In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 85: 0083 the calamity arrives

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"about the matter going on within the Pangu world," an old sagely-looking man asked softly while looking at everyone sitting below. many sages sat at the table, all with deep frowns when they heard about the matter of the Pangu world

"I know many of you love scheming within the Pangu world, but we should all put our plans aside to face this common trouble. the Dao ancestor has done a great fervor to use all for easing the one known as Sora, but he seemed to have raised many freaks under him." the old Sagely man said calmly before he stepped to the table, images appeared above, showing every person that mostly could be a genius which was raised by Sora.

"Silver, the princess of the human race showed no hint of such talent but her fate changed greatly under Sora. Di Yalan a person with alright talent suddenly came out with talent unmatched talent. Red, although we have seen little of him. from what I can see, he seems to be a butler. the one is known as Mael, Zeldris, Grayroad and the other seems not to be of this world. I would love to capture them and make sure, but they are most likely brought to this world by that strange object Sora used to disappear and enter." the sagely old man continued making everyone's eyes widen in shock

" as you may see here, I have sent an avatar to earth to look around, and these are the stuff I have collected. do they all not look similar?" the sage asked as he took out Manga of the seven deadly sins, everyone went through the Manga and their eyes were shocked as this in fact was the people they were seeing, only stronger.

"it's safe to say that Sora had a way to travel to other worlds. for so long we have been storing the mysteries of earth, but Sora has something. I believe Earth tells stories of other worlds, worlds beyond our own. but it's also safe to say another world out there might be telling stories of our world." The sagely old man said softly, with a complicated look flashing across his eyes.

"I know not if we have free will or if we are being controlled. but what I think is my thoughts, and what I do is my own doing... I believe we should capture them, and use them to travel to many worlds out there, just look at the gains they all have. Imagine if we all have it? we could finally conquer the primordial void, and not be forced to remain near the pangu world." he said making everyone's blood boil, seeing this he smiled

"If we are all together then let's get ready for war. we must show our might as heavenly Sage, no one can easily go against us." He yelled causing everyone to cheer in agreement, but as they calmed down, one asked a question that made everyone freeze

"what about the Dao ancestor?" everyone went quiet as they looked at each other. the Dao ancestor was not a normal sage, he was a mighty expect who had cheated his way into becoming a Sage, he had fused with the heavenly Dao, and before his mind and will be fused with the heavenly Dao, he split a part of the Dao which turned into the Dao Ancestor.

the Dao ancestor was reborn a new one with unmatched power, he was born with a hint of Pangu strength at that. he set up the heavenly court, and had everything placed to protect the Dao, he was still the Dao in truth, if the Dao suffer, he shall suffer.

he left and went to explore the primordial void, and his strength reached a height where he could be considered only second to Pangu. these Sages didn't dare to stand in the way of the Dao ancestor, just an avatar he made to face Sora was only slightly weaker than most of them here. his main body could blink and they would disappear.

although most of the had grown strong and had believed at first the Sage was not their match, they changed their mind when they saw the avatar. after the avatar's death, the memory of who fought Sora disappeared from the sages. they knew it was the Dao ancestor, they just couldn't remember how the fight went down or what the Sage was even like. the Sage was a freak, seemly only 3rd to Ling Han, and those from Sora,

"The Dao ancestor is strong, but even he can't stand against us all if we work together. as one we are a twig, we are easily broken. but if we stand together, the Dao ancestor would never break us. also, on my last trip into the primordial void, I met a primordial. when I tried to use the Dao ancestor to scare him, he laughed at me. it seems the Dao ancestor had found something which he needs his full attention on, which is why he didn't care if he offended the Dao ancestor." the sagely old man said as a right flashed across his eyes. this was the question he wanted.

"..." everyone looked at each other, as their mind began scheme hearing this. to say the least, they were planning of destroying the Heavenly Dao, dealing great damage to the Dao ancestor, leading to him suffering huge injuries and being killed by the enemy he is facing.

"well, we have nothing to worry about by the Dao ancestor. the Primordial fear the aura of the Pangu world, and our path to reach the peak is within the Pangu world. I believe you all know what we should do." the sagely old man said with a smile

within the pangu world. Roy Mustang smoked a cigarette while looking at the incoming enemies.

"origin dragons, you have seen anything, as prideful as you all are, why fight and die pointlessly when you can join us and raise to level even Sages would have to fear you all," Roy said calmly, a huge white dragon coldly looked at him. standing with him, countless other dragons of all colors stood. these were all the origin dragon race. the purest of all dragon-type bloodlines, the first dragon types to come into existence.

they were a prideful race, all who stood before Roy were all at half step Sage realm, the gardens and protectors of the race.

"you all have to move towards one person? where is the pride in that? you all are about to team up against one person only at the mountain and river tier, where is the pride in that? you are all so serious against me, where is the pride in that?" Roy said with a shake of his head, his words embarrassed the dragons, but that embarrassment turned into a rage which they aimed at Sora.

"your existed goes against the heaven, today we must kill you." the white dragon said as he stepped forward

"my existence goes against heaven? is cultivation not going against the heaven? if I'm going against the heaven, how come I have not fact such tribulations yet? It's shames to see such things I thought were cool being so sad, the saying is true, never meet your heroes." Roy said with a shake of his head once more. the dragons were unable to handle his words anymore, and with a roar, they rushed toward Roy.

Roy waved his hand with a snap, and out of nowhere, flames exploded swallowing all of the dragons. Roy didn't stop snapping and none stop, in a heartbeat, he had snapped over 5 million times, he stopped as he looked at the dragons which were laying on the ground.

"I have the best spam over out of anyone. you could be stronger, you could be more skilled... I simply need to spam one move to win." Roy said with a smile while looking at the badly burnt dragons which were not dead, their injuries slowly healed but it would take some time.

"didn't even need to power up or transform, only the others could be my match," Roy said softly as he walked past them, ignoring their hateful glares as he reached the walls of the Dragon Origin city, with ultra instinct, his body snapping speed reached a new level,

"... I should absorb you all so I can breakthrough, I forgot I'm working for someone, I can't take the spoils of war all for myself," Roy said as he looked at the dragons, with a sigh, he opened a portal and sent them into the system before he snapped his fingers, barriers appeared blocking his attack.

Seeing this barrier was blocking his alrighty snap, he didn't stop. he planned to weaken this barrier with each snap of the finger.

attacks ran from the city wall towards him, seeing this, Roy spun his punch and touched the beam which shot past him. his hand burned slightly from touching it, but this allowed him to meet the requirement for a special move

"Karma Snap," Roy said as he snapped, suddenly on the wall where the attack come from, exploded into flames. the dragons seeing this were shocked and horrified, not understanding what just happened

"Snap teleportations." Roy snapped his finger once more, and he suddenly switched places with the explosion, appearing within the cry

"This will be snap," Roy said with a smile, seeing the frozen dragons who slowly backward away, afraid that Roy would snap his finger. but as they backed away, the sky slowly darkened, Roy froze as he looked into the sky. a strange aura covered the whole Pangu world, and all lifeforms froze for some time before their negative emotions suddenly grew.

the wives who were annoyed about their husbands not throwing out the trash suddenly grabbed a knife and killed their husbands. the husband who was annoyed with the small thing their wife did last night suddenly killed their wife. the parents who were annoyed hearing their beloved children crying ended up killing them.

everyone became easily pushed towards murder, best friends killed each other, and parents killed their children without a second thought. Roy who had frozen suddenly grew annoyed seeing these lower lifeforms looking at him, without a second thought, he snapped his finger,

flames exploded within his free hands, and a fire spear appeared in his hands, with a step, he shot forward, slaughtering everything around him

back to Sora, who had absorbed all of the Half-step Sages August brought recovered, and even broke through to level 9 diamond rank, sat upon his throne as he looked at Yamamoto who had come to report about the happening in the outside world.

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

"the origin dragon, origin phoenix, and many other origin races have been conquered. also, the calamity has begun. from the few half-steps sages, we have captured, it seems like someone had pushed for the calamity to happen sooner than expected. currently, Di Yalan is facing calamity, all lifeforms are aiming their hatred toward her." Yamamoto said stunning Sora

"the calamity?" Sora said with a deep frown, he had little information about these things, he looked over towards Merlin, who was sitting on a floating seat. unable to walk. Merlin opened her book, and the pages began flipping, quickly reaching the page about the calamity.

"the calamity is an event that happens every few billions or trillions of years within the Pangu world. once it begins, all lifeform's emotions would be chaotic, anything that annoyance a person even in the slightest could lead to their emotions going out of control and the killing of even their most beloved person. when the calamity happens, it means that the Dao, heaven, and earth, are about to reset.." Merlin said calmly

"as they reset, beings like Sages are able to enter this world. this is where the heavenly court and many defenders of the Dao stand to step in. they make sure that as few to no lifeforms are killed, this way the time between the reset is shortened. the heavenly court and many other powers have done this, making the reset only last for a few minutes. but without the heavenly court and these powers, the reset time could be months or even years. giving the sages enough time to attack the Dao, Heaven, and earth." Merlin said making Sora frown deeply

"many years ago, the Dao ancestor used the window between the reset to fuse with the Dao, stealing a huge amount of this world power. to make sure such things never happen again, the Dao ancestor made sure to set up measures to prevent a second him from coming into powers," Merlin said before closing the book, Sora rubbed his forward for some time

"it's most likely the Sages did this, leading to the calamity happening all of the sudden... what are the gains for those who face the calamity?" Sora asked softly,

"It's the karma and destiny Qi fo all those that died during the calamity. if you slaughter every lifeform then you would have the karma and Destiny Qi of every lifeform." She said with a smile, Sora froze slightly before he smiled slightly.

"Have everyone under Di Yalan return. Di Yalan is to face that calamity." Sora said with a smile, the Di Yalan who was within that world was only an avatar, but it was good as the main body facing it. Yamamoto nodded slightly, and Di Yalan was given the order to slaughter all lifeforms.

for the benefit of his world, Sora would not think twice to slaughter an infinite upon the infinite amount of lifeforms. Sora cared not if they were good or bad, he cared not if others saw his actions as good or bad. He was a fucking God, are gods hindered by such foolish concepts? in this world, benefits should not be ignored for such foolish concepts.

"Well, take me away to see the wise man," Sora said calmly, Merlin nodded slightly as he first fully summoned the wise man. they were all under Merlin, and got Merlin's blessing, making them almost all-knowing like herself.

Sora entered a room and saw a group fo people sitting before a round table, Sora went on to go sit at the head of the tables and look at everyone,

among the wise man were, Light, Lelouch, Meruem, Sora, and Shiro {from No game no life}, Demiurge, Kiyotaka, Itachi, Aizen, L, Schneizel El Brittania, Merlin, Houtarou Oreki, Urahara, Azmuth and lastly the smartest of them all, the man who was 5,000 years ahead of everyone, Ainz Ooal Gown, the God OF Undead

"Well, this will be our first meeting. are you all up to date with the matters?" Sora asked as he sat down and looked at everyone. everyone here had unmatched wisdom, they also could gain any knowledge they want by simply wanting to know about it. so long as Merlin allows them to know.

"yes, before you arrived and we were able to come to a conclusion." Ainz Ooal Gown said leaning forward, with his lebo on the table, and fingers wrapped together, he gave off the aura of a badass, all-knowing being. Sora couldn't help but feel ashamed of himself, Ainz's aura was countless times greater than himself. Sora nodded slightly allowing him to speak. but deep down, he began making plans to stand before a mirror, and start training.

"The Sages are most likely aiming to attack during that moment when the Dao is resetting. it would be a good moment to attack, not only damaging the Dao ancestor, but it could allow them to fight and deal with us within the Pangu world. but I believe they would not want to fight, but instead what to capture us. they have seen our capability, it would be foolish for them to fight us when we could simply run away." Ainz said to which Sora nodded in agreement

"so, they should first want to get information out of someone they capture. we can use this and lunch huge counter. simply have the person they capture hold an army for us, we can wait for the right moment before many sages are there before they attack." Itachi said knowing Sora didn't need the plan to be so detailed, Sora just wanted the key points,

"is the only plan?" Sora asked calmly, everyone nodded slightly before they went over their many layers of backup plans. they even had backup plans for when their counter-attack went off, and if some overwhelming powerful being appeared.

"great plans, all measures are taken into account. but who came up with the plan of attacking the Sage head-on?" Sora asked not understanding the reason behind this plan, everyone turned to look towards Ainz, Sora's eyebrow raised for thinking for some time before understanding the reason behind this idea.

"you're truly wise Ainz. if we do fight the Sages under the heavens, just enough for the heaven and earth to complete its reset. wouldn't the will of the heavens look kindly upon us? the heavens would suffer upon us, and we would have a high chance of dominating it. you all forgot about heavens will... great job Ainz." Sora said in surprise, everyone was too forced on the Sages, everyone had forgotten that the heaven will be born by the time the heaven and earth reset.

"A-as expected of the lord, you saw through me," Ainz said in a slightly shaking tone. To think the idea he thought out to start the meeting before Sora arrived was in fact the one Sora liked the most. everyone frowned slightly, they didn't expect Ainz to be so smart. meanwhile, Demiurge had a bright smile, even among so many people, his master outclassed them all.

they went over a few more things, talking about the management of this world, and who to put in charge of conquering another world. in the end, the 7 deadly sins were given the task fo conquering another world, the cities, and many others now had to conquer the world. they were not allowed to conquer the world, but the rewards they shall get from conquering the world had increased.

with that done, Sora went on to see his new wife. the ones who were resistant to his marriage, to loyal to their beloved. upon entering a room, Sora entered a world where he saw females living their peaceful lives, they all froze seeing Sora, and they all frowned.

"so, it's almost time for you all to become my wife," Sora said with a smile, a young black-haired woman, who looked to be 14 years old angrily looked at him, but she was stopped by a few wives.

She was Huan Caiyi, Little Demon Empress, the Number One Beauty In The Illusory Demon Real of against the god world. to say the least, she deeply loved Yun Chu and was willing to go to hell and back for him, with his death her hatred towards Sora was sky-high.

the person holding her back was the Gold crow, and standing by her was the Fire Phoenix, Ice Phoenix, and Vermilion Bird. these were not a part of Yun Che harem, but they were unwilling to submit still.

among Yun Che harem who didn't want to submit were... all of them, even Xia Qingyue had some mist feelings. On one side, she was happy her family was back and united. everything was perfect, but on the other side, she betrayed her true love.

although she was going to destroy her home and kill Yun Che, it was of course all an act. she loved him, and with him gone, she felt like she had truly betrayed him for a person who would most likely care about her existence after getting her destiny.

on the other side was the MC harem from an Idle System within the Cultivation world, the MC's 5 wives and 10 children were looking at him carefully. to say the least, they were all loyal to their beliefs and hated what Sora did to him

"well... I have no idea about the hatred, it's not like I would even touch any of you. instead of being grateful, I don't fuse you all to submit, I was gentle enough to give you this world to yourselves. your family are living lives they never imagine they would have, and so on. so I ask you, what is the reason to hate me when I gave them a choice?" Sora said as he walked up to the Little Demon Empress

"go to hell." She said as she spat onto Sora's face, Sora didn't dodge and the spit landed on his face, Sora's eyes slowly narrowed. he was enraged, he allowed these females to act their way. for their future, he didn't dominate them. but some people just don't know their place.

"it seems like I have to show you your place, I haven't given you all reason to fear me. it's not like I had an intreast in touching any of you... but now." Sora said as he coldly looked at everyone. before he slowly removed his clothing.

"you think your lover was a man, I shall show you what a true man is... no, what a god is. now strip." Sora said while looking at their pale faces. they couldn't control themselves and found themselves removing their clothing...

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