Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Chapter 28: Eyes follow

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"The Poetic Edda, Völsunga Saga, Saga of Ragnar Lothbrok, you need to read those! They are classics!"

Charlotte noted those books down, Autumn was very dejected when Charlotte did not know the name of his Devil.

Storm clasped her hands, drawing attention to the naked woman, "Now with all of that out of the way, let's go."

She transformed back into a tornado, flying off. Autumn grabbed Charlotte by the waist, carrying her like a package. This is new.

He jumped off the building, Charlotte in his arm. From this angle, Charlotte saw the light more clearly than before, every possible color flickering as people walking, running, shooting eachother down.

Shooting eachother?

"Storm! Below!", Autumn yelled.

"Wiirrr!", Storm replied and went down.

Autumn went down to an alleyway fairly devoided of life, there are some homeless people shivering from withdrawal syndrome. Survive determined they are low risk dangers, so there is no need to be caution about them.

"I'll help out the situation with Storm, and I guess this is the end of our assistance. So goodbye, Charlotte!"

Autumn waved and went to help Storm. From this distance, Charlotte could see people getting flung around like ragdolls by a giant tornado.

Autumn equiped onto himself a suit of silvery blue armor that was clearly meant for woman from it's elegance design - wing symbols everywhere, the exposed midriff showing his tanktop - but was altered to suit his strong and thin body. A pair of translucent wings briefly appeared, like an angel...

Reverie... I need information.

Roger~ Roger~! About Aslaug, correct? Heh, like that man said, she is the daughter of a dragon slayer and a Valkyrie, basic angel of war in the Nordic land. An extremely powerful woman, but she decided to bound herself to her mortal form, yet still uses her divine armor from her mother, and the sword of her father.

"Gram! Come to me!!", Autumn shouted.

That's the name of the sword! The blade soaked in dragon blood, carrying the curse of the dragon Fafnir.

A golden sword appeared in Autumn's hand as he fall from his flight, clashing with another weapon of lesser majesty. A golden demonic sword touched an unassuming bronze sword.

Autumn was surprised, he backed off to make distance, out of Charlotte's view. Not wanting to miss the show, Charlotte went to the crowd.


"Watch it, kid!"

"Fucking kid!"

Ignoring the curses and annoyance of others, Charlotte squeezed herself through the crowd while all the warnings about harassment blaring up. Survive kept her to the safest path though, one of the infinite benefit about having all of humanity's survival instinct in you.

Getting to the front, Charlotte saw who was fighting Autumn. They wore a formal black suit with bronze stripes of all thing. Though it look good enough on them, matching their long bronze hair.

There was an air of mystic around them, from their androgynous look - Charlotte saw a woman but Survive told her otherwise, the confident smile as if this is all an interesting play, and their shining golden eyes that hold on secret, showing their immense interest in the pair of vigilantes.

"Mister Autumn, I believe you attacked the wrong person.", they calmly spoke, turning their weapon into gold dust, flickering before disappearing into nothingness.

Charlotte grew curious to the person, what they did was very similar to Athen by unsummoning her weapon. Though her thought then wandered to her own power, Justice.

Autumn still held his weapon out, cautious of the person. He look around, Storm standing behind the person in her tornado form, not doing anything beside stand in the middle of fallen bodies.

"Woor wiirr?", Storm asked.

They looked at her with their confident smile, "Don't worry, I mean no harm to you or your comrade. All I did was defend myself from an assassination."

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"Woor...", Storm shrunk.

They chuckled, "I apologize, I can't speak your tongue, I was just guessing myself and it seemed I was not right."

Autumn lowered his weapon, but not his guard, slowly walked towards the person.

"Glad we could come to an understanding, Mister Autumn.", they nodded, "Ah, where are my manners. I forgot to introduce myself."

He faked a cough, only Charlotte noticed ot, and spoke, "Ehem, I am Sul Umor, the President of Amor."

Amor... Charlotte heard that name before, it is the name of an international weapon production and technology research, originate in Italy but found most successful in Mu. An influential figure and one of the more enigmatic person in the world.

Autumn was still suspicious of Sul, but he let go of Gram. The weapon shoot off to the sky like a bolt of lightning, to where people can only guess.

"If everything is in order, I will resume my tour of the city.", Sul walked back to one of the destroyed vehicle, presumably their own. They opened the door, there is a brunette woman inside, holding tight the tablet in her arms.

"Is everything okay now, Sir Umor?", she asked.

"Everything is fine now, Olivia. Where is our next meeting?", they asked with a gentle smile.

"With Alex Mors, Sir. We are to establish a co—"

Sul shook their head, cutting Olivia off, "Cancel the meeting, give him the reason that I need to recover from the assassination attempt."

"He knows what you are capable of.", she stated.

"I don't really care.", a sly smile replaced their gentle one, "I found someone more... interesting..."

Olivia sighed, pushing a few strains of hair behind her ears, "If you say so."

Listened enough, Charlotte left for wherever. She has nothing she want to do in particular, the flashy lights and all the activities were satisfied by observing. Charlotte want to try gambling, though enjoying it might be difficult with Reverie and Survive. 

Those two may be different from each other, but they are two sides of the same coin. Or two opposite side of the same dice? Since there are eight Akashics in her. That did not matter, the point is their power, though opposite, mesh extremely well together.

One held the infinite possibilities of humanity. The other is the cold calculating nature of humanity. The combination of the two give. Taking everything into consideration, and using the vast Library of Humanity - where everything and anything are - gave Charlotte the ability to see calculate chances.

Having the ability to calculate randomness make gambling - a sport that left everything to the whims of fate - lose all of it's meanings.

She want to find something more interesting. Something that would spark her amusement. Ah, also to help her powers return.

Charlotte get away from the crowd, going to the alley where she first landed. Of course to the unsatisfaction of others. She filtered out all of their curses, ignoring them.


Taking a deep breath, entering an emotionless state and practically removed her from the world. She noticed a person's attention was placed on her specifically.

Charlotte ran, using the calculation ability of Survive to map out a route to cut off whoever was watching her.

It was not Athen or Silla, she knew what their stares feel like. For the owner of Zagreus, it was like looking at a younger sibling that she cares for. And the Pandemonium Princess, it was the look of finding something fun that she can mess with.

This one however, was the look of understanding and interest, the owner knew what Charlotte was exactly. It did not sit well with Charlotte, coming from an unknown source.

Though there is something to this uncomfortable feeling, there was a tiny spark of positivity to this whole ordeal. Excitement. She was feeling excitement of someone unknown to her, recognizing her.

The question is, how far would they go to get to her?

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