Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Chapter 38: Waiting for the princess

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Going down to the ground floor, Charlotte instantly become the center of attention. Her long silver hair tinted blue by reflecting the blue light of her clothes. Then her piercing azure eyes, gazing around the lobby, no emotion in those eyes, just like what a hunter looking at animals for game. 

She found her target very soon, a black hair woman with hazy golden eyes, enjoying a cup of coffee in bliss on the lounge's sofa. Enna. She was wearing a simple white dress with a pair of her black wings as a coat.

"Ennael.", Charlotte called out to the Fallen Angel. It was not very loud, but seeing Enna jolted from her delusion, Charlotte knew her words came across clearly.

People made way for Charlotte as she walks toward Enna. She also noticed how some people took picture of hers, not that she mind, she just does not have enough care. 

Charlotte sat down right next to Enna, who shifted to the side to make more room for the girl. Charlotte looked at the table, filled with all kind of dishes and snacks. She gave the Fallen Angel a judgemental look.

"What? I just really like food!", Enna retorted against that gaze.

Charlotte did not answer, rather, she looked at the television just above the reception desk. For the first time ever, she watched the news, it was muted but Charlotte could still read the headlines.

[This just in: a serial killer lurks around at night in Darkovah, Mu. Torn bodies discovered in the streets, laid bare for everyone to see. Is this a provocation? Or is there something more?]

A serial killer...

"Charlotte, I don't think you should be invested into a murder case.", Enna spoke up after noticing the hint of interest in the girl's eyes.

"From the places I wanted to go, Mu was one of them.", she plainly stated, "I will go there in about five months for... school..."

Enna nodded, "I see, let's just pray the situation is resolved before you go there."

"Do you... even pray?", Charlotte asked.

"Nah, I don't pray to that all big fucker. As a Fallen Angel, I lost the ability to seek help from the Holy Spirit.", Enna sighed, sipping her drink before resuming, "It's really nothing, but it get pretty lonely without that son of a bitch."

The channel switched, taking Charlotte's attention to the next news. Charlotte became more curious at this news, it was showing a message written in Old Norse into a stone tablet, carved using what look to be extremely hot fire. With the power of the Akashic Records, she can translate it.

"The message... 'Father, Where Are You'.", a very mysterious message.

The headlines said this message was found all over Europe, in every nation and appeared overnight. They also talked about a System to ranking people, with letter, which Charlotte found rather cliché. But the fact that the Babel Organization never had this System used interested her even more.

Researching the topic on her phone, she gain more understanding. She could just ask Reverie for the run down, but relying on it too much might bite Charlotte back. She learned in multiple stories relying too much on your power is a grave mistake. But it posted a question to Charlotte, specifically about Survive, it is deeply connected with her nature as human.

While thinking, Charlotte got all the information about the Ranking System. It was rather easy.

Normal people usually range from F to C, depends on how they live. People could train for their whole life to be able to kill weaker Gem Holder and fight stronger ones to a stand still. Charlotte could say with certainty she can easily outclass any human simply by the fact that Survive gave her an unmatched boost to her techniques.

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Then there are the Gem Holders, ranging from D to A. Due to the sheer amount of variety Devils, it's hard to tell how strong a Gem Holder is, so they used the destructive power of Gem Holders as a base. D-rank Gem Holder could kill up to a hundred people. C-rank could massacre an entire town. B-rank can wipe out cities. And A-rank can put countries at risk.

An interesting fact she learned that their seems to be a limit on how many Gem Holder can exist at the same time, ten millions, which is a small amount compare to the entire population of the world.

There is also the classification of Unique, both normal human and Gem Hold can be put under. An example for Unique Charlotte found was Abigail Sillarco, a war hero and the current Secretary of Defence, that stopped the invasion from Mu all by herself, and Charlotte recognized her as Silla Arco even with slight alteration to her face. For human, Charlotte found the example of a man named Andras Koios Silvi, who she was sure is her father, but he unfortunately died while fighting against an A-rank Gem Holder, so questioning him was impossible without raising him from the dead.

Then another question popped into her mind. How did the Organization knew my name? It could simply be that they found her birth certificate or did a DNA test on her.

Now that she think about it, the Greek are sometimes called Children of Titan due to the myth that Prometheus molded human and taught them the ability to harness the power of nature, and also may or may not be for the fact that the Gods of Greece are lustful beasts, so practically all Greek have a God or two in their blood though extremely diluted. Most of what the Greek kept to this day was their unnatural beauty and allure.

"Charlotte, what are you thinking about?", Enna asked, snapping Charlotte out of her wandering mind.

"Just... things...", she answered absent mindedly, "I don't usually overthink... but I sometimes have those moments."

"Aah, I see.", Enna looked at the elevator, her body tensed up, "Looks like she's here."

Charlotte followed Enna's eyes, where she saw Silla in a biker outfit, black leather pants, leather jacket and a T-shirt with the letter 'Absolute' on it. Everybody avoided her, looking at Silla in fear.

Charlotte stood up, "Enna, drink."

"W-What?!", Enna's body moved on her own, taking her cup of coffee and handed it to Charlotte. Tears in her eyes as she did not want to give Charlotte her drink.

Charlotte drank it, her face squirmed at the sudden bitter taste, but she did not hate it, though she would not drink it again. Plus, seeing how Enna was about to cry gave rise to a feeling Charlotte did not feel until now. She cracked a sadistic smile.

Oh no.

Oh no.

Oh no.

Oh no.

"Oh no."

The last one came from Silla.

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