In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)

Chapter 25: 25: Village purification and a girl’s decision.

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In the part of the forest where forcefully conscripted villagers used to mine the black mineral, four maids waited for their master's return.

Their Master had witnessed something that clearly angered her and had gone to talk to the one responsible.

That was five minutes ago.

The black-haired maid, Erevain, who was the right hand of their Master, stood beside one half of the big icicle she had sliced. It didn't melt and was freezing the soil beneath it.

The blonde and red headed maids were with her too.

The blonde one, Gabrielle, felt chills immediately, realizing the great magical energies that went into making the icicle they were looking at.

The red headed one, Kris, meanwhile was excited just looking at the results of Erevain's swift response and the implications that came of repelling a Dragon Lord's attack. Her whole body was burning up with the possibilities it opened in her mind.

Luca was guarding the area, making sure no one else entered it.

"I once tried to cut down an attack like this one...not only did I lose my shield, but my arm was completely broken. The worst of all, is that the attack was smaller...weaker."

Said Erevain as she looked at the half icicle that was near her.

"And now you can cut one this size in half! Ha! If that's not progress, I don't know what it is!"

Kris patted Erevain's back with her hand in a friendly manner while smiling fully.

Gabrielle giggled a bit and nodded.

"Indeed. I remember the time it took for me to heal that arm of yours to the point of being as good as new. Looking back now is as if you are a different person now."

The three looked at themselves, now women and maids, and laughed for a bit.

They were warriors that could laugh even after witnessing death and overwhelming power.

Any warrior who wished to survive had to be like them.

"Ignoring the is true. Our strength, speed, endurance, reaction times, senses, everything is sharper. Better. When I saw the icicle approaching My Lord, my body felt filled with power and the assurance that I could do it. No...that I was meant to do it."

Erevain looked at her delicate and feminine hand and made a fist several times as she remembered how her sword went through the icicle as easily as if it was butter. Then, she wondered for a second what could have happened that day if she had the strength she had now.

The images of her battle against that Dragon Lord flashed through her mind but then she sighed and shook her head, realizing that it wasn't the time to be dwelling on 'what ifs' and the past.

"Our Master did say that we had become beings capable of fighting Dragon Lords as our natural opponents. I had thought for a moment that it was meant as a metaphor, but no, it was literal. Quite the great Master we have."

Said Gabrielle with an enchanting smile and a tinge of red in her cheeks showing the deep emotions she had.

"Oh yes! Our Master sure is great! To be able to fight those bastards at their level is...! I need to train this body to its limits! I need to do what our leader did here without using a skill! That will be my immediate goal, heh. I just can't help but be really excited about all of this!"

Kris held her fists high to her head and jumped excitedly while hitting the air as if she was shadowboxing. She was like a kid who found something new to do.

"We all have to train. Bryn is indeed a Dragon Lord of great power, but she also serves another Dragon Lord, one powerful enough to make her completely subservient to them. And we can't expect our Lord to protect us if Bryn's Master decides to attack us."

‘That Master is the reason why I am alive today. If she had not called for Brynn that night and discovered I still drew breath...'

Thought Erevain as the memory of being at death's door while seeing Brynn walk past her appeared in her mind...and she clenched her fist.


Exclaimed Gabrielle, Kris and even Luca who was surprisingly on top of one of the trees near them.

Some minutes later their Master returned with her anger quelled and the desire to go back to the village.

They all nodded and smiled at the person who had shown them a new path.


"One would be a fool to not expect something like this, but they do seem more afraid than I thought."

I say while looking at the villagers that were gathering on the village’s entrance.

There are some curious looks here and there. But most are fearful.

Still, it is obvious that they would be like that after seeing a pillar of light appear in the forest where all those things were happening, and even more when strangers such as us just arrived a day before.

We are also carrying the bodies of Ben and the others, so there is that.

I can see Sylvie talking to an old man.

"That man is the Head of the Village, right, Luca?"

I asked to my shy but cute maid.


She nodded nervously. I try to overhear their conversation a bit...

Ah, Sylvie has been asked to approach us.

Although she seems a bit nervous.

"My Lord, you forgot to remove your helmet. It is making Sylvie nervous."

Says Erevain realizing the reason.


I see…there.

I have taken off my helmet and smiled at Sylvie, telling her to come.

She lets out a sigh of relief and comes to us.

"I'm sorry Lord Auros! Is just that your presence changes completely with your helmet on!"

Says Sylvie while bowing a lot of times but...

Really? I mean it's just a helmet. I just can't see why would you say I the one in the wrong here?

Also, I can hear you laughing Kris! Don't try to hide it with your hand! Geez...

"Ah, please raise your head. My head maid has told me the same thing, so I try not to use it in towns, but it seems I forgot to take it off while we were on our way back from the forest."

Erevain twitched a bit when I said head maid.

Kris tried not to laugh even harder.

Gabrielle smacked Kris on the head.

Luca is fidgeting nervously and trying her best in stopping Kris from retaliating.


These types of scenes really help my heart...

Sylvie giggled at the comedy skit happening at my back and returned her gaze to me.

"The village's head asked to question you about what happened in the forest, Lord Auros. He said that that pillar of light must have been your doing since no one in the village is able to do that, and all of you are our only visitors now."

Her tone is relaxed for someone 'questioning' me, but I think the old man had the right idea in sending Sylvie.

And really? We are the only visitors? I mean I didn't see anyone else at the inn, but I thought it was only because they might be at another inn...hmmm...oh well.

"Yes, that was me. Guilty as charged."

I say so while releasing a light laugh.

"Really?! What happened then?!"


Wow! That sudden change in tone for her startled me...

Her eyes are filled with curiosity too.

"Do you remember when I told you I would do what I can to help your village?"

She tilts her head, confused for a moment, but then her eyes open wide as she realizes what I’m getting at.

"You can't mean..."

She says so surprised, barely holding her smile.

"Yes, I found a solution."

I nodded while saying so.

"Really? In this short amount of time...?"

You are reading story In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) at

Her eyes are a bit watery now and she is holding her breath.

I nod one more time.

"Please go tell the others. I shall explain everything."

Hearing that, she nods and runs quickly to the village’s entrance where the villagers were gathered.

The moment she tells them some show disbelief on their faces while others are hopeful.

And so, we go to them.


After explaining almost everything to the villagers, I could hear the people cheering and crying of joy.

I left out the bits about the evil god's black mineral, the Goddess' Blood and the Kingdom's involvement for their safety. Because there are no good endings for normal people who have this type of information. Gabrielle also crafted a story about the people responsible being a group of criminals that used this MO, as in lying about the Goddess' curse and poisoning the land, in other countries to seize the land, and that we were investigating them.

And well, she is good. She convinced even those who asked why the church wasn't involved and so on.

Then, Erevain told them that the bodies we carried were of people of other villages in the kingdom that were forced to make the 'poison' the criminals were using to kill the cattle and crops. She asked the Village's Head to give them proper burial and he accepted.

They are going to be buried in the church's grounds.

Nerinne was happy when she heard this.

Me too.

Now here I am, at the central plaza.

This seems to be the best place to do the purification of the whole village.

But I feel like I am going to do some sort of performance with all the people that are gathering here.

I haven't told them about the Holy Weapon, but they will know in a moment.

So, let's purify this village already. After all, the people have gone long enough without their fields and cattle.

"I shall start with the purification of the village! Please, I ask all of you to not be scared! When I am finished, the poison that has seeped into your fields shall be gone!"

Many people nod, others whistle, and others are even asking me to stop talking and start already. Everyone can’t wait.

My maid knights surround me in a way that they could react instantly if something unexpected happened. Well...except the unnamed maid knight. She is helping the old lady find a place to watch everything. Also, she looked at me just once, laughed to tears and then threw me a piece of cloth that had the stone inside. I was going to say that I could rejuvenate her with my skill, but she just cut me off, saying that she'll think about it for some time before making that decision.

The stone is currently in my bedroom back in our castle and it is being guarded by Ilya.

She volunteered for the task...her earnest attitude really warms my heart.

I love my daughter.

Anyways, I rest the tip of my lance on the ground and start.

"By the power of this Holy Lance, let this land ailed by poison be purified!"

Heeding my words, not only does my ominously looking, black and red holy weapon has started glowing with a pure holy light, but magical power has also started spinning all around it, and with an intensity even greater than before.

The eyes of everyone in the crowd go wide as they witness all of this. Well, everyone except the old lady, she has a smug smile for some reason...

You know, I could swear her eyes glow from time to time...

In any case, I lift the lance just a bit and then I let the tip touch the ground again.

That is when a pillar of holy light sprouts from there and begins expanding all around until it covers the whole village, including the fields in their outskirts.

Just like last time, as quick as it started as quick as it ends.

But there indeed is something different than last time...the fields.

They are now full of fully-grown crops waiting to be harvested.

That was you, right, Nerinne?

"Yes, they deserve at least this much for all the time they thought they had been cursed by me and endured without losing their faith."

You did good Nerinne.

"I...I could do more but..."

You would need to materialize and that could make them a target.


Then this is fine, just look at them.

The people are cheering, crying out of joy and hugging the person beside them.

It is quite the usual scene in isekais, but I find myself moved by it now that I'm here instead of just reading about it. You too, right, Nerinne?

"Indeed. Seeing them like always fills my heart with happiness..."

Hm? The Village's Head is coming here.

"Who are you people?"

He asks with teary eyes.

I smile at the old man.

"For you and for everyone. We are…the Knights of the Ever-Burning Will."

The old man's eyes widen before he starts nodding and crying out of happiness.

"I can believe that...I totally can...thank you so much!"

Says the old man while giving me a heartfelt handshake.

And what comes next? A festival, feast and dance included of course!


I get up from one of the tables that were set up in the central plaza after eating a lot of this village's delicious food and interacting with the villagers, giving a quick look around of the place before I left for my destination.

Gabrielle is eating with a lot of the young women of the village, hunters and farmers alike. Giggling and having a good time.

Kris on the other hand is drinking and having arm wrestling matches with a lot of the villagers, men and women. I can hear them say something about getting back their records, pride and even revenge, but they all look like they are having a lot of fun.

As for Luca, she tried staying with me for some minutes at the beginning, but I let her go to the roofs when I saw that she was getting overwhelmed by the attention some villagers were giving her.

Meanwhile, the unnamed maid knight said she was tired of taking care of the old woman and having her skill active for that much time, so she went to sleep early. I trust her and the pact spell I used, but I still checked on her with my senses, and Luca, to see if she was there.

She was, she snores. Hard.

Lastly, Erevain stayed by my side through this whole ordeal and is now following close behind me.

She talked politely to anyone who approached her and didn't touch the alcohol, although she enjoyed the fruit-juice they served her.

So, now I’m walking towards the inn, but there is someone waiting for me near the entrance.

It’s Sylvie.

"What brings you here Sylvie? I thought you would be celebrating with your family right now."

I say so with a slightly confused expression.

"I was but I have something to tell you, Lord Auros. Would you please listen to what I have to say?"

She looks at me with expectant eyes and her hands close to her chest.

Remember that flag she set up yesterday? This is it.

"Of course."

She lets out a sigh of relief and then she gets all serious and bows.

"Please, let me accompany you on your journey, Lord Auros!"

She says so with all her strength.

Yep, this is totally the flag.

To be continued...(cue typical isekai festival soundtrack that is actually really catchy!)

Glossary entry #15:

Flag: We refer as a flag to clichés, tropes and more that one can use to guess later developments on a story thanks to their over usage. Like the “let us get married after this war…” one where it is more than likely that the one who says that…will die. That is what we call a “death flag”. There’s many other types, of course. Collect them all and you will get a free invisible dessert of your choice!

You can find story with these keywords: In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss), Read In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss), In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) novel, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) book, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) story, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) full, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) Latest Chapter

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