In a Fictional World with an All Girls Chat Group

Chapter 1: Prologue

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In the seemingly endless darkness a white light ball can be seen floting aimlessly.

"I don't know how long it has been seen I am here. I do know that I was the high school student and all things(mostly anime, manga, game's, song's, important events) that I had witnessed, read or saw it very well but before coming to this place every thing is all blur." thought the ball of light.

A few more week's, month's or even year's it did not know how long time he had spend in this dark place. The ball of lught or more accuratly soul of the boy is started to grow impatient and frusturted from all the waiting he had done. During all this time he had reviewed all the thing he had in his memories for who know how many times and had noting to do. 

Slowly it grow more impatient as when an a portal of light appeared not far from him. A humanoid figure started to emerge from it but it's apperence was just blur for him.

The humanoid figure first looked around and then looked towards the soul and said, "sorry for the delay I almost forget about you, in the mindset of the work" he said in the casual yet and apologetic tone. 

Hearing him the soul of a boy almost got irritated but it control it self and asked, "Ok so who are you, and why am I here?" 

The humanoid figure looked towards him and said, "For the answer of your question, I am an God who is supposed to manage the Cycle of Reincarnation and the place we are is called void, as for why you are here it's should be obvious that is you are dead."

The soul took some time to digest the information and then sighed and asked, "so what will happen to ne now?"

The response made the figure chuckled and said, "not sad or confused hearing about your death."

The soul just calmly said, "well what's done is done and cannot be reversed and its not like there is some who will cry for me."

Hearing him the figure sighed and said, "normally after death a soul would either be sent to heaven or hell depending on their life, as for you because I was late and made you wait for this long I give you a chance to live once again in a random world with some abilities, so what do you say?"

Hearing the what the figure said the soul became slightly excited and asked, "it can be any world right anime, manga or novel's?"

"Yes, it can be but you won't be able decide that it will be random and as for the abilities it will be decided by gacha, so wish you luck."

The soul thought for the wihile but suddenly he asked, "how many abilities I will get and what type are they can you tell me."

"Well you will get 3 abilities from gacha as for what type it can be any thing be it system, bloodline, magic, skills, items, etc. it can be anything but it will depend on your luck."

Hearing it the soul began to think about it while doing its pros and cons, "ok I am ready."

"Ok now lets start with your abilities."

As soon as the figure said that a huge wheel present it self in front me with different names   written on it as I read those names my non-existant heart began to pound at an incredible speed.

With the pounding heart I used my first chance, just as I spin the wheel it rotates at the incredable speed while slowly it started to slow down and when the pointer stopped spinning the wheel emitates the golden yellow light, and the screen shows up infront of me with an image plasterd on it...

"100xEvolution Fruits"

"Well your luck seems Incredible brat to get such an useful item at the start, though its tastes shit." the figure replied me with smirk on its face. 

Even hearing the figure saying that I did not replied to him but keep staring at the screen in front of me I did remember that this fruit are quiet OP from the novel I had read in my previous life and what I remember it can make a person evolve to higher race of its own making their potential grow, and honestly I did not exect that I will get these fruits on my first chance, and its not 1,2, or 10  but 100 a fucking 100 of these fruits now it making me want to dance but I control my self.

"Now you have 2 more chances left lets see what you will got" when the figure said that to me I snapped back from my thoughts stared at the wheel infront of me as it started to rotate again, and it stopped at....

You are reading story In a Fictional World with an All Girls Chat Group at

"HELL YEAH, Yessss"

Just by reading it makes me loose control and jump up in excietment.

"Brat, I should say that your luck sure is ridiculous to get such an powerfull ability I am sure that whichever world you will go you will became quiet an character but I should warn you that don't become arrogant just because of these there are many who can kill you like an ant so don't become overconfident just because you get an such a skill." as the figure said those words my happiness dismissed a bit but it still there because it is an overpowered ability which is...


"Yes, you are right but still though it is quit an excellent skill, you can't deny that right" as i said that to the figure  it replied.

"Yes, it is an excellent one but it has its own restriction such as you can't create any living beings you know right."

"Yes, but I dont think I will need it."

"Ok, lets get it over with it's your last chance lets see what you will get, I have work to do so hurry up a bit ok."

"Yes, lets finish it with the last and final chance." as I said those words the wheel started to roll once again and when it started to slow down the there is golden lights started to come out of it and what appear out of it...

"Multi-Verse Chat Group"

"A chat group, huh.." while saying that I turn towards the figure and looked towards him with the questioning eyes which he easily sees it and started to explain.

"Don't, look at me with such gaze and yes it is what you are thinking it is a chat group with the function of connecting different people from different dimensions, and you cannot choose the members it will random." hearing the figure explanation I was slightly dissapointed  but I guess its ok after all.

"Ok, now lets get to your reincarnation, also don't tell anyone anout your previous life and reincarnation and I will also put a seal on your mind so no one will able to go through your past life memories." as the figure said that and snap it's figure's the wheel infront of me disappear and three light ball came out of it and merge with me as soon as it merge a blue screen appeared in front of him.

[Merging with the system....







System is bound to the host soul]

[Evolution Fruitsx100, skill(Meta-Creation) has been added to the inventory]

"Ok, now that you have received your abilities its time to say goodbye, live an happy life and good luck" as the figure said that his vision become blurry and darkness envelopes him.

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