In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)

Chapter 62: 62: Allegra’s lab and a special chair.

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"We have arrived, Master."

So says Allegra as she stops in front of a wall and puts her hand on it.

The tunnels we traversed were quite crazy.

I can see now how anyone could get lost while traversing them.

So many turns to the right and left...

Although, the completionist gamer inside me is screaming, demanding me to explore the other tunnels to 'light up the map'...

And I really want to do that!

This is practically a dungeon under an isekai city!! Why the heck wouldn't I want to explore it?! I would do it until I get that satisfied feeling that comes with that '100% map exploration' achievement!!

"The path of knowledge is filled with poison, study so that you can prevail over it and find the truth."





I thought for a second that it would be an underground lab, but the stairs seem to go upwards, not downwards.

Oh, well.

"This way, Master, everyone."

She says that before she starts going up the stairs and we obviously follow after her.

"I can see that this entrance is not the one from the past, Allegra. Are there more?"

Asks Erevain while looking back at the now descending wall that let us in.

Allegra nods with a cute 'mhm' mixed in.

"That is correct, Leader. This entrance is one of two that I thought I would never have to use. In hindsight, it certainly was worth the trouble of finding a home with these many ways of going in and out. This one in specific..."

She stops at a wooden door that reveals the inside of a fake closet.

It has spiderwebs in its corners and it is clearly dusty, but it doesn't seem eroded at all.


" directly linked to my laboratory. It was supposed to be used in case of an emergency."

She opens the closet doors while saying that and her laboratory comes into view.

Although, the room in general is a bit dark and the smell of dust covers the air as one would expect of an abandoned place.

“It might be a bit dusty, but that will cease to be the case in a moment.”

She snaps her fingers and then everything lights up.


All thanks to the magic pulse coming from the chandelier on the ceiling. Said pulse leaves everything squeaky clean as it passes throughout the place in a matter of seconds, taking care of the dust, the smell, the spider webs and so on.

"Welcome, Master. To my humble laboratory."

She bows while presenting her lab to me with a motion of her hand and let me tell you...IT IS INCREDIBLE!!

Imagine an alchemist's laboratory but with even more fantasy in it!

And of course, there's tons of equipment here!

Some of it is similar to the equipment used by chemists back on Earth, like test tubes and so on. But most of it not so much, or more like just nope. There's one that looks like a blender, but it has weird markings that mean 'to separate’ and another has markings that mean ‘to bind’.

Yeah, that’s Nerinne's blessing in action.

There are also shelves with lots of samples inside of flasks, all meticulously organized and categorized.

Books are obviously here too, with various shelves being full of them.

Magical artifacts like the chandelier are also present throughout the lab. And I bet that they have functions of similar importance to it.

That’s why I must burn all of this into my mind so that I can recreate it in the castle...wait...maybe I should ask her.

"Hmph. This laboratory certainly has your signature on it, Allegra. Would you like for me to recreate it in the castle? I could also make an enchanted door there that can bring you here anytime you want."


Hearing that, Allegra’s eyes go wide in surprise, surprise that is soon replaced by the excitement that is welling up in them, just like that of a little kid when told that they are getting a new toy.


Hmm? Oh, Luca just gave me the thumbs up while nodding lightly and smiling.

"Is that true, Master? Is that really true?!"


Woah! Look at that…Allegra has not only grabbed my hands, but she is holding them quite close to her chest. All while she’s looking up at me with such a joyful expression…

So beautiful…if there is a time for that glittery shoujo effect, then...this is it.

"Of course. What is your choice?"

I say that as seriously as I can, and her eyes light up even more.

"Then I wish for Master to recreate it in the castle."


Now, that’s interesting.

I thought that she would ask me for the teleportation door.

I need to free one of my hands from her soft and nice grip just so I can say this properly.


"Do you not have any lingering attachment to this place? It is but an easy task for me to link a door to it."

What do you do when you say lines like that?

You make magical power of that attribute swirl on your hand, of course!

In this case, the attribute swirling on my hand is the space attribute, which makes it seem as if the space around my hand was distorting. Yes, just like in one of those funny mirrors.

Flexing!! It is essential!

And yet…even after seeing that, Allegra shakes her head.

“Even if I do, it is not about attachment, Master. My laboratory is a place where I put all the tools I need for my work. If Master can recreate it in the castle, then that would still bring me great joy. For I would be able to be of use in more ways than before. Including helping those that are sick in a more definite manner…like those villagers…”

Ah…of course.

She was still thinking about the sick villagers and how she was unable to help them beyond making the symptoms bearable…


As she says that, she lets go of my other hand, walks towards a big desk, her desk, and takes out a...HOLY THIGHS OF NERINNE! THAT IS ONE HECK OF A THICC NOTEBOOK!!


"Everything I did in this place is inside this handy notebook. It is the proof that I worked in here for several years. It is proof that this place did its job. All the failures. All the victories. It's all in here. So, in a way, this lab is moving with me."

Yes, I understand that feeling very well.

I mean, I do not know if I have said this before, but I am from another world.

Yeah. Surprising. Heh.

Leaving what used to be my world could be called hard, but my memories of it came with me. So, in way, Earth came with me.

"Hooh~~, that is certainly true, Allegra."

Allegra nods and giggles at my response before turning back to that notebook.

"Curiously, this notebook here was one of the reasons I had to come here. The second one was because I wanted to show Master this place. I do not know if it still matters, but...I brought Master here to show that I trust you. This was my sanctuary, a place where I could make use of the abilities I shaped over the years. I was worried that Master would not think much of it, but those worries have been utterly destroyed with your offer."

She smiles once again as honest gratitude fills both her eyes and voice.

Also, do I look like a person who wouldn't care for the important things of her comrades?

Don't. Don't answer that.

"Allegra, I want you to know that I care about what is important for you. And I have been planning to give you a laboratory since that time at the village, but I did not have enough information to do so.”

As in, I had no idea how to make one. But let's leave that out.

“Still, I can promise you this, I shall always act in a way that is worthy of your trust."

"...! Master…”

She looks even more teary than before and…!

"Master, you are the best!"


She just jumped over the desk and is not to grab my hands again!




She is hugging me!

She really is hugging me! Her slim and petite body is quite different from Erevain's and Nerinne's, but she is beautiful in her own way!!

There is justice here too!!

Ah, she smells nice too...

But I can't lose control over this and hug her like I normally would.

So…I gotta hug her lightly and then let her go...even if I still want to hug this beautiful maid for a bit longer….


Never mind, she let go on her own…

"I apologize if I surprised you, Master. I tend to overreact when I get excited."

She steps back and bows apologetically as she says that, to which I shake my head.

"There is nothing to apologize for, Allegra. Now, shall I teleport everything to the place that will be your new laboratory?”


With that, she nods excitedly while smiling.

Meanwhile, everyone else has been just chilling on the sofas or reading, so this will end quite quickly.

Also, I did not see Erevain pout when Allegra hugged me.

Soooo, she doesn't see her as a rival, huh.

You are reading story In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) at




Hellooooo...are you there?


What are you doing?

I just want to know if you are fine.

Take the time you need.

Just talk to me when you can.

I miss you...


So, this is it, huh?

We are now in front of a medium sized pub.

Well, I say ‘we’, but Luca and Allegra are not here since they must explore the tunnels. And when I asked them about what they were going to eat, they said that they would buy something at a food stall.

So, there’s that.

But I’ll still order the stew for when Allegra returns to the inn, as well as Luca's fried uruns and fish.

Can't leave them out, can I?


In any case, the pub has its name displayed on a hanging sign right above its entrance.

Said sign has the drawing of a glaring beer mug with a crown.

I must admit that such glare kind of reminds me of Erevain when I met her…


And of course, I can hear the ruckus from inside! They even have isekai-like music!!

Here comes another check on my list!!

Eating at an isekai pub!!

Oh, but this isn't the only one!! I plan to do this in every major city of this world!! Yes!!

"The King's Glare pub, My Lord. The name is indeed tongue in cheek, but it is certainly a place I would recommend."

Says Erevain with confidence and a bit of a wry smile.

"What are we waiting for, Master? Let's go!"

Meanwhile, Bertia can't wait to enter and tries to run in, but...

"Bertia, there is no need to be so rash."

...Erica stops her by grabbing her from the shoulder and pulling her aside, regardless of how much Bertia comically ‘struggles’. Following that, she opens the door for me while saying the following with a smile:

"After you, Master."

"Thank you, Erica."

With that, I nod and walk past them, finally entering the place and what I see is just what I expected.




Wait...what is that way over there? THAT’S…?! IT EVEN HAS AN INFO BOARD!! WITH BOUNTIES ON IT!!!




Ara, ara...I can feel that someone is directing an intense welcoming glare at me.

Oh, it's the bartender, a bald man with an epic mustache that screams 'mustache among mustaches'.

Also, that is one heck of a glare.

"My Lord, that is something the owner does to everyone that comes here for the first time. He has no ill-purpose."

So whispers Erevain into my ear, which is sooo nice.

"Hooh~~, then I shall respond in kind."

Because I, as the holder of the edge alter glare, can't leave another glare enthusiast hanging.



I shoot.




He shoots back, first surprised and then shining a challenging smile.

People are starting to take notice of it too, and I can feel more and more gazes being directed at us.

"Hey, hey, the owner is challenging someone!"

"Hahaha, sorry, Miss! But the owner is as good as the one in the name of the pub!"

Our audience has started doing audience things.

But I shall focus solely in smiling and accepting his challenge.


He nods.


Ooh, going full thrust from the beginning!! Very well!! I will show you my ultimate too!!!


We both stay like that for what it seems to be hours, but it is most likely that only seconds have passed.

"Gah...I give. That was one mean of a glare, young miss. Excellent, heh..."

So says the owner, accepting defeat as he raises his hand, shakes his head, and lets out a satisfied chuckle.


Still…there was so much culture in that glare.

This world is truly full of wonders.

"You are not bad yourself, old man."

I say that before walking to the bar where he is and shaking his hand.

"What?! Come on! It didn't look that intense!!"

Oho, it seems we have a skeptic from the audience coming over.

And he is quite the burly looking man, one that has 'troublemaker' written all over his face and body.

Let’s blow that skepticism away, shall we?

"As if a miss like this cou—?!"



Look at that, he just got on all fours and he did it so fast…so naturally…

And his posture...he looks just like a human chair...ahhhn...this is...this is...

"Stay like that."


The human chair nods nervously as I approach.

"My Lord, you do not have to."

Says Erevain with her stricter tone, clearly guessing what I'm about to do.'s here side that has recently awakened...

"I only see a chair, my dear Eresh. And chairs…are meant to be sat upon.”

So, I sit on this soft and fleshy chair while crossing my legs in a sensual manner.

Can't have you go into a fanservice diet, can I? Huhuhu…

Now…time to make things clear to my…chair.

"Chairs do not move, so you better stay with this elevation until I say otherwise."


"Hooh~~? Yes, what?"


Aaaahn, it feels so good...

To be continued...(cue sexy illustration of dom Auros!!)

Thank you very much for reading! I'm sorry for the delay, but I hope that you enjoyed the chapter! The character popularity poll is still going and it will be "open" for five more days! So, if you haven't voted, please do! Your favorite character still has the chance to win!

Here is today's report on how the poll is going:

While it might seem to be just a copy and paste from yesterday, there has been some movement with Luca, so much so that she is closing in on Erevain when it comes to total votes. 

In any case, if you wish to support me and my work, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi, it will really help me out!

Special thanks from the bottom of my heart to: EmbraceTheSleeb, Lord-Hollow, YukisoraRin, LordInquisitorSteele, Anon and Anon2!

Please, do not translate my work without my permission. Favor de no traducir mi trabajo sin mi expreso permiso.

See you all tomorrow!

You can find story with these keywords: In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss), Read In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss), In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) novel, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) book, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) story, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) full, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) Latest Chapter

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