In an visual novel where I’m the servant of the Vampire Villainess.

Chapter 6: Chapter 5 : The Arrival

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As I sat there, gazing upon the peaceful countenance of Veronica as she slumbered comfortably in my lap, my mind wandered back to the journey that had brought us to this point. We had been traveling for two days without respite, spending our nights in inns and our days traversing the rugged terrain of the East Continent, also known as the Bloodfallen County.

The Bloodfallen County was a land of contrasts, a place of both great beauty and great danger. It was home to four major cities and  hundreds of villages, each with its own unique character and history. But of all the places in the East Continent, none was more striking or more alluring than the city of Estradel.

Estradel was a city of vibrant energy and unbridled opportunity. It was the second richest and most economically successful city in all the land, a place where people of all races and backgrounds came to live, work, and thrive. The city was renowned for its magnificent infrastructure and enchanting natural beauty, and it was a place where anyone could find a home and a sense of belonging.

And why wouldn't it be so, for in the very heart of Estradel slept a fairy known as Elvis, one of the four primordial spirits. She was a being of immense good fortune, possessing a power that mere mortals could not even begin to comprehend. Her presence alone was said to bring prosperity and peace to the city, and her dreams were said to hold the secrets of the future.

As questions began to arise, many wondered why a fair lady would allow her peaceful domain to be overrun by thousands of people. Surely, one would assume, she would be filled with anger and resentment at such a transformation. But, as it turns out, the story of this land is one of great struggle and triumph.

A millennia ago, this barren land was under the control of a powerful demon lord and his minions. As one might expect, the presence of demons brought nothing but destruction and misery to the people living there. At that time, the human kingdoms were in dire straits, beset by war and famine. In short, things were not good.

But everything changed when the Aragon Empire declared war on the demons. The Aragon Empire, known in the past as The Union of Alhamra, was not always the powerful and mighty nation it is today. There was a time when it was a small, unassuming country on the southern continent, far from the reach of the demons. But a revolution occurred, overthrowing the ruling order and creating a new constitution. An Empress, whose identity is still unknown to this day, was elected. She then built a grand army, and with the blessings of the Primordial Spirits, she led the charge in destroying the demons and forcing their leader to retreat to the Dead Zone. And thus, the land was reborn and made prosperous.

It is said that the Empress of that time made a pact with the Primordial Spirits, in exchange for their blessings. The legends tell of the 'elvis' spirits who approached the Empress and requested that she make this city her domain, and instructed her to build a grand metropolis on this very land. But the nature of the other three demands made by the remaining spirits remains a mystery to this day. This enigma has captivated the minds of scholars and mages for generations, as they continue to search for any clues that might reveal the truth behind the pact. The details of the agreement, and the power it bestowed, continue to be a subject of fascination and study. Even now, researchers delve into ancient texts and artifacts, in hopes of uncovering the secrets of the Empress's success in creating a prosperous and grand city, and the role of the Primordial Spirits in it.

It must be stated that the insight I possess on this matter is not derived from my own personal experience, but rather from the literary texts that I was compelled to study under the direction of Luvric.

Who is currently dosing off on my left shoulder sleeping peacefully with his handsome face.

I thought to myself, "Am I a pillow for these two?" as I slowly sat up, removing Luvric's head from my shoulders. I then gently lifted Veronica's head from my lap before getting up and placing a pillow under her head.

"Are we there yet?" I queried, my voice filtering through the small window that connected the carriage's chambers to the driver.

"Just ten minutes more, sir Asher," came the reply, the chauffeur's tone tinged with a sense of urgency. "We are closing in on the city gates, and now that you are awake, there is something you must see. I hesitated to disturb you whilst you were sleeping, but you will understand why, upon opening the window."

As I peered out of the window, the grandeur of the city walls was laid bare before me. The imposing fortifications loomed in the near distance, casting a formidable shadow over the entire road. The artillery towers, bristling with armaments, stood as a testament to the city's formidable defenses. The walls were teeming with soldiers, their expressions resolute as they guarded the city with determination. The insignia of the Bloodfallen Family fluttered in the breeze, the sight of it was nothing short of brilliant.

As I surveyed the landscape before me, my attention was abruptly captured by the chaotic scene at the gate. An army of soldiers had amassed there, their clamorous voices and frenzied movements creating a din that echoed through the air. A long line of carriages and other vehicles were stranded in the traffic, unable to proceed due to the disturbance.

A soldier in proximity to me, sensing my consternation, approached and offered an apology. "I apologize for the disruption to our journey, sir," he said, giving a courteous bow. "Our commander, Mason, has gone to investigate the cause of the blocked road. In his efforts to clear a path for our convoy, he appears to have encountered a disagreement with a city guard officer."

"Didn't you show the insignia of the Bloodfallen? Isn't that enough justification for us to pass through without obstruction? I can't fathom why they would dare to impede our progress," I queried the soldier, my perplexity intensifying.

I couldn't comprehend the audacity of those who dared to halt the convoy of the Bloodfallen. Did they not realize the city itself was under the rule of the Bloodfallen?

I glanced at Luvric and Veronica, who were still in a deep slumber, oblivious to the events transpiring outside.

'I had warned Lady Veronica and Luvric against excessive drinking, yet they chose to disregard my advice. Now they pay the price,' I reflected.

The idea of waking Luvric crossed my mind, but I quickly dismissed it. Even if I did bring him up to speed on the situation, he would likely reprimand me for my inability to handle it on my own.

'It appears I must provide you with further education,' he might say.

Thus, I determined to resolve the matter myself, and set off towards the gate.

"Listen we can't let you enter no matter what you say to us , The governor has strongly restricted us to let anyone enter for a certain period of time"

As I approached the gate of the city, I overheard a heated argument taking place between Mason, one of our house guards, and a man in his forties. The city guards stood behind the man, and both parties seemed ready for a fight to break out at any moment. The situation was clearly delicate and required swift handling.

"The governor you are talking about is the brother of our young miss," Mason exclaimed. "And you dare to block her convoy?"

"Hey, you bloody fool," the man retorted. "I have the authority to arrest you, and if you don't leave now, I'll do just that." He sneered with an air of arrogance.

Mason's hand hovered over his sword hilt, ready to unsheathe it, but before he could, I stepped forward and placed my hand on his shoulder. Our gazes met, and he understood my unspoken message, stepping aside to allow me to take the lead.

The old man looked at me curiously, taking in my appearance from head to toe. I introduced myself as the assistant butler of Miss Veronica Bloodfallen and explained that I had come to resolve the situation peacefully and hoped for his cooperation.

He sneered again, "Go on, let's hear what you have to say. But you bastards aren't getting past this gate."

Mason bristled at the man's disrespect, but I silenced him with a gesture. I then reached into my coat pocket and took out a letter, signed by the empress herself. It was a special pass, granted to a select few, allowing them to pass through any city gates in the empire without question. This letter also held significant value, making the bearer's existence even more unique and recognisable to all.

I handed the letter over to the old man with care, as he studied its contents with a sense of unease.

"Now that you have verified the contents, we will proceed into the city. We would appreciate it if you could open the gates promptly, as the head of the Bloodfallen family's birthday is approaching," I spoke with a level tone.

Just as I was about to depart, the old man abruptly tossed the document in my direction. I reflexively turned around to inquire the reason for his action, but before I could utter a word, he delivered a forceful punch to my face, sending me stumbling backwards and colliding with a nearby wall.

"Haha, a slave with an attitude like that, talking to me."

"You son of a bitch," Mason exclaimed, drawing his sword and engaging in combat with the old man. The other soldiers followed suit.

The altercation escalated into a full-scale battle between the Veronicas soldiers and the city guards. My face was throbbing in pain, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity for the old man. Even I knew not to make enemies that were beyond my capacity to defeat.

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Suddenly, the atmosphere grew dense, and the ground began to tremble. Both parties halted their hostilities, looking towards the source of the disturbance. The carriage passengers and other convoy members also sensed something was amiss and peeked out to investigate.

My apprehensions were confirmed as I saw Veronica, her eyes filled with wrath and an aura so menacing that the plants around her were wilting. The birds that had been singing moments ago fell silent. Her eyes, scarlet and raging like molten lava, her silver hair whipping like a tsunami. She advanced towards the gate front, with Luvric, who had previously been composed, nowhere to be seen. His expression now that of an assassin, his eyes alight with bloodlust. He held an unsheathed sword in his hands. And behind Veronica, were two of her battle maids.

Veronica, my master, possessed an almost intuitive sense of my emotional state, a result of the slave crest emblazoned upon my flesh. She would know when I was in pain or sorrow without my having to utter a word. The old man, however, remained ignorant of this fact, and I can assure you that Veronica takes great care in protecting her possessions. It is not an act of cruelty, but rather, a possessiveness born from genuine concern - or at least, that is what I choose to believe.

As she arrived at the scene, Veronica's gaze swept over the entire area. Even the haughty old man, who had just been flaunting his authority, was now deathly quiet. If one looked closely, his legs were trembling with fear. Veronica turned to me as I sprinted towards her, and I lowered my head in apology.

"I'm sorry for the trouble, Lady Veronica," I began, but before I could explain the situation, she placed her cold hands on my cheeks and pulled me close to her face. As she examined my features, her already cold eyes became even colder upon seeing the blood from my nose. Gently caressing the spot, she asked in a solemn tone, "Who did this? Who hurt Asher?"

Mason, sensing the rage in her voice, stepped forward and kneeled, "I apologize, Miss. The altercation was not intended. We were requesting the gate be opened in a polite manner and had even revealed our identities. However, this man persisted in using his authority and threatening to arrest us if we did not leave. At that moment, Sir Asher intervened to resolve the situation and presented him with the Golden Pass, requesting the gate be opened. Instead, the man punched him in the face, and we were forced to resort to violence."

Veronica's gaze shifted towards the old man as beads of sweat began to form on his forehead, his expression contorting with fear. The situation was quickly deteriorating, and he knew he had to speak quickly to justify himself.

"They are wrong about this, miss," he stammered. "I have asked them to leave because the city is under lockdown. This is classified information, but seeing as your men are trying to defame me, I'll tell you. An infamous mage has escaped from prison today and is currently roaming freely within the city. That is why Sir Raymond has instructed us to keep the gates closed until the mage is captured."

Pausing, he looked at me, then continued. "And I said just that, but your men didn't comply and started causing a ruckus here. So I was forced to use violence."

"Hey, why are you lying? Didn't we show you our golden pass? It was enough for you to overthrow your orders and let us in. But you dared not open the gate and also hurt Sir Asher."

The old man was about to offer a defense when, with lightning speed, Veronica appeared before him, her hand clamping down on his throat. He struggled for breath as her grip tightened.

"Mmmmh, mmam, please,, spaaare me, I'm sorry, someone save me!"

Despite his cries for mercy and pleas for help, none dared to intervene. All present were well aware of Veronica's immense power and prestige as the 6th most powerful mage in the empire and a respected member of the mage association.


With a sudden, brutal force, the man's head was severed from his body. Thousands of onlookers watched in horror as Veronica, now holding the detached head, charged towards the gates. The city guards recoiled in fear as Veronica cast a spell, dismantling the gate's defensive enchantments. And with a mighty heave, the gates flung open.

"Luvric, we shall enter now. Mason, bring the carriage," Veronica commanded.

"Yes, my lady," Mason replied obediently.

"Are you all well?" Veronica asked, her tone betraying only the slightest hint of concern. Mason gave a small smile in response.

"Yes, my lady. Thanks to you, none of us were injured," he said, bowing respectfully.

Mason and Luvric with our Soldier's ,strode towards our Carriages as veronica with my Hand's clasped in hers Followed suit.

I studied her countenance intently, trying to discern her emotional state. To my surprise, I saw a hint of relief etched upon her features. Suddenly, her eyes met mine and she queried, "Are you feeling quite well, is there something amiss?" Her concern was uncharacteristic of her, and I couldn't help but feel touched.

"No, my lady. I am quite alright," I replied, with a reassuring smile.


As we boarded our carriages and set off towards the city once more, I couldn't shake the memory of the gruesome scene I had just witnessed. My legs were still trembling from the shock of it all. The old man's dying eyes, staring into mine, haunted me. No matter how many times I had seen death, it never became any easier to bear. I had truly hoped that she would spare him, but her wrath knew no bounds.

I couldn't deny it, I was afraid of her. And there was nothing I could do to change that.

In the game, she was a ruthless killer and it seems that even now, she remains unchanged. The only new thing I have seen in her is her concern for her own people.

I looked at her and saw her staring at outside through the carriage Windows, a face devoid of emotions.

I am uncertain of what the future holds for me. I fear that I will have to make a choice between the path of serving my mistress, Veronica Bloodfallen, who is both the person I serve and the villain of the game, in a battlefield. I do not know what I will do when that time comes. But, after being by her side for so long, I have a desire in my heart to make her a better person and to prevent the future that leads to her downfall. I have never seen her smile, and I yearn to see it one day. It is not love, but a feeling that has grown within me and a desire that I wish to fulfill.

The carriage came to a halt in front of a palace that was so grand and imposing, it made the  mansion in the capital city seem small and insignificant in comparison. The sound of the driver's voice announced that we had arrived.

"Here we go again," I thought to myself as I prepared to disembark from the carriage.

We had finally arrived at the home of the Bloodfallen, a place where vampires rule and thrive.


Amidst a verdant landscape of lush flowers, where the sky above was a shade of deep violet, a solitary figure lay upon a bed of sparkling gems. She was a woman, of an age that appeared to be in her early thirties, swathed in a thick, radiant cloth that sparkled in the light. Birds fluttered about her, their chirping a gentle symphony in the stillness of the land. Her eyes, like delicate flower petals, were closed in slumber, and her lips were like the undulating waves of the ocean. Her complexion was as fair as snow and a mole was situated just beside her left cheek.

But all was not as it seemed, for as the woman slept, her eyes began to flutter with movement. The birds, sensing something awry, scattered in alarm, and the once tranquil sky above was consumed by a fiery red hue. The flowers, as if in response, turned to ash and the gems beneath her glimmered with a sinister light.

The woman's eyes slowly opened, and she beheld a void that had appeared before her. Her gaze was unwavering as she spoke in a voice that was both alluring and ominous, "Interesting. I did not know that you were still alive. It seems it is time for me to visit the world once more." And with those words, she vanished into the air, leaving behind only the remnants of a world that had been destroyed.

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