In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 94: 0092 a fate worse than death

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time went by, Sora's world remained quiet and come, and only low mad lid grade worlds were being conquered. after conquering so many mid-grade worlds, Sora gained the power to mass buy mid-grade portals and even searched. Sora realized the system was doing this by simply using the story which had similar karma to what he searched for. Sora managed to do this without the need for the system, which shocked Sora slightly.

Sora also got a new arm. a metal army that forced with him, with this new arm Sora's mind could finally be connected to the internet, allowing him to see what the conquest race was into. the arm was of the highest technique and was made with Merlin, Azmuth, Aizen, kisuke, and the many bright minds within the system.

This arm was not just fused with the heart of desire, it was a powerful arm that shall change its form to whatever Sora thinks. this arm pretty much made Sora 10 times stronger. which made Sora wonder if he should get a complete metal body like this. but he stopped that thought, he wanted to be original as much as he could.

meanwhile, outside, Di Yalan's slaughter of all lifeform reached finally came to an end. with 99...9999% of all lifeform skilled. only a few people remained the primordial queen, DI Yalan, and many others who were skilled in hiding. but in total, only 10 people remained.

this only took 9 months, she had to dig out all of the hidden experts, until this point was reached, she floated within the void looking at the heavens which were slowly growing weak as if it was falling asleep. the Dao slowly disappeared as well, leaving Di Yalan unable to use her Dao.

as soon as heaven fell asleep, Di Yalan was instantly surrounded by over 100 sages. they all coldly looked at her, while she slowly looked at them all. with the heavens resetting, they could now make their move, and with so many of them, they will get everything out of Sora's world and reach a level of power that would allow them to reach the Dao ancestor level.

"Haha, I bet you never expected this." the sagely old man laughed mockingly, while everyone gave Di Yalan mocking looks. a few couldn't help but size this woman up, it would be a sage to kill such a beauty.

"you think I would kill all these lifeforms knowing that once the calamity arrives you can enter without reason? Do sages have no sense of danger?" Di Yalan asked as the space around them was sealed, entrapping them all. all of the Sages froze. slowly they all turned to look and saw a white-haired man, with a blind covering his eyes standing on top of the Sagely old man.

the Sagely old Man froze, someone was standing on his head, and to his horror, he felt as if this person was here this whole time. he instantly realized that this being was stronger than himself,

"Well, it seems like we have nothing to do until the heavens reset... what to do until then?" Gojo said as he walked on the sage head, with hands on the back of his head. the strange thing was, Goku was the same size as the Sage, but it was as if he had a huge amount of space while walking on Sage's head.

"d-don't fuck with me." the Sagely old man screamed, his fear he had a moment ago disappeared replaced by unmatched rage. reached out to grab Gojo, but Gojo disappeared appearing began him. with a slight tap, the Sagely old man fell to his knees

"What a nice Sage. you know, it's hard nowadays to find someone willing to offer themselves up as a seat." Gojo said as he sat down, a cup of tea appeared in his hands, which he drank while in deep thought. the amount of disrespect Gojo was showing at the moment caused the Sagely old man to cough up blood. he a peak Sage was being toyed with in such a way, He was the leader of the Sages, yet just look at the state he was in.

he wanted to get up, but the space was locked. space had hardened to a great degree, he couldn't move, even a twitch of the finger was impossible.

"what do you guys think? maybe we should play a small game until the heavens awaken?" Gojo asked the others, the Sage were all frozen. none of them dared to move, just seeing how easily he handed one of the strongest sages stunned them. but there were of course a few among them who could match the Sagely Old man.

"snort, who are you?" a 6-arm 3-head sage asked with narrowed eyes while looking at Gojo, Gojo flipped and stepped on his back. spreading his hand out, he introduced himself.

"I'm the lord elites, the god of space. Goddess of Fire, you can leave, I will play with them until the heavens reset." Gojo said with a smile, everyone's eyes shrank slightly. Gojo was an early heavenly immortal, going off the base of everyone's talent within the system, Gojo should be capable of fighting a Great Sage. everyone's heart dropped at this thought, but they pushed this thought to the pack of their head, not wanting to believe it.

Di Yalan nodded slightly before she disappeared, she ignored the happening within the locked space and simply awaited the awakening of the Dao. once the dao awaken, they had to put up a good show to the newly born will. once the heavens come to trust them, they shall subdue the thing.

Outside the Pangu world, Kurumi stood within the void. countless of her followers gathered formatting a huge avatar of Kurumi, which stood taller than the Pangu world. She slowly spread her hand out like the hands of the clock. a huge clock that made her look like an ant appeared behind her,

Slowly, Kurumi turned her hands like a clock. the huge clock hand began to slowly begin to slowly tick, and in an instant, a hundred years suddenly passed within the Pangu world. Kurumi's face paled slightly, for her to affect the time of something as powerful as Pangu's world was something even she shrugged against. Pangu was an existence that stood above the Great Sage realm, Pangu was a being who was about to break through into an unknown realm.

"I need more power... its time is too complex for me to handle," Kurumi said through gritted teeth, Sora who was watching from his world, slowly reached his hand. energy from all over his world gathered. this was the power of the people, Sora had everyone reach their peak state, and their powerlevel all entered Sora.

Sora for that moment reached the highest level of people he have ever reached, reaching a powerlevel above the Great Sage realm. Sora sent this power to Kurumi, making her sigh in relief before she began moving the clocks.

hundreds of years passed with every tick, those sages within the Pangu world were hurried as they sensed the passage of time. even if a being is not affected by time, there was a limitation to this, immortals existed within their own space-time. which is why they were not affected much by the effect of time travel and other stuff. but if a person was capable enough, they could affect their space-time, which was what Kurumi was doing.

the sages grew flew into a panic, not even they could survive if the heavens find them. they attacked Gojo nono stop, but Gojo simply disappeared and was replaced by Natsu, Luffy, and Naruto. it was these 3 MCs because they gave off the best speeches, Sora wanted to use their Anime Aura to move the newly formed will of heaven. Sora made sure their strength was high enough to win, but it would be a hard fight.

Kurumi soon spread time up by million years, and the heavens slowly began awakening. she quickly stopped and erased all traces of her ever being there and returned to Sora space.

as the heavens awakened, time began flowing once more within the Pangu world. explosions seemed to go off, and new lifeforms were born. lower realms were born none stop, beings from humans, dragons, and so many others came to life with the heavens reawakening. but the heavens froze upon sensing 120 lifeforms within its world which it didn't like at all.

emotions that the heavens never felt before suddenly came to life, rage. unmatched rage filled its heart seeing a Sage dared walked within the Pangu world. but it froze seeing 3 men fighting all 120 of said sages.

"How could you all just ignore the rules placed by the heavens? if I don't stand up on behalf of the heavens then who will?" Natsu yelled as he punched a sage while trying to dodge other attacks or block other attacks, but he was sent flying while suffering some injuries.

"This is heaven's domain, to go out of your way to ignore someone's house rules? the heavens birthed you and helped you all reach what you are now. how shameless can you be to scheme against the being who gave you everything? allow me to kick your butts out." Naruto said as he disappeared, using the flying thunder god to appear behind a sage, with an attack aimed at the back of the sage. but he disappeared, dodging another attack that almost hit him.

Luffy completely forgot his speech, using his Dao of rubber, the world was rubber before him. he disappeared, slamming others with a block, while attacks that landed on him bounced back, hitting the attacker.

the Sages were enraged, they wanted to leave but they were attacked each time they wanted to run. they could already fill heaven's eyes locked onto their back, they had sweat covering their forehead as they knew the reason behind why they were making such a speech. the heavens just birthed a will, and if the heavens got a good impression of Sora's side... just the thought made them all slightly fearful. of course they wanted to speak, so the heavens could understand, but they were not matched for the people in front of them. they were killed if they were careless

slowly heaven and earth shook. before everyone's shocked eyes, golden clouds which seemed to lead to heaven appeared above everyone. slowly, a golden-haired woman stepped on the clouds, as if stepping onto the mortal plane. she had golden eyes, looks that many goddesses within Sora's world couldn't compare to.

She waved her head slightly, and the barrier Gojo made shattered, the Sages all wanted to flee, but they all exploded into a blood mist, which returned to heaven and earth.

"you're right. I helped so many life forms grow stronger. I gave them everything, without me they're nothing..." She said angrily, the reason the heaven hated Sage was because the way to become a Sage was something which the Heavens hated. the first requirement to become a Sage was to master the Dao. once a Dao was mastered then they could break through.

but to become a Sage, one has to use the heavens. they had to steal from the heavens and break through to the Sage realm. this act doesn't just weaken the heavens, the heaven also hated things that stood above it. transcending the Dao in the eyes of the heavens was an act of your child you help grow up, suddenly running around with your lifesaving.

"... thank you for standing up to me while I was in my slumber. but you're not born from me..." She slowly turned her attention to the 3, and slowly narrowed her eyes. the heaven world normally does not act against me, but since it had a will of its own. it was learning and could act as it wish without any rules binding it.

"yes, we are not of this world. but for the past hundreds of thouands of years, we have acted to protect you from those Sages. we didn't want another Dao ancestor to be birthed, such injust is something we couldn't stand by and see." Gojo said with a smile as he appeared behind Naruto and the others. the woman was moved slightly, she nodded gratefully,

"y-you are all quite talented... from what I remember, you all have something to do with Sora?" She asked in a soft tone. Gojo nodded slightly,

"he was born from this world, we want to capture the Dao ancestor more than anyone else for his actions. you must understand our hatred." Gojo said, making the heaven nod she took hated that bastard, with this common hatred, she soften slightly.

"... Sora was a genius, he was most likely the person who led to my birth. he bought huge pressure. but I could think him for that, he was the most talented, even more, talented than Pangu." She said softly, as she looked down in pity. Sora was her child, and his death was a pity. she was like a mother who watched her most talented child disappear, but after some time her eyes turned cold.

"my son, give me back the son of heaven." She said angrily, her mood instantly changed remembering how the people in front of her took away her most believed son. Sora could have been the most talented, but the son of heaven was the most loved.

"no need to be angry, you can come with us. the son of heaven is over here." Gojo said as he snapped his finger, creating a portal to Sora's world. the heaven's eyes softened when she felt the son fo heaven's physique, just as she was about to speak, Gojo and the others entered and waved at her to enter

she hesitated to see this, but she had no ill will toward the 4, and they were willing to take her to see more most beloved son. she entered, but to be on guard, she sent a hint of herself. she was not foolish.

as soon as she entered, she froze upon seeing this was a new heaven and earth, she felt a huge amount of herself within this world. Gojo and the others left, leaving Sora and her alone. She looked around, She saw Sora sitting on his throne, calmly waiting for her. but if one looked deeply into his eyes, there was a hint of lust flashing through his eyes. such a beautiful woman, how could he not be moved?

soon, her eyes landed on the throne of conquest and saw the son of heaven. her eyes softened seeing the condition of her son, truly impressive. he was not even ruling this world. sadly for her, that was not the son of heaven but Sora with his mask on. Sora had the son of heaven physique, leading to her thinking Sora was the son of heaven.

"as expected of the heavens, your beauty has unmatched," Sora said with a smile, such a beauty. she shall become the goddess of beauty and the goddess of heaven. the heaven, on the other hand, blushed slightly, she never heard of such compartments, and her heart couldn't help but speed up.

"your face is red, are you alright?" Sora asked in a soft tone as he got up, quickly arriving before her while feeling her forehead. Her blush grew, and looking through the two holes she could see the warmth within Sora's eyes.

"N-no, it's nothing." She said softly, just wanting to step backward. but Sora suddenly pulled her closer into his hands, her body went stiff as Sora's hands were around her waist, she had even been treated like this. she didn't know what to do.

"... become my wife," Sora said softly, her face seemed to grow 10 times redder hearing this. she wanted to break free, but she couldn't bring up much power to break free. she was feeling new emotions she never felt before, and her care was slowly turning confusing, not understanding what she felt towards Sora.

was it love? if not, why was she not pushing him away? her heartbeat slowly increased as Sora removed his mask. revealing those perfect lips which slowly neared her. her lips moved on their own, slowly coming closer for a kiss.

as their lips connected, her eyes widened as she felt a tongue enter her mouth. she was stunned, but her mind wind blanks as she slowly hugged Sora back. at the moment the heavenly she felt was heavenly. Sora's kiss was like being kissed by the god of conquest. with her being lost in the kiss, she didn't notice that she was being dominated, and her true self as well was slowly being dominated.

she was like a newly born child, although on guard, she was not experienced to go up against someone like Sora. she was like a woman who fell in love, she slowly opened her eyes as the kiss was broken. but she froze seeing Sora,

"w-what? y-you." She didn't know what to say as she stumbled backward, she didn't know what was going on, didn't Sora die? why did he have the son of heaven physique? many questions ran threw her mind, but Sora had her relax.

"Well, to make the Dao ancestor let his guard down. I'm acting as if I'm dead, he should be rushing here to stop someone from doing what you did." Sora said with a charming smile, but she shook her head, she could care less about this.

"the son of heaven, you tricked me." She said as she hatefully looked at Sora, Sora's eyebrow raised as he dominated this woman. yet she was breaking free, it seems like he was reaching that level of power where people couldn't be so easily dominated.

"I never tricked you, the son of heaven is alive. since he didn't need this physuqe I took it from him, as for everything I ask. I meant it. you're more beautiful than words could describe. join me, are you not tired of always staying in one place under rules? I want to show you the world," Sora said softly as he held her head, the heaven rage weakened hearing Sora's words, what young girl words not be moved by such words?

"you have seen only a hint of my world, why don't I show you?" Sora asked as he pulled her into his hands, but she pushed away his arms. but she still agreed, clearly, she was not against the thought of running away from home... I mean leaving her job.

Sora smiled slightly, this was too easy. but he couldn't get cocky until he had her fully dominated. they teleported up into the sky, where heaven could sense the world, without the castle blocking her. her eyes widened as she sensed the many Dao of many worlds which had fused together, forming a deeper and winner road.

"the world you're in is only a drop compared to the endless numbers of worlds out there. so, take my hand." Sora said as he reached out towards her, she hesitated slightly. as she slowly raised her hand to take him, she was of course moved. how could she not?

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

"if you lie to me again, I will never forgive you." She said softly, to which Sora promised never to do, she took his head with a blush. before Sora pulled her into a huge, and slowly began kissing.

meanwhile, the goddess was watching all of this play out with weird looks. their husband was becoming a sum bag. the could understand why he was doing what he was doing, but still... if stuff like this continued to happen, it was not hard to picture how Sora could turn out in the future.

With Sora successfully winning over Heaven's heart, he had her move into his world. he gave her the name Tian Tang, which she happily accepted. meanwhile, the Pangu world was left within heaven to look over all things, of course over time a new will of the world would be birthed, but that would take time.

without the heaven, there will be no tribulations. without tribulation, there would be no breakthroughs to higher realms. this was of course a huge problem, and after some time away, the heaven gained some reason that she abandoned her people. she quickly had a part of herself return to do her job,

while she stayed with Sora. they both explored Sora's bed. knowledge should be taken step by set, and the first step was the ben room. but before the ben room was the bed, so, time went by.

within the void outside of the Pangu world. the Dao ancestor shot back toward the heavens at top speed, deep rage filled his eyes. he moved at such speed that many would miss the pact he was passing worlds similar to the Pangu world. shockingly, the Void had many similar worlds to the Pangu world.

about the Great Sage realm was the True God Realm. above that was a God of the creative realm, Pangu in the past was a half-step God of Creation. powerful experts of this level could be considered to be among the strongest in this world.

'damn it, if that new world didn't suddenly attack, I would have arrived there months ago.' the Dao ancestor thought hatefully. not too long ago, a new world had arrived aiming to destroy this story. as for the reason for the war, someone in this world killed his son. he would not stop until this world suffered.

this world didn't even manage to break free of the story yet, it was near it, but still a few years away from doing so. the person attacking them was extremely powerful, and all of the powerhouses within this world were called up for battle.

he too had to fight, he was lucky to make many friends who allowed him to tush back to see what was happening to the Pangu realm. he had wanted to rush back years before the calamity began after realizing there were more people from Sora's side. he knew those Sages would jump at the chance to become great Sage.

Time went by, and soon he neared the Pangu world. his eyes narrowed as he saw a few primordial who were spying on the Pangu world. they were spying on the Pnagu world as they sensed the heaven would disappear and appear from time to time, it was clear the heavens gained a will of their own and were losing interest in managing the lifeforms within the Pangu world

the Dao ancestor flew by, pulling the souls right out of these primordial and soul-searching them, the Dao ancestor's eyes narrowed as he stopped before the Pangu world. just as he was about to act, he froze as he slowly turned, and saw Sora standing behind him. he to say the least was stunned, was this guy dead? he burned him out of existence, yet he was up and moving before him stronger than ever

what was the realm the Dao ancestor was in? well, he was an early True God. in truth, he shouldn't have been able to go higher than half true god because of how he and the heavens were one. but he was lucky and managed to stumble upon an opportunity to reach this level of power.

with a powerlevel of 1,000 True God Dao, the Dao ancestor was extremely powerful, with more pull than Sora. one might wonder why one earth did Sora appear, The Dao ancestor was Outerversal, an extremely powerlevel being

"you see, as someone who can't die, it's annoying when someone kills me," Sora said softly, the Dao ancestor's eyes narrowed before he burst out laughing. if Sora never appeared, he would not have any hidden danger eying him from the shadow, yet Sora foolishly appeared before him.

Sora smiled slightly, a woman stepped out of the portal. looking at the Dao ancestor with hateful eyes. the Dao ancestor's eyes shrank, and he suddenly realized that in his moment of shock, heaven will have disappeared from the Pangu world.

the Dao ancestor didn't think twice and turned to run away. he was enraged, why didn't the heavenly immortal emperor and many others not tell her that the heavens had birthed its consciousnesses? what he didn't know was that Shisui had found already conquered the Heavenly Immortal emperor, leading to the information the Dao ancestor got to be in Sora's favor. Shisui had secretly destroyed/ conquered all the powers belonging to the Dao ancestor. so everything the Dao ancestor knew what under Sora's control.

"From the moment, you were fighting a pointless battle," Sora said as Tang Tian reached out, pulling the Dao ancestor towards her. the Dao ancestor exploded with everything he had, he tried his best to break free, and countless items were thrown out, but in the end, it was pointless. she was a High True God, he was only an early True god.

the power which the Dao ancestor stole was sucked out of the Dao ancestor, causing the dao ancestor to scream in pain. he breathed heavily while hatefully looking at the two. Sora reached out, grabbing the Dao ancestor by the hair, and pulling him into the system.

"Well, this god has never been so disrespected before. your suffering shall be while known all over this god world" Sora said calmly, the Dao ancestor was enraged, when as he ever disrespected like this? yet he was being pulled by the air, grabbed all over the ground like he was some piece of trash.

"Haha, how did you like seeing that bitch suffer?" The dao ancestor mocked, since he would most likely die, he should launch some blows before he died. someone of his strength although unwilling to die, he was not foolish enough to think there was a way to escape.

"Haha, I was enraged... i'm still enraged, and you will feel every last bit of it." Sora said as he turned back, looking at the Dao ancestor with a smile. the Dao ancestor's body felt chills while looking into those glowing red eyes, the fact Sora was so relaxed made him feel uneasy.

"w-what are you going to do?" he asked in a soft voice, Sora just smiled at him. and said nothing, Sora pulled the guy outside, allowing the Dao ancestor to see just how huge his world was. the Dao ancestor almost shit himself seeing there were more people similar to Di Yalan and the others. it was a world filled with freaks, but Sora ignored him completely, and soon they arrived before a river. Sora waved his hand, and a coffin appeared, which he threw the dao ancestor into.

the coffin was not normal, there was a hole where his four limbs stock out, and his headstock out of a hole in the top. the Dao ancestor was confused, as he looked at Sora, Sora reached his hand while still looking calmly at him. bread and honey appeared in his hands, each being of high grade.

"you will be the first person I will wonder if your mind will withstand everything am about to do to you," Sora said calmly as he looked at the forest, he looked at the many insects all over the place before looking back at the Dao ancestor who still had a confused look, but fear had grown into his heart.

"what are you doing to do? eat, while I watch on?" he asked mockingly, Sora's eyebrow raised slightly, such a simple way to torture, someone, he would make it countless times worse.

"This god orders your senses to reach the Sage realm," Sora said calmly, the Dao ancestor froze before his senses reached the level of a Sage. everything was so clear, he could clearly sense his body. every bit of cells within his body, down to the blow flow was as loud as thunder in his ear.

the senses were too much for his mortal mind to handle but lucky for him Sora had his mind ignore some of the stuff. this allowed him to relax slightly, but he was even more confused.

"this god orders thee not to adapt, even more, your mind, body, and soul shall never adapt to any pain, suffering, and so on for the rest of your immortal life. your mind shall remain strong and clear, your mind shall never break no matter what shall never break. the pain you feel shall be an infinite times breaker than what others shall feel, you shall sense every cell death, and so many other stuff clear as day." Sora ordered and the Dao ancestor followed through with the order, he shook slightly as a horrified look appeared on his face

"w-wait, this might have been a miss understanding." He said as he tried to move around within the coffin, he had more than enough room within but found he couldn't get out. Sora ignored him and turned to look at the bread and honey.

"honey and bread can cause a bad case of diarrhea for mortals... but this is special honey and bread. the bees which made this evolved to keep beers away from their give, so the honey cause an extremely bad cause of it, to the point bears avoid such gives. mortals of my world are known to die after hearing this, and my mortals have my bloodline. even void shattering realm and immortals with my blood avoid this like it is some evil thing" Sora said softly,

"This bread also causes a bad case of diarrhea. so much so that even immortals could die if they eat enough of it... when the two come together, this effect more than doubles. so, what do you think a lower lifeform like yourself who eats this world happens?" Sora asked as calmly while looking into the horror which filled the Dao ancestor

"you bastard, kill me if you want, but don't humiliate me." the Dao ancestor yelled angrily, Sora smiled slightly as he looked at him. for someone on the Dao ancestor level, a death of him shitting himself to his death was the greatest torture.

"you enrage this god. this god shall make you suffer... suffer a fate which even I will shake at the thought off. now, lets every lifeform within the primordial void, and Pangu world see this. I will destroy every face you have left." Sora said coldly, the Dao ancestor's body shook in horror, and a screen appeared in front of the Dao ancestor, showing him all the people who were watching this.

there were people from the conquest race, people within the Pangu world, and many other people within the primordial void who felt something pulling their senses over. the Dao ancestor hatefully looked at Sora, but he didn't get the chance to speak.

"feed him for 1 minute none stop, after which, wait 24 hours before feeding him again," Sora ordered the bread and honey, which got to work, and so, everyone watched as the Dao ancestor eat, minutes later, loud sounds came from the coffin as the Dao ancestor face twitched in pain.

The dao ancestor felt like he was given birth to a gaint, he screamed in pain as he shit himself, releasing a powerful smell, which drew many incents. the dao ancestor didn't stop shitting himself, and as if he wanted to shoot everything he had ever eaten out of his stomach. he pains schemes which stopped as he made grout sounds from time to time.

"n-no." the Dao ancestor screamed as he saw incent crawling into the coffin, they began sitting his shit, but they allowed them to find his way to his butt. which they entered and began eating him from the inside out. but his body recovered quickly, making it so they would never eat him.

Sora watched the Dao ancestor's screams go on none stop, but while watching he felt this was not painful enough. he should make it worse. but he nodded slightly after seeing tears dripping from eh Dao ancestor. this was a pain that a mortal like himself couldn't withstand.

every bite of the insect too, everything thing down to them entering his stomach was extremely painful, he would have died from simply shitting himself. that pain alone was infinitely worse than childbirth, but the insect-eating him from the inside out was even worse, countless times worse as these insect bites were so painful.

his body was shaking badly, he couldn't take a breath. all he wanted now was death, but to make things worse, his eyes were locked on the screen of all the lifeforms watching him suffer. this was a fate worse than death, he never knew just how beautiful death was until now.

"K-kill me." the Dao ancestor yelled through the pain, but to his horror, Sora's cold voice sounded, overshadowing the pain.

"you are forever living, for your sins. this is a punishment you shall suffer forever, and even with the end of time, you shall remain, suffering. this goes out to the primordial void, all lifeforms who wish to enrage this god. know what you're getting yourself into." Sora said as the people watching this turned to look at Sora, who removed his face. many who were watching were dominated by simply seeing his image, while others frowned, the view turned back to the Dao ancestor, as Sora turned and walked away, ignoring his screams. he was already losing his voice.

but as Sora was walking away, he saw that all colors had disappeared. he stopped for a moment, before realizing that someone with the almost complete power of space-time had stopped time. Sora slowly turned around and saw a black-haired woman, with extremely pale skin. she had an emo look about her and gave off a cheerful aura.

"... Death?" Sora asked in a soft voice, the woman smiled slightly. this was none other than Sora's elder sister, Death. unlike many of the siblings, she was the one who was the most human, this was because she was death, she liked spending time as a mortal, getting to know what she was taking.

"the death of an era just ended, I was coming by to take it. now it's a new era, I wonder if it's your era" She said with a smile, she was death. she came in many forms. be it the end at the end of a story, your last death, being erased from reality and so many other stuff. without her, things would go on without end,

"I care little about that, i'm just shocked you out all people chose now to see me. didn't you come to calm my other stuff before he died a few years back?" Sora asked, to which she nodded slightly

"of course. once he disappeared, that was me taking him away. but he didn't fully disappear, after all, you exist. and so long as you exist he exists, so I couldn't completely take him away." She said with a smile as sat down, and had Sora come over to the seat next to her.

"so, how is the youngest doing? I heard you ran into the twins of wisdom." She asked as she picked up a flower,

"i'm honestly shocked she came knowing what I was doing, I bet she will want me to owe her," Sora said softly, those two twins, of course, knew Sora's plan for summoning them. the fact they appeared showed they wanted something from Sora,

"it's only fair, you know how they guard their knowledge, they helped you regain a lot of your lost memories at that." She said as she picked the flower, Sora sighed as he already knew this. his only worry was what those two wanted from him, the fact Sora drank the water was a sign he accept their thing.

"don't worry about them, although they are annoying and headstrong, they are always true to themselves. as for you, I hope you can become complete in this life. I miss having someone who cased me around asking me to never come to get him... but I followed through with my deal, I can't break the rules again." She said seriously as she rubbed Sora's head, making Sora annoyed. he wasn't a kid, although in her eyes he was as good as a new form.

"what do you mean?" Sora asked in confusion,

"you would have surely died that way, was going to take you... but seeing who was about to kill you... I didn't. just be careful this time, a second life is something to enjoy to the fullest." She said as she disappeared, leaving Sora stunned. Death not climbing her was as good as her going against her own self, her own rules, and so on.

she should have taken him away, Sora had nothing to say about this, it was the rules, he dead, so she shall come. love and other stuff never get in the way of such things. but the fact she didn't make Sora wonder who almost killed him. there were many capable of blinking conquest out of existence, but many would avoid them.

Sora seeing time return to its normal time flow got up and walked off, while still in deep thought about everything,

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