In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 79: 0077 the end of the tournament

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Sora waved his hands, and stages appeared down below, unlike the last stages these stages were to test and pick the new 10 commandments. those who will be within the 10 commandments must not be the strongest, but be the most well-rounded. this was because they would be her personal guard, they needed to be ready for anything at any moment.

pretty much everyone who went up to test themselves to become a member of the 7 deadly sins went up, only those who passed and become members of the 7 deadly sins remained. unlike the towers for the 7 deadly sins, these towers test a person as they faced random puppets that were skilled in countless ways. this forced them to be on guard,

like before, many people reached the 33rd floor. over 50 people reached this level, but they were struggling to fight the puppets the half-step true immortal. slowly their numbers began dropping, and towers began disappearing.

and soon, 15 people only remained. Among these 15 people were, The Fallen Angel, Kong Shi, Zelda, Goku, Cell, Orochimaru, Gowther, The Great Dragon Emperor, Vali Lucifer, Sasuke, Zoro, King, Frieza, Obito, and Madara.

to say the least, these were amount the most rounded within the system, Goku was a person who trained to reach the peak. Although not the strongest, he was extremely talented. if Sora didn't have the only Goku within the system become a child, then Goku had a high chance of being a member of the 7 deadly sins.

Cell was of course up here, although he didn't make it within the 7 deadly sins, that was simply because he was young. he was not even 100 years compared to everyone else in the system who were hundreds of years ago. he was of course learning as he fought, but unlike many, he didn't have many techniques which put him at a huge disadvantage

Orochimaru earned his title and was now considered truly undying, seemly the only way to kill the way was to erase him from existence. his recovery speed was so high that everyone had the illusion that he was never injured, he healed as quickly as he is injured, what a scary ability that made even Sora's eyes brighten. Orochimaru made many changes to his body, if he aimed for the 7 deadly sins, he had hoped to become one, yet he didn't step up when others went up.

Gowther was a freak within the mind arts. unlike Itachi, he brought Illusion into reality or Shisui which trapped a person within an illusion so real that even the main body is an effect or even mind control. Gowther is forced on memories, he can rewrite a person's memories and even rewrite a whole world's memories. although the puppets were immune to this, Gowther could give the puppets a mind, which allowed his power to affect them. but unlike everyone, he had the hardest time showing his true power

the great Dragon emperor was the supreme dragon within the system. the old dragon king was no longer the leader and was defeated by this guy, allowing him to take over the dragon race. he was not simply the strongest dragon, but also a hard-working dragon. unlike most dragons who just lay there allowing their strength to grow along with age, he went out of his way to learn from other races and become stronger and stronger.

To those wondering, why didn't Sora take the sacred gear from High School DXD world, Such as Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing? after all, Boosted Gear doubles a person's strength every 10 seconds, and the divine dividing half a person's strength every 10 second and add said strength to the user.

well, it was simple. because the boosted gear didn't really boost a person's strength, if they did then whoever had them would be unmatched. Sora couldn't even pinpoint just how much it increased a person's strength every second. the same went for the Divine Dividing, he couldn't tell how much it reduced a person's strength.

in truth, he should have still taken these abilities, but instead, he had Vali take both abilities, making him extremely overpowered. It's Vali who went on to train and improve upon these two abilities and created a new ability known as the Boosted Dividing Gear.

at this point, Vali could not only increase his strength every 10 seconds, but he could also lower his opposite strength every 10 seconds. that 10 second was his ideal of 10 seconds. so, every 0.0000001 seconds could have passed, but within Vali's eyes that could be 10 seconds, so his strength shall boost.

but this had a huge weakness, in a place like the void where time and space didn't exist, it would cause this ability to be random. it would go off whenever. this was of course extremely annoying, but Vali found a way around this by simply getting a technique that allowed him to exist within his own version of time.

Vali's strength would increase by 10% every 10 seconds. for example, if he had a powerlevel of 100, his strength would go up by 10 every 10 seconds. to a limit of a powerlevel of 1,000. Vali could also transform this power to others, also Vali could boost other stuff, such as his eyesight, speed, height, and so on

at the same time, Vali would take 10% of a person's strength. so, if you have a powerlevel of 100, your powerlevel would drop by 10 every 10%, and that powerlevel would be added to Vali. If Vali had a powerlevel of 100, then he would have a limit of 1,000 of the power he could handle. If the added power exceeds the amount that the wielder can safely contain, the excess energy is then expelled out through the wings, which allows the user to always be at their highest potential.

also, Vali could half anything, even a person's existence until they disappeared. Vali could also reflect incoming attacks.

adding the two boost gears together, they supported each other. in another world, if Vali had a powerlevel of 100, with the Boosted Dividing Gear, his powerlevel could reach 10,000. a 1,000-times boost to his strength. this made Vali a perfect person to be within the 10 commandments, he was perfect.

Sora seeing Vali's ability, of course, was planning on taking that ability, only in his hands could this ability be used to its full capability.

as for Sasuke... Sasuke was a freak. Sasuke had a unique ability called Amenotejikara. this ability allowed him to switch any two objects within his field of sight. even if he chained up, he could switch places within anything. he didn't need to see them, they only have to be within the range of eyesight, and he had to know where they were located. it didn't matter if a person was held down or something, unless powerful enough force is used to resist this ability, it was almost impossible to resist.

this was when Sasuke simply had one rinnegan. but when he wakened two of them, Sasuke now didn't simply switch objects. for example, if you were poisoned, Sasuke could switch the effect of that poison to another. but for this, it put a great burden on his eyes

if you use an ability to boost your strength, Sasuke will simply switch the effect of that technique, leading to him getting the boost, while you get nothing.

Sasuke didn't need to replace something with something, he could use this ability to teleport, hell he could even teleport attacks. of course, when he does stuff like this puts a high burden than when he simply switches something. if the target were similar in size, the less the burden he would face.

Zoro was well known to be the strongest swordsman within the system. with his 9 sword style, he was an absolute monster. Zoro had reached a level within the sword Dao that he could cut anything, within his 3 head and 6 arm form. he held a sword within his 3 mouths and a sword in each hand. each sword was extremely powerful swords created through the god of conquest art. adding his high mastery in Haki, the new and improved Haki, Zoro was simply a beast.

King was the leader the of Fairy race and was supported by the scared tree. the Scared tree had a mind of its own and could cultivate. with the branch from the Scared Tree, King had created a powerful weapon which he fused with the spear of conquest. with but a snap, the spear could take on countless forms, and even clone itself. King was not weak, being one of the strongest within the system, although physically weak, he overwhelmed others who his Qi and Mental strength.

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Frieza needed no explanations. he was a talent among talents, he was a ruthless ruler who would not think twice to slaughter a whole race over a rumor. Frieza trained hard for the past hundred years to gain the chance to overpower everyone, but he was greatly lacking as he felt to become a person within the 7 deadly sins. but even so, he was not someone to be looked down upon.

Obito was well known to have the highest comprehension of space-time within the system, all attacks that shall hit him shall seemly phase through him. his body part which would be hit would be sent into his unique dimensions. this happened instantly and Obito didn't need to think about it. also, Obito could create a small ball hole with could send anything caught within into his dimensions. this was an attack almost unstoppable, and it ignored most defenses.

Upon awakening his rinnegan, Obito's power of space-time reached a new level. Obito became one within his Kamui Space. he was here, while at the same time he wasn't. he was in more than one place at the same time. so long as Kamui Space existed, then he shall exist.

all attacks before Obito were pointless, only overwhelming attacks that could reach Kamui space would affect him. at the same time, Obito was not affected by the outside world. He existed within his own space-time, cut off from the outside world. he had full control over his space-time, meaning he could speed up his world speed to a limited degree and so on.

also, he was not affected by this world of space-time. Obito was like a puppet being controlled by someone's hand, he could move through space without the need of gathering force to move. he could move forward and backward in time without the need for techniques.

of course, the heaven and earth within this world would not allow him to do as he wish. this was not Marvel or DC where one to travel as one wished. the heaven of this world would stick Obito the further back he wanted to move. but even so, Obito created some techniques.

Lastly, Madara. this guy was a talented freak. a master within all forms of hand-to-hand combat, and armed combat. but that's not what made Madara powerful. it was his eyes. Madara could slow time down to a point where he could stop it, and even rewind it. Madara was of course affected by this, but unlike others who were affected, Madara would clearly see everything happening, giving him the chance to perfectly plan a counter.

but that's not his most broken ability, Limbo was his most broken ability. the ability to send one shadow into Limbo, and create nearly perfect clones which were as strong as you? the LImbo clones could affect this world, but this world couldn't affect them. this ability grew with Madara and had reached a point where only those with high comprehension of the Dao of space-time could hope of doing anything to him.

These Limbo clones could stand in front of Madara, acting as an unbreakable wall that could block all attacks. it didn't matter if you shatter space and time, unless you move and aim to shatter space to the limbo world, you would never affect the Limbo clone. to make things worse, these Limbo clones are almost impossible to sense, much less affect them.

these 15 people were all aiming to become the new 10 commandments, Sora had a proud smile seeing his people so overpowered. he was like a father seeing his children begin walking, truly moving.

in the end, only 10 people were chosen. Sasuke, Obito, Madara, Zoro, Vali, Zelda, King, the fallen angel, the dragon emperor, and Cell by a hairs breath. Gowther had the power to join, but the puppets having no mind greatly limited his power.

with this done, everyone chained a mark showing their commandment, and went on to gain a unique ability that fit them, and their commandment.

Sora moved on to pick the 12 archangels. the 12 archangels looked for people who had skills and were capable of leading the angels to keep the peace within this world. those who became archangels were, Shiro, Meal, Goku, Gowther, Kong Shi, Ludociel, Sariel, Tarmiel, the Great Priest, Wish, August, and Merus.

the next was the for house man of apologies. for this, Sora asked all the experts who walked the path of death to step forward. so, everyone who walked the path of death stepped forward, in the end, Zeref became the houseman of death.

a black horse formed from heaven and earth, fusing with Zeref's Death aura, before it fused into Zeref's body, forming a mark of a scar on Zeref. with a thought, Zeref turned into a death god and was covered in black robes of death.

next was the horseman of war. those battle freaks were all asked to go, those who hungered for battle. their jobs were simple, they would lead the war into enemy ground, and once the horn was blown, the horseman of war would lead the charge along with the other horseman.

Kenpachi took this title, and with that Kenpachi gained a blood-red horseman. the horse looked as if it was covered in blood, but was flesh. with a thought, Kenpachi turned into a horseman of death, blood-red robes covered his body, seemingly to be covered in his own blood.

the next horseman of Famine. many stepped forward, and in the end, Larcade Dragneel was chosen to be the horseman of Famine. Larcade had 3 unique techniques he made, the first called Pleasure. those who have felt the forbidden pleasure would feel so much pleasure that they would die. it can't be dodged or blocked,

the next technique was called Famished Soul, which brought upon an uncontrollable hunger that would make everyone start eating everything around them. they would even eat each other and themselves from hunger.

the last technique called R.I.P. like the other techniques, this one also can't be dodged or blocked, anyone would feel an uncontrollable need of one to sleep, and once in effect, the target is unable to resist a sudden feeling of drowsiness. it can't be blocked, and only the effect could be slowed down. once one eye close and they fall asleep, they would never awaken,

Larcade Dragneel went on to gain his own house, a pale white sickly looking house that fused with him. with a thought, Larcade entered into the horseman of famine, gaining pale white robes which fully covered his body.

the last horseman was the horseman of conquest, which was of course Sora. it would be strange if it was anyone else. and with that, the day came to an end.

Sora went on to return to the throne room, where he summoned thousands of his wives, it was time to pick the goddess and give them their jobs.

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