In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 82: 0080 the destctuion of the heavenly court

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While Sora sat on his throne and slowly looked after his injuries, everyone else got to work, Sora injuries were injuries inflicted upon him by a Sage. such injuries were not affected by time, meaning they would not disappear within time but instead get worse if not carefully handled. although Sora would not die, he would grow weaker.

the others within the system that got to work were not the 7 deadly sins, 10 commandments, and the others. they closed themselves off from the outside world and were busy in purgatory, training in the techniques Sora gave them.

These elites of course had people under them, countless other talents who were just waiting to show off before the world.

within the heavenly court, the heavenly emperor had thrown a party after Sora's death. that freak was finally out of his life for good. many people joined this, the parties in the heavenly court were something many people couldn't ignore. many people within the Pangu world joined, many people just didn't understand how freakish Sora

they sensed that battle outside the Pangu world, and meant they heard Sage's last words. they were all horrified to think that Sora could skip so many realms and fight a Sage to the death. Sora was one in a finite river of time talent, no one would ever hold a candle to him. maybe no one would ever come along to match his capability.

The Heavenly emperor had a smile, this party was no simple party. it was for two things.

1, was to give his beloved son the farewell he needed. and 2. to celebrate the death of a devil that should have never existed in the first place.

"my disciple, why are you sad?" The heavenly emperor asked seeing Shisui sitting there with a stage aura about him, Shisui had recover not too long ago., Shisui took a deep breath to calm himself,

"I just can't help that the son of heaven's death was my doing. if I was just a bite stronger..." Shisui said as he avoided the heavenly emperor's eyes, afraid his true thought would be seen. His lord was pushed to such a level, and his death. how could he not feel off at this moment?

The Heavenly emperor's heart melted hearing Shisui world, his son and this body had such a strong bond, they were like brothers, and he didn't expect his disciple had such thoughts about this matter.

"My disciple, my son's death was not your doing. the reason they got him and not you was that they were aiming for him from the start. you were not the target, so they ignored you. but let's put that all behind us, from now on, live the way my son would have wanted. growing stronger and someone worth being his brother." the heavenly emperor said softly, Shisui nodded as he looked up at him with a forced him. just as he nodded, and was about to go greet the guest, the heavenly court suddenly shook.

"the crimes of the Dao ancestor shall befall upon this shit court. you pieces of low lives dare kill my beloved? death will be a light punishment" the woman's voice boomed, shaking the heavenly court, the heavenly emperor and many other powerful experts shot out to see who had such huge balls.

they were instantly stunned when they saw Di Yalan, looking down upon them with killing intent. they all froze for a moment before they sneered. they knew who she was, she was the woman who followed Sora's side within the mortal realm. to say the least, her family within the immortal realm was killed out of rage by many experts.

but what made everyone horrified was that she was only the peak of the mountain and river tier, yet at this moment she was giving off an aura at mid-mountain and river. they had easily seen her past, she was never this talented. yet how could she become so freakish like this out of the blue?

"his space still exists." the heavenly emperor said with dark space, if Sora's space existed, things were not as simple as they thought. lucky, this woman was not as Strong as Sora, or else things would have been out of hand.

"you and what army?" an early immortal emperor said with a sneer while looking at her, Di Yalan's eyes behind her mask were cold,  she snapped her finger and a huge portal opened, and countless blue color Cells', along with an army of Zetsu, and Destroyers appeared.

everyone's legs went weak seeing this army, they went weak as just a single person within that army had strength at half step immortal emperor. there were 1,000 Blue Cells', 10,0000 Zetsus', and 500 destroyers.

"This army." Di Yalan said with cold eyes, everyone swallowed their saliva. Di Yalan waved her hands and every cell got into formations, forming a huge avatar of Cell which attacked the barrier, at the same time, the Zetsu and destroyed army got into formations that also attack the barrier. the barrier shook, showing it couldn't take much impact for too long

"w-what do we do? we can't stand against a such  powerful army." the Sword God said with a deep frown as he got ready for battle, the heavenly emperor went through many things before he quickly transformed formations to everyone's mind

"We mostly can't get out of this alone, it would be foolish to believe she is showing us everything she holds. Sora had many people following at his side, he had a powerful brainwashing ability, and his will overwhelmed others. forcing them to become loyal. if we fall to them, that's the fate we would have, no say in our life and death." the Heavenly emperor said, drawing everyone towards a common goal

"we will not fight to win but to escape. I have already called for help, my teacher will soon be here. if we can escape, or at least hold off long enough. we can make it out of this alive, and even get Sora's treasure, and have the power to match the likes of sages." the heavenly emperor said, and with these words, everyone's greed filled their eyes.

"it would take even her a few hours to break this barrier, within that time, trillions of years could pretty much pass for use." the heavenly emperor said as he waved his hand, speeding time up and allowing everyone to quickly get used to the technique. once it was all done, cracks had already filled the barrier and looked as if it would be destroyed at any moment.

'this should allow us to match a late immortal emperor, but we are not one, so its power would give us at most a mid-immortal emperor-level strength.' the heavenly emperor thought while everyone got into formations, most lifeforms within the first heaven was only at the early immortal emperor, even someone like the heavenly emperor couldn't skip stages within this realm. skipping a stage within the immortal realm meant showing you were a million times stronger than most people

the heavenly emperor only had a powerlevel of 700 emperor dao and was near gaining the powerlevel of a million. allowing him to rival the levels of mid-immortal emperors. meanwhile, with everyone coming together, they could show a powerlevel of 850 billion emperor dao. adding the fact they could use ability and stuff, then it is best to say they had a powerlevel extremely close to a trillion.

"so you're all done? all those who dare resist shall suffer like this fool." Di Yalan said coldly as she held her hand out, showing everyone the image of the Son of Heaven who was laying down in a circle, crying. but his eyes were too dry for many years. everyone's heart shook seeing the condition the son of heaven was in. he was completely broken. his once heavenly-like aura was gone, he now was nothing more than a man who wished for death, but it never came

"he is forced to live forever, suffering some stuff you will all go through. as my husband always says, fools don't have warning bells. so go ahead, you pieces of low lives. form an avatar, at most you would show power at mid or late true immortal, you think I didn't attack because I liked watching ants sitting there with their eyes closed" Di Yalan said with a sneer, everyone's heart dropped to rock bottom at her words, the slowly looked towards the heavenly emperor who was not hearing anything Di Yalan was saying.

He looked at his son who was in such a sorry state, and his heart shattered. he could tell his son's body was weak, and he was in a great deal of pain. he had no rest, and he was nothing more than a mortal. just as he closed his eyes to rest, a man forced him awake and had him go to work. the son of heaven shakily got up, every movement brought on told pain.

"as a father, your suffering will be worse than this... and I hear you have a disciple, you shall suffer as he watches everything we would do to these two... also everyone here, you had a good time slaughtering my family, I shall make sure your fate is not any less compared to what the heavenly emperor would suffer through. as for everyone else, drop to your knees now, and know what's good for you." Di Yalan said with a cold smile as the image disappeared, everyone's hearts were shaken, they didn't know what to do.

if they join the heavenly emperor, they didn't know how things would turn out. most likely, they could die, if they stepped aside, they would most likely be brainwashed. meanwhile, those who had a hand in the death of Di Yalan's parents had pale faces, they didn't expect that small matter to come around a bite them.

"if anyone dares to join her side, I shall kill them on the spot. the enemy would brainwash all of us if we don't stand together." the heavenly emperor said in a void filled with overwhelming killing intent. although slightly unwilling, they quickly got inform formations.

over a thousand heavenly emperors came together, forming an avatar that was more than thouands of times stronger than one of them by himself. when the heavenly emperor felt how weak the avatar was, his face darkened. everyone's state of mind was united, leading to this avatar becoming weak.

but he didn't have time, the barrier shattered and the 3 avatars shot towards him, at the same time, the heavenly emperor who was in control of the avatar had to move forward, but just as he moved, the immortal emperor all shot out of the avatar and flew off, leaving only the heavenly emperor and those from the heavenly court. like hell, they would stay there and run into a trap or something

"it seems there were some smart people among you." DI Yalan said as she reached her hands, flames exploded on her palm, she reached out and the flames formed a fire barrier that blocked everyone's path. as the goddess of fire, Di Yalan's control over fire was perfect, she was now one with fire. like how Sora could order anything to do something. Di Yalan could order the fire to do something.

"Di Yalan, I had no hand in your family's death." someone yelled with a pale face, although immortal emperors should be unkillable able under heaven, they were not foolish to believe these freaks didn't have the means. they could absorb them, 2 forcefully take them outside the Pangu world and kill them.

"How could I ignore the friends of those who killed them? everyone remotely rated to you shall burn, or else the flaming rage would not burn away." Di Yalan said softly, as she looked at the heavenly emperor who was fighting against the 3 avatars, by fighting, I mean getting the beating of a lifetime. since he couldn't die, they didn't need to hold back.

the heavenly emperor seeing Di Yalan looking towards him face turned pale, but his face turned ugly when Di Yalan turned towards his disciple. just as Di Yalan was about to move, he shot toward Shisui, capturing him. at the same time, the heavenly court shook, expelling everyone within. the heavenly court turned into a toy size palace, which he took hold off

The heavenly emperor exploded with everything he had he slammed the barrier in front of him Di Yalan formed.

"Master!" Shisui said in shock, the heavenly emperor forced a smile as he looked at his disciple, he couldn't run away. but he could them off for his beloved disciple. ignoring the burning flames, he forced open a gap within the barrier, which he sent Shisui through, after giving him everything he needed to become the next heavenly emperor.

"go, you must survive," the heavenly emperor said, everyone from the heavenly court nodded slightly at him with a smile. it was truly a touching scene, seeing so many putting their hopes into someone, it could put tears to everyone's eyes.

but as Shisui shot off, the heavenly emperor avatar was slammed from behind, slamming him heavily onto the barrier.

"What a touching scene, but so what? he will die like the others." Di Yalan said as she snapped her finger, creating a powerful fire monster with wings that shot out of the barrier, and rushed after Shisui. the heavenly emperor rushed in rage and shot toward Di Yalan, but he was quickly bitten black and blue.

at this time, the others immortal emperor rushed over, trying to join the avatar and fight. they realized this was the only hope to get out of there, but they were blocked by the Zetsu avatar, and many of them were captured and thrown into the system,

the heavenly emperor's avatar was destroyed, and after giving the heavenly emperor a good beating, causing his body to explode countless times, which he reformed within seconds each time, she threw the heavenly emperor along with everyone from the heavenly court into the system.

but at this time, she sensed the fire demon she created to go after Shisui was destroyed. with a wave, the barrier disappeared, and she saw far away Shisui was returning with a late immortal emperor. this was the backup the heavenly emperor called for, his master and the former heavenly emperor.

this man had disappeared and would not appear unless something truly needed him. the heavenly court destructions were one such matter. Di Yalan snorted slightly, she turned and entered the system, along with the army she came with.

"... t-there all gone," Shisui said softly, the old man holding Shisui had a dark face seeing he was late. he was known as the Heavenly Immortal Emperor, a person who had existed for trillions of years. and for as long as he could remember, he never felt this much rage, and fear towards someone or something.

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

"your master and the son of heaven are all alive... since he put so much trust in you, I believe he has his reason. I too shall put my trust in you, I can guess what he was thinking putting his hope in you..." He said softly as he looked at Shisui, only a few thousand years old and Shisui was currently mid-early heavenly immortal. he was indeed a talent, although not as talented as Sora and the others, he could be said to be the most talented person to ever walk the path of illusion.

he disappeared with Shisui in his hands. with that, the Heavenly immortal emperor took his grand disciple, which he planned to raise with everything he had. eh of course planned to report all of this to the Dao ancestor.

Sora who was watching all of this within the system slowly turned his eyes away from the screen and looked at the countless experts who were horrified to see he was alive, although weakened. he was not dead, and was even spying on what was happening outside.

"I wish to lead this conquest of the first heaven." Di Yalan said softly, of course, her main body didn't fo outside, only an avatar left. Sora made sure all the goddesses remained within the system. she was one of the few goddesses to awaken as her body was tempered through the many times she slept with Sora, allowing her to quickly adapt.

"red, a report of all the soldiers I should know about," Sora said calmly, Red nodded slightly as he pulled out a paper, and gave it to Sora. the paper had a list of the major talents he had not taken notice of. Sora closely went through them all people picking out a few people.

"These are the strongest people who walk the path of fire you take and train... Yamamoto, Roy Mustang, Natsu... Ace and Sabo shouldn't be ignored, once we stumble upon more one-piece worlds, they would fuse with themselves and have the fire devil fruits." Sora said calmly as he handed her a list.

"as for others of this world, the Fire Human impress, Fire Dragon princess, Fire burning immortal, and many others. they are people you should take in and give some of your power to, making them stronger. all of them are in the mountain and river realm and could fight true immortals, 3 realms. and if they have your support, they might touch upon fighting those at the immortal emperor realm." Sora said calmly, Di Yalan nodded and went to take these guys in, before she began her conquest.

"Now, what to do with you ants? I could absorb some of you to help speed up my recovery speed, torture you all to ease my rage, or have you be absorbed by my world to strengthen it. step forward and pick your fate." Sora ordered cold, they were unable to speak and only look on hatefully or with fear as Sora ignored them until now.

they lost control of their body, and they instantly began speaking. the thouands of immortals spoke, some cursing at Sora, others begging for mercy, while a few spoke of their background as if it meant something to Sora.

"I almost forgot... I bring those who slaughtered my family?" Di Yalan asked as she returned, Sora nodded slightly. Di Yalan created flames, which she ordered to capture those who she wanted, even if she didn't know, the flames wrapped around everyone before they disappeared from those who had nothing to do with it and pulled away those who did.

with that order, the flames gained the ability to go through their memories to find who did what. the flames would gain any ability needed to follow through with an order. of course, she was not all-powerful and her flames couldn't do everything.

DI Yalan pulled away, taking them all to her room. within her room, a whole world made out of flames was there. where her main body which was within a throne room within a fire palace stood,

"it doesn't seem right for you all to be in my room... I shall send you all somewhere else." She said softly just as she stepped into her room. she flashed and went to hell, where she created a fire room, which she threw them in and left. she gave them flames only one order, which was to make them suffer a fate worse than death. the flames of course followed through with that order, gaining the right ability needed for such a task...

"Well, it seems even less of you can be tortured now. well, speak up, pick one of the 3 choices." Sora said calmly, everyone wanted to say something, but before Sora's orders, they could not resist, they all picked their fate, wanting to be absorbed by the world. this was the best fate they had.

"so, heavenly emperor, do you regret it?" Sora asked with a cold mocking smile, the heavenly emperor angrily looked at Sora.

"the only regret I have is underestimating your talent. is should have destroyed this mortal realm even at the risk of death from the heavens." He said coldly, Sora nodded slightly before looking at the many gods within the heavenly court. they all had strong wills, unwilling to submit.

"Haha, good. you destroyed the only hope to have a chance at freedom." Sora said with an evil smile,

"Haha, good. Red, have those who are too weak and have no connection to the heavenly court be absorbed by my world. all members of the heavenly court shall suffer as the son of heaven is suffering, as for the remaining, I shall absorb them." Sora said with a mocking smile, Red nodded slightly before stepping forward. he went on to do as Sora ask. in no time, there were groups before Sora

Sora had the system absorb the hundreds of immortal emperors who were the weakest, after which, Sora absorbed the others to recover before he gave those members of the heavenly court the same fate as the son of heaven. be it male or female, he gave them the same order he gave the son of heaven, but they shall never get the chance to buy their freedom. they were all the same as any normal person from earth now,

they shall work day and night, never to rest. they shall never go crazy, and they will remain clear on everything. their body would remain the same, instead of them growing weaker from working too hard and no rest. they shall never eat, they shall never sleep, their sense of pain was no longer limited and they will feel every last thing. and this fate world lasts so long, that they shall forget the details of why they were punished.

They were all taken away, and Sora went on to look for his elites. after having Di Yalan take the talents of fire path away, he realized that everyone within the system could get stronger and more talented, with the support of the elites.

"give my goddess the nows... each goddess most fully support my elite soldiers in their path. I do care not if they are enemies or not, this is a matter which could benefit the system and many powers. everything of the past shall be overlooked for my world growth." Sora said calmly, Red nodded slightly before leaving to spread the news to all of the goddesses,

'sigh, although I want to be the only true god... there are options only male gods could do. so long as they are not filled, the system would have to do it. which could lead to trouble as the system is the heavens, these goddesses would be hit by lightning...' Sora thought before he was hit with realizations.

'system, is the reason that worlds other than cultivation world have stuff like heaven and earth will, which keep things in balance is that they have gods and beings which overlook the stuff, leading to a heaven and earth having no reason to be birthed?' Sora asked

{... that's one of the reasons, the other reason is how this world was formed.} the system said as Sora nodded slightly, before thinking of his next step.

there were currently many potions that are opened. for one, the god male is empty, there is also the god of illusion which was empty. Sora did see any female who was worthy of becoming a god of illusions. Sora thought for some time before he summoned those elite males.

with this, he went on to give each a title. Itachi becomes the God of illusions. Mael became the God of the sun. Escanor became the God of God, and so on. with that, everyone became a god of something, this was Sora taking a step backward when he realized he was overthinking things.

So what if there were other gods, and at the end of the Dao, he was the absolute ruler of this world? he now became the God of Gods, a title which he gave himself along with a unique ability he thought about.

{God OF Gods- all gods shall suffer unimaginable pain if they wish to go against you. if you order a god and he doesn't obey, he shall suffer unimaginable pain, and his power as a god shall be taken from you. when fighting a god, you are 100 times stronger.}

Sora found that coming up with an ability extremely detailed was much easier than coming up with an ability that has a few words to them. before Sora sent them off, he gave the elites all abilities, which would allow them to master absolutely anything they stumble upon. he also remembered this time to take Vail's ability and gift it back to him. this way he kept it, and also he had it.

Vail becomes the God of Double and division. a strange title, but Sora realized it was perfect for his power, it might even allow his power to evolve and reach a new height.

"Hope, Seth, and Levi.." Sora said calmly, the three froze for a moment before coming before the throne and kneed slightly. Sora thought for a moment before he spoke.

"I'm sure you all have your armies, lead an army and start conquering High-Grade worlds, while Di Yalan takes over the first heaven, you 3 should put your attention on conquering a high-grade world... as for you all, also take a high-grade world to conquer, once you all gain strength to say for sure you unmatched under the heavens, you may all leave and conquer the pangu world," Sora said calmly, everyone nodded slightly before they left.

in thrust, Sora didn't need to have them make sure they were strong enough to hold their own within the system. with eh conquest mode, and limit breaker, they had more than enough power to stand within the Pangu world and say they were unmatched. hell, they could stand before the Sage and challenge him, and might even have a better outcome.

sadly, Sora thought of giving them the conquest mode and limit breaker along with all the powers ups too late.

"Since you're giving out seemly random titles, how about I become the God of Kings and emperors." Ya Se said with a smile,

"And I can be the god of queens and empresses," Nu Mu said with a smile, Sora looked at the two for some time, before he shrugged, such dumb god titles made him disdainfully look at them slightly, think bigger,

"haha, the god of Kings, I was going to become the king of kings. I was going to lead the human race in the upcoming calamity. but now, you change this. I should now become something bigger, a god of all kings and emperors within this world, I should at least race these kings to greatness, a pot where even you would be happy with." Ya Se said making Sora ye brow raise slightly, that was not a bad idea...

"Merlin gave you two this idea?" Sora asked calmly, and once his words fell, Merlin slowly entered the throne room. She carried a book in hand and had a calm smile. Sora looked at the book and instantly realized that was a book that held all her knowledge.

She couldn't hold everything within her head, so she created a book of knowledge, a book which holds everything that happens within the system. she simply needs to flip it, and she would find any information she wants... but even so, she wanted more knowledge. what was this world? how did Sora create it? what was the secret of the Omniverse? her greed had no limit,

"I gave them a simple tip, as the god of knowledge. I should stay by you, after all, I hold all the knowledge and can come up with the best of the best plans." Merlin said with a smile, Sora calmly rested his head on his palm while looking calmly at her.

"so be it. I'm no fool who ignores reason when it's before him." Sora said with a smile. he didn't want to be those foolish gods who grew too old and believed to be all-knowing. ignoring reason when it slaps them in the fact, as their pride gives them to ignore such foolish things.

and so with that, Merlin becomes the advisor. with her all-knowing self, although Sora could become all-knowing, it was best to have someone as smart as her around to do her job as an advisor.

meanwhile, Hope opened a portal, leading to a world known against the Gods. Levi went on to open a portal to the world of Bank of The Universe, and Seth opened a portal to a fanfiction world called In The multiverse With A Anime System.

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