In Name Only

Chapter 22: 22

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Ch22 - Junior

Although there wasn’t any need to go to the airport, Director Liu still ended up moving Xu Jingzhe’s scenes back. He wanted to film a rain scene at the lake today. Apparently, it was supposed to rain in the afternoon, so he was planning on taking advantage of that.

Luo Yaoye had a scene early in the day. When she walked out of her room that morning in her face mask, she just so happened to run into Liang Yu, who was carrying a towel and toothbrush holder with him. 

The man was tall, and his legs were long. He hadn’t paid much attention to his appearance all night, so he had a bit of facial hair growing in. The shadow out a stubble hung upon his chin, outlining it to look even more charming. Luo Yaoye had always felt that his nose bridge and brow bone were incredibly beautiful. The whites of the eyes also had a bit of a cobalt blue tone to them, giving them a sort of attractive quality.

Liang Yu had walked out of Xu Jingzhe’s room. Luo Yaoye’s expression instantly became quite teasing. She could be considered a fan of Liang Yu’s. However, after playing a game of mahjong with him, her view of him had been completely shattered, but she still felt a little timid in front of him. After all, she couldn’t beat him in an argument, and she couldn’t beat him in mahjong. She even ended up owing him money!



“Hehe.” Luo Yaoye smoothed out her face mask as she giggled. She asked him, “Where’s Mr. Xu?”

Liang Yu glanced at her and kept walking. “Sleeping.” 

Luo Yaoye: “You’re not going to keep him company?”


Liang Yu: “I’m not sleepy.” He held a razor in his hands. “Gotta shave.”

Luo Yaoye was just about to ask Liang Yu why he didn’t have Xu Jingzhe help him when Liang Yu suddenly asked her, “Have you cut your nails?”

“!” Luo Yaoye was so frightened that her face mask almost fell off.


Liang Yu insipidly said, “Cut your nails. Let me check them later.”

Luo Yaoye didn’t dare do anything else other than nod.

The hot spring was rather lively in the mornings. Liang Yu hung a tag on his wrist and changed into a bathrobe and flip flops. Director Liu was washing his hair in the sink. He noticed that someone had walked up beside him and turned his head to take a look.


“?” Director Liu thought he was dreaming. As he looked up, his head full of foam ended up splashing onto Liang Yu’s face. 

Liang Yu: “…”

“Xiao Liang!” Director Liu was incredibly excited. “Why’d you arrive so early?”

Liang Yu washed his face first. Then, he took the shaving cream into his palm and slowly applied it onto his face in front of the mirror.

He probably hadn’t realized just how sexy that aloof and indifferent aura of his really was. His movements were both focused and careless at the same time. He casually responded to Director Liu. Then, he rinsed the razor and began to shave the other side of his face. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Glgfmabg Ole jirb jrxfv tlw, “Qtfgf’r Alcuhtf?”

Oljcu Te: “Lf’r ralii riffqlcu.”

Glgfmabg Ole rlutfv. “Lf vlvc’a rffw ab tjnf rifqa nfgs kfii atf cluta yfobgf.”

Oljcu Te vlvc’a rqfjx. Lf’v jigfjvs olclrtfv rtjnlcu. Coafg jqqislcu j yla bo joafgrtjnf, tf rjlv, “Glgfmabg Ole, kbeiv sbe ilxf ab tjnf ygfjxojra abufatfg?” 

Director Liu happily replied, “Sure, I’ve been wanting to introduce you to the crew.”

Within their industry, Liang Yu was one of the few big celebrities that didn’t keep their assistant by their side all the time apart from Xu Jingzhe. He ordered a lot of food, including eggs and meat. He also ordered a serving of congee. As he was eating, he sent a message on WeChat.


After a while, Zhu Xiaoxiao ran into the dining hall. She’d probably just gotten up. She hadn’t even changed out of her pajamas. She looked around the room for Liang Yu, her hair undone.

“Over here.” Liang Yu waved at her. 

Zhu Xiaoxiao rushed over and fawningly greeted him, “Good morning, Mr. Liang.”

Liang Yu pushed the eggs and meat over to her. “Send this to his room.”

Zhu Xiaoxiao almost asked whose room. Fortunately, her body moved faster than her brain. Once she’d gotten the breakfast, she went looking for Xu Jingzhe.

“Not bad.” Director Liu gave Liang Yu a thumbs up. “You know how to care for him!” 

Zhu Xiaoxiao fluttered all the way back like a magpie. She made it all the way back to Xu Jingzhe’s room before she finally calmed down. She pulled out her room card and gently opened the door.

As expected, Xu Jingzhe was sleeping. Zhu Xiaoxiao didn’t know what other actors were like, but, when it came to her boss, even his sleeping position looked as if it were deliberately posed. He looked very photogenic. It was as if he was going to film a commercial right then and there.

Zhu Xiaoxiao placed the breakfast on the coffee table at the end of the bed. She discovered that Xu Jingzhe’s mattress and blanket had been completely switched out. She almost could believe it. As she was staring at the brand new quilt pattern, a war was taking place within her mind.

“Liang Yu?” Xu Jingzhe seemed to have suddenly woken up. He propped himself up on his elbows, a little dazed. 

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Zhu Xiaoxiao immediately replied, “It’s me. Mr. Xu, would you like to have breakfast first?”

Xu Jingzhe finally came to his senses and asked, “Have you eaten?”

Zhu Xiaoxiao: “I’ll eat later.” She added, “Mr. Liang bought you breakfast.”

Xu Jingzhe smiled and got off the bed. His pajamas were rather conservative, long sleeved and long legged. Zhu Xiaoxiao noticed that the wound on his neck seemed to have been re-treated. There was even a piece of gauze solemnly placed upon the scratch. 

Zhu Xiaoxiao’s inner self was starting to go wild again.

Xu Jingzhe really liked the steamed eggs. As he was eating, he asked Zhu Xiaoxiao, “Is Liang Yu in the dining hall?”

Zhu Xiaoxiao nodded. “He is. I think he’s going to have breakfast with Director Liu.”

Xu Jingzhe nodded as well. Zhu Xiaoxiao looked at him for a while. She couldn’t help but ask, “Mr. Xu, did you switch out the blankets yourself?” 

“Ah…” Xu Jingzhe had a spoonful of steamed egg in his mouth, so his pronunciation was a little muffled. “Liang Yu replaced it.”

“Oh.” Zhu Xiaoxiao kept her face blank.


Xu Jingzhe suddenly felt a belated sense of embarrassment wash over him. He explained himself, somewhat unnecessarily, “Liang Yu had brought a lot of stuff with him. He just so happened to switch them out in passing.”

Zhu Xiaoxiao took a deep breath and stopped him. “I know, I understand. You’re both working hard. You really don’t need to explain too much to me.” 

Xu Jingzhe: “…”

Liang Yu was leisurely drinking his congee in the dining hall. Director Liu was sitting across from him. Every now and then, actors would come up to them to give their greetings. The casting for Green Water was very bold. Aside from the male and female lead, almost all of the actors were newcomers. Among them were two kids who had just graduated from the Shanghai Theatre Academy and the Beijing Film Academy. They were playing male and female supporting roles, and they actually had quite a few scenes. Director Liu introduced them to Liang Yu.

“Jiang Xiao.” Director Liu patted the boy on the back. “He’s only eighteen years old. He could be considered Jingzhe’s junior. Ren Qing had also taught him.”

Jiang Xiao didn’t have that pretty and androgynous look. Rather, he seemed more suited for serious dramas. He had long eyebrows, a tall nose, and a full forehead, lively and energetic. It was clear that he was a little nervous. He greeted Liang Yu. “Mr. Liang.” 

Director Liu: “He’ll be filming a rain scene with Xu Jingzhe.” He turned to Jiang Xiao with a smile. “Come meet Mr. Liang. He can be considered someone who is familiar with the work.”

Liang Yu took a sip of his congee. He moved his gaze away from Jiang Xiao. He said with a smile, “There’s no way I’m going to criticize Xu Jingzhe while he’s filming.”

Director Liu laughed loudly. “What are you afraid of? It’s not like you’ll lose when it comes to acting. Set an example for the juniors on set. Don’t you want to try acting with Jingzhe?”

Liang Yu seemed rather indifferent. He scooped a few more spoonfuls of congee. Then, he suddenly asked Jiang Xiao, “Do you have any emotional scenes with your senior?” 

Jiang Xiao didn’t understand what he meant by “emotional scenes”. He subconsciously turned towards Director Liu.

Director Liu boldly replied, “Their characters have a love-hate relationship! This kind of dynamic has lots of feeling! Do you want to try?”

Xu Jingzhe slept until noon. He was woken up by the sound of rain. When he woke up, he looked at his phone. Zhu Xiaoxiao just so happened to have sent him a message asking him about what he wanted to eat.

The room was very quiet. Liang Yu probably hadn’t come back yet. After all, his phone wasn’t there. He was sure where he had gone. 

Xu Jingzhe stared blankly for a bit. Then, he sent a message to Zhu Xiaoxiao. “I’m going to go get into costume. You can just buy whatever. No rush.”

Under normal circumstances, the make-up and costume for an afternoon scene would be done in the morning. Then, you’d wait for your turn to film. Xu Jingzhe could be considered to have used his special privileges to take the morning off. He never would have done such a thing in the past. However, with his current status, no one was going to say anything even if he took an entire day off of filming.

Xu Jingzhe needed to film a rain scene today, so he couldn’t apply too much makeup. The makeup artist dabbed a thin layer of powder on his face. She sighed. “To be honest, you don’t even need to wear makeup.”

Xu Jingzhe said modestly, “That’s all thanks to the lighting.” 

The makeup artist smiled and said, “I also applied makeup for Mr. Liang. He’s just like you. His face is absolutely flawless. Doing makeup for you guys is like painting a work of art. I’m afraid of ruining it.”

“You applied makeup for him?” Xu Jingzhe was a little surprised. Liang Yu was different from him. Unless he was on camera, he usually didn’t wear makeup. The advantages of having three dimensional features were vividly apparent in him.


The makeup artist replied, “Yep. He also changed into a costume.”

Xu Jingzhe was even more surprised. He didn’t understand what Director Liu was trying to do. Liang Yu didn’t just do his makeup, but he also changed into costume. Did he plan on making a cameo in Green Water? 

Xu Jingzhe thought about it for a while, but he still wasn’t very sure. His studio had invested in Green Water. As one of the producers, Xu Jingzhe also had the right to know last minute roles were going to be added,

Thus, he quickly sent a message to Zhang Man. He asked her how much it would cost for Liang Yu to make a cameo in a TV series.

Zhang Man immediately called him. “Who? Liang Yu? TV series? Cameo?”

Xu Jingzhe hurriedly reassured her, “It’s just what if.” 

Zhang Man let out a “ha”. It was obvious that she didn’t believe him. “There is no what if. Is he sick in the head?!”


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