In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 72: 0070 Destruction

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The matches went on, and hours passed, and soon the top million were ranked, and everyone was given some time to rest. even if it was night, immortals didn't need sleep and had no problem-fighting none stop for years.

Shisui and the Son Of heaven didn't bother to leave the arena, the two seemed like old friends as they drank, talking about their stories. the Son Of Heaven was currently about 50,000 thousand years old, as he aimed for perfection, he took his time cultivating, or else he would have already been a Heavenly Immortal.

He also had many stories to tell, of amazing battles he had seen or powerful experts he had faced, meanwhile, Shisui didn't have that many stories to tell. only the last battle with the heavenly Immortals, the prince of the phoenix clan, and that was about all.

Although not that huge, these 2 events made the Son Of heaven's eyebrow raise slightly as it showed just how trick Sora might be to handle. The Son Of Heaven had beaten the number one talent of the phoenix clan, so this was not that impressive to him.

what was so impressive was that the Prince of the phoenix clan personally considered Shisui a rival, these phoenixes were extremely arrogant and looked down upon everyone. so this was a part he quickly caught on to, another part was when he divided the fight and saw Shisui using a technique extremely similar to the Godly Xumi Art. but he couldn't be sure as many techniques could allow one to make a Buddha statue.

and lastly, Shisui illusion capability, and talent within a battle. that gentle fist, or be it the illusions, made his blood boil as these were things that could allow Shisui to fight those with a higher powerlevel than himself. that gentle fist only kept getting faster and faster with each palm, this pushed one to a level far beyond thier powerlevel, forcing them to push their body to the limit.

But Shisui overlooked this limitation but having the Buddha statue use the gentle palm, that way he personally didn't have to push his body to a state where he might not cripple his legs.

Shisui's capability within the illusion would be the trickiest thing, he now understood why Shisui said it might be a tie if the fight. but, he was the son of heaven, he already began thinking of ways around the illusions.

The Son Of heaven had told many of his stories, so Shisui had also divined a few things, allowing him to know a few things about the Son of Heaven. the number one thing about the son of heaven was that he was extremely lucky.

the Son Of heaven stumbled upon treasures like it was nothing, so Shsiui was sure with his luck, he had a weapon to deal with pretty much anything he might face. other than that, the sun of heaven had created many of his own techniques, the Son of Heaven Palm. the Son of Heaven Fist, The Son of Heaven Sword art, and so many more.

time went on, and soon, the battles returned, quickly, the other people were ranked, of course, those who were defeated had 3 chances to challenge others for a chance to be ranked at a spot that perfectly showed their strength. so few people were complaining as the rankings were filled,

and so, soon the top 100,000 began being ranked. this was where true talents began appearing, many dark houses that no one have heard from popped out of nowhere. but among them, only a few caught Shisui and the son of heaven's eyes.

soon, it was the young man who was actually the queen of the primordial turned. He calmly walked onto the stage, to face a man who had the body of a house, but the upper body of a human. He had 4 arms, along with 4 eyes,

"Haha, pretty boy. you should admit defeat before you are crushed under my feet." the 4 arm Centaur said arrogantly, the queen of the primordial sneered slightly, as he disdainfully looked at the Centaur.

Centaur's face darkened, and as soon as the match started, it waved its hands as 3 weapons appeared in its hands. In its upper 2 hands, it held a bow that had no arrow. in its lower two hands, it held a shield and sword.

with a step, the Centaur moved at shocking speed, and arrows shot toward him, appearing before him almost instantly. but something happened that shocked everyone, the Centaur suddenly appeared in front of him, leading to the arrows stabbing into its lower body.

the Centaur roared in pain, its eyes turned bloodshot before it swung its sword down, aiming to cut him in half. but soemthing else happened, which shocked everyone, the sword which should have cut the young man's head off, phased through him. and the Centaur's head was cut cleanly off, blood flew into the sky, as the Centaur fell to the ground, with that she won,

"Such high compressions in the Dao of space." The Son of heaven said in shock, but Shisui was not that shocked. the queen of the primordial was giving Sora a hard time even back in the mortal realm, and she managed to run away from Sora. her skills with space and time were unmatched,

the queen of the primordial who was currently going by the name of Ying Jun calmly walked off the stage. her eyes were on Shisui as he went off, slightly uneasy about what Shisui was planning, but at this moment, Shisui's voice entered his head.

'no need to be on guard, I was ordered to leave you alone. you leave me be, I will not tell anyone who you are, and I expect the same. deal?' Shisui asked, Ying Jun looked deeply into Shisui's eyes before giving a slight nod.

he was not sure what Shisui was planning, but he wanted no part in this, once he gets first place, he would disappear. as for what Shsiui was planning, he could care less. after all, the heavenly court was nothing to her. hell, Pangu's world was nothing to her. he only had two goals, Ling Han, and Sora.

more matches went on, and soon it was Shsiui turned. Shisui went onto the stage, to face someone called Mou Ren. She was with an eye patch over her left eye, with long blonde hair that gave off a powerful aura that made those around her fearful.

as the match began, she pulled out a huge axe, it was larger than her whole body, making those speechless upon seeing this sight.

"a simple match is boring, wanna make a bet to make things interesting?" She asked with a smile, she was one of the few people who had sent everyone on the stage off. everyone also looked over upon hearing that she wanted to make a bet.

"Sure, what do you want to bet?" Shisui asked with a slight smile, Mou Ren's smile grew as she pointed at Shisui

"if I win, you shall become my man," she said with a smile, everyone froze upon hearing this. suddenly a scream from the crowd overshadowed everyone else.

"you bitch, I already have my eyes on him," Lu yelled making Shisui's face go blank as he felt like everyone was throwing weird looks at him. Mou Ren also threw weird looks at Shisui, before she sneered as she looked at Lu.

"you have a problem, then come, I shall fight you as well." She said as she pointed the giant axe at Lu, her powerful aura although surpassed, still caused Lu to have second thoughts.

"I agree, but if I win. your life is mine." Shisui said with an awkward cough, Mou Ren froze for a moment before she laughed with a nod, she agreed before looking at the old man overlooking the match, the man nodded slightly before he had the match begin.

Mou Ren stepped forward and swung her axe. a huge axe blade that could divide heaven and earth shot towards Shisui. the blade cut through Shisui, cutting him in half. but the made didn't stop there, although the stage was endless, it easily flew through off the stage, and towards the crowd. but a barrier appeared, blocking the attack.

Mou Ren froze, not expecting to easily, but at the end moment, Mou Ren saw Shisui's body disappearing like an afterimage. at the same time, countless afterimages appeared all over the battlefield, shooting toward Mou Ren.

Mou Ren attacked one of the afterimages, but it went through the afterimage, without effect the afterimage, while at the same time, the AfterImage attacked. Mou Ren thought the afterimage attack would also go through her, so she ignored it. but she instantly regretted this, as she was sent flying backward

she was caught off guard by this, her fist was still through the afterimage when the afterimage attack landed. Shisui didn't give her time to think, and attacks rained down, quickly overwhelming her, and sending her flying all over the place.

but suddenly, she took off her eye patch, a glowing red eye was revealed which held the power of destruction. she looked down, and suddenly all of the afterimages were destroyed, disappearing.

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"interesting blood, but it's limited to what you can see." Shisui, said as he appeared behind her, his kick landed on her back, infused with the power of the gentle fist, she shot down as she coughed up blood.

"Haha, this isn't as boring as I thought it would be." She laughed as the power of destruction spread from her, covering her whole body. Her skin turned completely black like a dark hole. all light that touched her was destroyed, she became unease able, as her smell was destroyed, she created no sound, and even every set she created made no vibrations as the vibrations which it would have created were destroyed.

Shisui frowned for some time as he looked at the shadow in front of him, he thought for some time before he stepped backward.

'This form created boots her power and defense capability, she has 3 layers of defenses, anything that touches her is destroyed, and if I can get passed that is her physical defense. the best way around her is a trick, overwhelming power can't be used here, so I should use the power of ice to freeze all things.' Shisui thought as he closed his eyes, quickly having Itachi give him a new and improved ice technique.

Sora was hard on the assassins, having them be a jack of all trades in the form of killing, of course, meant being talented within all Dao. they were also given the right to have all forms of martial arts.

'here is ultra instinct, and the other one is Frozen Heaven. It is the strongest ice-type technique within here, its a mix perfect all other ice-type techniques,' Itachi said calmly as Shisui got the new technique, Shsiui quickly went through them

Ultra instant has been improved, as the peak of martial arts has been expanded upon. the angels from the dragon ball world had created this new and improved one after Towa got her hands on the old man.

as for the Frozen Heaven, it's the pinnacle of the Ice path, it covered everything the power of ICe should do. which is to freeze all things, it could freeze a person's ability similar to Toshiro Hitsugaya Flash-Freezing, anything that he freezes will have all of its functions and abilities negated.

at the same time, he has an absolute Zero. the power to freeze anything to absolutely Zero and so many other unique Ice base techniques. to say the least, Itachi and the other assassins created this technique, with Sora giving them the ability to take all techniques, what was stopping them from combining them?

Shisui didn't have much time to go over each technique, he quickly flashed dodging Meu Ren who rushed towards him. he didn't want to use the godly Xumi art just sent, or his illusion. with a step, Shisui began creating ice with every step,

but they were all destroyed, Shisui frowned for some time, he didn't have time to master these techniques, he should truly give some time to have itachi give him every technique. meanwhile, ultra instinct was too complex for him to master. he could get the basics down, but that would not be enough.

with a clap, Shisui suddenly had roots shot out of the ground, the roots flew to the roots and grew, quickly becoming a huge wooden dragon which Shisui stood upon. Mou Ren looked at the dragon with disdain, she held out the and the axe flew into her hands, covered in the power of destruction

"This is such a pain in the ass," Shisui said softly, Mou Ren rained and laughed before she swung the axe at Shisui. this axe was infused with the power of destruction, it destroyed space and time, appearing before Shisui before she even swung the axe.

'w-what.' Shisui's eyes shrank as he quickly moved, barely dodging the axe blade which flew past him, but it destroyed the dragon.

'that attack appeared before she even swung the attack... well, I can't be holding back.' Shisui thought as he clapped her hands, at the same time, wood grew from Shisui's body, forming a wood clone that flew around Mou Ren,

"Well, I have to be serious... I liked that last attack, so I will copy it." Shisui said as his eyes flashed slightly, Buddha statues appeared above every clone before they were covered in wooden armor. each palm infused with the power of the gentle fist, destructions, and time, He looked down upon them,

'w-what's this? did he just comprehend the Dao of destruction from simply watching me?' Mou Ren thought in shock, as she looked at the 10 Shisui above her, all with buddha statues with countless arms, she let out a cry as she jumped towards Shisui

a palm suddenly flew out, and this palm destroyed space, appearing before her and hitting her, sending her flying into the ground. this attack had appeared before her as soon as Shisui thought about attacking. it all happened instantly,

"... you copied my technique." She said in shock, as she lay on the ground, looking up. the energy sent into her body was destroyed, so she didn't really suffer any damage, she was only shocked by what she saw.

everyone was also quiet as they saw this, this was too shocking. he saw the technique once and had just used it, this just showed the like of his talent,

"Haha, this is great. great, you're not so boring." She laughed happily, her voice was heard by everyone this time. space-time shattered, and with a move, she shot toward Shisui,

"Eight Trigrams 1 billion after images Palms." all of the Shisui said at once, time seemed to freeze before Mue Ren's eyes shrank. and at the same time, the 10 afterimages moved, their palms laned heavenly upon her, not getting in the way of each other as they phased through each other, she was hit with 10 palms, that moved instantly at the same time, but she managed to block and even destroyed all 10 palms with a destructions barrier which had appeared around her.

but the attacks kept coming at a speed that doubled. in no time she was overwhelmed by the countless palms. she was sent flying into the ground, and palms slammed down upon her until Shisui stopped seeing she was not getting up.

"damn, I lost." She said softly as she left her destructions form, and returned to normal, she was covered in blood, and some parts of her body were twitched in ways a body shouldn't be twitched in. the old man seeing this announced Shisui as the winner

Shisui slowly landed next to her and reached out, taking back the energy that was within her body, allowing her to quickly heal. she reached out, accepting Shisui who wanted to help her up.

"you're quite strong, as the deal said. my life is yours, I shall start following you from this moment forth." She said with a smile, Shisui smiled slightly as he nodded at her words. she left the stage with him, and Shisui went to seat with the son of heaven who was in deep thought after everything he saw

that battle didn't disappoint him, it in fact made him look forward to fighting SHisui even more. this was because even he would have some trouble against Mou Ren, she was after all not just the daughter of an immortal emperor, but also the personal disciple of the destruction god of the heavenly court.

"you hid your capability, I didn't expect you to be able to copy techniques you see." The Son Of heaven said with a smile.

"is that shocking? you can copy techniques as well, and on a better level than myself." Shisui said with a helpless sigh, The Son of heaven laughed slightly, as he indeed could copy any technique under the heavens. the son of heaven was talented, any technique he sees he could copy and even improve all with simply a look.

"That clone technique, I couldn't copy it. what was it?" the son of heaven said softly, making Shisui smile as he held out his finger, as a flower grew on his fingertip.

"thats my bloodline, I don't know what type of bloodline I have. buts it should be an emeporr bloodline." Shisui said with a smile, the son of heaven nodded slightly. he couldn't copy bloodline-based ability,

"Well, it's my turn. and it happens to be him." the son of heaven said with a calm smile seeing it was his turn, his opponent was some of the people he had his eyes upon. so, it would at least be a good fight.

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