In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)

Chapter 98: Epilogue 2.5: A taste of another world and the fate of the Kyrie family.

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First of all, welcome back to "In another world as my waifu", I am sorry it took me this long to return, but I had to wait until I was sufficiently recovered, and I am now.  But I literally owe that to all the amazing patrons and donators listed here:

Maid-Paragons (Tier 3):

Maid-Knights (Tier 2):

Maid-Squires (Tier 1):


Truly, thank you, your support truly made a difference, as without you it would have been literally impossible for me to continue writing.

And for those who might consider subscribing to my patreon, know that your money really helps, not only me, my health, and the story, but also my sister, who is now fighting against a health condition of her own.

Of course, you wouldn’t be joining for nothing, as you’d gain early access to almost the entire Gabrielle Side Story right now (Chapters 1 to 4), including their preview versions where you can see how the each chapter evolved until their final version, the Spin-Off Waifu Bites, updates of the next illustration and early access to it, and more!

Now, onto the chapter!

"*ahem* Without further ado and having explained the whole situation...let the feast begin."

Standing in front of everyone in the dining hall…hair a bit ruffled and filled with a feeling of having lost something important inside that room I…say that…


What? I sound a bit out of it…?


What happened in that room, you ask...?

Well…just look at Nerinne…her eyes look just as lifeless as mine…

On the other hand, Ludovica is almost shining with that ear-to-ear satisfied smile she is making right now…


There’s your answer...

She really was holding back when I first met her…that’s for sure…

Moving on...

Everyone is seated wherever they like...

As such, you will find some of the guests right beside some maids, but it all makes sense once you know who invited who.

"""""""Yes! Cheers! For Master! For Miss Nerinne!"""""""

In any case, responding to my words and raising their respective drinks, all the Maid-Knights heartily exclaim that in unison, including Lyra and Sylvie, of course.

A pact is coming for the former while the latter needs more training before she is ready for it, but that is just a matter time.

I just know it.

""""For Lady Argento! For Miss Nerinne!"""""

And with just as much heart as my dear Maid-Knights, some of our guests, as in Ludovica, Euphemia, Locke-chan, Greese and Countess Pyr, raised their drinks and let that out.

For Locke-chan and Greese, I invited them as a reward for the good job they did. Meanwhile, Countess Pyr was invited by both Lucy and Mika, and there was no way I was going to say no to them inviting her.


Now, I said ‘some of our guests’ because Licht, Mary and Lorelei have chosen to stay silent, which I understand. After all, you just need to look at their faces to see that they feel like they should not be here.

Though, Lorelei, who is now rejuvenated and wearing a maid uniform–per our agreement–also seems to be…scared?

"Here, try this out, Lorelei. Master calls them calamari. They resemble the Korkis from the Kingdom of Zenji's fishing region.”




“I made the sauce, so please, do tell me if it is good.”

“I-I will…”

“Mmm…and the Lasagna smells good. That reminds me, Master even went out of her way to use Mil cheese in one of them. So do try it out too."


So weird. She accepted to serve me and got what she wanted, so there should be nothing to fear...right? I mean, Allegra is even caring for her right now, serving her food, recommending her some dishes and being very nice to her overall.

Oh well, she is eating now, so maybe she was just nervous.

“I thought that a person as interesting as Lady Argento would have quite the partner, but to think that such partner is someone with a charisma and presence such as yourself, Miss Nerinne. I can only say that my already great interest has done nothing but double! Literally!”

"Oh dear, thank you for the compliment, Baronetess Greese. I am glad that I am able to match my dear in your very capable eyes."

"Hmph! That only means that Miss Eresh has a tough rival to beat, but I am confident that she can do it!"

"Fufufu~~~, that remains to be seen, Princess Euphemia.”


“Hm? Countess Pyr? Are you alright? You seem a bit under the weather."

"Ah! I-I apologize for making you worry, Lady Nerinne. I am alright, it’s just that I was a bit overwhelmed by the knowledge of Princess Euphemia being the one who finished off the colossus.”

“Oh? And why is that?”

“I…may have treated her as if she was another one of the Maid-Knights back in the post-battle feast…

"A-anyone would have made that mistake since the Princess was dressed like a maid...I mean I sure did..."

"Fufufufu~~, you are quite the honest couple of girls, Countess Pyr, Baronetess Locke. And I believe such honesty shows that you are quite trustworthy too. Do you not think so, Princess Euphemia?"

Nerinne seems to be implying something with how she is phrasing things…but let’s not think about that right now, I don’t want my instinct to spoil whatever she has in mind, and she just nodded to that.

"Indeed! And I already told you that I do not take offense on that. After all, I was playing a role. Besides I consider being confused for a Maid-Knight as a great honor, hehe!"

And of course, Euphemia glances at Erevain while saying that. She really admires her older sister with all her heart.

Ah, if you are wondering why Greese, Euphemia, Countess Pyr and Locke-chan seem to be acting quite normal with Nerinne here, then here’s the answer for you.

Ludovica and I managed to convince Nerinne to not reveal her true nature to them. So, they only think that she is my partner right now. As for her name, that is not a problem since parents naming their children after her is actually quite a common thing in Arte.

You know, like in some countries back on Earth people would name their son Jesus and their daughters Mary, and so on.

And if you are wondering about the reason why am I in my human form, then I can tell you that it is because of Erevain’s family. Although, I did discuss it with Erevain beforehand.

Lastly, I’m using an illusion rather than [Shapeshifting Touch] to make Celesia look human since I think the latter is too invasive for her.

But yeah, back to Nerinne, it was quite the...amm...tough negotiation...for her.

As in Ludovica sure knows how to be very convincing...

Though that reason is only valid for three of the four I mentioned, as Nerinne has a different reason for Licht, Mary, Euphemia and Lorelei to not know about her real nature…for now.

She said that they needed to know, but that it will be in their due time. Although, I can already guess why.

For Lorelei it’s quite simple, she is already serving me, so it is inevitable. In Licht and Mary’s case, they are awaiting their verdict, so it must be related with that.

And in Euphemia's instinct tells me that it is something good, but nothing more.

""For Papa/Father!""



Ahhhhh, of course, I did, dear! They are so adorable!

Also, Celesia is still seating quite close to Erevain.

Gack! Yes…

Aww, don't be like that, darling! She loves you too! I’m sure of it! She is just a bit tsun-tsun with you.

I know...but…but…uuu…it still makes me sad…

There, there, let's eat. That will raise your spirits!

You are right…this is the first time I will taste your homemade food so I cannot be depressed!

That's more like it!

Ahhh, having telepathic conversations like this one is quite convenient for the sake of keeping character!! More so after that earlier slip up...

Although, now that I think about it, this might be a little confusing to you since she is beside me and it could be taken as if she just said that out loud.

Hmm, nah, that is just me thinking as if this was an isekai webnovel. Still, if that was the case, then the author could put it in italics or something like that to differentiate it.

But that is just me talking nonsense.


Moving on.

I can feel how a certain nostalgic knot is starting to appear in my throat while my lips have started to slightly tremble as I am greeted by a scene that I haven’t seen in what feels like a lifetime ago…

"Maevis, can you pass me that sauce?"

A big table.

"The red one, right? Here you go, Kara!"

“Thank you.”

Lots of food and drink on it.

“Ok, who here wants to hear about the time Leader was swallowed by a Great Grass Frog?!”

“Don’t you dare, Kris.”

And…people who all think of each other dearly, laughing, eating, drinking, telling tales of great stuff, funny stuff, and embarrassing stuff.

"Ooooh! This is good! Patricia, you should really taste this soup!"

"Ra-men, right? Hehe, you seem quite entranced by it, Max."

"It’s just really rich! The other one too!"

"Shouldn't you be a bit more prudent, though? I thought you said you were going to do small servings so that you could try all the dishes, yet you are already on your second servings..."

Their faces, their voices, they truly fill my heart with a certain nostalgia.

And just as if it was biding its time to be checked off the list of emotional bits, the obvious image of my whole family eating at the dinner table appears superimposed to this scene before it takes over for a moment and takes me back to Earth, back to the house I grew up in.

I know I said my thanks back there in Nerinne's divine realm, but...Nana, Gramps, Nat…

…Father, Mother...

Thank you.

I have a new family now, but I will never forget those times I spent with all of you.

The good, the sad, the bad…

That I swear.

"Dear, come, sit. The food will get cold if you just keep standing there. And I know that it will be tastier with you accompanying us."

"Miss Nerinne is right, My Lord. We cannot fully enjoy this food without you."

"Why, I very much agree. So, which one of these soups do you want, my dear Master? I will serve you whichever you like."

Ahh…I love them...I love them so much…

Did I just smile, you ask? Yes, I just did. After all, I am truly happy here.

"A bowl of each, Gabrielle. It has been some time since I had both."

"My, aren't we hungry, my dear Master? That is good. Then a bowl of each it is~."

And just as always, Gabrielle’s smile is breathtakingly beautiful.

"My Lord, while this is a more casual setting, I ask you to remember your manners."

"Oh, but this is food from where I come from, Erevain. It has its own set of manners to follow when eating it."

"…! I-I see…then…would you mind teaching me?"

Gah…! My heart…! MY HEART IS MELTING!! So cute, so FRIGGING cute!! She looks so cute now that I caught her off-guard and turned the tables on her! Not only that, but this scene is even cuter because Celesia is sitting on her lap and eating adorably! AHHH, HER ‘YUMMY!’ FACE IS PURE SWEETNESS!!

"Of course. Just pay close attention to me."

Ohh, I so want to see what face she makes when I tell her that slurping the noodles is a thing!

"Fufufu~~, I’m glad that you are having fun, dear. This food is very delicious too. Now I see that you are quite knowledgeable in other things besides you-know-what."

"Heh, it gladdens me that you find it delectable, darling. Please, do try out the Lumpias with the vinegar sauce, they are quite good."

Also, look, look! Ilya is eating one already! KAWAIII! Aaaah!! Celesia too!! NOW THEY LOOK LIKE TWO SQUIRRELS EATING!! I want a camera! I need a camera!

"I have you covered, darling."


"Crunchy...crispy...soft...yummy...sweet sauce...more yummy..."


"Tasty, Papa! This is really tasty, Papa! I like it! Spicy sauce!!"


"Will you give Mama one, Celesia?"

"Yes, Mama!"


Heh, Licht was staring very intently just now, but Mary–who did not stop eating–casually poked him in the eyes and told him to stop doing so. He is now rolling out of pain on the floor.

"*crunch*Oh, it is quite delicious!"


"*crunch*Mhm! You were right, dear! It is quite good with vinegar sauce!"

"Indeed, and the best thing is that you can eat more than one and barely feel them."

I should know, I’m already on my fourth one! This vinegar sauce is just…oof!

Allegra did a really good job! Both with the Lumpias themselves and the sauces!

"My, if I did not already know of My Dear Master's appetite, I would have felt quite offended with you being full before I brought you your bowls of soup."

So says Gabrielle while serving me said two bowls from a rather large–and perfectly carried on one hand–tray.

One has pseudo-ramen and the other true ramen.

She has also brought bowls for Nerinne, Ilya, Erevain and Celesia.

Everyone else are serving themselves.

"Oi! Master! This ceviche is good! So fresh! And it goes perfect with beer too!!"

Heh, that Kris...oddly enough that comment of hers is on point.

"Well, in some places of where I am from, they do add beer to it when making it."

'Some places' as in... 'a certain country, with a certain variation of the dish.' But there is no need to say that now.

"Hahaha! Really?! That sounds great! Next time you gotta’ make it like that, Master!"

“Huhu, duly noted, Kris.”

"Oh! And tell you what! Maybe I will try to make the one from my village to make it a fair exchange! You up for it, Master?"

"More than that. I am looking forward to it."

"Heh, good."

Really! I can't wait to try it out!

"You did a good job, Sophie. Just as I knew you would."

I say so while turning to the one who was in charge of making it.

"Kekeke, of course! You did well in entrusting it to me, Master! I’m quite good with fish stuff!  Also, these sandwiches are perfect!"

"Hooh~, is that so? Then let me tell you that those are my favorites, so I am glad you enjoy them that much, Sophie."


Heh, she just nodded at me while having a mouthful of pulled pork sandwich.

Ah! Her cheek has a bit of sauce on it! That’s a perfect chance to…and Lyra just took it! She is wiping it away and Sophie is all embarrassed now because of that! So cute!



"S-so it is fine even if I do those s-sounds…?"



"V-very well, My Lord...then…"

*t-timid slurping*


"Big Sis Erevain looks so cute..."


"So weird...yet so cute..."

Euphemia, Licht, and Mary are all enchanted by her too!

Oh! And look at that, Mary seems to be trying out the Cochinita Pibil! I hope she likes it! I couldn’t cook it the traditional way, but I am confident in gramps instructions of how to prepare it in an oven!


Getting back on the ramen track, my divine darling, the otaku Goddess, is slurping those noodles like a pro!

And I so love your smug smile while you do so!


*Surprisingly Good Slurping*

"Hooh~~, you are doing it very well for what I thought was going to be your first time, Gabrielle. It is almost as if you have already eaten ramen before."

"My, I assure that this is indeed my first time eating this, my dear Master. But I must admit that we had a similar dish in place I grew up in. Although, the soup back there is traditionally served cold."

"Hmm…that sounds interesting. We might visit that place in our travels, so be sure to tell me where the best place to eat it is when the time comes."

Having said that, time to eat this really soft piece of pork belly! So good! Louise, what a good job you did!

"Of course, my dear Master."

Her smile is sincere, but...there is a bit of heaviness in her voice. Maybe something happened in her past that is tied to that place?

"Master Sis! Master Sis! Please check out the steaks next! I believe I grilled them to perfection! They are juicy! They are soft but not too soft! And the seasoning is just right! Aaaah, soo good!!"

Yep, she is right. I can tell she did grill them to perfection with just a look. And seriously, for Bertia to do that with so many different cuts from many different countries...she really deserves that A rank in [Meat Griller]. Heck, I think everyone in my world would be quite proud. Regardless of country.

"No, Master. You should try the Kasseler first. The person who came up with it not only was cool, but they knew their stuff too, and I believe that I did good by them. Truly, a new world of tasty food has been opened to me... So, Master, take some before I lose control..."


I really should take her up on her offer because she is clearly holding herself back from doing her usual 'flash-eating'!!

And yep, I can see it and smell it from here. That rich aroma that can only be obtained by the dish being perfectly smoked and it also looks so tasty! Of course, Jules too is the holder of a rank A specialized cooking passive! I bet she will be quite excited when I teach her more smoked dishes from my world!

Ahhh…I’m so glad I can eat so much! Another thing to love and thank this draconic body of mine!!


And so, we spent a couple of hours like this.

Eating, laughing, and overall enjoying the company of everyone.

Nerinne and I also got to see that Celesia can summon magical coloring books! Although, she can’t control them very well, as the one she summoned ended up teleporting her dessert to some random place.

That would have been cute by itself already, if a bit sad, but then as our adorable little daughter was about to cry…ILYA CAME TO THE RESCUE LIKE A GOOD BIG SIS!!

Not only did she comfort Celesia by patting her head, but she also started giving her pointers about how to control her powers and gave her half of her own dessert!

Nerinne, Erevain and I were so proud and moved by our daughters, that we of course gave them half of our desserts too, which they accepted with beaming eyes and smiles on their faces.

Ahh…so wholesome…

And like that, there were many good, funny, and wholesome scenes throughout this feast.

Like Kris putting spicy sauce on Sophie’s food when she was not looking and Sophie doing the same but with Kris’ beer and using Allegra’s special spicy sauce.

Or Allegra feeding an embarrassed Luca in the mouth and Lucy trying to do the same with Mika, but in a teasing manner and boy does an embarrassed Mika look cute!!

Ah, and how can I forget the epic battle between Patricia, Evangeline, and Bertia for the last Australian meat pie, which Josie ended up winning as she used her magic to pull it towards herself in the last moment, surprising the other three.

Really, it was so good…but all of that had to be cut short.

Not by something unexpected happening, but by the request of Licht and Mary.

The reason? They couldn't keep enjoying the feast without knowing their fates.

So, we left the dining hall and went to another room to clear that up once and for all.


And that is where we are now at.

By the way, this is just one empty room of many that the castle has.

Although, we already have plans for some of them.

In any case, the people right in front of me are Mary and Licht, with Erevain, Euphemia and Erica being but a few steps behind them.

At my right we can find Nerinne.

And at my left, Ludovica, who has just stepped forward, pulled out an official looking paper from a storage bracelet she has.

She is currently using her work face, as in, she looks quite serious.

"One last chance, Mary Ibaaru, Licht vi Kyrie, we can all return to the dining hall now and do this after we enjoy the festivities to the fullest."

"Thank you, your Holiness, but simply sharing the table with my siblings for that much time was enough for me. I wish to hear the verdict."

While Licht is clearly grateful for Ludovica’s concern–who expressed it while still keeping her serious tone and expression–it’s clear that he has already steeled himself for what is coming, even as he bows respectfully and politely to her.

"I have always thought that I was fortunate to have lived this life. When I wat at my darkest, I was saved and taken in by the Queen, when she didn’t have to do that. And then I was blessed with having people like Euphy, Licht, Erevain and Erica in my life. So, thank you, your Holiness. Thank you for bringing us with you and letting me share a table with everyone like we did in the past. It made everything worth it. But I can't stand not knowing what is going to happen. That’s why, I too wish to hear the verdict now rather than wait.”

Mary tries to do the same, speaking with gratefulness from start to finish while also keeping a strong look and a resolved smile, but as she glances at her loved ones, she can’t stop those strong eyes from tearing up.

"Very well.”

Still, seeing their resolve, Ludovica can’t do anything but accept it and move forward with the reading of the verdict.

So, she does just that.

“I, Ludovica Aldert, Head of the Nerinnus Church and Grand Commander of the Paladin Order, in the presence of the Goddess, shall read the verdict and following sentence to the accused."

I would normally make a joke about the Goddess being literally here, but not this time as this is serious.

"Licht vi Kyrie, Mary Ibaaru, on the charges of betrayal to the Kyrie Kingdom and the people of Arte as a whole, you both were found..."

Even as there is a very palpable tension in the air, they both look pretty calm. Most likely because they are already prepared for the worst.

Meanwhile, behind the accused, Erevain is holding the hands of Erica and Euphemia at the same time, or more like they are holding Erevain’s hands.

None of them are blinking at all.

And neither am I.

After all, this is also a consequence of our actions, a just one, yes, but still a consequence.

We cannot, must not shy away from it.

"...not guilty. After much, much deliberation by all the parties involved in this process, your actions were not considered a betrayal to the Kyrie Kingdom and to the people of Arte as a whole, as your acts were not done in cooperation with the Dragon Lords or other threats of equivalent or worse danger. Despite that, Licht vi Kyrie, the crimes you committed–actively and by neglect–are not light. Sacrilege alone would warrant one of the harshest of sentences..."

Licht is simply standing there, taking Ludovica’s words as she lists every single one of his charges, and nodding, accepting them wholeheartedly. He really is unafraid. He is ready.

As for Mary...she looks puzzled. I guess she cannot understand why Ludovica is focusing solely on Licht and not her too.

"...and ending with trying to use the Church for your own ends, even if it could be considered for the good of the people. Of all these crimes. You are found guilty."


Erevain...I am sorry...even if you show me those strong eyes now, I know that it is still painful for you.

Euphemia, you can cry here, no one will judge you.

Believe me.

“The sentence for these crimes is life in servitude of the Church or until you repay your debt with society at large and the Goddess. You shall be stripped of your title, your authority, and all your assets. Lastly, your magic along with your skills shall be sealed and restricted for as long as this sentence is in effect or as long as the Goddess deems it so.”




Everyone is surprised after hearing that, even Licht.

None of them seem to have thought that he was going to live and to be honest, not even I.

"The death sentence was avoided as your actions were done under extraordinary circumstances brought on by the traitor King and an infiltrated Dragon Lord. Both are facts that the Church and many Nobles of the Kyrie Kingdom failed to realize and respond to back then and in the present, to the point that it took the intervention of another party backed by the Goddess to bring this matter to an end. As such, the Church and the Nobles of the Kyrie Kingdom have agreed to assume part of the responsibility for the consequences such circumstances have brought on."

That is...a surprisingly rational explanation...

I mean, she is technically right...she pretty much had her hands tied between acting against the King or maintaining the delicate balance of trust the other countries have in the she couldn’t act, but still, she did not act and that is a fact. And many of the nobles only realized what was going on just yesterday, let alone knowing how deep the problem truly was.

That is not something that can be overlooked, nor it should be. After all, it shows that they were not prepared for this sort of situation.

But for them to accept that in court...that inability…is quite surprising...

That wouldn’t happen on Earth…


"That is...I was sure that...Goddess...even after everything I did…you…you still forgive me?"

Licht just fell to his knees and is looking upwards, not to the ceiling but to the realm way beyond it, wondering, asking...that.

He truly was ready to die and not dying was quite the shock to him. you Nerinne?

Do you forgive him?


Acting mysterious now, huh.

Ok, then I'll just assume that this is a way to show your love...since that is what moves you.

Forgiveness is, in the end, a form of love too.

And he is still receiving live in a world of magic without it, that truly is punishment.

But he is still alive.

He can still be better.

He can move on.



Look at me acting all philosophical because you wanted to not say anything.


In any case, Erevain, Euphemia and even Erica have expressions of relief in their faces.

Yes, even if it is like that. He will live.

Thus, they will not have to go through that horrible pain.

You are reading story In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) at

"Mary Ibaaru."

Then, Ludovica pulls all of us back from such feeling with that, practically telling us that this is not over yet.

"As per the evidence presented by both Princess Euphemia vi Kyrie and the former Prince, Licht vi Kyrie, you are found not guilty for the crimes of..."



While Mary is baffled by the verdict and Euphemia and Erica are trying their best to hold back their tears of joy, Erevain–who is keeping up with that strong front despite the clear relief in her eyes–seems to be expecting something.

"...for we have concluded that you were following the orders of the former Prince, Licht vi Kyrie, and as such, he is the one that holds responsibility for those crimes. Still, it is true that you willingly chose to aid the former Prince five years ago. Thus, you are offered the following choice..."


Euphemia and Erica seem confused about that last part but...


...Erevain is not. This probably is what she was expecting.

"You can either prove to everyone that your loyalties have always lied with the Kingdom by serving Princess Euphemia from this day forth, although in a limited capacity for a yet to be determined period of time or serve a reduced sentence in servitude of the Church, where you and your magic will be strictly surveilled."


Mary, Erica and Euphemia are all surprised by this turn of events.

Ah...Euphemia's eyes are full of hope...

And why wouldn’t they? The choice is almost not a choice at all with how obvious the answer should be…and yet that other option is still there, and I have a feeling about it….

"Now, what do you choose for your sentence?"

I bet this must be difficult for Ludovica too, as I don't think that one can get used to doing things like this...the weight she is carrying in her heart must be huge, but she still carries on…

For all her…'faults' she is really strong too...

"May I speak freely, your Holiness?"

Huh, seems like Mary wants to say something before giving an answer.

"You may."

Now with Ludovica’s permission, Mary proceeds to turn towards Licht

"Was this the last of your plans, you idiot? Do you really think that I will just let you get away with it? I made a choice that night. And I kept making that choice every single night. So, no. Like all your other plans, this one can fuck off too."

"Mary, please...this is my apology for everything I made you not waste it...please…"

Everything of Licht is clearly pleading to Mary to choose the obvious option, the one that would let her make up for the lost time, the one that would let her reunite with those she thinks as family even with whatever restrictions she may have to face, but she...

"Watch me." not having it. At all.

"...! No...please...!"



Of course, Euphemia and Erica are begging her to not do what she is clearly going to do.

All while Erevain is…maintaining that strong front of hers, saying nothing, and just watching.

"Have you reached a decision, Mary Ibaaru?"

"Yes, I have, your Holiness.”

“Let us hear it then.”

“I choose to serve the Church."

"So be it. The—"

"Noo! I cannot accept this! Mary! Why do you...? Why do you choose to leave me behind again?! Why?!"


"Please, Mary, sister, do not do this... We…we can be together again. Please...I want to get back those years...I want to get back those years I spent resenting you...! We can finally talk again...I...!"


They both have gone towards her and she…has turned to face them, to receive them, and their feelings, all before smiling and wiping the tears off their faces with a loving look in her eyes.

"Shut up! Both of you!


Woah! Now that’s a sudden shout! One that worked too, as they really did shut up!

“Now come here!"


But that is not all, as Mary has used their shock to pull them to her and is now hugging them tightly.

Lastly, Erevain is…smiling?

"Listen well you two! This is my last lesson as your Big Sister! When one does something bad, even if the law says you did not or a certain idiot uses their dastardly tongue to pin all the blame on himself, you take responsibility for it. Why? Because that is the right thing to do. And that is what I’m going to do now. That is what I want to do now. Besides, it is not like we are not going to see each other again, right? You can be sure that when my sentence ends, I will be already by your side. Got it?"

Her voice is truly full of love for the two that she considers her siblings.



And having no choice but to accept Mary’s wishes, Euphemia and Erica try their best to smile back at her as they say that between sobs…

“Good. Now…”

With that, Mary turns to Erevain while showing her a fond smile, one from the bottom of her heart.

“Thank you, Erevain. Thank you for respecting my decision, even when you knew what I was going to choose. Thank you for holding on to the hope that you were so clearly holding on to, you stupidly loyal idiot. Also, try and be for them at least half of the Big Sister I am, won’t you? I love you.”

“I love you too, my dear, dear unruly first friend. And I swear that I shall not only try, but I shall do more than that, I shall do my very best for them.”

So she says that as she puts her right fist where her heart is supposed to be and dedicates a bow to her, one of respect, one for an equal, one for a true friend.

These two…even in the feast they did not act that close, but maybe...maybe their friendship is just deep enough that there is no need for that.


"With that, this reading of the verdict and sentence is adjourned. Do you approve of it, Goddess?" are revealing her now?!

"Yes, if that is what all of you have chosen and agreed to, then I do not have any objections."

And you are playing along?!


Of course, Licht, Mary and Euphemia are shocked by this very sudden divine revelation, so much so that they have turned to Erica and Erevain, clearly asking with their looks of utter disbelief if what they heard was true. In response, they both nodded while showing them a sympathetic smile and a look that said, ‘we’ve been through this too’.

I guess that reaction brought some memories, heh.

"Yes, I am the Goddess of Arte.”

And of course, if they still don’t believe it, you can leave it to the goddess herself to dispel such doubts.

How, you ask? Well, by doing what seems to be turning into a routine if you ask me.

“Yes, that is why you all felt strange in my presence.”


As in…using her ‘divine grace’ mode and easily reading their minds and hearts.

Just like she is doing now, to the now even greater surprise of Euphemia, Mary, and Licht.

“No, I am not here to punish them further.”


That’s probably Euphemia’s thoughts.

“Yes, I am reading your minds for the sake of efficiency.”


This one is Licht’s.

“No, I never wished for this to happen.”


And that’s Mary’s.

Sheesh…she is pretty much doing it to me all day long, but is still a bit intimidating seeing her read so many people at once.

“Truly, this situation was brought about by the free wills of your brother and Mary. And they know this very well. Still, while I cannot tell you when, heed this, Euphemia, and you too, Erica, you will see each other again. You can be sure of that.”


There, that’s a side of Nerinne I really, really love. She never wastes a chance to comfort someone. Even if she is unable tell them everything, she has told them more than enough to truly hope.

Ah…I love her so much.

“And to answer your last questions…Licht. I do, but do you forgive yourself, Licht? Now that both of your goals have been accomplished and the weight of those actions hangs on top of you...can you do it? Perhaps that shall be one of your trials from here on.”


“As for you Mary, they will be alright, you have my word."

Yet, despite everything Nerinne has said, none of them have said a thing.


Instead, they are just…looking at her.

Still, if you see past their shock, past their minds still processing the truth of the lovable being in front of them, you can see once again that those last answers were the ones they truly needed.

"Now, as you know, the Kyrie Kingdom has been left without a Regent or a substitute, and that is not something that can stay like that."

Darliiiiing, what are you implying?

You better not make me King...

Please…don’t make me King OR Queen….

"Good thing is, there is someone worthy of being a Regent amongst those who are here with us."

Darling. No.

"No, it is not Lady Argento."


"It is not Erevain either, Euphemia. She has actually resigned to her Regency to share her life with Lady Argento, correct?"

Smiling, Nerinne turns her gaze to Erevain, and everyone else immediately follows. Even me.

"Yes, that is correct, Miss Nerinne. That is the path I have chosen."

And true to her indomitable self, Ere nods and declares that with so much confidence that I’m having a hard time trying to not blush and smile.

Even more so because of the small blush and smile Ere is confidently showing…I love her so much…


Meanwhile, Euphemia seems confused since she knows for sure that Ludovica, Licht, Mary, and I can't be the one, which would seemingly leave Erica and her as the candidates.


"Erica is also not the candidate. It is you, Euphemia." this is what you were talking about with Erevain this morning...aaaand you just nodded.

"What?! That should not be possible! I have been outside of the Kingdom all this time and I have not done anything to deserve that! I am sure that there are many people out there who are far worthier than me, the one who has done the least, Goddess! Even if I helped Big Sister against the Colossus...I should not be the one and…I do not have the desire to rule..."

At first, I thought that she was confused, I mean, anyone would be if they were in her shoes, but while that might have been the case for a moment, she is clearly being honest about herself.

Or at least…how she perceives herself to be.

"Euphemia, you are not worthy just because of your actions in the battle against the draconic forces of Violet Death. You are worthy for your actions on your way here.”

“…! That…!”

“You know what I am talking about, do not play coy about it."

“But I was not the one who defeated that Commander...! I had to be saved...again! He...!"

Saved? Commander? As in one of those powerful Lesser Dragon Lords? Did she fight one on the way here? Also, hmmm? She is holding onto something that looks like a pin...can't make out the design since her hand covers most of it though...

"Yes, it is certainly true that you did not slay it. But what you did holds much more weight than that, Euphemia.”


“You inspired that person, that vagabond, to move past his trauma, to act, and put his life on the line for you. You, Euphemia, have the potential to be a great Regent and your brother, Licht, knows it. He probably was the first to notice it. That is why he sent you to Deamis and not any other country. He wanted to nurture that potential in the place where you could have the knowledge of millennia in your hands while being as free as possible. A place that would make you bloom."


Unable to say anything, Euphemia has slightly turned is now looking for someone to tell her something, anything, all as her gaze moves from Mary, to Erevain and to Licht.

And the one to speak up is…

"Euphemia, you are brave, you are strong, and you have so much to offer to the Kingdom we love. I know that you can do it. But it is your choice."

…a confident Erevain, who does so while approaching her little sister with a smile that is both reassuring and encouraging.

"Big Sister...that is not should be should be…I only wanted to help you...not take your place...!"

But the response Euphemia gives her is one given between sobs and ‘hits’ on her chest, all while said little sister is looking downwards. 

"Oh, my dear Euphy, but you are not taking my place. Come on…lift your face..."

Euphemia does as Erevain says and looks up to her, revealing her teary eyes.

" are taking your place, for you are worthy of it. Even worthier than me, even if that is just me speaking as your sibling."

With a loving smile and a warm look in her eyes, she fixes some of Euphemia’s loose bangs of hair before moving on to carefully rubbing her cheeks, wiping the tears away, and pulling out something out of her storage space.

"And do not worry, with this [Key] you can visit me here at any time. Be it day or night.”

I see, so that is why she asked me to make one for Euphemia…

Yet even after she has said that she still looks at me for one last confirmation and, of course, I nod.

I mean, why wouldn’t I? The purpose of it doesn't change.

“If you want help, advice, a place to rest from everything or even if you just want to see me, never doubt about coming here. I will always be here for you.”

And so, Erevain grabs Euphemia's hand, places the [Key] on her palm and closes it with care before…

"So be the person you want to be. That is the most important thing you must do now."


…kissing her on the forehead and saying that warmly.

"Euphy, I told you this back then, but I will say it again. Become someone better than us and shine, shine brighter than everyone else."

But Erevain is not the only sibling with warm words, as Licht has gotten up and has told Euphemia that while hugging her.

"This Big Sister can vouch for you. Your heart has always been in the right place."

Joining in on the hug and the warmth, Mary comes in with that.

"I do not know what your future holds, but I know that your Mother would be proud of you, regardless of your choice. Like always."

Lastly, but not less loved, Erica also joins the family hug.


And just as Euphemia’s eyes start to tear up again, moved by the support of her family, she closes them strongly and shakes both her head and…what was stopping her.

"I have decided! I do not know if I will be able to be meet your expectations, Goddess! But I, Euphemia vi Kyrie, accept this charge! I accept the Regency!"

Now she is showing some good conviction right there.

And Nerinne is very pleased about that.

"Good. Then from this day forth, just like your mother before, you are to be the Regent of the Kyrie Kingdom, its Queen. Please, help it heal and bring the change I know you are capable of."

Yes, the people of the Kyrie Kingdom deserve that.

For those lost.

For those who remain.

They deserve a new beginning.


With that, the fate of not only the royal family, but also the Kingdom itself was decided, turning the feast into a private celebration for Euphemia's future coronation.

And now free from the suspense of not knowing their fates, Licht and Mary seemed to be able to enjoy the feast more than before.

Mary was even laughing openly and teasing Erica, just like the latter told me she used to do.

Meanwhile, Erevain and Euphemia played together with Celesia, who was incredibly happy about having an auntie like her.

As for Licht, he observed all of them with a kind smile on his face while eating some dessert.

Of course, the rest of the maids and guests had a good time too.

Well, some had a bit...too much of a good time...

Kris, Evangeline, Bertia, Greese...and Nerinne...just to name a few...

I guess that the only thing left to say is...CUE THE ENDING WITH FUNNY IMAGES OF WHAT HAPPENED AT THE FEAST!!


Auros may think that there was nothing left to say, that with that the end of such chapter, of the ‘arc’ involving the family of her Fallen Prince(ss), had been reached. But what she did not know was that just like for Euphemia, the end was but the prologue of another ‘arc’ for those who found themselves back to where their fates were decided.

“Your holiness, what are we doing back here? Even more so in the middle of the night. I thought that all proceedings regarding our sentences were finished.”

“Yeah, what is going on, you Holiness? Are we not done?”


So asked Licht and Mary, but Ludovica did not answer, nor she had any need to. She just smiled…

“Fufufu~, yes, those proceedings are finished. For your mortal-given sentences that is...”


...while the Goddess–who suddenly appeared before them– provided quite the clear answer with an expression that bordered on the sinister side, one that caused even the stalwart Licht's blood to turn cold.

"Oh, but there is nothing to fear from me. I already said that I forgave you and that is the truth.”

But just as soon as that almost sinister expression appeared, it vanished, and the Goddess’ usual demeanor returned.

“The sentence I bring you is more of an…opportunity and a trial rather than a punishment. One where you who ruined so many lives may find redemption.”


The moment the Goddess said that, the eyes of both Mary and Licht went wide in both surprise and…hope.

“Are you interested?”

Even then, she asked them that.


“Me too.”

And their response was more than obvious, it was immediate.

“Fufufu~, good. Then, let me explain. Given the particular skillset of the both of you, you are going to look into the activities of a certain organization that I cannot keep an eye on as much as I would like due to…certain circumstances. Ludovica shall give you more details about them after we are finished here, as she will be supervising you two directly. But never forget this, her eyes are my eyes.”

Both Licht and Mary instantly nodded at Nerinne’s completely serious delcaration, clearly understanding what the Goddess implied, she was watching them, always.

“Still, as with every trial, and specially this one, there are many, many risks involved. It is safe to say that your lives will be endangered at times. Most of times. So, before I ask you again if you wish to take this trial, let me tell you this, there is no need for you to do more. Those who love you have already forgiven you. I have forgiven you too. Still, do you wish to take this chance?”

Yet, once again, said Goddess’ tone quickly changed, going from one filled with seriousness to one filled with a concern and love not so different than that of a mother as she posed that question to them.

“Yes, Goddess. I…”

“…we do.”

Yet, once again, their answer was immediate and filled with resolve.

Resolve that made the Goddess smile from the bottom of her heart…

“Then step forward and give me your hands so that we may seal our pact.”

…before extending her hands at them and they–who had been kneeling since the Goddess appeared–stood up and did as she said.



The moment they did, a nigh-unbearable pain ran throughout their bodies, one that burned, one that pierced, one that crushed, and so much more, all at the same time.

Of course, both Licht and Mary were surprised and asked what such pain was, even when they already had a feeling about the origin of it…or at least they would have if the pain was not that overwhelming.

“This is the pain you have caused. This is the debt that lingers in your soul. This is what you must face if you wish to pass this trial.”



Still, not letting go of their hands, the Goddess revealed the origin of such pain just the same.

“You who are part of my beloved people, do you still believe that you can be redeemed?”

The question, just as the pain, proved to be heavy and excruciating, but even as their bodies and their very souls were filled with it, they did not scream, they did not bend the knee, for doing so meant that their conviction and their resolve to take responsibility were brittle, fake.

They were not.

They would not, as they made their choice and that included the horrible weight that they would put in their hearts.

A weight that had turned into pain now.

And so, wearing the same conviction they marched into the darkness with, they tightened their grip on the Goddess’ hands and took a step towards reaching the light.

“We do not know….ungh…if there is true redemption for us but….nngh…”

“…but we’d like to try.”

“I see. Then, from today on, you are my Black Maid-Knights.”



With that, the Goddess herself gave her own sentence to them and opened up the next chapter of their story, all as their bodies were swallowed by light and the silhouettes of their clothes began to change.

Will they cross paths with their heroic counterparts?

Will they be together again with their family?

Such thing is very likely…after all, the bonds that tie them are strong enough to be called fate, but as for when and how…

“Amm…Goddess…shouldn’t I be a…butler…? Also…my chest feels strange…I do not know if heavier is the right word…and this skirt…its too…”

…that is truly better left to the future.

“Oh shut it, Licht! We both know you have no problem crossdressing. I’m still waiting for you to give me back my white dress by the way. You know, the one you always used to sneak out of the castle as the ‘mysterious beauty in white’.”


“Please, I was your maid, I know all the contents of your closet like the back of my hand, even the hidden ones. That’s part of my job.”

“I-I…still! I am telling you that there is something weird with my body it’s like…it’s like…it’s like I have been turned into a girl like Elder Sister! Even my voice sounds higher!”

“Really? You look and sound the same to me. Couldn’t it just be the outfit being too tight in some parts?”

“…! T-the…same?! That’s…!!”

As such exchange between Licht and Mary went on, another started between the Goddess and her closest priestess, as the latter went to the former’s side and poked her in the arm in a friendly fashion before…

"Nee~nee~, Goddess, are you sure we shouldn't tell Auros about this? Or Erevain? Euphemia?"

…asking her that.

"Fufufu~~, yes, I am sure. It will be much easier for Erevain if we do not tell her, as she would not have to lie to her little sister, who she loves a lot. And not telling Euphemia will keep her safe and give her plausible deniability if the worst happens. Since she is going to be a queen now, the less external things she has to worry about, the better. Besides, I know that just like me, you would hate to see Theresa's daughter get involved in the darkest side of things, right?"

"I...yes. If it is possible, I do not want her to see that side of keeping the world least not yet.”

So said Ludovica in both a serious and concerned tone while looking at the bickering black maids.

“Still, what about Auros, Goddess? I thought you wanted to have her by your side at all times, including these times."

"Mou...what kind of clingy girlfriend do you take me as, Ludovica? And I already told you to stop calling me Goddess, we already got too close for that.”

“Heheh, no can do, you will always be my Goddess~.”

“Haaa…even if you are right, this way she will not have to break the promise she made with Erevain about not keeping secrets, and...I think she will enjoy it much more if it’s like this. She will probably go ‘OHHH! YES! YES!! THIS IS THE BEST! SECRET BLACK MAID-KNIGHTS!!’. Or something like that. And I can’t wait to see how she reacts, fufufu~~. "

"Heeeeh~~, you really looked like a maiden in love just now, Goddess."

"Well, I am a maiden in love!”

And so, amongst the giggles of a young Goddess and the Pontifex of her religion, a night of arrivals, festivities, and new beginnings went on.

To be continued.... (Cue Licht trying to undress to prove their point and Mary stopping them) (UP NEXT: EPILOGUE 3: SUPER EXPOSITION DUMP!! NOT AT ALL THE GLORIOUS PROMISED FANSERVICE FILLED EPILOGUE!! NOPE!) (Thank you for reading! What happened to Euphemia on the way to the Kyrie Kingdom? Well, you will have to read the upcoming side-story for that!) (Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Yes, I know some expected the guillotine to do what it does best but...Nerinne has always preached of redeeming those that can be redeemed, for there is love in forgiveness and second chances. A sentiment that can be traced back to her goodbye speech in chapter 35 and throughout the story. Of course, that only applies to those that can be redeemed, the ones too far gone well...they do need to die. After that, their souls are treated like any other soul in the system...unless they turn into a bundle of cuteness because of a wish. Heh.)


We are back and this time…let’s hope it sticks! I mean, like I have already been posting, I’m recovering well and slowly working to be able to write for 5 hours. Although right now I can only handle 2 hours and a half, and another half an hour if things are alright, and believe me, the community over at the discord server has really been making sure that I don’t go overboard!

At one point I was even punished…ahahaha…

And, well, as you probably might have guessed by now, this means that my update schedule will no longer be weekly, even if I really didn’t want to change it. New chapters will now release when they are ready. I’m really sorry for this and not being able to give you a more precise/solid update schedule, but I’m sadly not able to give you a proper estimation, nor I want to in case I relapse again, which can still happen even if it is unlikely.

What I can and want to do is promise you that I’ll try to have them ready as soon as I can and that I’ll keep doing everything in my power to recover completely and return to my weekly schedule.

Anyways, there’s lots going on and well, at least for this chapter there will be no fanart, as there is a lot to catch up on but next chapter I’ll throw in lots of it, so look forward to it, or join the discord and check out all of them at your own pace! AS IF! HERE’S SOME OF AMAZING ART THAT CAME IN DURING THIS HIATUS!






Now, if you want to look at more art, like Erevain’s official character sheet, do join us in the discord sever! Not only are the live readings back, but we have also made a Guild Wars 2 guild and we are planning to play some more stuff like visual novels and Halo Infinite! So if you want to join in and play with us, you are more than welcome to do so!

Once again, thank you so much for reading, for sticking with the story for so much time, and for sticking with me, you are the best, you are a blessing and I as we near the third anniversary of the story (5 more days), I hope to never inconvenience you like this again.

Love you all. Truly.

You can find story with these keywords: In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss), Read In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss), In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) novel, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) book, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) story, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) full, In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss) Latest Chapter

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