In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 70: 0068 the demon race attack

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Shiro frowned as she opened a scroll, after reading it, a severe look appeared on her face. Sora who was at the side noticed this, and smiled slightly, it seems things were about to get interesting.

"the sect is under attack, the sect called me back." She said softly, Sora nodded slightly before he called out for Tiger. after a moment, the tiger came running with Saiko. It's been 13 months since Shiro came, and everyone had gone through huge improvement within this time... all but Sora, Sora had hit a bottleneck in his creations on the path of conquest.

This path could only be considered to be a level 2 law, this shockingly allowed Sora's strength to increase by 100, which Shiro didn't expect as he comprehend so many Dao, yet his strength didn't increase.

"you're coming?" She asked in shock, to which Sora nodded calmly as he jumped on the back of the tiger, Saiko sat in front of him, while Shiro stepped on a flying sword. Shiro frowned slightly, if Sora was coming, she believed this matter was not as simple as she thought it was.

They headed off, while Sora was in deep thought. he comprehended many of these within this past year, conquest seemed simple outright. but digging deeper, the concept of conquest was more profound than many people realize, creating this path was tricky as Sora was walking in the dark. it was a good thing the system made him a mortal before doing this, as it would be hundreds of times harder if he was powerful.

some time went by, and they soon reached thunder mountain sect. as they arrived, Sora saw that the sect barrier was up, not too far away, a gate to the demon realm had opened and was surrounded by a bunch of demons that had set up camp, getting ready to attack the sect.

as Shiro neared the sect, she quickly announced who saw was, allowing the portal to open up and for her to enter. once she entered, Shiro's master came over to quickly greet her. although Shiro was from the higher realm and had a high status, she had never cultivated and only began cultivating when she arrived here. so she was relaying heavenly on the sect to learn,

"w-whose this?" Shiro master asked with a frown, seeing Sora calmly standing there, not bothering to pay respect to her.

"Master, this is my husband. he too prideful to even bow to the heavens." Shiro said with a shrug helplessly at Sora.

"a man has gold under their knee, on the other hand, I have diamonds. those diamond worlds hurt like hell." Sora said with a helpless sigh, Shiro frowned, she had never seen such an arrogant mortal in her life. if Sora was not the husband of her most beloved disciple, she would slap him to death.

"go, we are about to get ready for battle." She said ignoring Sora, she would have this marriage broken as soon as she could. such a shameless man leaching off her beloved disciple made her extremely displeased.

"are other sects not going to come and help us?" Shiro asked in worry, but her master shook her head. all nearby sects were on high alert as well as they were facing the same thing. Shiro's heart skipped slightly. she quickly left along with Sora, Saiko, and the tiger,

"as a member of the sect, I have to fight. just watch as I show off the improvement to my strength." Shiro said pridefully, Sora shrugged lazily as he fell into deep thought.

"things might not be as simple as you think. that woman was the sect leader, right? yet she is only at level 5 void-shattering realm. the barrier has enough power to block even attacks from a powerlevel of around 100 or so mountains and rivers or so. the demons would not be able to break this barrier, so there is a high likely hood there is a spy among you. this is confirmed by the fact the demon gate is a perfect distance away. they are not rushing to attack, but instead are letting you all gather to defend. showing they have a way around the barrier." Sora said calmly, stunning Shiro. her prideful mood suddenly disappeared like air, before she shot off a quick step toward her master.

Sora ignored her and went for a walk around the sect, this was in fact one of the strongest sects on the planet. you might be wondering, why would such a powerful sect bother with that little village. well, this was thanks to the uniqueness of the conquest race bloodline.

this bloodline made people have an innate urge to conquer. this led to many sects having branches all over their domain to have as many talents enter their sects. They cared not about talent and stuff, even villages were not ignored. the more manpower, the more power they would have when trying to take over other sects, and stuff.

this led to many talents which would have gone unnoticed being discovered, but at the cost of many cannon fodder dying. but with the power of the internet, the number of death dropped by a huge amount, with the internet, news traveled extremely quickly now. so, people were more protective of their image. if the world found out just how ruthless they were, others would have something to gather the masses on to bring them down in the name of justice.

many people also knew of the power of belief. if your own people lost belief in you, this could turn bad, and it wouldn't be long until you fall from power.

"Sora, what's this?" Saiko asked as she pulled Sora's hand to an image on a wall. Sora looked at the image and saw it showed a picture of a man wearing something within their ear which connected to their mind. it allowed him to display a visual 3D interface visible only to him.

it was the latest creation, allowing one to scan the world around them. it allowed one to connect to the internet, and listen to music that would play into the mind, enter the web, play games, call someone, and even teleport if the space was not too chaotic to stable. it did many things, causing Sora's eyes to widen. even if he wanted this thing since he was living like e a mortal, should he be enjoying the mortal life as well?

Sora calmly explained to her what it was before walking off, the device was quite expensive, and Sora didn't trust it. how knew who created that thing, they might be screaming against all those who put it on. he will have someone create some for him.

"Sora waits." while they were walking around, Shiro's cry sounded behind him as she appeared with her master. her master had a serious look while looking at Sora.

"what's up?" Sora asked calmly, the sect leader didn't bother to waste time as she got straight to the point.

"you say there is a spy, what you say seems to be true. but do you have any clue as to who it could be?" She asked calmly, such a smart mortal caught her off guard. she didn't want to ask Sora for help, but Shiro convinced her to ask. now, it was not time to be arrogant.

"most likely someone with a high position to turn off the formations. an elder, or something. he should be one of 2 people. someone who has been acting up in the past few days, causing you headaches, or someone who is lowkey with high status. a snake. if I was them, I would wait for a key moment before shutting off the barrier. I would expect the same thing is happening to the other sects." Sora said lazily, a person instantly entered the sect leader's mind upon hearing these words. she looked deeply into Sora's eyes, but in the end, she said nothing as she left.

'what a dumb woman, can't she think? then again, I'm a 3rd person, so I see things more clearly than she could.' Sora thought calmly,

slowly, time went by, and soon the demons got ready to attack. those on the wall around the sect pulled out their bows and arrows, aimed them at the incoming demons, and shot them. arrows filled the sky, filled with the power of laws. upon hitting the demons, these arrows stabbed thew the demons, killing them.

although they had the conquest bloodline, not all bloodlines were equally pure. plus, these arrows were made to kill those with this bloodline. these arrows killed countless demons, but many more demons were rushing forward.

the shake shook as a void-shattering realm demon made its move, destroying the man's arrows, allowing more demons to rush forward and arrive before the barrier and begin attacking. those within the barrier shot arrows none stop, killing the demons, but the barrier was suffering with each attack slowly growing weaker.

soon, within the sect, huge explosions with off. the sect leader who was standing on the wall along with many other elders disappeared, showing she was just a clone. within the sky, the Sect leader fought with a young man who was trying his best to flee.

"you damn treater." the sect leader yelled angrily as she shot after them, the young man's face paled as he whipped the blood from the corner of his lips while flying away. he just so happened to be flying over the spot where Sora, Shiro, and the others were flying.

Seeing Shiro, his eyes sharpened as he disappeared, appearing while aiming a sword at Shiro's neck, Shiro mastered slowed down seeing this, and she frowned while angrily looking at the young man.

"Haha, you caught on, but so what? I will leave today, and she will become my plaything" He said with a mocking smile, the sect leader angrily looked at him before her eyes landed on Sora, who at the moment was watching on as if seeing a good show.  seeing where she was looking, the young man looked over and saw Sora just looking at him.

"that's dumb, this whole sect is dumb," Sora said softly, causing everyone who had tier attention on the young man to look at him.

"you just claimed to take her away, so what's stopping her from killing you and her? instead of using her as something to get you safe passage, you made it clear off the bat what your goals are. the sect leader, on the other hand, hesitates at a moment like this, you're just giving him the upper hand. if you had attacked, he would have had no choice but to ignore her and defend. just stupid." Sora said with annoyance, these were the people with his bloodline, it made him greatly disappointed.

everyone went quiet at Sora's words, the sect leader was the most speechless. was Shiro not his wife, yet he goes on to give tips to the person holding his wife hostage? truly, what a perfect man she had.

"let's go. I'm surrounded by idiots. and you left the thing keeping up the barrier unprotected, you foolishly believe there might not be another spy?" Sora said calmly as he walked off, the tiger and Saiko followed, under stunned and speechless gazes from everyone. the sect leader's face paled as she looked toward where she came from, at that moment, Shiro moved, and her elbow slammed into the young man's face, sending him stumbling backward while holding his face in pain.

just as he moved to angrily attack Shiro, he quickly blocked her sword attack, but it sent him sliding backward. after a moment of shock, he turned and flew off, not daring to stay a moment longer. Shiro snorted slightly, as she floated up. 12 wings appeared behind her, catching everyone's attention.

the wings glowed with a bright light before she flapped the wings toward him. 12 beams of divine light shot towards the young man, who quickly dodge them. but the lights followed him, the beams held enough power to match someone at early mountain and river, something which he couldn't face at the moment as it would slow him down

no one expected Shsiui to be so powerful, she was only at level 3 diamond rank and was giving a hard time to the young man who was at level 2 void-shattering realm. the young man was of course not weak, as he could also face the likes within the mountain and river tier, but at that moment he was forced on running away.

the other elders moved to capture him, while the sect leader quickly returned to guard the barrier. she lucky arrived just in time to see someone entering the chamber to destroy the barrier core. she quickly stopped him, before personally standing guard while the other elders captured the young man

as for Sora, he suffered a huge blow. to think those with his bloodline were this dumb, his pride suffered some blows with this knowledge,

"no need to be so harsh on them. like you always say, a person watching the game sees better than a person playing them." Shiro said with a roll of her eyes seeing how Sora was acting, Sora snorted slightly at her words. he was like a father walking in and seeing his son run through by 3 other guys, how could he hander this?

"you're overreacting, come. let's go watch the battle." Shiro said calmly, Sora shrugged slightly, and followed her to the wall. on the wall, he watched the sect disciples shooting ht arrows, the sect leader clone was taking charge of everything, quickly lowering the enemy numbers.

meanwhile, within the camp of the demons, the demon who was leading this charge frowned seeing that the barrier was not down. this should have been an easy win, once the barrier was down, the energy would enter a state of panic, at which point, they would act, drawing the void-shattering realm experts, while their spies attack from the inside when everyone is in a state of confusion

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

this was a plan hundreds of years in the making, it was only changed slightly because of the event the lord was holding. the new demon king wanted to gain a title, but so did many other demons. and what was the best and quickest way to grow stronger?

"damn it. everyone gathers together and destroys that barrier," he yelled angrily as he shot into the sky, he and the other void-shattering realm demons flew up and charged their strongest attack. but just as they were going to attack, a huge beam shot towards them, focusing them to quickly block, but this sent them all flying backward.

"..." Sora turned to look at the cannon which was just fired, the sect leader looked at him with a sneer. she had perfectly read the target's next move, and with how things were going, she guessed that the enemy might gather to lunch a powerful attack to destroy the barrier or at least greatly weaken it. so, she had the barrier charged up, and ready to be aimed and fired at any moment.

countless other cannons shot off, hitting the void-shattering realm demons, the demons were able to put up their defenses, but even so, they suffered some injuries. the demons angrily looked at the wall behind the barriers with their killing intent reaching new heights.

"I might have jumped to conclusions..." Sora said with a slight shrug, he was willing to accept when he was wrong. the demons soon retreated, allowing the sect leader and everyone else to sigh. the same thing had happened to all other sects, thanks to the sect leader who had quickly spread the news, all other sect masters were able to act quickly, of course, some still fell.

and so, some time of peace arrived in this world. Sora went on to remain within the sect, spending his time watching others walking their paths. Sora sat within a chair, lowing below at a group of sect disciples swinging their swords, training in their sword path.

"snort, you pieces of trash should get out. you're wasting our time." a group of arrogant young men entered, with their noses pointed at the sky. the sect disciples who were training panicked slightly, and quickly left not wanting to provide these sect disciples, put amount them, one stayed, ignoring them.

"Hey, did you not hear me?" an arrogant young man asked as he walked up to this young man, the young man calmly looked towards him before he stopped swinging the sword.

"Haha, we can't let you go now so easily. cough up some spirit stones for wasting our time." a man said with a cruel smile. the young man frowned softly, he was no match for even one of them, but he didn't back down.

"my sword is absolute, if god blocks my path, I cut god. if buddha blocks my path, then I shall kill the buddha down... my path is absolute." the young man said softly, calling his heart down before he got ready to fight.

"your path is absolute? haha, but my orders are absolute. if I tell them to kill you, then you shall die. with a word, I hold your life and death at the palm of my fingers" one of the young men who were the leader said mockingly, he reached out to grab the young man, but he froze as he felt something.

everyone froze before they looked up, and saw Sora sitting there with closed eyes. their words were like explosions to Sora, Sora didn't know the dications he was taking on this path of conquest, but with their words, he began graphing it out.

"it shall be absolute," Sora said softly as he stood up, it turned out everything Sora needed was before his eyes, he had simply overlooked it. authority, that was what a person who conquered didn't lack. but are there levels of authority?

Celestialsapien a race of reality wrappers could reshape reality with but a thought, a conquer should be able to do something similar. Sora should have absolute authority over all things, reality, space, time, life, death, dreams, and so on.

If Sora ordered you to die, you shall die. if Sora ordered a mortal to instantly become an unkillable god, then that mortal should instantly become an unkillable god. what he conquers, he could control with almost no limitations whatsoever. or else, he didn't have absolute authority over them,

with these paths going through Sora's mind, a path leading to unmatched power opened before him. a path where his orders were nearly unstoppable, what he wants he shall get.

so, Sora returned to the house he and Shiro were staying at, where he went on to spend time to himself, creating this new path of his.

meanwhile, within the demon realm, the retreated demons were all kneeling before a demon in fear. a blue skin demon coldly looked at everyone, she was none other than Sora's wife. Towa,

"Lord, forgive us. when we attacked, they seemed to have seen through all our plans, with our manpower that was spread out, we had no choice but to fall back with those barriers up." A demon said in fear, although this was not Towa's real body, it still made them all fearful. after all, Towa was not someone so simple

she was not only a scientist, but she was also Sora's wife and had gained many techniques under her fingertips. the angels closely guarded ultra instant, but she managed to kill one of the angels and got it, this adding with much other stuff under her. she was on a road to becoming one of the strongest people in this world, but she needed talents.

"There are only 98 or so years remaining, if I don't get the 1 million talents I ask for... don't blame me." She said coldly before she disappeared, time was running out, and she badly needed these talents for her newly created technique, once all of them are gained. she could gather all of their talents, and it wouldn't be hard for her to match the likes of Merlin and the others.

meanwhile, within the higher realm. Dr. Dero fleed for his life as the cell was rushed after him, he had a panicked look, as he tried his best to survive.

"I created you. you dare rebel against your master?" He yelled angrily, Cell laughed mocking, shooting through countless planets, not caring at all as they exploded, killing countless.

"oh come one... Dad, I'm just being the perfect child you always wanted." Cell said with a smile, Dr. Dero's heart was filled with endless regret. but joy filled his heart as he saw 12 swing angels appear from the heavens, the angel coldly looked at Cell and rushed over to stop him from causing any more trouble.

"no, don't" Dr. Dero yelled, he thought this angel would be smart and call for stronger people, but it foolishly rushed forward to fight Cell. Cell smiled as his trail moved, wrapping around the angel, and swallowing the angel before it could do anything.

Dr. Dero gritted his teeth seeing Cell nearing perfect form, he didn't expect Cell to awaken early, once Cell awaken, he wanted to absorb him, to near perfection. Dr.Dero of course wouldn't allow that and tried to fight for his life.

"what's going on here." a calm voice saddened, causing the two to look over and saw Red, who was calmly walking towards them.

"Sir Red, this monster has gone bad and is trying to absorb everyone." Dr. Dero said quickly as he shot to hide behind Red. Red calmly looked at Dr. Dero, before Cell, who was stopped and was looking at him seriously, before laughing and shooting to clash with Red.

Red waved his hand as a sword appeared in his hands, with a step, he clashed with Cell, creating powerful shock waves which Sent Dr. Dero flying backward while coughing up blood, Red easily suppressed Cell. but Cell was not so simple, he was just born and was already so powerful, he of course didn't know how to fight.

Cell began learning, adapting to Red fighting style, at the same time, he stepped into his talent, growing stronger and stronger, stunning Red for some time. Red eyes suddenly narrowed before his hair suddenly changed color, taking on the color of a dark red. Cell was caught off guard by the sudden change, and the sudden huge power-up Red got.

"you're good, I will not kill you," Red said calmly, as he captured Cell, sealing his power away, at the rate Cell was growing, Red was sure Cell could have become someone dangerous, although he was sure he could still win, it was a risk he was not willing to take without Sora around

"you should first make yourself loyal... as for you," Red said calmly as he looked countless light years away, to where Dr.Dero was struggling to recover from his injuries.

"you created this guy, you're to go work for Merlin. if anything like this happens again, your punishment would be death." Red said as he disappeared, leaving Dr. Dero feeling helpless, all he wanted was to create something powerful, and wait in quiet until the big day. at which point, he would go on and take first place, but that stupid thing had to awaken early.

now that he worked under someone, everyone he did had to be reported to Merlin, he could of course act in secret, but what were the chances that Merlin wouldn't catch on to his actions?

back to Merlin, Merlin had a smile while looking at Cell. Looking at Red, Red slowly transformed, turning into a robot, which Merlin stored away. Merlin was the one who awaken Cell, seeing Cell's ability and his powers, she couldn't help but picture an army of Cells. Orochimaru took the Zetsu army, but she on the other hand could have a Cell army.

Cell was of course better than the Zetsu army, Cell creates Cell Jrs. through cellular mitosis. in another world, one Cell could create countless other Cells which could grow to become stronger than their creator.

"Now, let's see what your perfect form will look like. I could also have azimuth do some changes here and there, I can make you our personal conquer of worlds." Merlin said with a smile, she could change Cell's body, adding some weapons here and there, improving his ability of his to create Cell Jrs. with this, Cell would become a one-man army

She reached out, pulling out a sword with having off a powerful aura of destruction. she aimed the sword at his will and destroyed Cell Will, before dominating Cell. with Cell under her complete control, he sent him off before she went to see Dr. Dero.

to Orochimaru, Orochimaru was dying in every way he could think, allowing himself to adapt and become unkillable. between each death, he needed some time for his body to grow and adapt, within said time he needed a huge amount of energy, energy which he didn't need to worry about.

"Haha." Orochimaru laughed madly as he walked out of a tub, feeling his nearly undying body. he smiled before he looked for the next way he needed to die.

"the power of destruction." Orochimaru frowned slightly while looking at this, the power of destruction could destroy all things, and if it destroy him he was not sure if he could come back to life. the way he came back to life was simple, each time he died, his body would reform within this lab

if this lab is destroyed, he would die for good. if the connection to this lab is destroyed, he would die. Orochimaru thought for some time, he needed to think of a way to remove these limitations. if he could come back to life without the need for this lab, it would be perfect.

Orochimaru began thinking for some time, first, he should simply destroy his body, then his soul, then his mind, and so on. he, of course, had a backup plan just in case he can't come back to life, with this thought he went on to put this to theory. if his will was strong enough then he would be able to come back.

Orochimaru's goal was to reach a level where he was truly immortal, no matter what happened, he should never die.

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