Infamous: Drakyn

Chapter 9: Mother’s Never Change, Part 1

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Four years ago...

You are always staying in your room, they said...

Go to the park and make some friends, they said...

Now I'm here at the park, sitting on a bench and watching other children.

"I have no idea", I muttered.

It's been about five years, meaning I'm five years now.

How the hell does shitty brats make friends with each other???

Hmm... In my university days, you just had to offer some free beer, so maybe... No, better not.

Being Drakyn is way different from being human. Sure, I have human skin and build; the dragon scales blend with my skin colour. But my growing horns itch like crazy. Mum said it will stop when I get older, but it is fucking itches like crazy.

But I have no time to befriend kids! I don't care what my mum says.

The world of half-dragons are a dangerous place to live!!! To which I'm pretty sure is called China... I think.

Let's get my mind back to a more important topic.

Since I regained my memories, I have come up with some options:

Option 1: living a quiet life as a non-adventurer... Even in the unlikely scenario where I miraculously survive to adulthood, what would only await me in the future? There are crazy cultist that likes to murder anyone, anytime, anywhere! No matter who they are... And worse, from the book I read, monster floods happen all the time, so this option is a big ass no.

Option 2: Obtaining somehow a superpower or getting one of the Seven Heavens Blades...Nah - if I wanted to commit suicide might as well do it less painfully.

Option 3: Get strong enough to be able to travel the world and then just hire strong people because my old brain, along with its ADHD and I'm being super lazy.

Yeah, option 3 is probably the best.

So then the next question would be how strong would be good enough?

Should I be at least strong enough to be able to deal with multiple small fries, right?

So I guess around A-class level?

Ok, that seems achievable even for a mob-like me.

So next would be how can I achieve this?

If I just follow the normal adventure career path going to the academy or guild and then just doing missions, I would just end up like some mobs who only know how to throw some knives around or have an average not glowing weapons.

So to be A-class level, I would need some real magic under my belt.

I think when you are a C-class, you can learn some elemental transformation from the scrolls which you can borrow... Wait, what the hell are my parents even doing? Why don't we have that in the library?

If they learned some, I could ask them to train me... But I guess they are just glad that they get to have me in their life... Father is still strong, though.

They really have no ambition at all... Well, my Dad has ambition, but let's not talk about that.

Anyways, so that means I just have to advance to C-Class, learn some decent spells, and then get rich.

No way I'm risking my life fighting Godzilla level monsters that are considered B-ranks at best!

Graduating from the academy should be easy since I'm an adult and with photo memory...ish... I have some mild form of photoshop memory.

Yeah, that will be as easy for me as stealing candy from children hehehehe

Well, time to start my secret magic training. I know I should do this until I'm twelve, but until then, I will just use two spells that I will be working on. First, I'll take the scroll "Passive Detection" as a preliminary training arrangement.

Just as the name suggests, this magic can detect magic power emitted by magic items and creatures; it's a magic to investigate the surroundings situation.

I have already gone through the basics of it. So it should be simple. I mean, it is not like I am aiming for the highest level. Even though some things can't be detected by the magic, it's one of the most used detection magic because enemies won't notice its usage, and it consumes no magic power.

And yet, it's actually a difficult magic to master if one intends to improve its accuracy and range. One must learn how to control the flow of energy from the magical text of the spell into one's own body.

This part is the hardest for me because I have to concentrate hard on controlling the energy flowing through my body and directing it towards the object of detection.

But my mana veins are still growing in my body. All I can do is wait and practice this type of magic. I was able to activate it immediately, sorta. There's no problem at all using it with this body since it doesn't consume magic power.

However, since my control of magical power is crap at best since I only started a few months ago, there's a lot of noise, and the detection range appears to be considerably constricted.

My mother can read up to 700 kilometres. She told me that she could easily see other people's hands.

That would be a wonderful thing to have. If only I had such a talent.

Then my father once boasted that he could read up to 1,000 kilometres. Any I actually believe him. But my range is only 10 meters around me, so I doubt I can reach a thousand kilometres.

To tell the truth, I am not sure how far my father can read. He never showed me any proof. He must be lying or he is holding back fuck load of his power.


Nevertheless, I will continue practising this magic.

Well, this much should be enough to evade dangers in the present condition.

After all, I didn't sense any strong animals, let alone monsters.

"You stupid Drakyn! Why did you come to our secret place!? "

A boy suddenly jumped out and threatened me.

He was shouting in a shrill voice. His face looked rather ugly, and his hair was coming down to his shoulders. The boys of the group were also following after him.

Oh great, these jackasses again. "Why nigga?" I replied without stopping, or rather, I hastened my pace.

All the memories of the past fives tell me this. There's no point in keeping this guy and his lackey's company.

"Are you deaf!?"

"Huh? What do you want?"

"Damn you!"

They shouted at me so loudly that I could hear clearly. They seemed very angry.

I went down the steps into the grassy area and got off the stone bridge.

"Come back here! A stupid noble like yourself shouldn't be outside! Half breeds are not welcome here!" Kai, the leader of the stupid group, replied angrily; his face became red. To the point that I worry his blood vessels would snap. It'd be nice if they did.

Kai and his 'friends' are a group of Elezen from some noble house that moved here for the summer. Their behaviour is so outrageous that I have to wonder whether the whole family came along, and I have heard that there are three brothers.

Elezen looks just like elves from the books from my old world, but with tender dragon scales, feathery wings, soft horns, and long ears.

The oldest brother is named Kai, and he looks like the leader. The second is called Lei, the third is called Lin, and the youngest is Long. I don't hate them for being racist is because of their parents. They are only still dumb kids to me... Or teens.

"Why can't I?"

I ask again while quickening my steps even more.

I tried using physical buff magic while I was at it. The second spell I can sorta use without damaging my body growth.

It's just a light buff, but good enough to let me walk faster.

"I forbid you!" Kai yelled and pulled out a dagger.

Rolling my eyes, I moved a little faster, but still not running. My Dad is half (Earth) Gon, half (Fire+Fire= Lava) Drakyn. Mum is half (Shark-Water) Trow and half (Water+Fire=Steam) Drakyn. Only on my mother's side that I'm even connected to the land of fire and the fire nation at all! My Dad's family is from the Holy Earth Kingdom in the Land of Earth with strong earth elements and fire elements. While my mom's family is from the Northern Snowlands in the Land of Water. My grandma on my mum's side are minor nobles in the Fire Nation. Nothing special. They are farmers with a tiny bit of money. That and they one of the few water element Drakyn's with ties the Elezen.

"What difference does it make?" I asked, still moving away.

"We have a strict rule against half breed people!" Kai shouted again.

I don't care.

"How many times do I have to say it? Why don't you go home?"

A lot of people in the Imperial Fire Nation are purists, and they hate half breeds. Though my parents have lived here for some time, but they seem to be disliked by both sides: those who are half-breeds themselves and those who are pure-blooded.

I don't give a shit. So I walked fast and left the area.

"Damn it!"

Kai cursed and chased after me.

What a fool!

I knew my mother's family had nothing to do with politics, but still, I should have been careful.

"Come back here and take your beating! I bet you can learn a lot from this!" Kai roared furiously.

You are reading story Infamous: Drakyn at

What's the point of telling that to a five-year-old child...

By the way, Kai is 14 years old, and he has yet to unlock his pathways to reach full maturity. As you can clearly see, a 14-year-old pouring those words at a five-year-old child shows how abnormal Kai is.

I turned around and glared at him, "Go and beat it, ya idiot."

"Hey! Don't insult us!"

The other three were ready to jump out.

Kai doesn't take good care of himself... His wings are not yet developed.

He is not physically powerful enough to hurt me.

Moreover, my feet have already reached maturity. I can't do any heavy workouts, but I can do cardio.

So, to sum up, I can escape at any time.

"You're just a damn kid! I'm going to the next head of my house! Listen to your betters." Kai tiredly said. His group was also looking winded while I was barely even trying. Geez, work on your stamina, weaklings.

But for real, does this idiot really think he will succeed the house? Even if we disregard his bottomless stupidity, you're a second son, y'know?

"Then I, with my Crest, will teach you. Look at your left arm!"

Well, if he's going to tell me, I'll hear him this once.

After thinking that, I move my sight to my left arm. Yup, there's the warrior Crest.

"What's wrong with this?"

"That's a Disqualified Crest. A proof of trash who can't even use magic well! And this one is a proof of those chosen by the magic god, the Glory Crest!"

After saying that, Kai raises his own left arm up high, showing it to me.

....Uwaa. It's painful to look at. I feel embarrassed just by seeing it; please stop it by all means. If I were a disgrace to my house (to which I don't really care), then this guy would be the disgrace of humanity, no, of organic matters.

This is bad. Simply the fact that I was born of the same race as him makes me want to die. Should I reincarnate again?

I observe Kai's arm while enduring the headache.

Judging from the arm's direction, the thing he wanted to show me seemed to be a crest.

When you turn five in this world, you have crests that are showing on your left arm. One for caster and the other for warrior. Each one has different levels of power. This Crest is at the lowest level, the Warrior Crest. It is a symbol of one who can wield a sword and is able to fight.

Now this Crest looks very strange. The writing is not engraved. Rather, it is written on my skin.

From what I know, it is always engraved. This is so unusual.

"Glorious Sword Arm, O Sword of Heaven,

 Long may your blade rise to defend our homes.

While the martial weapons are forever in peril;

 One day the Great War will start in this land,

 And to save mankind from the claws of fate,

 I pledge my sword arm to you."

My Crest looks like a sword. A sword of light. I remember reading about such a thing in a book somewhere. My Crest is the worst thing out there. I can't use any long-range spells at all. I can only learn barrier magic as my defence. I can only attack with a sword or gauntlets and greaves. I'm strictly a very, VERY close range fighter without any hope of defending myself against anything from mental magic to arrows if I'm not careful.

As a matter of fact, I can only use a few things besides barrier magic. I am helpless against any kind of magic except for my own.

As I looked at Kai with pitying, uncaring as fuck eyes, his face became red.

"What's with those eyes! You looking down on me?!"

Nope. I'm pitying you. Also, I don't give a fuck.

"Oy! Say something!"

This time it seems he's quite displeased at me being quiet.

In the end, Kai and his group started to chase me with daggers again.

Even though I think disposing of those weak punks in the name of self-defence would be for the benefit of mankind, I'd better not be careless, considering I don't know the handling of crime in this world, even to small noble houses like theirs. And thus, for now, I should run away.

I strengthened myself with Physical Reinforcement and immediately increased my speed. I walked briskly, but it was already faster than Kai, and the groupies ran with all their might.

"Damn it, wait! Gasp, gasp... Why can't I catch up? "

Isn't that because the magic god chosen by God couldn't use Physical Reinforcement magic that even a trash who couldn't use magic well could? I didn't say this out loud because his whining is really annoying.

"Later..." I say to the 14-year-old Elezen, who is in great pain. He is panting for breath.

There's a river ahead of me. I step right through and climb the bank where the water flows over. On the opposite shore is an open space.

After some time, I don't see Kai or his followers coming behind me.

It must be their first time chasing someone, and they lost confidence when they saw me getting away from them.

I've been pursued before, and so I know how to escape from my old world, that is.

"For now, let's hunt some animals."

Animals in this world have magic power in them even though it's of little amount, as they can be detected by [Passive Detection].

Moreover, the magic power of animals and monsters carries a peculiar property; that is, we take their magic power every time we defeat them, strengthening ourselves. Many books mention this, and they are all very famous works.

I have been hunting since I was a child. First, I killed birds and insects, then lizards and snakes, and finally wild beasts.

In my old world... But this will be my first time doing it here in the Imperial Fire Nation.

The country of the Empire is divided into two parts: the south is the Imperial City, and the north is the Forest of Aragith. The Imperial Capital is located in the south in the centre of an active volcano, surrounded by hills and rivers. The surrounding area is rich soil for agriculture. Here and there, the city walls are covered with flowers and plants, making the place extremely pleasant.

The north is mountainous and forested, with the most fertile fields in the center.

The Land of Fire has always been tropical and windy. No wonder this region is best known for its grain production.

All this is well known, but the people of the imperial capital, being the descendants of warriors like to eat meat. Therefore, meat from beasts hunted and killed with bows is preferred.

The first animal I found was a bird. I don't know the name but it's a bit bigger than a chicken.

The bird is perched on about a five-meter high branch.

I'll shoot it down with magic at once... Is what I'd like to do, but magic range, but like I said before, my magic range is very fucking short. So therefore, I picked up a pebble on the ground while erasing my presence.

I concentrate Physical Reinforcement on my legs and take a step forward. Once I had enough momentum, I changed the target of the Physical Reinforcement to my arm and swung it with all my might. Finally, I hit it in the neck with the bird's body swinging wildly.

I restricted the Physical Reinforcement like this in order to maximize it to the pebble.

And thus, with the strength and magic power of a five-year-old, the thrown pebble reached hundreds of km/h of speed.

I was surprised at the speed of the pebble. However, my aim was excellent, and the pebble landed on the spot exactly where I aimed.

The bird fell to the ground with a thud. The feathers scattered everywhere.

I caught one feather and felt its weight. It was very light.

"It is rather light."

I cut off another feather and used it to test whether it would float or sink. The feather floated. I think this is due to the magic power.

When I killed the bird, I felt my strength and magic power slightly increase.

Originally it's not something that can be noticed; it's probably because the big growth in the first battle. Even so, each killing increases the total power. If I kill several beasts in succession, I will definitely become stronger than before. This is why adventurers need to hunt and eat meat regularly.

"To make a man strong, all he needs is meat!" I declared

I neatly picked the fallen bird, cut its head and drained its blood.

It's a precious nourishment. But, unfortunately, I can't exactly say that the males in my house are enough to sustain this body's growth. Mum likes greens and fish too much.

The protein is particularly lacking.

I plan to strengthen my muscle by breaking them before getting to bed with magic and then rapidly recovering them with magic. Still, it'd have the opposite effect without nourishment. That's very troublesome.

The reason for this situation seems to be a lack of ingredients, but I should be able to eat proper stuff if I bring this back home.

I continued to hunt five birds and left the forest afterwards. Earning magic power is important, but it's not good to overhunt either.

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