Incubus In a Household of Women

Chapter 1: Hopeful Encounter

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Deep in a forest, a beautiful succubus could be seen running from an angry mob of villagers.

The crowd was growing larger as she ran further and further away. When she finally stopped, panting for breath, she sat down on the ground, exhausted. She felt so weak like all the energy had been drained out of her body.

Looking down at her arms, she smiled when she saw her little baby peacefully sleeping. It had been a shock to her when her child had been born as an Incubus instead of a succubus. The incubus race had been completely wiped out by the human when their beloved queen was seduced by one and subsequently died as a result of it.

She knew that she couldn't go back home where they'd kill her and her child. So, she did what any parent would do; she fled. As she looked at her child, she sighed. He was just a few months old and he was already so strong and healthy. Too bad the village she had stayed in managed to catch on to the fact that she is not a human thus leading to her fleeing.

Sighing to herself, she leaned against a tree and wondered what to do next. Her heart ached seeing how little he is but she knew that there was no other choice than to keep going. After a while, she heard footsteps rapidly approaching her.

Knowing that there is only one thing she could do to make sure her son is alive, she opened up a magical scroll she had kept and begins chanting an incantation. A few moments later, a portal opened up in front of her. Unfortunately, the portal is only stable enough for only a single person to pass through.

Looking down at her baby, she couldn't help but tear up a little. "Sorry Kares, hopefully, the other place is much better than here."

She kissed her son on the forehead one final time before sending him through the portal and disappearing from this world forever.

"Agh!" Seconds later, an arrow pierced her chest making her let out a pained scream. Looking up at her surroundings, she realises that she is surrounded on all sides by the villagers.

"You! Where the hell is your bastard child!" The leader of the group yelled.

Calming her nerves, she closed her eyes and accept her fate.

After a while of the villager demanding where her son was and her not even saying a word, the leader has had enough and stabs her through the chest with his sword.


On the other world, in a town on a sunny day. A mother and her three children are walking home after visiting their grandmother.
"Mom, can we go home now... Granny's place is soo boring." The second complained.

"Hey now. Grandma's place may be a bit dull... But that's not a reason to complain." The eldest child chastised her younger sister.

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The two then started bickering with each other. Much to the amusement of their mother who is busy holding her newborn. Shaking her head she stopped the bickering between the two. "How about this, next time we visit her, I'll take us out to a fancy restaurant... If you both behave."

The two immediately stopped their argument and nodded at their mother. They then continue walking towards their home when they heard the sound of crying in a nearby alleyway.
They approached the alley cautiously but soon realise that the source of the cry is of a young baby. The mother, shocked at the fact that someone would abandon their child in a secluded place, hastily place her newborn at her eldest child and make her way to the baby.

"Who would leave a tiny baby out here?" The mother asked as she picked up the baby and hugged it close to her chest in an attempt to calm him down. After a while, the baby stopped crying.

Looking at the innocent baby. She didn't know why but she couldn't help but feel protective of the little boy. As if some sort of force is telling her to protect this beautiful child. Without thinking, she quickly decided that she will raise this child as her own.

"I heard you both always want a little brother." She looked at her children and found them both looking at her with hopeful eyes.

"Really/Really" Both of them exclaimed at the same time.
She nodded at them.

"What should we name him?" The eldest asks.

After a minute or two of thinking, she decided on a name. "Alex... He'll be our little Alex."


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