Infinite:The Life of Astinia

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Tigress

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August 1, UC 1590 | ???, Planet ???, Capital City ???, Drikon Family’s Home


“Ugh” Lifting my head with a groggy look.

The first thing I notice is the delicious smell slowly wafting in my room. 

‘Sniff. Sniff.’ A sigh escapes my mouth as saliva drips from my mouth. 

With my mind only thinking of the yummy breakfast I would be having. 


 “Huh?” With my butt planted on the ground. I slowly look up to witness a look of disgust directed to me.

“Pervert! It’s just food! Do you always have to look like a creep?” Exclaims Kideko.

“Haha. Sorry I can’t help it though. Mom’s cooking ‘Sniff’ her special ‘Sniff Sniff’.”

“STOP SNIFFING!” warns Kideko.

I immediately stop sniffing. Heck. I didn’t even move a muscle. I knew that if I did anything more to tip my older sister. I would get the beat down of my life.

You would think that as a guy I should have more guts to stand up to my sister. Especially since she is only 2 years older than me. Not much of an age difference to be honest. Well you can’t be more wrong in that assumption. While I did get my smarts from Mom, my sister is the one that got the physique from Dad. Because of her physique, ten times out of ten, she would completely wipe the floor from me.

As such, common sense dictates, her happiness is more important than mine.

“Mhm. I value my life. Why would I risk my life for that fleeting happiness of one upping her? I’m such a genius. HeHe.”

“Food’s ready!” Yell’s mom.

“Coming!” replies Kideko. Taking one last look at me before turning around to head to the table.

I waited until she turned the corner before breathing out my held breath.

“Phew. The tigress left.” Wiping the imaginary sweat that was over my forehead. I head over to the table with drool dripping from my mouth.

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“What took you so long?” Wondered mom, “you’re usually the first one at the table?”

I couldn’t very well say a tigress was stalking her kill. Especially since I don’t even need to look in her direction to know she is waiting for me to say something.

So using one of the few things that can make a convincing answer.

“I was reading 'Strength is Might'.” 

“Oh.” While staring at me with squinting eyes. “Then what have you learned?” Mom posits.

Crap! An open ended answer. Come on brain, don't fail me now. It didn’t help that I can still feel the piercing gaze of my sister, daring me to mess up with a slight smirk.

“With the end of the Golden Age, it became the starting point for HOTER. Which means Holding On To Existential Resources. Because of the explosive rise of many Nations trying to claim more valuable resources and planets, they started to get greedy and use unsavory means in the shadows to gain more wealth and power. This lasted for almost 200 years, until finally enough was enough and they started openly vying for these valuable resources through military might.”

“Hmm…” She continues to stare at me.

“Umm…” I squirm under her gaze.

“I’ve already told you this. Tell me something new from what you read,” she smirks.

Damn it! I don’t know anything else. Come on brain. Think of what you read from last night. Ugh… Mmm… Oh!

“With the start of Nations attacking each other. It became known as Irut Kull, the 40 year Massacre.”

“Why is it called the Irut Kull?” She authenticates.

“Because of the allure of all those resources and livable planets, they became irrational and started culling anyone who got in their way. Including the innocent civilians who didn’t want to be part of the war.”

“Hmm…” She still stares at me.

‘Gulps’ Worrying that she will ask me for more information.

“I guess that’s good enough so let’s eat before the food get’s cold,” smiles mom.

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