seemed to cover the whole sky, as it fell it was covered in flames from the speed it was falling down.

Shisui calmly looked at this, before he moved and cut at the sky. the palm which was falling suddenly exploded in blood before it disappeared. Long Wang let out a soft cry of pain as blood covered his palm, looking at his palm, he angrily looked at Shisui.

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

the two eyed each other for some time, until a powerful wind slammed down on top of them, cracking the whole plate to crack, seemingly about to explode. Shisui and Long Wang moved at the same time and began their clash,

their clash caused a huge clock wave that seemly was going to destroy the planet, but they were powerful and skilled enough to minimize their shock waves. slowly, they took their planet into outer space, where they unleashed more and more of their power.

in the outside world, countless people were tuning in to watch their battle. as the most talented person to take the exam this year, Long Wang had many people watching him take the exam, the sect of course took the exam as a chance where they could get some income, billions of people were all watching this, all of them, of course, had to pay. and to say the least, this was a huge income for the sect. not to mention the food they sold.

"Who is the new guy fighting Long Wang?" Someone said in shock and amazement, Long Wang was already accepted to be among the top 5 most talented people in the Heaven Shaking Sect, this was a huge event that had many people come and see for their own eyes.

Some people quickly pinched their fingers to find out who Shisui was, and they quickly found out about his past. they all took deep breaths as they realized Shisui had only cultivated for a few years, after being seriously injured and on the blink of death he had lost his cultivation and had cultivated back up to such a level within a short amount of time. truly a genius.

they all watched the battle, and to their shock, Shisui was slowly taking the upper head, forcing Long Wang backward.

"Is this everything? I and you had no problems, but you brought it all upon yourself. be lucky I can't kill you within this pocket space." Shisui said calmly as he got ready to kill Long Wang, Long wang's face twitched in rage before went all out.

"you little ant," Long Wang angrily looked at Shisui before he suddenly began transforming, turning into a huge Lightning Roc. his cultivation which he was hiding at low early Moutain and river suddenly returned to normal, at Mid Early Moutain and river, his powerlevel shot up to 2,850 Heavenly Doa, making him capable of matching those at high early Heavenly immortal.

"is that all? the heavenly Lighting Roc bloodline?" Shisui asked with disdain before he unleashed a powerful human aura, since he could have any unique bloodline, he transformed his aura to that of a human. Shisui powerlevel reached its peak, reaching 3,600 Heavenly Dao,

Long Wang froze seeing this, he was a grade above Shisui, so he had the upper hand in cultivation, he also was using some treasures to help boost his strength. thinking this, made him enraged, he should have been number one under the heavens, his hatred towards Shisui suddenly skyrocketed, reaching the stars

"Today I shall kill you, be grateful I can't truly kill you within this world. but I can give you a fate worse than death." Shisui said coldly as he walked forward, the Long Wang rushed forward to attack with his strongest move. but he was surrounded by after images and was soon beaten to the point he was forced back into a human form.

"knowledge what you have enraged, all over a woman," Shisui said calmly as he stepped on his head, everyone who was watching this went quiet. they all forgot to breathe, they were not expecting two monsters such as these to appear within the sect. both were at early Moutain and river, yet could match those at high early Heavenly immortal, this was impressive

"Kill me if you dare, I swear I will one day make you suffer." Long Wang said through gritted teeth, his eyes filled with a deep hatred. Shisui seeing his eyes which were filled with hatred eyes narrowed slightly

"well, this is a technique I call Akumu," Shisui said softly as he cast a powerful illusion while looking into his eyes. Akumu was a powerful illusion he and Itachi came up with, a good way to torture people for information that was needed.

the illusion was simple, it draws out your worst nightmare, and makes you live through it. in a blink of an eye, you would have lived through it thousands of times, if you get used to the nightmare then another nightmare or way of suffering would be picked. making you suffer and suffer none stop,

within the illusion, Long Wang was chained up while looking at 5 grown men who were butt-naked, horror filled his eyes. he was shaking in fear as he found himself butt-naked, he didn't need to think much to know what would happen next. what was a worse fate for a male than this, to think he would lose his first time like this?

"if you dare make me suffer through this illusion, even as a ghost, I will never forgive you." Long Wang yelled, and so, soon screams of pain filled this world. but his screams disappeared as if something entered his mouth, but after a few weeks of this, it turned into pleasure, causing the nightmare to change.

Long Wang found himself standing before a crowd of ugly men, he froze slightly before finding that they all had small dicks. his face twitched slightly seeing this, making him enjoy this only to give him something like this? Long Wang almost cried as he went through this, questioning if it was in or not. he weathers go back to the first nightmare, not just for pleasure, but anything was better than this.

but soon he was starting to get used to this, but before he could the nightmare changed once more. but this time he found himself surrounded by a group of men with huge things. seeing this, a part of him was happy, but he didn't want to accept that part of himself.

but it didn't take long for that part of him that was happy to disappear, as this was a full-on hell, going at it none stop for seemly years. he reached hills limits, but they just kept going, it got to the point he was scared, asking for all of this to end

back to Shisui, Shisui didn't bother to know what suffering he would go through. but seeing Long Wang's eyes slowly losing their color, he sneered slightly. in all, only 5 years passed within the illusion Shisui had no control over what type of illusion was played, the mind was what tortured itself, but it was not a type of mind game. but full-on torture that could break the mind.

Long Wang's mind first had Long Wang enjoy it, then made Long Wang start to hunger for bigger things, leading to that last nightmare. which meant broke Long Wang, for a time, Long Wang felt like he was in heaven, but it turned into a living hell.

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