In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)

Chapter 55: 55: Torture? Who needs it? I don’t!

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Noon has arrived here in the Capital.

We just finished having lunch and we are now talking mostly about daily life stuff.

Like how life is in my castle and so on.

"Leader, Erica, Bertia, I leave Master to you."

"Of course, Gabrielle. You can focus on your task without concerns. Lucy, Mika, you know what to do."

Says Erevain with a tone deserving of the title of head maid.

Wanting to not waste any more time, Gabrielle and her team are leaving the suite to go and buy the materials that Roxxy urgently needs.

"If any problem arises, I will trust your judgement in how to deal with the situation, Gabrielle. But if it's something that you cannot handle, return to this place immediately. Your life is more valuable than the mission. That goes for all of you."

I say with a serious look on my face.

After all, I can't be having a mind-controlled maid so early...

The undead majesty anime had a really great fight at the end because of that though...

No, wait, I don't want to have a mind-controlled maid at all.

Sorry, but I hope to never check that box off the list.

And poor bastard who dares and tries to make that flag happen.

Anyways, Lucy has gotten a bit red because of my words and now she is winking at me while giving me the thumbs up.

"No problems, Master! If it comes to that, then no one will be able to catch me! Even if I were to carry these two! No matter how heavy they are! Gh—!"


Gabrielle and Mika hit Lucy on the sides with their elbows right when she mentioned their weight.


If this were a manga, then her soul would be coming out from her mouth right now...and it’s so funny that I can’t help but chuckle.

"Huhu…then, I shall take your word for it, Lucy."

Hearing that, Lucy recovers immediately and she’s now beaming with motivation. 

“Yes, Master! ♢”

"Master! What did I tell you? Do not spoil this girl, she cannot be saying such things...but she is right in one aspect. If something outside of our capabilities were to happen, we will hurry here. And...I know it is not our position to say this, but please take ca—"



Mika was about to say something important just now, but Lucy has poked one of her cheeks and now she’s angry.


"Come here!"

And now, Mika is trying to catch Lucy, but to no avail.

So cute, those two are just so cute.

Even more so Mika, she was getting red while trying to tell me to take care...

I see, so this is the charm of the 'class president' type...

Aaah so warm...

I want to hug want to see her completely say it! That will surely have more impact!

"My, rest assured Master. We will finish our mission while taking care that something like that does not happen. That aside..."

Says Gabrielle with her usual ojou-sama smile and tone, all while walking towards me and—



"...I will make sure to cherish those words and return to you, My Master."


"*ahem*...yes. That is what you should do."

I just said that while trying my best to look calm b-but…

Am I blushing?!

Am I blushing really badly?!

Like a tomato?! Worse?!


Calm down, my heart!!

A gorgeous blonde ojou-sama maid just kissed me on the cheek, how could it be calm?!!

Well, yes, I am technically dressed and look like an ojou-sama  too, there is also my cover story...BUT YOU GET MY POINT, DAMMIT!!

Keep it cool, keep it cool...focus on narrating...yes narrating...

Gabrielle is blushing too, but it is not out of embarrassment, no, it is out of joy.

Why? Because she is showing me a truly warm smile, one that even extends to her beautiful turquoise eyes…

Oh, she has shifted her gaze to Ludovica, whom she smugly smiles at before doing a light bow, grabbing the shocked statues of Mika and Lucy, and leaving the suite while saying the following:

"With your permission, My Master."


You just had to add the cherry on top, Gabrielle!


Arerere...? Was Erevain lightly pouting just a second ago? She moved her head, so I didn't see her face clearly though...


Why do I feel like I'm hearing a certain staring onomatopoeia?


Ludovica is staring at me...with 'those' eyes...

She looks like a cat readying itself before pouncing at its prey...was she really that affected by Gabrielle?

"If she can do that, then I can too~~."


I quickly put my hand on her face and then I start pushing her back.

"Mu~~. Why do you reject my friendly love, Auros?"

"Because I already had enough of your 'friendly love' for today!"

Crap!! I just let out something out of character!!

This is why I didn't want her to stay here!

No wait...that still sounded like something my waifu would say, yes, yes, let's go with that!


And of course, you are enjoying this, Nerinne!!

"How would I not, dear~~? Seeing the new heroines' actions and reactions is truly amusing. Add to that, all those cute expressions you make, and it fills my heart with warmth."


"Besides, I am the first heroine, so getting to see who ends up being coronated as the second one is pretty exciting, fufufu~~."


Hahahaha, aah, that is so you, Nerinne...

You are the best.

"Fufu~~I know, dear~~. That is why I am your main heroine."

Indeed, you are.


It hasn’t been that long since those shenanigans, but something surprising just happened.

Something involving the chimney of our suite.

Can you guess what?


Ding! Ding! It moved and revealed a secret passage!!

That is just so cool!!

I mean, that is a check from whatever side I see it!

Allegra had already said that there were secret passages and tunnels but seeing one with my own eyes is awesome!!!

You know what is even more awesome? That we are on the second floor!!!

Truly isekai!!

And of course, the first one to arrive is Luca.

She is carrying two unconscious men on her shoulders like it’s nothing and it isn’t.

Then, we have Allegra arriving second, but that’s only because she is literally behind Luca. So, let's say that it is more of a tie.

In her case, she is carrying an unconscious woman like a princess.

Said woman has a fearful expression on her face even though she is unconscious.

Is she having a nightmare?

"Oh, that was fast. I thought it would take them at least until sunset, but your maids are quite impressive for returning this quickly and with three of the suspects no less. Not to mention that one of them is also part of the Royal Court."

Says the gal with an uncharacteristically non-gal tone and speech. Heck, even her overall attitude changed.

So, this is her real 'work face', huh?

Holy onee-san is probably more for the public then.



Luca and Allegra look at me while waiting for my instructions, but hmm...

They look quite cute saying it together like that, so...

Nice combo!!!

Ok, with that out of the way, let’s say something.

"First and foremost, you both did a great job, Luca, Allegra. Just as I expected."

"...glad to be...of use..."

Luca smiles as she says that.

"It was nothing, Master."

Allegra also smiles.

My heart! They are so cute!!

But I can't keep admiring their cuteness just like that, I have a role to play too.

Pun intended, heh.

"Take them to the extra room, I have already enchanted it, so no sound shall come out of it."

And of course, no sound will bother our neighbors in the floors below and above either.

After all, I am a polite and responsible adult; it would be bad manners to bother them with all those sounds.

"Bertia, help Luca with one of them"

"On it, Master!"

Bertia smiles cheerfully while smacking her own right bicep as if showing her strength and then goes to take one of the men Luca was carrying.

“While I believe that it will not take long for the others to arrive, leaving the passage unguarded would be foolish. Therefore, I shall leave guarding it to you, Erica.”

"As you wish, Master."

With that, Erica nails the maid-like smile as she bows and proceeds to stand near the secret passage.

Which is even cooler if you consider that we are on the second floor of the inn.

Yes, I said it twice because I like it that much.

Ah, so isekai...

Well, before we go and do our thing, I must tell something to this gal beside me.

I'll use my full alter tone just to drive the seriousness of the point home.



And she answers me not intimidated by my tone at all.

"If you pretend to truly be a friend of mine, then you need to be ready to accept the truth about myself."

I sharpen my gaze while saying so and she still does not look intimidated. Not one bit.

"Ah, but of course. I swear that I am not lying. I genuinely believe that we were fated to be friends, so no matter which truth it is, I shall accept it."

She says so with a smile full of honesty and not an ounce of playfulness...

"Hoh~~, very well. Come with me."

I say that but…she can really make that kind of mature expression if she wants to, huh?

Meanwhile, Erevain is smiling at us again with 'Ah, it is nice that My Lord and Her Holiness are friends' written all over her face.

"Eresh, follow me."

"As always, My Lord."

She nods to my words and with that, we all go into the extra room.

Let's call it the EX-Room just to scratch my chunni itch, heh.

The EX-Room looks like the other rooms in the suite, it has this luxurious medieval fantasy style with golds and whites all over the place and intricate wall reliefs.

Of course, it is smaller than the main room, but you could say that it has the same size of a double bedroom in a traditional 3-star hotel of my world.

What? No five-star hotel?

You crazy? Why would I spend that much money on a hotel?!

I wouldn’t even let my boss put me in one!

After all, I prefer that money to go the figure fund!

Besides, a three-star is a happy medium between quality and cost just as the silvers in BND. 

Although, there are certain low stars that do pretty well too...ah, we are getting sidetracked!

The bed is big enough to be called a 'prince size' and there is even a beautiful tea table with some chairs, which is where Erevain, Ludovica, and the rest are going to be seating during my ‘interrogation’.

And this is my first time doing it with an audience, so I'll do my best!

Of course, Luca, Bertia, and Allegra have already tied our guests to their respective chairs.

So, all I need is for them to wake up.

"Allegra, will you do the honors?"

I say that as I turn my gaze to her, and she does a light nod before answering.

"Of course, Master. It will only take a moment."

Saying that, Allegra makes a calm smile and takes out a small flask from her storage space.

As she opens it, my nose immediately picks up the strong scent of the liquid inside, a stimulant.

And so, she puts the flask near the noses of each of our guests and they quickly start to wake up.


First, the middle-aged man, Sven.


Then, the young-looking man, Locke.


And lastly the middle-aged woman, Lorelei.

“Thank you, Allegra.”

“My pleasure, Master.”

With that, Allegra bows lightly and returns to her place with the other maids and Ludovica.

By the way, I can see that our guests have gotten past their initial surprise and are reacting very differently to their current situation. Going by the previous order, Sven seems to be assessing it, Locke is clearly outraged, and Lorelei looks very scared.

Also, her gaze seems to cycle between Allegra and me.

"How dar—HIIIH!"

Locke was about to shout some cliché noble line, so I shut him up with my edge alter glare and a bit of pressure.

And it feels so good...

Who thought that making a haughty noble-type go 'hii!' would be such a satisfying isekai check?


Also, Sven seems surprised by the pressure and he is now sizing me up.

"Hmph, I shall skip the pleasantries and go straight to the point."

A pressure that I keep emitting as I start circling around them.

“I am the High Dragon Lord of the Goddess and I have been sent to bring punishment upon those involved in a certain scheme. One where those conspiring betrayed their brethren. One where even the name of the Goddess was desecrated. And you, members of New Glory, are part of those.”

"Such thing…!"



Of course, none of them are believing my words. Just look at them, disbelief, distrust, denial, all that fills their faces, regardless of which emotion is greater in each of them. And I blow all of that away as I slowly reveal my true nature to them with my skill.

First, my ears become longer than those of elves.

Next, my eyes abandon all trace of humanity and turn draconic.

Finally, my crown of horns appears, adorning my head.

“By the Goddess…you…”


"A Dragon Lord...that works for the Goddess...that can't be possible...and yet…but…"

Sven is stuck looking at me while Locke is trying his best not to.

Meanwhile, Lorelei is looking downwards, seemingly trying to escape reality.

As for Ludovica…she just smiles at me as she normally does. She even waves hello with her hand.

That kind of...makes me happy?

I’m not telling her though.

Anyways, I return to my more human form and approach the guests.

"It does not matter whether you believe that part or not. For I might as well be a powerful illusory mage, at least if that makes it more palatable for you. But be not mistaken, you have been captured and you shall tell me everything you know about New Glory."

"…then you might as well start to torture me because I will not betray my Kingdom. Not even if a Dragon Lord threatens me. I still hold the values of her Highness in my heart and those of my wife too."

Says Sven firmly with that stern expression of his.

Still...'her Highness' as in Queen Theresa and not the King, huh? Oh boy, you just exposed yourself as the one who will be the first to talk.

"I-It was the right thing to do! It was—!"

"Shut up! This is the reason why I thought you were unfit for the role...! And you! Dragon Lord or not, I am not betraying the King! There’s nothing you can offer me that will make me do that!"

Huhuhu…thank you, Lorelei.

Not only did you recover quite quickly, but you have helped me stablish the talking order.

You are reading story In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) at

From the easiest to the…easier.

As I said, I'll go for Sven first, but I will transform Sven and Locke at the same time.

Why? Because their new forms come in a set of course!!

Will you be able to guess from which isekai I based their new appearances?

What? You don't read that much trash as me?

Pfft…! As if you can believe yourself!


"Hooh~~, we will see about that."

I give her a 'challenge accepted' type of expression and then, I walk up to those I’m going to transform and put a hand on each of them. Of course, they try to back away but it’s useless.  

"[Shapeshifting Touch]."


The light of the skill envelops them, molding them into the shapes I had already visualized and disappears shortly after, revealing their new forms as it does.

"This is...?!"

"Wha…?! My body…?!"

They immediately notice the new additions to their bodies, their new voice, and the oh so alien emptiness down there.

Yes, they are now women.


Meanwhile, Lorelei's eyes widen in surprise so much that it wouldn't be out of place if they break through her glasses.

"You! Why am I a woman?!"

So exclaims Locke, who is now a woman with white hair in a bob cut with light-red bangs that cover her left eye, which is as red as the other one.

"You…what are you planning to do to us now?"

Sven seems to be trying to remain calm, but her blue eye tells me another story.

Yes, I said eye.


Because she is now a woman with black hair in a bob cut with light-blue bangs that cover her right eye, which is also blue.

Also, she looks identical to Locke save for the placement of the bangs and, most importantly, the size of her chest.

She is smaller in comparison to Locke.

"Just this. [Pleasurable Hands]."


Ah, what a cute moan she just let out because of me caressing her exposed neck.  She even surprised herself.

Oh, she is now trying to get away from my hand, but she should already know that such thing is useless.

And even if it wasn’t, I don’t think she’d be able to even fall from the chair with how much her legs are trembling.

Anyways, my hand is now just close enough to her neck for her to feel its presence, but not enough for it to be actually touching her and even then, that’s sufficient to get a jolt out of her.


"I want you to ask yourself something while I do this to you. Why all the secrecy? Why has the king not invited the Church into his plan? I mean, if it is something that will bring an end to the war, the Church would surely help. Then, why keep it hidden? But most important of all, why did he need to brand his own son as a traitor to further his overall plan?”


I can see it in Sven’s eyes as I ask her, my questions are questions that have been in her mind for a good while, specially that last one.

Also, time's up!

Have you guessed it?



Well, too late if not, because they are the black and white twins from that certain isekai!!

In adult versions, of course. No bans for me!!

What? It would have been better if they were the gold and silver twins?

My friend, I may have forgiven you for that NTR thing, but please don't say foolish things.

Who wouldn't want to massage adult versions of those black and white twins?!

Hm? I think Lorelei is staring at me again and…

Uwaa...she is giving me the 'disgusting' type of look….

I’ll ignore that and use the chance to refer to her and Locke.

"Feel free to think about it too. After all, is that not suspicious? Why would he need to go to such lengths? Was his plan something that his son would never accept? A forbidden power? Or maybe something worse? Just remember, he was the same son raised by Queen Theresa and he was someone who shared her values. So, I ask again, is that not suspicious?"

While Lorelei is listening to me, her gaze moves towards Allegra and keeps it there for a few moments until she seems to have realized something, something that makes her turn her gaze to Erevain and…huh…she has turned pale.

Maybe she has mistaken Erevain for a Queen Theresa that is back from the dead?

Hmm, oh well.

Moving on!

I use my instinct and locate the parts where Sven and Locke need a massage the most.

For Sven it’s the neck and for Locke it’s the lower back.

With that, I wiggle my fingers while smiling mischievously at Sven.

"Shall we begin?"

"You…! No matter what your devious skill does, I won't reduce myself to moan like that again! I have a wife! I will not falter!"

"I accept that challenge."

I say so while maintaining my smile and putting my hands on the back of her exposed neck.

Then, I begin to apply pressure with both of my thumbs.

Just the right amount of pressure, mind you. After all, the point is not to hurt them, but to give them a supreme massage that will make them talk.

"Hy—! No—! Mmmh~!"

Oh, she is biting her!

Let's see how much she endures.


Five minutes have passed and…

"Hyaaaaan! Too good...! It feels so good even though I am married!!! I am sorry my dear wife, but your massages have lost to hers!!! I give up!! I do not care about the king nor his strange plan!! He and his bulls are the reason for my stress!!! And I already suspected him too!!! What kind of father does that?!! Th-that is why…I will tell you everything!!! So, please stop it!!"

There it is.


The 'my neck no longer hurts like hell' kind of ecstasy.

And with that, her stern look is gone, replaced by a refreshed and relaxed one. 

Seriously, I am surprised at how she was able to move her head with her neck like that.

It felt as if I was trying to soften rock...

In any case, time to turn my gaze to my next target.


"You are next."


Oh! She got startled! Cute!


And now she has turned to Lorelei as if asking for help.

"Don't you dare betray the King. He gave you that position because he trusted you. Or are you going shame him too?"


I can’t help but chuckle at those words. Nor I can stop myself from saying the following:

"How can you shame a fool and a coward? But alright, let us proceed."

Hearing that, Lorelei glares at me intensely and sadly for her, that’s all she can do.

And she knows it.

Her body language and my instinct tell me that she has already given up on escaping and is adamant on ignoring Allegra and Erevain for some reason.

I already mentioned what I thought about her fear of Erevain, but Allegra...what did you do to Lorelei?

Well, she most likely deserved it, so the question is more out of curiosity than anything else.

Also, it seems that no one has noticed that the Head of the Church is in the audience.

Is it her doing?

Yes...she is using some sort of stealth skill...huh, interesting.

Also, I feel that she is doing it so that she doesn't cause problems with my work.

How considerate of her...but I digress.

While keeping the ones on her wrists, I remove Locke’s bindings and carry her to the bed, laying with her back facing the ceiling.

Then, I lift part of her shirt, as in just enough to reveal her lower back so that I can put my hands on it and start.



So cute!

And look! Everyone has ‘cu-cute!’ written all over their faces too!

And why wouldn't they?! It really was cute as heck!!!

Let's press her again, but now with my two thumbs applying just the right amount of pressure.

I really hope it isn’t just a one-time thing...


It wasn't! Forget Sven, Locke-chan is where it's at!!!

"My, you seem to be suffering from quite the back pains. Too much deskwork, I presume?"

I say that while adding a tinge of the alluringness a certain type of queen has and...oh man, I think that her cute moans have awakened something within me...

"I-I do not know what you are talking about..."

I press again.


And again.

"Mnyaa! Mnyaa!"

And again, and again, and again, and again.

"Mnyaaaaan! Ha...ha...ha..."

She is trying to hide her enjoyment of the massage, but her blissful smile betrays her.

"Should I repeat the question?"


She gets startled and shakes her head energetically.

"No! I will answer! I am stuck to a desk for so many hours a day that my back started hurting!! At my age that is not normal!! I so miss the times when the old man was in charge! I used to sneak out to the nearby forest just so that I could stretch my legs and gather materials! Now I can't do that because I have to..."

Oh, she was about to let out something she shouldn't.

Let's give her a push.

"If you do not want to tell me it is fine, I will just go to Lorelei."


Locke-chan is now looking at me with the eyes similar to those of a child that has been robbed of their candy.

Not that I have done that mind you, so stop it with the murmurs!!

" will not talk because... you have not finished; my back still hurts...."

"Hooh~~, then let us continue."

After a couple of minutes, Locke-chan went full 'munya, munya~~' and fell asleep after saying that she will tell me everything she knows.


Two down, one left.

With Lorelei I am going to do something a bit different though.

So, with that in mind, I approach her and then, I crouch so that we are at the same level.

And she wastes no time to glare at me through her glasses.

"No matter how much you massage me, I will not betray the King. I will not throw away years of work, of sleepless nights, and invested capital just for that. Be it poison, brute strength, or magic, do whatever you want to me, but I will not talk."

"I know."

I say with a serious tone.

"That is why I am going to appeal to the other, more prevalent, side of you. The merchant.”


“Now, now, do not be that surprised.”  

As in, I read your scroll.

Also, it’s incredible what can fit in a single scroll.

“I know a lot about you.”

Hearing my words, her gaze sharpens, and I do the same.

"As such, I know that you are a merchant first and foremost. Doing business is what makes your blood run. And I am willing to bet that that is what you want to keep doing for the rest of your days. That is where my offer comes in. An offer that I believe will be an attractive one for you."


There, I piqued her interest.

"After all, the more time goes on...the less time you have to work..."

Ah, I can see a bit of hope in her eyes.

That makes me smile.

"If you are willing to work for me, then I will rejuvenate you."


"You have already seen my proof of concept, so you know that I am speaking the truth. What is your answer?"


Of course, I will not let her think about it.

It is now or never.

"57 years..."

So that’s how many years she want’s off her, heh.

Then…let the haggle begin.

No pun intended!


I fire back.


Hmm she really wants that much off her, huh.


But she should know that that is not how negotiations work.


Now, that’s more like it.




Plus, a look that tells her that that is my last offer.

"...fine, I accept."

"Excellent, I knew you would come around."

I smile at her, satisfied with the result, all while putting my hand on her shoulder.


She seems to want to say something, but I will not give her the chance.

"[Shapeshifting Touch]."

The light of the skill envelops her, and I let my instinct guide me through the process of rejuvenating her and...oh, what is this?

My instinct is telling me that some parts of her body should be one way, but that it would be more effective if make them a bit different.


If that’s the case, then I will follow my instinct.

Then, the light of the skill fades and I ask Bertia for a mirror, which she brings with haste and I put in front of Lorelei.

"Does she remind you of someone?"


She is immediately greeted by the reflection of a gorgeous young woman with an intellectual air around her.

Like a teacher that is young but has a mature charm.

"I...thought you said 36? What...?"

She says that as she tilts her head while she studies her own face

And indeed, I gave her what she wanted.

She is now 57 years younger and technically only 20 years old.

"Consider it a long-term investment while the other changes are your welcoming bonus."

"Other changes? Wha...!"

She looks down and she notices that her breasts are slightly bigger while her waist is just a bit smaller.

And when I say that I mean it, I’m surprised at how much difference those little changes do.

"Before you ask, just think as a merchant. What is one of the things a merchant needs to know best?"

"...! What their clients need, but also what they want..."

"Exactly. Now, I have done my part of the deal, so I suggest you do good with yours."


Ahh…I can't help but smile at the sound that.

Three down, two to go.

To be continued...(cue surprise cameo illustration of the MC of that referenced isekai walking completely lost through the capital while Auros goes full fangirl on him!)

Thank you very much for reading! I'm very sorry for the delay! I was just too tired yesterday and couldn't focus at all. I'll try to make it up to you guys with another chapter later today! Besides that, yesterday was the second anniversary of this story and I want to thank you guys because even if my time in SH has been short, you have been very welcoming and warm to me and this story, thank you! On that same vein, I noticed that the story is trending here! Wohooo!! 

In any case, please look forward for the next chapter and if you want to support me and the story, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi!

Special thanks from the bottom of my heart to: EmbraceTheSleeb, Lord-Hollow, YukisoraRin, LordInquisitorSteele, Anon and Anon2!

See you later!

You can find story with these keywords: In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss), Read In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss), In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) novel, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) book, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) story, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) full, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) Latest Chapter

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