In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)

Chapter 44: 44: Isekai road trip with cute maids, yay!

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Aaah flashbacks!

Don't you love them?

Just when you think you're done with them... get more!

Such an isekai thing to happen.

But man do I hate it when they do it with monthly manga!

That is why no more for this trip!

And the capital too!

Got to live in the present too, you know?

I mean, with such a nice scenery that said present provides...who would want to reminiscence more?

I'm in an isekai for Darling's sake!

I can peek out the window and find some mystical looking white deer running through the prairie!

I wonder how it would taste...

"Dear, are you really that much of a glutton?"

Hmmm, yeaaaah? I mean in this body I can eat as much as I want without worrying about it.

So, I can enjoy all the isekai food and pulled pork sandwiches I want!

Plus, I also keep myself faithful to besto waifu's character! 

Umu, I am a genius!

"Fufufu~~~, I wonder."


Eating lots of isekai food is a staple for these types of stories!!

It’s part of the isekai law!!

Right beside me cooking my world's food and making every one that tastes it say that it is vastly superior to anything of this world!!!

Although, I do not know if that one only refers to Japanese food...

Should I also try and do the obligatory 'I need my white rice!' remark?

That one would indeed need to come after eating isekai food, but before going along the second law I just mentioned though.

But wouldn't that mean that I was predisposed to not like the isekai food that much?

Since the seemingly obligatory isekai line ‘nothing can compare to a dish of simple white rice!’ also exists too...

Umu, umu...

"Master really is beautiful..."


Oh, it seems Lucy is mesmerized by my beauty.

Well, I am indeed doing the 'gazing at the window with a light smile' pose while being bathed in sunlight, which results in my golden hair and eyes standing out even more, also my skin, and overall figure.

Umu, Lucy you have good taste.

I feel so happy, someone else appreciates my and besto waifu's beauty. That is a win.

Although, most of the credit really goes to Nerinne.

A round of applause please!

"Fufufu~~ please dear you will make me blush! Translating a character design in 2D to a real-life body was a fun challenge! The face was tough though, so I do feel a little proud when someone praises your beauty, but you also deserve credit since it’s your actions and interactions that show true beauty!"

Oh you~~.

To imagine that you did all that in what just looked like a simple flash of light. You are so awesome.

"You too, dear~~."

No, you more, darling~~.

Hm? I got sidetracked?

Ah, yes.

The scenery that the present provides.

Of course, there is another beautiful scenery right here.

I'm sharing a carriage with a big team of Maid-Knights loyal to me!

All mingling with each other, laughing and looking out at their windows with expectant eyes.

This type of scene says isekai in a sweet, asmr voice that fateful fans should know very well...just remembering that voice actress sends nice shivers all over me...

But enough monologuing, I must answer Lucy's praises.

In an edge alter way, of course.

"Hmph, while I do not accept empty compliments, those from the heart deserve an appropriate response. Thank you, Lucy, you too look beautiful and I like your personality too."

I say so while smiling at her.

Lucy seems surprised at the fact that I heard her praise and is now blushing while smiling fully at me.

"That's great, Master! See, Mika? I told you I wasn't being a bother to Master. She even likes my personality!"

Says Lucy as she pokes Mika's cheek playfully.

"That's just Master being kind! She is our Master so you should be more polite! Master, please do not spoil her! She needs to act more proper!"

Ah! Is this fabled 'class president/morals committee character style' scolding?!

It feels so nice!

The weeb in my heart is dancing in happiness from getting to experience this!

She is even wagging her finger at me!!!

This is clearly a check!! Yes, a check on the isekai list! Right in the companion interactions tab!!


I so want to break character immediately but that needs to be slowly!!

"Um? Aren't you the one being impolite and improper right now, Mika? I mean you are scolding Master."

Says Lucy making Mika freeze up in realization of what she was just doing.

"Eh?! A-AH! I deeply apologize, Master! I-I got carried away while scolding Lucy...again..."

Wha-What?! Why did you stop?! Don't apologize!

I was burning it in my mind you know!

And don't lower your head so fast, you might get hurt!!

"Wai—*ahem*! There is nothing to apologize for. You were acting on your good judgement because, in the end, you care for your friend. That is a commendable trait, one that must be always nurtured and not discouraged. So, raise your head, Mika."

I say so using a calm voice so that my point of not being mad gets across.

"But Master..."

"Goodness Mika, you should listen to Master. She is telling you that she likes that part about you. Raise your head and be thankful for the compliment. Is that not the polite way?"

Says Gabrielle as the always dependable ojou-sama.

I think she deserves a reward too.

"I...yes. Thank you…Master. I might get carried away in the future, so please take care of me."

She says so while pushing her glasses up and trying to hide her embarrassment...HOW COULD I SAY NO TO THAT?!

"Of course, as I said before, you can count on me."


Some hours after that little exchange with Mika and Lucy we got off the carriage after finding a good spot to eat a meal and stretch our legs.

It is a little bit outside of the road just besides a running river.

For anyone wondering for the bathroom, I just asked Jules to set a tent and I used my powers to connect it to the bathrooms in the castle.

I mean, I am all for the isekai road trip and camping experience except for the bathroom part.

Heck, I'm game for the bathing in the river fan service scene with all the Maid-Knights!

Just imagining the 'fufufu's' and the 'kya kya's' make me want to jump right into it!

But watering the daisies in the out and about is a big no-no for me.

Eh? You're saying that I'm already kind of a pervert so doing it outside shouldn't be that much of a stretch?!

What the heck are you saying?! I'm a fine and well-educated person! An adult!!

I never did it outside as a man! Why would I start doing it now as a woman?!

Anyways! That's that!

Every maid is now occupied setting up the camp or the table or the kitchen utensils.

Yes, we brought a table, chairs, and all of that.

It was a set they already had for these type of occasions.

I was surprised when Gabrielle brought it all out though.

I mean, I had seen their base camp but seeing how fast and efficiently they were setting it all up was really cool.

I tried to help but...

"Ohoho, how could I let My Master handle these menial tasks? Do not worry, doing this is not a bother, dear Master."

Said Gabrielle laughing lightly while covering her mouth with the tip of her fingers.

She seemed quite eager too.

Maybe she took it as me doubting their abilities?

Although, I have to admit that it is really hot when she calls me 'My Master'...

"My Lord, please leave it to us and enjoy the scenery."

Then came Erevain with that and Erica nodding in agreement close behind.

I then tried to help with the cooking side of it but...

"A Master should only wait and not worry about these things. So please Master, leave the cooking to us!"

Said Mika already preparing a soup with the supplies we had in our luggage. She seemed to have taken what I said to heart and she's fine scolding me now.

Ah, it’s nice so there's no problem.

"Yeah! Besides, Master, we haven't done anything yet to deserve the reward of Master cooking for us! Please, leave this to us for now! We may not be as good as Louise, but my grilling skills are still quite good if I do say so myself! Oh, and I cannot wait to taste Master's cooking, so I'll be the one taking that reward!"

"I-I will be the one!"

Said Bertia as she pointed at herself with a confident smile, followed by Mika putting more effort on her soup.

As for Luca and Jules, they went to the forest to hunt.

Despite having meat in our supplies, Jules said that she wanted me to taste the meat of one of the beasts that live in this area.

I wonder if it's that mystical looking white deer I saw earlier...

And now I’m walking towards Allegra and Sophie, who are fishing in the nearby river.

"Hoh~~, I did not take you for one that enjoys fishing."

You are reading story In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) at

"Yeah, yeah, I've been told lots of times that my personality doesn't match one of a fisher, but I like to do it."

Sophie seems slightly irritated by my comment, but I can see that she just made a light smile there at the end.

"For me it is something that I learned to do mainly for the sake of my research, but then I found it quite enjoyable. I would spend the hours away fishing at some lake even after gathering enough specimens."

Says Allegra with a relaxed expression on her face, her eyes fixated on the water.

Also, if she is talking about her research then I guess that means she was fishing for poisonous fishes and such?

Is she doing that right now too?!

"This river has some nice tasting fish Master, so look forward to them."

She says so as she turns her eyes in my direction and smiles warmly.

Did she read my mind?!


What can I say after that?

Nothing more than just waiting like a good Master, I suppose...


"This soup is delicious, Mika. The broth is quite rich and the vegetables, this...uruns...really go well with it."

"Thank you, Master. I am glad that you liked it. There is more if Master wants seconds."

What a satisfied smile she has right now! Nice!

It’s really good! Who said isekai food is bland and absolutely needs soy sauce?!

I'll fight them!

No matter how many they are!

Like, she made a really good soup with broth made from the bones and some of the meat of the bovine animal that Bertia was using for her dish.

Then she added some seasoning, some vegetables from my world and these uruns.

Uruns! Isekai vegetable! It’s like a mix of a potato and a carrot but tastes sweeter.

But not like a sweet potato, there's some difference. Believe me, I have a PhD in Potatology!

There're also potatoes here but uruns are more common.

Truly an isekai!

Sometimes something simple like this is best, you know?

As for sitting arrangements, well, I am on the right side of the table, in the usual VIP spot you can imagine.

At my right I have Erevain and at her side is Erica, followed by Mika, Lucy and Sophie.

At my left I have Gabrielle and at her side is Bertia, followed by Jules, Allegra and Luca.

The table is large enough for all of us to be comfortable.

"Master, don't forget about the grilled meat I made! If Master liked the broth, then Master will love the meat even more! I promise!"

"Interesting. I shall trust your word, Bertia."

I am already drooling for it just because of the smell thanks to my senses...

If I had an ahoge it would be dancing...

Without further ado, lets dig in.




Yep, I just had a foodgasm.

This meat is so tender and juicy! She wasn't joking when she said she was good at grilling!

Darling, are you sure you don't want to join us?!

"As much as I would like to...I cannot put everyone at risk by being out in the open like that. It might attract unwanted attention."

But I could set up a barrier with my spatial magic just like you did on that night at the inn.

"I...took a risk that day Auros because I really wanted to see you. I am able to take a physical form and be with you in your personal space due to a technicality, but let us not push my luck. I promise you that one day we will eat together out in the open and even with Ilya."

Then I will work hard to make that day come faster.

Be it beating the Dragon Lords or finding a place you can feel fine being there.

"Fufufu~~, I know you will."

Umu, trust me.


This meat is really, really, good...

I need to properly praise it.

So, here you have it the 'poker faced thumbs up praise' signature edge alter praise!!

Plus, some light magic for anime flair!

"It's good, Bertia. So good."

Bertia's eyes have lit up and she’s making a really big smile while letting out a joyful voice.

"I knew that Master would like it! After all, I had a feeling that Master was a comrade on the path of meat!"

"I do not know about that, Bertia. I believe Master follows a wider path."

Says Gabrielle with a confident expression.

She is also right.

"Indeed, I follow a path where I shall taste all that is tasty in this world for that is one of my objectives in traveling throughout these lands."

I say so with an honest and serious tone

"Ooooh, as expected of Master! That is truly a goal I can get behind! I'll be glad to follow you on that path!"

Look at that, Bertia is quite excited, she’s giving me the feeling that I really got a follower and if this was a school manga, she would be calling me 'anego' or something like that.

Hmm, maybe, 'Master-sis'? That sounds oddly it a new fetish?!

Also, Gabrielle is nodding quite satisfied with that as if saying 'see, Master never disappoints' or something along those lines.

Jules seems to want to interject but she’s finishing her fourth plate of soup and is now going for the meat…

It seems I have a rival when it comes to gluttony, huh?

"Master, please look forward to the doorim that we hunted. It will be ready for cooking by dinnertime."

Says Jules with a smug smile and a proud look in her eyes while cutting a piece of meat.

"Yes...doorim is good...Master..."

Says Luca in her highest whisper.

She already knows about my senses, so she is happy when I nod at what she said.

So cute, cute and cute!

Ah, the doorim is indeed that mystical looking white deer!

And they hunted a big one!!

I so wanted to eat it...

Also, it seems to be a predator that attracts some people, animals, and even monsters with its pure white color, and then it kills them with wind magic that comes from its antlers and eats them.

I asked if it was a monster instead of an animal but nope, it is considered an animal.

Like, Nerinne, what were you thinking when you made them?! They are scary!

"Fufufu~~, nature takes so many different paths, my dear. That one ended up like that after evolution, so technically it is not my fault. They could have been herbivores, but they do share a habitat with monsters, so they had to adapt."

That...makes a whole lot of sense...

"I shall look forward to it then."

I nod at Jules while I try to grab more meat with my hand but Erevain smiles, grabs my hand, puts it back where it was and then serves me the meat.

"My Lord, grabbing the meat with one's hands is not proper table manners for one such as you. So, please do so with the proper utensils or just ask."

I have to say, she is quite bold and direct when it comes to these things. From telling me that I look like a villain with my helmet on and now this...

I can really feel her royal discipline coming out of her right now.

"I...yes, Erevain. I will take your advice to heart."

She smiles warmly at my response.

"So, you are going to grill that doorim, right, Jules? That is the only way to bring out its flavor you know?"

"Hmph, no. I am going smoke it of course. That is but the true way to bring a good flavor to a prey one hunted."

"Hah?! What are you saying?! Haven't we talked about this lots of times?! If you smoke it, it will dull the flavor and dry the meat!"

"That is only if someone like you does it, no hunter that respects themselves would let that happen. You'll see, Master will praise it even more than the meat you grilled."

"That's rich coming from someone that is already on her third serving!"

Wow, when the heck did she stuff her mouth with all of that...?

"That's that and this is this. Also, more please."

"Ah, here...wait! Why am I serving you! Do it yourself, duller!"

"So uncool, there's no need to give bad service."

Seeing those two bicker around like that, plus all the other Maid-Knights enjoying themselves, I can't but let out a small chuckle.

This is nice, you know?

Very nice…

It reminds me of…

"What is on your mind, My Lord?"

Says Erevain while tilting her head with a genuine look of interest in her eyes, her beautiful black flowing hair moving along with her.

"I was only thinking that this is truly a pleasant moment. It is warm."

I can feel a smile appear on my face while saying this, since that is how I truly feel looking at all of this.

"Yes, it is, My Lord. I too find it pleasant."

Ah, there it is again that loving and warm gaze, it is not only directed at them but at me too.

Isekai road trips sure are the best.

To be continued...(cue sweet ending song for all those wholesome feels!) (Do tell me in the comments which one fits!)

Glossary entry #19:

Ahoge: That weird strand of hair that some anime characters seem to have on top of their heads. The one that, for some mysterious reason, reacts to their emotions taking various shapes and even wagging like a tail.

Anego: A way to say Elder sister in Japanese. It is used in manga sometimes by delinquents to refer to the female leader of their gang.


Thank you for reading!

You can find story with these keywords: In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss), Read In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss), In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) novel, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) book, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) story, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) full, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) Latest Chapter

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