Infinity Of Dreams

Chapter 7: Chapter 3: A letter (part 3)

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The king ran towards Kaey, raising his sword into the air. Kaey used his bō to block the attack. Kikaru and David had jumped out of the way.

David didn’t have much time to react as he suddenly got hit by queen’s whip.

He closed his left eye in pain. The hit stung, but it wasn’t anything dangerous.

“Scream for me, worm.” Queen said.

As for Kikaru, he was having a stare down with his opponent. Both their katanas were raised, pointing at each other.

“Why do you fight?” Jack said.

“I want to protect the ones I respect.”

“…I see.” He charged at Kikaru with his katana raised.


Kikaru pushed his Katana against it. There was a struggle of power with Kikaru slowly losing. 

He deflected jack’s slash before it could hit him. This time Kikaru took his turn on the offense.

His slashes were basic, Jack was blocking them easily.

This clashing of swords continued.

Both of them didn’t get a hit on each other.

Kikaru felt the sweat on his forehead as he began another flurry of slashes.

Jack blocked the final slash and pushed Kikaru away.

He retaliated with a quick slash aimed at Kikaru’s head. Kikaru tried to dodge it but his right arm got cut. Kikaru put his hand on the small cut that had appeared, blood had began flowing out of it.

“…You do not fight with the intent to kill. In fact.. it seems you fight with the intent of nothing. Your slashes are almost robotic. To lose means death, you know that, right?” Jack said at Kikaru as they gained distance.

“You won’t be able to protect them like that.”

Kikaru looked at his hand which had gotten very bloody. He gripped the blood.

“I’ll prove to you…” he raised his katana again, with regained vigor.

“I will not fall.” Kikaru’s nose began bleeding.  

Jack felt goosebumps. “What is this feeling?

With a stomp Kikaru dashed at Jack. He held his katana low to the ground.

Jack retaliated with another slash aimed at Kikaru’s arm. It connected. Kikaru’s right arm was bleeding even more now. However, he didn’t stop.


Jack quickly took a step backwards and prepared to block kikaru’s attack.


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Both swords clashed against each other. Jack didn’t expect Kikaru to put so much power behind the slash.  He almost lost his footing.
“I made a promise!” Kikaru shouted at Jack as he slowly began overwhelming him with increasingly more rapid slashes.
Jack realized he was losing this battle. In an admission of defeat he closed his eyes as his sword flew out of his hand.
Shiawase style: Crossing Slash!” Kikaru shouted as he zoomed past Jack. A slash wound appeared on his chest. Jack fell to the ground unconscious.
Kikaru sheathed his sword. “However… I can’t kill you…”
He fell on the grass, all the exhaustion and pain catching up to him. Kikaru groaned as he tried to stop the blooding.  He ripped off his right sleeve to stop the bleeding.

Meanwhile, David was hastily dodging all the attacks that Queen was throwing at him. He was gaining distance from both Kikaru and Kaey. He tried to attack Queen, only to be met by another rush of whip attacks.

David jumped back to create some distance. He was trying to ignore the feeling of pain running through his entire body. He raised his two swords again in another attempt to get a hit in on Queen.

“Useless!” She shouted as she unleashed another devastating whip attack. It whiffed as David bent backwards, leaving himself open for another attack. Queen took the oppurtunity and threw out another whip attack aimed at his legs.

David fell on the ground, trying to not make any sound of pain as he knew that would give Queen a feeling of satisfaction.

“Ohohoho, it’s over!” She threw out a small knife and threw it at David. He rolled backwards and stood up in rapid succesion. A smile appeared on David. “I figured you out.” He began to taunt Queen.

“I shouldn’t have gotten hit that much, but that happens, i’m gonna defeat you now.”

This angered Queen.

“Insolent fool! A mere regular swordfighter will never be able to reach me. Die!” She unleashed another barrage of whip attacks. Increasing her speed gradually. David made a cross sign with his swords before running at Queen. He began dodging her whip until she aimed one of them at his legs. He jumped up and threw his right sword right into the ground, piercing her whip. Queen tried to pull it back to her, but it was stuck.

“There is a mistake you made!” David shouted as he rushed towards her.

“I’m not an ordinary swordsman!” He jumped in the air and did a spin.

Yūki style: Spinning slash

He slashed queen right on her chest forcing her to the ground. It wasn’t fatal, but she was in a lot of pain, almost causing her to faint. “I’m one of a kind!” David was laughing through the pain.

David was happy that he won this fight, but he knew it wasn’t over yet. He ran towards Kikaru to check if he was okay, knowing that Kaey could defend himself.

Kaey was busy blocking King’s attacks. He didn’t get the chance to attack back or create distance.
“Using a stick against me? All I have to do is keep close distance!” King shouted towards Kaey.

He lifted his sword again, clashing it hard against Kaey’s bō. Kaey gripped it firmly as to not have it fly out of his hands.

He was keeping a defensive stance, blocking or parrying all the attacks that King threw at him. This agitated King. His attacks began to get sloppier as he filled with rage on the inside.
“Goddamit, stop playing so fucking defensive!”

Kaey kept silent. He was looking for the perfect opportunity. King held his sword high as he put almost all of his power behind a single swing.

Kaey parried it to the left making King lose his footing.

Kaey got a hit in right on King’s face. King stumbled back, he wiped away blood that was dripping from his mouth.
“Urgh.. that stung, however… with blows like that, I’ll be the one to chop off your head.”
“You really don’t understand.. do you?” Kaey finally said something.
“Huh? What am I supposed to get?”
“You’re chasing something with such violence.. I’ll exile you from this place right now.” Kaey held his bō horizontally, his left hand firmly gripping near the end with his right thumb under it and his other fingers lifted straight up
King looked at Kaey’s right palm and started breathing heavily. There was a tattoo on it.
“There’s… no way…” He began to sweat in panic.
“That tattoo… the dragon of destruction?!”
Kaey’s frowned. He looked very angry.
“So you do know.” He said with fury in his voice.
King screamed as Kaey hit him on the chest with his bō. It wasn’t a heavy hit, however.
"Second Impact."

Another quick hit with more force followed afterwards. King flew back a few meters, falling unconsciously on the ground.
Kaey looked silently at his palm.  “I should regroup back…”

“Kikaru, David. Are you two okay?” Kaey shouted as he walked towards them.

He saw that Queen was still conscious but kneeling on the grass bleeding. He also noticed that Jack was laying unconsciously on the grass.
“I can safely assume you two won too, then?” He said with a tone of happiness.
“Yeah, but Kikaru got cut badly. We need to see someone quickly.” David said.
“It’s alright.. I’m not dying from something like this. We should first ask her why they’re here.” Kikaru said with a tone of anger in his voice. He put an emphasis on ‘her’.

“Y’sure?.. alright then.”
The three of them walked over to Queen. She was breathing heavily, looking at them with a lot of disgust. Before they could even say anything, she spoke with a venomous tone, as if she knew what they were going to say.

“I’m not… telling you worms… anything..”
“Oh? What makes you think tha-”
“Shut up!” She interrupted David.
“You guys… will feel… his wrath!” A small, subtle drop was heard by Kikaru.
“LOOK OUT!” He shouted as the three of them jumped backwards.

A small explosion was heard as smoke enveloped them. Queen picked up the unconscious King. “Sayonara, morons.” She shouted as she quickly dashed away with an unusual speed.

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