In the Same Boat

In the Same Boat

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In the Same Boat

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Qu Yiheng didn’t contact his old classmates for fifteen years. He unexpectedly went to attend the funeral and reunited with Yao Zhan. Fifteen years ago, the two of them were still very young, hiding in the corners of deserted gymnasium and table tennis room where no one was in the room, and doing dirty things to each other. In fifteen years, Qu Yiheng remembered Yao Zhan three times, and today is the fourth time. “I have never been able to figure out what kind of relationship we have.” Qu Yiheng smiled and said, “we are in the same boat.” The old friends reunited and became friends, and they fell in love with each other. Love is a good thing and it doesn’t hurt to wait until you are in your thirties.

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