In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 96: 0093 a world god

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"from the knowledge, the Dao ancestor had, above the great Sage realm is the True God realm, above the true god realm was the God of creation realm, and above that is the highest creation within this world which was the Supreme God realm," Merlin said as she stood at a meeting table where all the wise men and Sora elite was sitting, listening to the information. almost all knowledge that entered the system was instantly known by her, Merlin didn't need to do anything, once the Dao ancestor was turned into a mortal, she knew everything she needed to know about him.

"the primordial chaos is vast, seemly boundless. the era we are in can be considered the Pangu region. across the primordial void, you would find many primordial who are born with the task of creating worlds but dying. the primordial void births them, with flaws, making it so they could never reach the world god realm. in the end, the other primordial would turn against the strongest of the primordial, forcing them to create a world with their own body as a last attempt to live." Merlin said as she flipped through her book, finding any useful information

"There are infinite regions, come created by true world gods... in one of the strongest regions is where one could find beings like the concept. dream, fire, lightning, and many other concepts have taken form, each at the peak of the world God's realm. but they are not the strongest beings as there are beings at half-step Supreme God." Merlin said softly, she went on to tell everyone everything useful, before sitting down and allowing them to speak.

"Well, I should be going to explore the primordial chaos. with how things stand, I need a huge amount of energy to break through to the mountain and river tiers." Sora said calmly, everyone sitting at this table was much stronger than in the past. they had fused with an endless number of their endless selves all over the Omniverse. those with cheats have improved, and Sora had taken in new people with strong cheats to join his power.

Even Itachi gaiend a Cheat. he simply searched up Itachi with a system and found many stories of himself out there with all types of systems. he simply picked the one he liked the most, that being an illusion-type system. Di Yalan even found novels of herself with cheats, the same for people like Irene, Red, Silver, and so on. this was the Omniverse, everything was possible. you just had to know where to look.

currently, Sora was no longer in the top 10 of power within his world. of course if any of them fought him, they would still lose because they cultivated the God of conquest art. but Sora didn't want this, he had remained at the same level for over a real, and absorbing Qi was not helping his creation improve much.

"Lord, it's too dangerous, even if we all work together we are barely at half step True God, you should let us go," Red said with a frown, but Sora shook his head. once he reaches the mountain and river tier, he can allow them to do what they say, but for now, it's best to go out on his own and use his luck to the fullest.

"my luck is the highest, I give myself hundred years before I return. while I leave, you're to return to conquering high-grade worlds. we are stepping into low outerversal, such level of power... I need to personally take action." Sora said as he stood up and disappeared, leaving everyone unwilling, but this was an order. With a sigh, they got to work, while Sora appeared within the Pangu world. before he left, he had a few people he had to get.

"so, you're coming willingly?" Sora asked calmly as he looked at the woman in front of him, the primordial goddess froze slightly, not expecting Sora would suddenly appear before her. She forced a smile behind her mask, she knew she couldn't run.

Sora snapped his finger, creating a portal to the system. although slightly unwilling, she slowly entered the portal, which closed after she entered. Sora thought for a moment, before looking around for Ling Han. From what the heavens said, Ling Han was also from the earth and was transmigrated like himself. but did Ling Han cheat?

Sora searched all over the place but couldn't find the guy, he was last seen in hell, before he disappeared from the view of the heavens. Sora frowned as he tried going back in time, but due to the special state of hell, he almost got lost in time.

after searching for a few days, Sora gave up and flew out of the Pangu world. using the step of conquest, Sora's travel speed instantly reached the levels of a true god, he disappeared, moving so fast that many would be left speechless.

time went by, and as Sora flew off while closing his eyes, he was flying randomly wanting his luck to take control. but as he flew he suddenly came to a stop, his body moved on its own, barely stopping a black hole-like thing that had appeared in front of him, a heartbeat later he would have been sucked away.

Sora quickly tried to fly backward, but he was sucked into the black hole-like thing. Sora gritted his teeth in annoyance, he of course didn't think for a moment this was a normal black hole. could a black hole handle him?

this was some kind of move created to such him in, Sora blinked and found himself falling out of the sky. he tried to fly, but the rules of this world made it so one couldn't fly. Sora was not the only person falling, many others were also falling. they all fell heavenly to the ground, but none were damaged.

the world they all appeared in was colorless, there were huge stars in front of them which seemed to reach the heavens. at the edge of these stairs seemed to fall off the edge of the world, into the great darkness.

"who dare?" a young man with a scar over his left eye yelled as he looked around, he was out exploring and he was suddenly caught by a strange black hole. many others also began cursing, wanting whoever caused them to appear here to come up. they all have high backgrounds, many the disciples of a world god, or the children of true gods.

"I'm world god tribulations. in a time of danger, I have taken this chance to take talents from all over the primordial void within a range of 1,000 years. all those who are here are talents of their own, and the world spread their name far and wide. this is my world, where you can quickly break through, as for your background, they had all accepted this."  slowly black clouds gathered, showing an old man who called himself, World God Tribulations said calmly, making everyone freeze. Sora on the other hand smiled, such luck as soon as he left,

"the stairs before are the stars to heaven, those who manage to reach the peak of the stairs would enter the holy ground, a battlefield of powerful experts. the more you kill, the stronger you shall become. pass that holy ground, you would reach the next trail. if you don't want to, you can always return by simply jumping off the stairs"  World god tribulation said as he slowly disappeared, everyone was quiet as hearing his words.

many of them knew his this world god was, he was a late world god, a powerful expert who was among the great primordials of this world. they were well known to act with the danger that could destroy the primordial void that appeared. he was World God Tribulations, he created tribulations to temper the talents, refining them to become the strongest to withstand this incoming danger.

many talents who knew how serious things were stepped forward. Sora looked around and saw a familiar person, it was none other than LIng Han. Ling Han seemed to feel his gaze, and turned around and smiled slightly seeing Sora. of course, this was not the same Ling Han from Sora part period, but from the future when he left the Pangu world, he was also captured within the black hole.

"what do you think about becoming my subordinate?" Sora said with a smile, Ling Han's eyes narrowed slightly, but he shook his head. on his way to leave the Pangu world, a few of Sora's elites tried to stop him. but none of them could handle the new and improved Ling Han.

Ling Han now had hope to match Sora, a battle spirit burned within his eyes as he looked at Sora. They both looked at each other, and Sora knew he couldn't get this guy to submit for now

"Well, with your bloodline, you should be a match for one of my elites... at least, run away," Sora said as he eyed Ling Han. Ling Han's eyes narrowed eyes, and Sora's eyes were sharp. he didn't expect that, Sora didn't say anything else and headed up the stairs. meanwhile, Ling Han was curious about how to deal with Sora.

someone like him wanted to challenge Sora, but of course not at the risk of his own life. he had to find a moment to kill the guy or else things could be troublesome letter one down the road. the two went up the stairs, but as soon as they took a step, they felt a huge pressure down upon them.

Sora and Ling Han frowned slightly, but this pressure was nothing. the two couldn't help but look at each other before they both took a step. that set made the pressure they felt double, but they ignored it and kept taking more and more steps. they quickly passed the less talented, and in the blink of an eye, they reached the 10th stair.

it was at this step they both realized that the pressure they felt was not normal, the pressure was a pressure of knowledge. standing here helped a person refine their Dao, allowing them to quickly fix their mistake and comprehend the Dao to a higher realm.

Sora and Ling Han's eyes both narrowed, this could allow their Dao to transcend the limitations of the world, allowing them to use the Dao anywhere they want. Sora smiled disdainfully, with a thought, he ordered himself to start improving upon his Dao and to remove any flaws he might have.

under the pressure, the flaws were easily spotted and fixed, making th pressure start to weaken. but when the pressure got too weak, it made it hard for Sora to sense the flaws, so Sora quickly reached the 20th floor and sat down to fix his mistake.

Ling Han seeing this felt chills, how could someone so easily find their flaws? this would take hundreds of thousands of years. along the way, they passed many cultivators who were sitting down, planning to sit there for thousands of years. these were all talents, a normal person would need millions.

yet here was Sora, doing this like it was nothing. Ling Han gritted his teeth, he wanted someone to push him to greater heights. well, he got him. then he shall use Sora to pressure him, force him to reach levels never known.

'my Supreme Sword Dao is unrivaled, supreme under the heavens... the strongest Dao, yet his seems to rival, and even be better. I shall reform my whole Dao, and recreate the Supreme Sword Dao stronger than ever...' Ling Han thought as he sat down, and closed himself off from the outside world.

well, time went by, and 2 months flashed in the blink of an eye before Sora opened his eyes, he took 10 more steps, before he closed his eyes. his Dao of conquest was something he created, even with Conquest knowledge and ideals of the path of conquest, there were many things Sora couldn't comprehend. but with this, he was pretty much seeing all of his mistakes written out before his eyes.

Sora was indeed lucky, if he were to try and have his Dao breakthrough and become a transcendent Dao, he would have indeed suffered. he could have even died, lucky for him he fused with conquest so he would be reborn, and this time his rebirth would be better than this rebirth. but with his destiny qi, he could have been reborn anywhere within the Omniverse.

time went by, years quickly went by. and after 100 years. Ling Fan slowly opened his eyes, a powerful sword Qi which seemed to be capable of cutting all things under the heavens filled his eyes.

'from destruction comes creations. a rebirth, that increased my power. this is great, if I keep breaking down my Dao and reforming it under the pressure, it shall become stronger and stronger. Sora has a powerful bloodline, but without it, would he be my match?' Ling Han thought as he stood up, the pressure from these steps no longer bothered him.

Sora had noticed what Ling Han has done, but he had too many flaws to dare try and break down his Dao, he had too many flaws. Ling Han was a former Sage, so he had deep knowledge. but Sora couldn't help but feel displeased when looking at Ling Han, he only reached this because of the pressure Sora gave him.

Sora was on the 180th floor, and the stairs no longer gave him much pressure. but he still sat and he could sense more and more flaws, which he planned to slowly go over, fixing them. he of course was the highest one up, and one looking down upon everyone.

'i should start simplifying my Dao. I'm made out of Desire, and Desire is made out of Dream, in my complete state I would have been made out of destruction. but what part of destruction? under Destruction everything breaks, cracks, crushed, disintegrates, explodes, or implodes into nothingness and oblivion... what part of that is conquest... wait, what am I thinking? Destruction has a part of war, Violence. although he doesn't do stuff like that anywhere, it's still a part of who he is.' Sora's eyes glowed slightly, he needed to and war and violence into his Dao.

but that was not all, he needed Charisma, the strongest will under the heavens, and the power to be skillful in raising an army. this is all the stuff that should come with the Dao of conquest, there were many, such as the power to destroy all those that stop his paths, conquer them, and so on.

but as Sora tried to simplify the Dao, he found he had more mistakes he was overlooking. this made him frown, so he went up to the highest step, where he sat down, and used that small pressure to help him find these flaws. like this, for the next 100 years, Sora kept trying to fix any flaws. if he couldn't simplify the Dao of conquest in a way that even a child would understand, that means he didn't master it.

meanwhile, Ling Han had reached the 100th step. his supreme Dao only got stronger and stronger. this was all because every time he looked at Sora, he felt this uncontrollable feeling in his knee as if Sora was some supreme God, and he was some mortal hoping to question God. Sora Dao was stronger this his, so he will make his Dao stronger. if he couldn't, that meant he lost and Sora was more talented,

meanwhile, within a pocket space, two old men sat before a chess game, they both were quiet, and none moved to move a chess piece. they had depressed looks as from time to time, they would look down to look at Sora and Ling Han

these two talents shocked them. when Sora first arrive, even the likes of them found no mistake in Sora's conquest Dao. they thought Sora Dao was already among the strongest Dao at level 12 but to their horror, Sora dao which was countless times stronger than other Dao had room to grow.

meanwhile, under Sora's pressure, Ling Han was doing the unthinkable, destroying his own Dao, and reforming it stronger than ever.

the reason they were depressed why simple... back in their youth, they were considered top talent, if only they were born within this generation and felt such pressure to do what Ling Han was doing, then who knows, they could have hope to reach the Supreme God Realm. they just didn't have strong enough pressure to help them break their limits,

Ling Han was not the only one Sora was pressuring, 3 others were also pushing themselves, but they couldn't even match Ling Han.

more years passed, and it had been 1,000 years since Sora arrived in this cultivation world. Sora slowly opened his eyes and rubbed the godly beard which had fully grown within his this time. to say the least, this beard only made his charisma skyrocket. every god needs a good beard, this was for their image.

Sora looked down upon those below for some time, before turning end entering the inner parts, he could now simplify his Dao to the point that a child could comprehend the Dao of conquest. this meant he had no flaws, of course, he was walking in the dark. he could have taken a path to death without knowing. but this was the risk of creating your own unique Dao, Sora path was countless times darker than others, one mistake could lead to his death.

Sora arrived within what seemed to be a battlefield. weapons laid the ground, spirits all over the place wondered, but as soon as they saw Sora, they froze.

"This stage is simple, slaughter your way to the other side. the strength of each spirit can be changed to whatever you want, if you fight those far above you in cultivation, you shall gain the benefit and breakthrough quickly after killing them." world god's tribulation voice sounded, but he was nowhere to be found. Sora thought for a moment before he smiled, cracking his neck he had each and every spirit be at half step true God.

he had no time to worry about these world gods trying to kill him out of jealousy of his power or whatever. once he breaks through to the mountain and river tier, thats where he shall truly begin to become overpowered.

the sports all exploded with power at the true god realm, before they rushed towards Sora, Sora entered Conquest Mode and used the Conquest Powerup, and Limit breaker Mode, Sora flew up, and while he held his palm out, he began stealing these ghost power at a rapid rate. wings flew behind Sora before he shot forward, and with a powerlevel of 40 octillion, he slaughtered these spirits absorbing their power

Sora instantly broke through to a half-step void-shattering realm, but he stopped himself as he wanted to fuse with his world. he killed more and more spirits and stored away the energy for later use, before he disappeared, entering his world.

those world gods almost pulled their hair off and jumped to their feet seeing Sora run away, they quickly began searching. but for people like them who can't break free of their story, how could they find Sora who was within his world? they could have easily found him and followed him if they died, but they didn't. of course, if they searched, they could follow the karma leading to Sora's world, but that was harder said than done.

within Sora's world, Sora arrived and found 2,000 years had passed, he quickly ignored this and summoned all of his soon-to-be wives. in the blink of an eye, countless wives of females with his bloodline filled the throne room. among them was Natsume, and many of Natsu's twin sisters.

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

there were many types, Sasuke Twin sister, Itachi twin sister, and Goku Twin sister, and it went on forever and ever. of course, one couldn't ignore the heavens, which also had gotten his bloodline. in total, Sora was about to reach the heavens in one step.

Sora instantly give them all the title of his concubine, but he instantly regretted this. as the phoenix flew out of him, even it shook slightly at the huge amount of density Qi which it tried to absorb, Sora was sent flying backward, along with his commanders. all of them almost dying from the huge wave. but Sora wasn't mad, instead, he laughed in joke as he watched the phoenix dragon reach a new level of power.

because of how wide the gaps are within the power of low outerversal, it was further split into 3 levels. level one is the level of a true god, level 2 was the level of a God of creation, and Level 3 was the level of a Supreme God.

This Phoenix was at level 2, equal to an early God of creation. this meant that his world over time would become a low outer verser of level 2. Sora waved his hand, and huge dragon balls which could shrug a complex multiverse appeared within the sky. these were his dragon balls.

Sora flew up, and everyone followed in confusion. Sora haven't even thought of these balls, hell he hadn't even fused with them to become countless times stronger. instead, they kept growing stronger as stronger got stronger.

"come out," Sora ordered, and his voice sounded like explosions to everyone's ears, the elites who believed they were not stronger than Sora instantly fell depressed, they would have to team up to face this new Sora.

the dragon balls glowed before they all fused, before everyone's eyes, a dragon flew out of the bright light the fusion took place in. a huge dragon flew out, slowly growing larger and larger by the passing second. the dragon flew everyone as if stretching its tired body before it returned before Sora,

"you summoned me, master." the dragon said in a booming voice, which could make all mortals go deaf, it was a red, orange dragon, but the end of its hair was golden flames. the aura it gave off was no less compared to that of Sora.

now, you may be wondering. why is Sora summoning this dragon, when his thoughts are as good as his wishes? well, that's because this was the dragon balls. they are made for wishes, there, therefore, they could make more powerful wishes than that Sora.

yes, Sora was talented, yes he could do anything. but, this dragon took that and increased it by like 100 times. any wish Sora could do would be done much easier through this dragon, even stuff Sora could do the dragon could do. and they could fuse to make stronger wishes.

"have 5 million years pass so this world could quickly absorb this destiny Qi and grow," Sora said calmly, the dragon froze before looking around at this world. sweat covered its forehead, why was it always summoned to do things above its capability? but after looking around, it sighed in relief, this was Sora's world, so the wish shall be done with great ease.

"It's about making the wish, if you want to spend 5 million years cultivating now is your time," Sora said calmly, everyone from the goddess to the goddess looked at each other before they all flew straight towards purgatory. this was a huge time skip that they needed.

Seeing this, Sora nodded at the dragon. the dragon's eyes glowed, and Sora looked down as time began speeding up at a rapid rate. the phoenix dragon Qi rushed out and recovered at a rapid rate, its time was no longer limited to Sora.

the world grow larger and larger, new lifeforms came and left, returning to the heavens and being reborn. Sora just watched as the evil gods and goddesses from time to time would cause trouble, while the other good gods and goddesses stepped forward to top them. this kept life moving smoothly. even without him, Sora's world kept growing.

The 7 deadly sins, 10 commandments, and many others had children, which went on to have children of their own, and so on and so on. 5 million years was long, so many people started their own families.

soon, things came to a flow time speed as 5 million years passed. Sora looked at his world and saw that it has become a low outer verser of level 2, a half step away from becoming level 3. seeing this, Sora nodded slightly, before he crossed his arms. such a huge world was about to be absorbed for his breakthrough to the mountain and river tier.

there were grades to immortals, from copper to perfections grade. perfection grade immortals were 100,000 times stronger than normal immortals. but there were ways to increase your strength by absorbing worlds. Sora had absorbed a world when he broke through to the gold rank, but now was about to break through to the mountain and river tier, he is to absorb The Omnipotence empire, and fully become one with this world

Sora the world was sucked into Sora, Sora quickly appeared within the pangu world, no matter what he needed tribulations. he entered the pangu world and went on to face his tribulations, thousand clouds gathered before they began raining thunder down upon Sora. since the heavens were his wife, these tribulation clouds were not to kill but to temper Sora.

it took Sora 5 months to fully absorb Omnipotence Empire, at which point he had fully stepped into the mountain and river tier, and become immortal. Sora closed his eyes, while he stood there, slowly a smile appeared on his face. he was no perfect immortal, but a chaos-grade immortal.

but Sora had absorbed much energy from half-step true Dao, his limits instantly twitch seeing the countless ghost he had killed were only enough for him to reach High Early Moutain and river.

{Name: Sora

titles: [conquer]

Age: 2,610/ 1e30

Race: Human

Bloodlines: [God Of Conquest Bloodline}

World Name: Omnipotence Empire

World Size: low Outerverse level 2

worlds conquered: 9,671 high-grade worlds, finite mid-grade worlds, finite low-grade world


Body Cultivation:  High Early Moutain and river (+ 1,000,000  Emperor Dao to one PL. Combat level at Mid Immortal Emperor}


Energy Cultivation: High Early Moutain and river (+ 1,000,000  Emperor Dao to one PL. Combat level at Mid Immortal Emperor}


Soul Cultivations: High Early Moutain and river (+ 1,000,000  Emperor Dao to one PL. Combat level at Mid Immortal Emperor}

Mind Cultivations: High Early Moutain and river (+ 1,000,000  Emperor Dao to one PL. Combat level at Mid Immortal Emperor}


Dreamworld cultivation: High Early Moutain and river (+ 1,000,000  Emperor Dao to one PL. Combat level at Mid Immortal Emperor}


World Godly Marks: 0.0075 (plus 7,500,000 Emperor Dao to one power level.


Dao: [The Dao Of Conquest level 12+ 1,000 Sage Dao


PowerLevel: 18,750,000 Emperor Dao {Strength at Mid Immortal Emperor}

max power level: 1,000 Sage Dao (power level at early Sage realm this boost of power is thanks to the conquest power up {conquest powerup is a fusion of all powerups}, And Dao Comeprheions, note that the Dao comprehension is not affected by the power-ups

the Conquest armor Set: 10 Quadrillion Sage Dao


Current transformations:[Conquest God Mod],  powerlevel of 10 Great Sage Dao. power at the early Great Sage

Conquest Limit Breaker: powerlevel at 1 sextillion Sage Dao. a powerlevel of 10 quadrillions the Late Great Sage realm.

(note, this powerlevel doesn't add every skill and Snath, Boost divining. Snatch can increase your powerlevel by 4,000 times, and Boost Divining boosts your strength by 10,000 times. coming up to a powerlevel of 40 octillion, which is a combat power at half step True God

note that these skills be improved with the new comprehension you have of the Dao of conquest.}


Cultivation arts: [God Of Conquest Cultivation art.], [Dream Emperor Cultivation art],

Martial Arts: [Fist Of War], [Fist Of Slaughter], [full counter], [fist of domaintions], [Step of Conquest], [God Of Conquest Eye] + anything he could think off

Qi Art: [Fist Of Victory], [Fist Of Conquest], [Observation Haki], [Armament Haki], [Conqueror's Haki], [Dragon God Devil Slayer Magic], + anything he could think off

Unique Ability: [Creation], [Disaster], [Heart Reading], [Purgatory Fire], [Snatch], [The Ruler], [The Goddess], [God Of Conquest Eye], [Susanoo] [Limit Breaker] + plus anything he could think off

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