Infamous: Drakyn

Chapter 1: The Day I Will Suppress, Part 1

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I never believed in reincarnation or anything like that. Or the whole "light at the end of the tunnel" or "don't go into the light", after experiencing near-death experiences, would startle awake in a cold sweat, saying, "I saw the light!" 

But I must say that I must believe because you know. I've known nothing but darkness for months! How long has it been? 

I mean, my memory isn't working properly. So yeah, I don't remember anything about what happened during those few days when I was dead. But now I am alive again.


Alive and well, with a new life—and you're wondering why I called this journal "Life After Death"?

I don't even remember dying. I just had to kick the bucket when I got a hot date too...

Oh, right. Life. Let me tell you how I ended up here in this world where there are  dragon people and magic. 

It all started on a dark and stormy night…

Okay, maybe not that cliché, but who cares?

It all started when I got born. Since I was surrounded by darkness, I didn't understand and saw the light. I went for it! Heaven or hell beats sitting in darkness and not being able to do anything! The journey seemed to take way too long. Like math class long or waking in the morning and your mother forces your ass up at fucking seven in the morn' to go a god-damn-boring church whatever.

When it finally came for me to go out of the darkness, I saw the light—not bright, just enough to see and survive. It looked like a gateway of some sort. I was mesmerized.

I half-expected a choir of sexy lady angels or demons (I wasn't a saint), beckoning me towards what my afterlife would. Really hoping it was heaven. I knew nothing of any other place in the universe besides what I've seen in movies.

But instead for heaven or hell. My vision of everything around me turned into a blur of colourful spots as sounds assaulted my ears like Tiger Wood's wife. I know it's in poor taste, but he was born to be a womanizer, so fuck him! He does have a nice swing, though...

My eyesight returned.
When I tried to say anything, the only sound that came seemed to be a cry. Finally, the muffled voices became apparent, and I made out a: "Congratulations, Sir and madam, he's a healthy boy.

And a strong one at that judging by his power level."


Hold up!.... I'm sensing dragon ball z shiz up in here. 

The first thing I noticed were these long, sharp claws. I looked like a baby dragon with human skin, scales, and tail. Everything else seemed to follow from there.

Well, it looks like the Buddhists were right about reincarnation. Shame about heaven, though... I would really like to kiss or make love to an angel... Maybe I should stick to Buddhism this life. Fuck it... I'll go back to praying to Jesus Christ mixed with Budda. That's all I need!

Now, most of you people are thinking, "Why aren't you worried about being a baby now?" But not this guy. I, too, was noticing the dragon features to think of stuff like that, totally not trying to believe that the light at the end of the tunnel was my mother's vag...

Haha... Let's think or even speak about that horrible thought anymore! I still plan to like women and no offence to gays. Just have no interest in that kinda shit. No, I want my dick to be good and hard, then thrust inside a woman's pussy—and to cum inside her womb. 

Sure, I can't do that for at least 16 years, but I'd rather wait than be gay. I've always wanted to get laid.  Ya know, play the field, talk to a girl, give her my number, stay until she calls, invite her over, have sex, and leave.

And I'm getting off-topic. Assessing my situation in a rational lazy ADHD-like manner, I finally look at what looks to be my mom. Well, if she's not an angel, then she's definitely a demon. Her body is covered in blue hair, while her face looks like a beast. She had fangs that looked like they could rip my head clean off my shoulders. But I have to admit she's a beauty, but that might have been caused by years of watching Japan and their sick fetishes on their anime or hentai.

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The way she looked at me was lovely, in a very kind and gentle sense, with her blue eyes. Yet, I couldn't help but notice her scales patches around her face and perky nose that made me want to just cling to her. She just permeated this motherly feel. Is this why babies like their mothers so much? Just because a mother touches them?

I also saw my dad, who looked like a man who had aged considerably well.

He had an idiotic grin and teary eyes he gazed at me with. "My boy Gazei, I'm your father. Will go hunting later today!" I glanced around to see both my mother and the doctor (who was a dragon dude as well... so there might be no humans in this world) roll their eyes as my mother managed to scoff. "Babe, he was just born!"

"Oh, sorry. I just..." Dad doesn't finish his sentence, but I pick up on what he is saying. "I can't believe I have a son. He's our first, and we never thought it would happen. Just so happy!"

I take a closer look at my father, and I can see why my tomboyish mother was attracted to him. Besides him being way older and somewhat crazy, be expecting me a fucking newborn to hunt. (I'm just letting it pass because he is happy to be a father now), he was a very charismatic looking with a short badass beard that complimented his features.  His hair, a very black diamond colour, seemed to be wild and greek like, while his eyebrows were thick and fierce, extending in a sword-like fashion meeting to a V shape. His red scale patches match against the dark skin tone. Yes, my dad is a handsome guy.

"We're gonna name him Gazei," Mom says. I didn't really care what they named me, but I guess it's better than having my name be "Baby".

"Hmm, why isn't he crying? Doc, I thought newborns were supposed to be these crying death sirens when they are born." I heard my mom's voice.

"Well, that's not the case in all cases. I've had the pleasure of seeing plenty of newborns, and there are cases of them where the infant does not cry. In fact, some of them just stared at us as if they were in a trance. Please continue resting for a couple of days, Mrs. Rudeus. Let me know if anything happens to Gazei. Mr. Rudeus"

The following couple of weeks after my journey out of my mother's vag... was a new kind of torture for me—something I would suppress with all my might.  I had no control over my limbs except being able to wave them around; that was so exhausting, my dude. I realized all too grudgingly that babies can't do shit! They have no power whatsoever. I needed to learn how to crawl, walk, run, swim, fly, and fight!

I don't know why I thought upon flight. I'm more of a land-based beast. I'm not even good at swimming. I suck at it. I can barely float, and I hate getting wet. Not even gonna lie; I can't even swim. But something tells me I should learn it in this life.

Last downside of being a baby. I have no bladder control. That means I can't pee and poo whenever I want, which sucks because I can't hold it in. My parents had to change my diapers every hour or so.

After all, it takes time to get used to all this.

On the bright side is, one of the few perks that I became happy accustomed to was being breastfed by my mother... Nope, I was kidding! Each time I had to feed, I felt part of my soul die and refused to accept that it tasted way better than baby formula... Who cares if they were soft as hell...  Don't... judge me, please.

Moving on... Another one was sleep! Sleep was the best thing ever! I loved sleeping. In fact, I would say I slept more than I did anything else.

Seems like I was born my nursey, and from what I figured, the place that stuck in was, hopefully, where indoor plumbing and electricity were invented. I mean, how else are you going to explain to me living in a place without a toilet? What are the chances of this being a magic world?

My mother quickly curd stomped my hopes into a fine paste as, one day, she healed a scratch on my leg from when dad bumped against a drawer while swinging me around. I guess he didn't realize I was small enough to bump into things.

Mom beat no almost full on the face beating for hurting me. Then, she said she was going to rip his head off and feed it to the dogs outside if he hurt me again. I was terrified of her. I never want to see her angry again.
My mother did the full-on shining light with a faint hum I saw in video games. When I saw that, I knew she was using some form of magic.

The worse part was when my mother took me outside, and my worse fears were confirmed. There were no modern inventions meaning no indoor plumbing; no electricity; no cars, trucks, or trains; no Internet. Nothing.

She told me we lived in the woods near a lake. How far away was that? I felt like I was in some God-forsaken world I was not ready for.

God, I didn't even get a PS5 fucking Sony dropping the damn ball.



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