In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 6: 6

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Chapter-6 | "Unfortunate" departure...

When Schiller retired to bed at night, he found that he could actually stay in Marvel all the time. He could take a nap, go back to DC, continue to sleep in DC, and then go back to Marvel again. He can stay in Marvel all the time and not smoke in the smog of Gotham City.

But the good times didn't last long. Before Schiller took Peter and his family for a medical check-up, S.H.I.E.L.D. came to the door.

It was another day of work. Schiller had just finished checking the room and was using the doctor's internal system to help Peter's family make an appointment for a medical examination. There was a knock on the door of his office. Schiller sat behind the desk and didn't look up. Suddenly the spider sensor vibrated. For a moment, he looked up vigilantly and saw a strange man standing in front of the door.

"Hey, doctor, don't be nervous. I'm Coulson, an agent of SHIELD." The man looked at Schiller's nervous posture, and Schiller glanced at him over his glasses and said, "Let's go out and talk. This is a hospital."

Coulson hurriedly nodded. The two walked downstairs together and sat down in the cafe next to the hospital. Schiller frowned and said, "Is there no one else in your SHIELD? Or is it a wise idea to find a female agent who can wear a nurse's uniform?

Coulson was a bit puzzled by Schiller's attitude. Shouldn't ordinary people show fear or rejection of this kind of scenario where agents suddenly come to the door? Schiller seems to act like he's in charge right now! There is definitely something wrong with him.

Schiller became a bit impatient. He said: "I've been late for a day and absent from work for a day. The whole clinic knows that I stay up late and drink alcohol. If you insist on making trouble for me, can you wait for this to pass? Besides? I'll be fired!"

"According to our information, you are only a psychological consultant temporarily hired by the Presbyterian Hospital, and you only replaced the shift because the director of the psychiatry department was away..."

"Is that relevant? I really need this job now. What if you cause me to lose my job?"

Coulson said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Schiller. We didn't mean to disturb you, but we heard that you were Mr. Stark's psychological counselor, and we wanted to know more about his psychological condition. Of course, we will pay the consultation fee on time…"

"One million dollars an hour."

"Pfft!" Coulson spat out his coffee. He wiped his mouth and said, "If you want to refuse, you don't need to make such an excuse..."

"If you can't afford it, see fewer doctors." Schiller rolled his eyes, got up, and was about to leave, acting like an unscrupulous quack doctor.

Coulson didn't even stop him. After Schiller left, he pressed his earphone and said, "I'm afraid there's something tricky with this hospital. He took me away in a hurry, and he was in a hurry to go back... OK, OK..."

In the consultation room, Schiller concentrated his attention and turned on his telepathy to the maximum. He felt the emotions of the patients and described some of their feelings in words as much as he could. The inner world of mentally ill patients was chaotic, maybe even crazy. Schiller scribbled a dozen pages and filed them away.

After he returned to the apartment in the evening, he found that an agent had come to search it. Schiller used the spider sensor to scan it, but he didn't find any bugs or cameras, so he didn't care.

In S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury stared at the glowing data panel with Schiller's details, and Coulson said behind him: "He's very quirky about his job, doesn't seem to want to leave that hospital. A lot of wine bottles were found in the house, and some medicines..."

"Here's some paper we found in his office tonight. Only these. He seems to have disposed of them urgently because we found a lot of pulp washed down by the shredder in the sewer, but unfortunately, it can't be recovered."

Nick took the papers and said, "He has a psychological illness? These don't sound like the babble of a single person. Does he collect psychological data from mental patients in the psychiatry department? How did he communicate with those mental patients?"

"These are obviously not information that ordinary doctors can get, and these records even contain the extreme privacy of patients..."

"He can hypnotize?" Coulson said.

"Our psychiatrist does too. He can tell you what color underwear you liked to wear in elementary school?" Nick said.

"Maybe he just made it up," Coulson said.

"He seems to have some knowledge of Stark's industrial past, and our old friend. He can hit Stark's weaknesses head-on, and today seems to have caused Stark's smart housekeeper to fall into a logical deadlock," Nick said.

"You want him to work for us?"

"He has a very efficient way to deal with Stark, and we must have more of such people to deal with issues like this in the future." Nick put the stack of documents aside and said, "Anyway, first find out what is in the hospital, and if possible move him out of there."

"I hate this kind of group of high-level intellectuals the most. They are always too calm, cautious, and incomprehensible. Such opponents who know how to use their brains are always difficult to deal with," Nick said.

"Maybe he is just an ordinary psychiatrist, and collecting the crazy words of those patients is his hobby..." Coulson said.

"Colson, you sometimes make me suspect that your eighth-level rank as an agent is fake," Nick said.

"A guy who can make Stark completely lose his temper in thirty minutes and swagger into Stark Industries the next day, do you think he is an ordinary psychiatrist? Or do you think Tony Stark is really a cynical perverted lustful smart ass who just loves to hang around with models?"

[ShaneFreak: Feeling good now? No **** to disturb you?]

"Understood, I will move him from that hospital first," Coulson said.

So, Schiller was informed of his dismissal from the hospital and came to Stark's office. He spread his hands and said, "Look, I absolutely need your funding, Mr. Stark. Would you just watch your dedicated psychologist lose your job and end up bankrupt?"

Stark said, "Two million dollars isn't enough for you to open your own psychiatry clinic?"

"Money is not the problem, the problem is the qualifications required by the psychological clinic. I need to open a legal psychological clinic, not a liar institution that is no different from quacks doing divination on the streets."

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"Can't you apply with your resume? Jarvis told me yesterday that you have three doctorates and have worked in the most prestigious hospitals in six states."

"Yes, but the location of the psychological clinic I want to open is rather special," Schiller said after taking a sip of iced wine.

"Where is it?" Stark asked as he tinkered with the machine.

"Hell's Kitchen," Schiller said.

Stark's hand shook and the poor Mark 2 burst into a series of sparks. He said, "I really can't figure out whether you have the kind heart of a Virgin Mary and you want to save the block or you said it deliberately to mess with me."

Schiller didn't say much. He said, "I need a psychiatric clinic legally opened in Hell's Kitchen. For this, I need you to grant my request."

Schiller emphasized the word "legal."

Stark said, "Am I going to ask you to help me with anything? Oh, what a joke, I'm Stark."

"Don't you want to know if Pepper really likes you?"

Stark shook his hand again, and the Mark 2 exploded directly on his right leg. Schiller took a step back silently, looking at Stark whose face was blackened. He rubbed his face in a panic and said, "You say what? What happened to Pepper?"

Obviously, Stark hasn't realized his feelings for Pepper yet.

"I can tell you at the right time whether Pepper really loves you. I promise to be accurate. You have seen my ability."

"Of course Pepper loves me, and women all over the world love Stark," Stark said.

"Is she just one of the women in the world? Nothing special?" Schiller asked.

Stark was silent.

"I can promise you, of course, if I am wrong, you won't have to give me any psychological counseling from tomorrow."

"You think I can't pay the consultation fee?"

Stark was like a cat whose tail had been stomped on, and said loudly, "I can afford you even if you ask $10 million for an hour! No, I don't need psychological counseling! I'm not crazy! I'm fine!"

[ShaneFreak: Damn, it's fun! XD]

Schiller shook his head and said slowly, "I'm afraid Mark 2 doesn't think so."

He and Stark looked down at the armor with one missing leg at the same time. Stark pointed to the door: "Leave now!"

Schiller returned to his home, and he sent a message to Peter: "The medical examination for the weekend has been scheduled. I will say hello to the hospital and let them provide you with the service, but the time of our meeting may be postponed because I've already resigned from that hospital."

Peter quickly expressed his concern, but Schiller just said that it was a change in his career plan and didn't say much, but Peter was a bit moved. Even after he left the company, he could still recall the medical examination he had offered...

Peter said eagerly: "You are still in New York. If it's still there I think we can meet up for a meal or something, or you can come to my house..."

Schiller declined Peter and sent a message to Charles: "What if I open a hospital in hell?"

"I'm afraid the devil won't take your favor."

"You seem to be deeply touched by this."

"I advise you not to do this. Maybe you are just a talented ordinary person, but ordinary people can't resist the devil."

"But only criminals can fight criminals, aren't they?"

As Charles read this sentence, he lapsed into silence. He thought, Marx, do you think so too?

Only by turning yourself into a criminal can you deal with the most vicious criminal?

No, justice must have its fair way of being realized, Charles said. If you can only fight the devil by throwing yourself into hell, it is no different from complicity.

[ShaneFreak: Complicity: the fact or condition of being involved with others in an activity that is unlawful or morally wrong.]

Outside the window, the students of Xavier's School for Gifted Children were chasing and making trouble on the playground. Storm yelled at them to go back to class, while Jean watched as everything looked like a beautiful painting.

It's just that Xavier knows that the shadow of the Dark Phoenix is ​​far from leaving.

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