In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)

Chapter 33: 33: Surprising tastes? And a volcano learning about minerals.

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You know, back in my original world and country we had these things called underground rivers.

They were famous places for relaxation and 'bathing' too, so I'm no stranger to this pretty good feeling that the onsen is giving.

"But there are some differences that make each experience special, right dear~~?"

Yes, darling. Those were relaxing but not much else, while this here gives me an otaku level of satisfaction and the hot water is just perfect...

I feel like I'm turning into mush...

"Now, now, do not slide down like that or else you will be fully submerged in the water, Auros."

"Ah, sorry..."

I'm sitting properly, see?

"And you, Nerinne? Your thoughts? After all, you were the one who asked me to make this place in the castle."

Also, I shall rest my head on your chest now.

Ah, this is the best...

"It is quite fun and relaxing indeed...the hot spring water, the soft blow of the wind and the leaves dancing. All of that just makes you forget about your problems for a moment and clears your head. Not forgetting the couple bonding 'events', as you say, we just had, fufu~~."

But that's not everything right?

"Of course, I am eagerly waiting for the full onsen experience when Erevain and the others join us! The amusing things that happen where there are more people is something I want to see! The manga of the Contracted Companion Competition route showed one quite fun. Although, I am not concealing my identity like that fox maiden, but that is an interesting twist in and of itself."

We are so lewd that we started holding hands without realizing it, heh.



I like it when we laugh together like just now.

“Still, I wanted to try it out first with just the two of us so that you could be you in your free time. No masks and no characters to maintain. Just the two of us relaxing before entering the next 'chapter' in our 'story' and in my 'route'."

"You can bet that I'm going to beat it so fully that we will arrive to the true end right away!"

Although, it's funny.

"What, dear~~?"

"We are going to do something quite serious, but I can't wait to see this great fantasy capital and all it can offer."

I should be like those ultra-serious isekai protagonists considering every single option and making a ridiculous amount of back up plans. But instead I'm here relaxing and hoping to have my own 'wow there are so much different people here!' type of moment when we arrive there.


"Fufufu~~. Well, Auros, are you not the one who constantly says that defying common sense is a trait for characters in the same situation as you?"

Of course, you can't have an isekai without defying common sense.

"Then it is fine, after all, you are indeed taking things seriously in your own way. There is no need to force yourself to go even further than that, even if that is what common sense dictates. Take it from me, a Goddess that got involved with an accident and ended up liking human fiction so much that she lost the track of time while playing videogames with the mortal she now loves. That is not what a Goddess is supposed to be based on common sense, fufufu~~."

Yes, you are right, even more so when that certain Goddess ended up being a complete fan of Batty-hime and maid outfits.

"What can I say? I really love all those laces and frills, even more how they move when fighting or the elegance they exude when in wait for orders. It is so amusingly cute. And Batty-hime, let’s just say I identify myself with a certain aspect of her."

I look upwards to her the moment she finishes saying that with a playful smile forming on my face.

"Heh, don't try to be coy, you are admitting that you indeed have 'modes' like her 'princess mode' and 'slouch mode'."

Bingo, Nerinne's cheeks are getting red, hehe.

"Shush, I do not have those kinds of 'modes', I just act accordingly depending on the situation..."

She splashes a bit of water on my face as retribution. Bashful and cute. Nice

"Oh yes, my dear Goddess, it’s just as you say. Hahaha."

We splashed water to one another while laughing for some minutes, even if it’s not proper onsen etiquette to do so.

It's my castle.

I'll do what I want. Sue me.

"Ah! That reminds me, I already have an idea of which look you are going to have when you arrive in the capital, fufufu~~."

"Yes? Please tell me that I am getting the obligatory COOL black trench-cloak! A LOT of isekai protagonists have one! It should be expected for me to have one too, right? Maybe with some silver accents like a certain swordsboy who dares to take the title of a certain berserk swordsman?"

YES, I SAID THAT. FIGHT ME! Although, I must confess that that series was a guilty pleasure of mine.


My taste is trash, you say?

It took you this long to realize that? OF COURSE, IT IS! HAHAHAHA!

Well, besides my waifu’s franchise of course.


"No, that is not as amusing as what I have in mind."

That grin of yours...

"Then what do you have prepared for me...?"

Don't try to cover that suspicious smile with the points of your fingers! It just makes it even more suspicious!

"Gothic Lolita, of course. The full outfit, including underwear and accessories too. Oh, I cannot wait to see your reactions."




Meanwhile, in another place of the castle...

"Sorry if it's hot in here, kiddo!"

Said Roxxy as she showed her smithy to her Master’s daughter, Ilya.

"Nn...Ilya is fine...with heat. Ilya…likes it..."

"I see, that's great!"

The girl seemed like a ten-year-old with characteristics similar to those of a Dark Elf, but it was clear that she wasn't one.

Her ears were a bit longer than those found on elves but not as long as her ‘father’s’.

On the other hand, her eyes were like her ‘father’s’, looking draconic in nature, but the color was a deep orange instead of gold.

Her hair color was that of a fiery orange but had the same mystifying shine and apparent feel of her mother's hair.

Her skin was of an ashen brown color, which was rare among Dark Elves but not impossible to find, so that reinforced the idea of her being 'like' a Dark Elf but not truly one.

Her clothes were a purple long sleeved blouse with golden embroidery, a violet neckpiece that had a noble feel, a pure white long skirt that reached her knees and purple children boots.

Still, you could say that she was the daughter of some Dark Elf noble and everyone would just nod in agreement.

Even then, however, she was quite the strange child, even for Roxxy. Yes, even she who had grown deep in the northern parts of the Kyrie Kingdom and inside one of it’s greatest cities, one that was built inside a mountain by the many races who lived in the Kingdom, a city that was a melting pot for all kinds of people…and their eventual mixed children.

Nevertheless, any sense of caution or nervousness within her were thrown out of the window for two simple reasons. Her parents, the Goddess of Arte and the High Dragon Lord that was Roxxy's Master, with just the first, one would have enough to just nod and go on with their day without a single problem. But with those two it instantly became a non-issue that didn't take more than the initial introduction to forget about. The second and most important reason is quite simple, she was a child.

'I can only see a pure innocence in those eyes and the usual child-like curiosity.'

That is what Roxxy thought when she first saw her.

In any case, the others quickly acknowledged her as the daughter of their new Master and decided to act accordingly. Although, since most of them grew up in families where siblings were common, their attitude was that of doting and trusty older siblings. Something that seemed to have a good effect on her, for her shy attitude went away with them.

"Woah…this place seems to expand whenever I come here, and it hasn't even been a week."

Said one of the maids that came with Roxxy to help, her name was Max. Or at least a shorter version of her name that fit her newfound appearance. Her chestnut hair was done in a low-below-the shoulder ponytail that went along with her gentle demeanor.

"Indeed, perhaps Master did it so that we could work more efficiently?"

Said another maid, Josie. Her sky-blue hair was done in a braid bun, like her Master’s, but instead of having bangs on both sides of her face she only had a bang on one. She seemed more serious and disciplined thanks to her glasses, but her voice always carried a certain curiosity within, like that of someone who enjoyed asking questions.

"Aye, that is the most likely reason, and it helps, because Ilya here said that she had bigger 'stones' and if my guess is correct, we'll need the space."

Said Roxxy who seemed completely accustomed to her now bigger smithy. That, or she easily adapted to different places.

"Where...can Ilya put...them...?"

The little girl asked with her usual monotone voice that was still thought of as cute among the maids.

"Hmm, right here. Max, Josie, Patricia, clear out these tables please. I will bring the tools needed to process the materials."

Said Roxxy as she pointed at an area that had many worktables but not much else. It was the part where she would place the weapons that she was giving maintenance to and such. At that moment though, that wasn't useful since they would be processing a big quantity of materials and even then, the tables were just going to be moved elsewhere so there was no problem if they were to need them.

"Thanks again for the help, Ilya! You really are a life saver! When we get the ingredients, I will make you some cookies. My family's recipe, you'll love them."

Said the third maid that was called to help with the tables, Patricia, as she cheerfully smiled at Ilya. Her curly hair was dark brown and flowed freely. And just as her smile, she had a cheerful personality.

"Ilya be of help. Ilya does not...know...what cookies...are, but Ilya...will be happy to...accept them...”

Patricia was surprised for a moment before such words, but she quickly did away with such emotion and smiled gently at the child who said them.

"Oh dear, then we will need to make sure to correct that. Am I right?"

She turned to her fellow maids as she finished saying that, and just like her, they too did away with their surprise and smiled gently at their Master’s daughter who did not know of cookies.

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"Yeah, that is something that we have to do as knights and dependable older brothe—"


"*ahem*…older sisters, ahaha…"

Max, embarrassed by her small mistake, one promptly corrected by Josie, scratched the back of her neck as she let out an equally embarrassed laugh.

Shortly after that, Roxxy came back with the tools they would need.

"It is very convenient that this place has as many sets of tools as there are persons in the castle."

She said that as she put the tools on the now relocated tables, which were at a prudent distance from Ilya.

"You can start kiddo! Everyone else, get over here."

All the other maids that were in the smithy, and others that had been beaten by curiosity and were just outside the smity, moved besides Roxxy and watched with great interest what was about to happen.

"Nn...Ilya will..."

After she nodded and said that she put her hands together in the same manner that she did at the meeting and her hair lit up once more.

Following that, her hands began to produce an orange glow, one that grew stronger as she separated them and pointed them at the empty space before her, with that glow extending and covering such space.

Then, something happened that left everyone inside the smithy completely flabbergasted.

Big chunks of Ebonice, Obsidian, Firestone, Sunstone, and Blaze Crystals appeared on the floor of such empty space with a loud *thud*. Surpassing, and breaking, everyone's expectations.

"Turn me into a maid and call me Roxxy...that piece of Ebonice is taller than me..."

Mumbled said maid.

"Not just the Ebonice...all of them are just as big..."

Said Josie, her mouth still agape, as she tried to process what happened.

"Yes, it’s really shocking, but I got to admit that it is incredible too. Ilya, you are incredible!"

On the opposite side of things, Patricia quickly got over her shock and started cheering on Ilya.

"I was thinking the same thing! Well done, Ilya!"

Max followed Patricia in her cheering and even started clapping.

As for Ilya, she was embarrassed by all the cheering and started to feel shy again, but then she remembered what her mother had taught her about manners.

And so, she mustered all her strength, turned around and bowed as her mother had taught her, for that was the proper way to accept such gratitude. Even more, a small yet genuine smile appeared on her face as she did.

'Father...Mother...Ilya wants to keep helping...because it makes Ilya happy...'

Those were her thoughts at that moment.


After everyone finally got the shock out of their system and started to work on processing the materials, Roxxy noticed that Ilya was staring intently at everyone and saw a great curiosity in her eyes.

"You can ask me whatever you want, kiddo. That's the least I can do until I make you your hairpin."

Said Roxxy with a smile as she worked with both hammer and chisel in hand for breaking down the large chunks of mineral into smaller, more manageable ones.

Of course, it would take a normal person a lot of time, people and even tools to do so, but Roxxy was already aware of her augmented strength. But that wasn’t the only thing that helped her do what she was doing, her tools were special too. They were not only a gift from her father, but they were also her family’s heirlooms, passed down from generation to generation and they were made of Mithril. Said metal was only beaten by Adamantite and Titanotite, thus being the third strongest metal in Arte. As such, she truly had no problem at all.

As for the other tools, they were made of a strange alloy that seemed like black steel, but Roxxy couldn’t place it completely.

'Master surely knows.'

That was what she thought when she saw them for the first time.

"Ilya know...these stones’ purpose..."

Said Ilya with eyes that only a child could have.

"Their purpose, huh? Well that is quite easy to answer, kiddo. Let's start with this one."

She pointed at the piece of Ebonice ore that she was working with before she continued.

"Ebonice here, as it is called, is used in weapons, armor, home appliances, engineering and well, it is used to make stuff, strong stuff. If we focus on weapons and armor, it is called a medium-high level metal. That means that it is better than a lot of other metals, but there are also many metals better than this one. Think of it being like the middle brother in a family with three brothers."


Ilya paid full attention to Roxxy, never breaking eye contact with her even as she nodded.

"It is used to make weapons for those with magic from a certain element. Here is a little tip my pops taught me when I was your size. To guess the element just look at their color. If Ebonice is black, then the element is..."

She paused, waiting for Ilya to answer. The girl closed her eyes, pondering for a moment, and then the answer came to her.


She said while making an excited expression, even if her tone was still monotone and her poker-face just managed to change a bit.

"Hahaha, that's right kiddo! Ebonice is only good with darkness and so, weapons made of it excel when enchanted with that type of magic."


"Don't worry the others are even simpler. Well, except for one."

Said Roxxy as she winked at Ilya before making a signal to Patricia who was handling the Obsidian processing, telling her to throw her a piece of it.

"Obsidian also works well with darkness, but since it breaks more easily in battle it is used for arrowheads or throwing knives."

She said so while breaking the piece she had in her hand. She was still surprised at how easy it was to do so now though...

Then, she took a firestone out of the pockets that her maid outfit had and showed it to Ilya.

"The firestone, as it is called, is a stone that holds the power of fire inside of it. Put it in a bracelet, a sword, a staff, a pan, and the power of the fire you cast will be augmented by the power of the stone."


Roxxy stopped and waited for Ilya to nod, which she did. She was truly was earnestly paying attention and that made Roxxy quite happy as she enjoyed teaching her.

The blacksmith then caught a sunstone that had been thrown by Max right after storing the other minerals in her pockets.

"Sunstone. Now, sunstones are really pretty, don't you think?"

She said while showing off how its crevices and its shining core that made it look as if a sun had been engraved in it. All of that while letting Ilya touch it.


"One would think that they would go well with the fire element because of the color of its core but let me tell you something fascinating. They actually go well with the earth and nature attributes."

Confused, Ilya tilted her head and Roxxy smiled warmly after letting out an innocent chuckle.

"Aye, it can be confusing and actually, that is what a lot of people thought until someone was able to prove something incredible. You see, its core has the same properties as the lava that comes from the burning mountains, but in a magical sense. Lava, when cooled and after some time has passed, becomes a rich soil where nature thrives. So, in the same way, nature and earth magic thrives with a sunstone."

Ilya, who had started listening to Roxxy’s explanation still confused, was amazed by the end of it, to the point that smile once again appeared on her face. She even hugged the sunstone.


"You are quite the fast learner, Ilya."

Roxxy said proud of Ilya. She never imagined though, that she was talking to the personification of a burning mountain and how much that meant to her.

"Last but not least, Blaze Crystals are the core or heart of shields, bows and swords for knights who use enchanting as part of their fighting style, like Mystic Knights or Mystic Rangers. But weapons with a crystal as its core can be quite common too when there is an Enchanter in a team. Both being the case with us. However, Blaze Crystals don't have their own magic power like firestones, but they conduct it quite easily and the more clarity a crystal has the better. So..."

Roxxy then grabbed one of the crystals that were already downsized and put it in front of her face, making it look distorted in a funny manner.

"If you can see me that means...?"

"That it is...better..."

Said Ilya as she let out a small giggle.

"Correct! Now, as for its uses. A Blaze Crystal works exceptionally well with fire hence the name, but it also works well with other elements the clearer it is. That is why we are going to use it with some of our swords, daggers, shields, and even bows. Want to see how those are made too?"

Ilya nodded excited at Roxxy's question.

"Then go with Josie over there, she'll be glad to show you. I'll join you in a bit."

Said Roxxy as she smiled at Ilya.


Ilya nodded and ran off to the part of the smithy where Josie was.

"Truly, just a cute and curious kid. Let's do our best to give her a peaceful world where she can grow up in."

Declared Roxxy from the bottom of her heart.

To be continued...(cue announcement for the seiyuus of the newly introduced maids. Who do you think they are?)

Here we have Josie, Patricia and Max!




Thank you for reading! The other maids will have their images revealed when they make their proper appearance in the story!

You can find story with these keywords: In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss), Read In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss), In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) novel, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) book, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) story, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) full, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) Latest Chapter

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