Inky Future

Chapter 10: Chapter 7: Octo Expansion (II) – Race Against Time

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X was quick to find the subway entrance Marina mentioned. After a little bit of investigating, he found multiple layers of shutters, all locked and barred. A single charge shot solved all of that.

He leaped through the hole and started running.

He had a general idea and coordinates of his destination - the Deepsea Metro Central Station, far below. Unfortunately, getting there was another matter. It didn’t help that preliminary scans indicated that the tunnels leading down made up an outright maze.

Still, he pressed on. He had to double-time it if he wanted to get down to the station in time.

Of course, the first indication that he was not wanted was the fact that other robots were starting to come out of the woodwork. Less sophisticated robots that were meant to wear him down through sheer numbers, but robots equipped with lethal weaponry, nonetheless. He wasted little time blasting his way through, he had little time to stop for anything.

The only exception, however, was something that his radar picked up - another Light Capsule. Why were these things in the strangest places where they really shouldn’t be?

He put that thought aside and investigated where the signal was coming from - a cavity in the wall blocked up by debris. He used his helmet to smash right on through, breaking it up and wall-jumping up the passage into a small chamber where the capsule awaited.

The room was immediately illuminated by the hologram that appeared before him. “This capsule contains the Arm Parts of your new armour. It will enhance your buster’s offensive capabilities and allow you to charge special weapons. It is a very dangerous power to possess... But I trust that you will use it for good.”

Dr. Light… You’re not just some recording, are you?” X asked. “These capsules have been in suspiciously convenient places. And all of your messages, including the one used for my own capsule, were in Inkling language. You’re an AI, aren’t you?”

The hologram smiled warmly. “You figured it out, my boy. Yes, it’s true. Before my death, I digitised my mind into an artificial intelligence, though, truth be told, I’ve only been active for a relatively short time, ever since the Octarians started excavating in the canyon. I’m not fond of the idea of having to so overtly aid you like this, but considering the circumstances…”

Well, in any case, thank you,” X said, stepping into the capsule. His arms were upgraded, completing the set, and giving him a brand new buster that was red and yellow. He stepped out, charging up, and testing the new third level charge shot, which was a powerful pink spiral blast. “This’ll do nicely.”

That should be all the parts for the armour, but please, be careful. Something sinister is very much afoot in the Metro,” Dr. Light warned. “Find them, and get them out. We’ll meet again on the way back up.”

X nodded, jumping down the shaft and wasting no time as he started dashing. He got a message from Marina - someone was blocking out their communications line to the trio in the Metro, which was a really bad sign, to put it mildly. There was simply no time to waste.

So that’s the situation,” Marie said. “It’s still a bad idea to send all of you down there at once, since X is reporting encountering robots with lethal weaponry and we don’t have respawn points active down there, but we need for you to all be here and on high alert while still getting some rest in the meantime. We don’t know when you’ll be needed, but we really should have you guys on hand just in case, because we really don’t know what might happen. Ideally, X will get everyone out safe and sound, without any problems.”

Artemis was more than a little shocked that they had gotten all of this set up so quickly - apparently Pearl was ridiculously rich and had enough strings to pull, because the six teenage agents now all of a sudden were staying the night at Tentakeel Outpost, which itself was now functionally the New Squidbeak Splatoon’s makeshift barracks. The place now had a lot more furniture, a big translucent plastic awning and barriers covering the cabin area to shield against the elements, and some bunk beds. All the agents were in their Hero Suits.

So basically we’re waiting and hoping X gets to the Metro in time to stop the Captain and the Octoling agents from getting blended,” Liam frowned. “All I can say is… Yikes.”

Chill, guys, I’m sure he’ll get there in time! Let’s forget about that for the moment, because we’re basically having a slumber party!” Pearl grinned, crashing on one of the new couches.

Pearl, aren’t you a little too old for slumber parties? Like… You’re 21, you’re the oldest of any of us,” Koji said.

Hey, just because I’m an adult doesn’t mean I ain’t a child at heart!” Pearl said.

I know things are tense, but Pearl’s right, let’s settle down and relax,” Callie said. She and Marina were making hot chocolates for everyone.

Artemis decided to step out towards the larger area of the outpost where all the kettles were, and started stretching. After absorbing something so heavy to take in, she felt she needed a little bit of time to herself.

She looked up to the skies, seeing the vibrant, twinkling sea of stars, no longer hidden by the light pollution of Inkopolis. It was something she had dearly missed ever since she left home.

Artemis? Are you okay?”

Artemis froze up in the middle of a stretch, realising it was Marina, coming over to her with a mug of hot chocolate. She stopped her stretch, accepting the mug. “Yeah, I’m okay, why?”

You look like you’re full of nervous energy,” Marina said. “Not that I blame you at all…”

Nooo, I’m totally fine! Really!” Artemis said, with the best grin she could fake. She wilted when Marina gave her a look that told her that she really was not convinced. “Is it that obvious?”

Marina brought her over to one of the unoccupied couches to sit down. “You still can’t get what’s happening out of your mind, huh?”

How can I? Three people are in danger of getting literally blended and I’m just sitting here drinking hot chocolate and shooting the breeze,” Artemis said, taking a sip. “I really wish I could do something, but I know it’s way too risky for anyone other than X right now. And I hate it so, so much. Part of me says I shouldn’t be caring so much about a few people I’ve barely even talked to over a radio, but I can’t not care!

That’s because you’re an empathetic person who values the well-being of other people,” Marina smiled, putting a hand on Artemis’ free hand. “You worry for them because you care. You saved Inkopolis because you care. I know caring is painful sometimes, but take it from someone who only a couple of years ago was literally incapable of caring because of Octavio’s brainwashing - I don’t want to go back to not being able to care ever again.”

Y-Yeah, I don’t want to stop caring, either,” Artemis blushed a little. The fact that Marina was wearing more of a casual hip-hop style outfit did not go unnoticed, and she looked really good in it. “Sorry, I’m still kinda reeling from the fact that I’m talking to you. I’m used to being around Marie and Callie is super approachable, but…”

I get it, you’re still in the ‘fan’ mindset,” Marina giggled. “I totally get it, I felt the same way when first meeting the Squid Sisters. But fans or not, it’s so nice to meet new people and make new friends. I’m glad I met all of you.”

I’ll toast to that!” Pearl grinned, crashing on the couch next to them. She also had her own casual hip-hop outfit, which was somehow even more ostentatious than her stage one. She was still cute in her own way, and Artemis did like her lively attitude. “I’m sure you’ll be thinking of us as just good friends in no time.”

Arti’s got a crush on Marina, just saying,” Hinata called out to them, sparking some laughter and snorting among the other agents.

LIES AND SLANDER!” Artemis snapped back, more flustered than angry, her face beet red. She looked down into her drink, biting her lower lip. “I… I think you two are just amazing, okay? And Marina… You’re super pretty.

Aw, thanks,” Marina smiled, blushing a little as well but seemingly taking the whole thing in stride.

Hey, no shame in finding my girl hot as shell,” Pearl grinned. “I think she’s hot, too. Chest don’t lie, and neither do her hips! Two words: Dump truck.”

PEARLIE!” Marina said, now her turn to be utterly flushed and putting her head in her hands in sheer embarrassment.

Artemis was not much better, if mostly because she was desperately trying not to think about Marina’s butt. And failing miserably. Now that she thought about it, the Octoling girls she had fought in the Canyon were kinda cute, and while she had only seen Eight on a screen, she was also super cute and had an enviable figure. Oh, geez, do I have a thing for Octoling girls?

She noticed Liam and Koji were having similar difficulties, if their flushed faces were of any indication.

Sorry, but you’re way too modest, if you’re not gonna brag about how sexy you are I might as well!” Pearl chuckled.

Marina’s only response was to put down her mug and change into octopus form, curling up in a blushing mess. Artemis giggled, putting down her mug as well and hugging her. “Come on, Marina, you’re adorable!”

Alright, leave her alone, you two, she’ll be a puddle of ink at this rate,” Karlene chuckled, shaking her head.

Artemis giggled, letting go of Marina and picking up her mug again. “Sitting under the stars like this reminds me of when Dad used to take me and Ori out camping into the wilderness around our hometown.”

Oh, you two aren’t from Inkopolis?” Pearl asked, leaning forward inquisitively.

They’re country bumpkins,” Liam said with a sorta-joking tone before speaking more casually, “their dad’s a hunter and a ranger. Their hometown is… Spirulida County, right?”

Sounds dope. Maybe we should go there on vacation or something,” Pearl said. “You guys gotta have your semester breaks at some point, right?”

Oooh, that’d be fun!” Callie grinned.

Maybe after the two of us actually go back to Calamari County together this time.” Marie said dryly. “You owe me for making me wait hours at the platform for you.”

Ah, right, you actually did that? Sorry, sorry,” Callie laughed sheepishly, scratching her chin.

Would you be alright with that, Bro? I know you like living in Inkopolis a bit more…” Artemis said.

Orion smiled softly, taking a sip of his drink, “it’s okay, Sis. Spirulida’s my home too, and I kinda miss it. Mom and Dad are gonna be surprised if we bring everyone else here with us, though.”

No kidding,” Artemis chuckled. She looked up to the stars once more, trying to keep her mind calm. Even after all of this, a part of her still worried. Come on, X, we’re counting on you…

The fact that X was now encountering ‘Sanitised’ Octarians and finding what looked like offices was a good clue that he was on the right track and getting close. He wasn’t stopping for anything right now.

Well, again, mostly. There was one thing that drew his attention - the sounds of battle coming from some kind of large cafeteria room. When he went to investigate, he was more than a little astonished.

Two Inklings were in the middle of a pitched battle against a much larger robot, comprised of a single red core eye with a larger yellow malleable body. X recognized it from the combat data he had inherited from his older brothers - the Yellow Devil, though it was hard to determine which version it was. The Inklings he recognized as Ethan and Ayane - Agents 3 & 4, using their Hero Roller and Hero Charger, respectively, and each of them had a Hero Shot as a backup weapon. He could finish this quickly, and get moving again.

X charged up his buster, and fired at the Devil, ripping through its yellow body and damaging the eye. The huge robot refocused on him as it reformed, the eye disappearing into the goop as it broke apart into dozens of blocks that flew right at him, forcing him to dash and dodge quickly.

His sensors picked up on the core in one of the blocks, and he fired another charged shot. Unfortunately, it moved in midair to avoid. “Damn, it’s not gonna let me do that so easily…”

BOOYAH!” Ethan suddenly intercepted the block, smashing it with his Roller in a horizontal swing. The block fell apart, the core sent flying right into a wall, damaging it more as it made unintelligible sounds.

As it rose back into the air, Ayane shot it down with her Charger, knocking it back into the wall. “Oh, no you don’t… You stay right there.”

X charged up another shot, getting right into point-blank range and unleashing a fully charged blast that ripped the core to shreds.

The rest of the body collapsed into inert goop, without a core to control it.

SHELL YEAH! That was AWESOME! I wasn’t sure how we were gonna end that quickly, but man…” Ethan grinned. He was darker-skinned, and had a topknot and orange eyes. “Thanks for the save, Mister…?”

X,” the robot said, turning to them, “it’s good that I found you, you two were unaccounted for. Ethan and Ayane, Agents 3 & 4? 1 & 2 sent me. Do you know the way to the Central Station?”

I freaking wish,” Ethan said. “We were wandering around in here for about a week!”

How can we really trust you?” Ayane asked, somewhat more warily, Charger raised. She had blue eyes, ‘hippie’ hair and light skin. That’s when X noticed she had a unique-looking CQ-80 on her belt. “You’re too trusting, Agent 3. For all we know he could be working for Kamabo or the Octarians-”

I can’t waste time trying to convince you,” X said, immediately heading back towards the coordinates. “Follow me if you want, but the Captain is in imminent danger!”

Well, he’s the only possible lead we have,” Ethan said, dashing after him, “come on, Agent 4!”

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You better hope you’re not messing with us, otherwise I’m gonna mess you up so bad,” Ayane grumbled, as she dashed after them as well.

Are you ready to visit the promised land? Are you [ERROR] ready to ascend to the higher plane? Are you ready to join something bigger than yourself?” The telephone asked.

With all the ‘Thangs’ collected, Eight couldn’t ignore the sinking feeling deep in her stomach. Somehow desperation to escape had made her ignore her doubts up until now, but seeing all the parts together made her realise that she couldn’t ignore them any longer - the ‘Thangs’ were parts of a blender. This wasn’t some transportation device.

She glanced to her side. Seven’s expression exposed similar doubts.

She looked back at the telephone. “Be honest… What is the ‘promised land’?”

Hang on, you gonna [ERROR] out on me? Fo’ shizzle?” The phone asked.

Not until you guarantee that blender won’t turn us into bloody paste,” Seven snapped.

Aw, dang, dawg, don’t be like that… Oh well. Not like you cats got a choice.”

Eight heard the sounds behind her too late, as she was knocked down, and pinned by someone from behind. She looked at Seven, who was also pinned down… By Quick Man, who grinned. “Sorry, kid, but orders are orders!”

Do not try to resist,” warned a familiar voice from the person pinning down Eight - Shadow Man. “I apologise, but as Quick Man says, we must follow orders.”

The telephone began assembling the blender, taking position on top of the lid as it began playing dissonantly celebratory music.

Unhand me, you robotic brutes!” Cuttlefish said, as he was dragged over by his arms, courtesy of Air Man and Snake Man. As the bottom of the blender opened up, he was tossed inside, and both Eight and Seven were thrown in as well, the door closing behind them before they could do anything.

Okay, we finally managed to bypass the-OH NO!” Marina’s voice came in over the radio.

Marina! They're gonna get smoothied! YOU GOTTA DO SOMETHING!” Pearl panicked.

The platform they were on rose up into the main body of the blender itself, and the ‘roof’ went back up, rotating around so the blades faced downwards… Towards them. “INGREDIENT ACQUISITION COMPLETE... REFORMATTING MATTER...”

Let us out of here, you stupid phone!” Cuttlefish said, banging his fists on the plastic.

This can’t be how it ends!” Seven said in a panic, also trying to break through.

I'm... trying... None of my hacks are working... I can't get in! I'm going to activate the distress signal on Eight's CQ-80. Cross your fingers!” Marina said. “Come on, please…!”

Eight closed her eyes, waiting for the end.

The sound of glass shattering above made her open her eyes again. A surge of energy ripped through the top of the blender, utterly destroying it, leaving only a damaged telephone crashing to the floor as the robots leaped back to avoid the blast and shrapnel. Two bodies slammed into the remainder of the blender, knocking it over, allowing the trio to scramble free.

Are you three alright?” Asked a figure in white & blue armour standing in front of them.

Eight looked him over. He was a robot, alright, but he looked distinct from the others she had fought. “Are you… X?”

X nodded. “It’s a good thing we got that distress signal.”

It’s a REALLY good thing you guys came through for us, X,” Marina said.

BOOYAH! Man, that was way too close...” Pearl sighed.

We made it in the nick of time!” Grinned an Inkling boy who stepped up, who Eight realised was Agent 3. “Hey, Agent 4, what does that make us?”

Not gonna dignify that with a response,” spoke an Inkling girl who Eight identified as Agent 4. “We’re not out of the woods yet, still got those four to deal with.”

Quick Man grinned, stepping towards them, “well, well, if it isn’t Mega Man! It’s been ages. I gotta say, I like the new look, better than what Quint had.”

I think you’re mistaking me for my older brother,” X said calmly. “My name is X. I am Dr. Light’s final creation. Leave. Now. I have no interest in fighting any of you, but if I must, I’ll take you all down if it means protecting my friends.”

The same sentimental tripe as always. You can’t take on four of us at once,” Air Man cackled.

You could send a hundred of you at once and it wouldn’t make a difference,” X said, stepping forward. “I won’t warn you again. Leave now, and don’t bother us again.”

You’re bluffing,” Snake Man sneered, prepared to strike.

No, it’s not a bluff,” Shadow Man said, more wary. “He has a confidence I’ve rarely seen from Mega Man.”

Let’s see how confident he is when we show off what we can really do!” Quick Man laughed, “SPEED GEAR!”

Quick Man started moving at incredible speeds, laughing maniacally as he began circling around X, trying to confuse and misdirect him, pulling out a new big boomerang as a blade, which he swung at X from the right.

X stopped the blade by just grabbing his arm. “Is that supposed to be impressive?

Quick Man’s eyes widened, as he struggled to move his arm. “H-How did you…?!”

That’s just the same tactic you used on Mega Man the first time, except faster,” X said nonchalantly as he ripped the boomerang from his fingers and tossed him right into Shadow Man, who had been trying to sneak up on him. “And my radar can detect you, Shadow Man, even when you’re not in my sights!”

Who needs speed when you’ve got power? POWER GEAR!” Air Man snapped.

POWER GEAR!” Snake Man also activated his, transforming into a giant robotic serpent. “I’ll tear you limb from limb!”

Oh, that’s cute,”Agent 4 said, suddenly pulling out a Sting Ray. “3, let’s do this.”

You got it!” Agent 3 grinned, as he immediately started flinging ink and moving in towards the giant snake.

Wait, they get their own specials?! That’s not fair!” Seven grumbled.

Eight was just looking on in awe as the two Inklings attacked. Despite an intense gale coming her way, Agent 4 just unleashed the Sting Ray, which cut through the wind and struck Air Man’s fans, sending him crashing back and doing heavy damage, putting him out of commission. And Agent 3 dodged a couple of lunges from the giant snake before he pulled out an Ultra Stamp, smashing his opponent into the ground repeatedly until the larger body broke down and exposed Snake Man, who he smashed into the ground some more until the robot was also down for the count. No wonder her former superiors had sent her and Seven to fight these two, they were truly amazing.

Quick Man… We have to retreat. We can’t win like this,” Shadow Man cautioned, as he and Quick Man stood up.

Quick Man snarled, pointing at them furiously. “You… YOU INSIGNIFICANT #@^&S! THIS IS NOT OVER!”

The pair immediately disappeared into a cloud of smoke created by Shadow Man, which quickly faded, leaving nothing in its place.

X went to do something with the two remaining robotic bodies that Eight honestly couldn’t figure out, muttering something along the lines of “these might come in handy.”

Geez, language,” Agent 4 snorted.

THAT WAS AWESOME! Artemis squealed happily. “You two really are as badass as I’ve heard!”

Agent 3, Agent 4, it’s good to see you both safe… And thank you for saving us,” Cuttlefish said. “Same goes for you, X. It’s good to meet you in person.”

No worries, Cap! We were worried about you!” Agent 3 grinned. “I guess you joined forces with those two Octolings from earlier?”

That snapped Eight out of her stupor, and she bowed politely. “I’m Agent 8. This is Agent 7. I apologise for attacking you before all of this… Even if we don’t really remember it.”

Water under the bridge, we’re all on the same side now,” Agent 4 said. “X, get the junior agents outta here. We’ll secure the area so you can come back and help get the Cap’n out as well.”

Hold on, Agent 4, that CQ-80… I think that might be an employee model,” Marina said. “Mind if I access it?”

Sure, go ahead,” Ayane shrugged.

How did you manage to regain contact, Marina?” X asked.

Had some outside help, so to speak,” Marina replied. “Let’s see here… Jackpot! I think these are blueprints to the entire Kamabo test facility! I’ve got a faster route to the surface that you guys can use, just head up through that hole up there that was just made.”

That’s great!” Eight smiled. “We can finally get up to the surface!”

Shame we only got that sword-thing for a weapon, and Eight doesn’t know how to unlock it,” Seven frowned.

I might be able to fix that,” X said, extending a hand to Eight, “may I?”

Eight nodded, handing the weapon to him. X examined it for a bit, and then smiled. “Oh, I see what it is. You gotta hold down the button and then spin it clockwise a couple of times, like this, see?”

After demonstrating to her, the ‘blade’ popped out, and he handed it to her. Eight performed a few experimental swings. “It… It actually works! Thank you, X! I almost lost hope, there. But I won’t let go of it again!”

By the way, got this for ya, Seven, I don’t need it,” Agent 3 said, tossing an Octo Shot can to Seven. “Found this on the way here. I don’t need it nearly as much as you do.”

Yeah, this’ll do,” Seven said, pulling out the weapon. “Thanks a bunch.”

Alright, you two, let’s go,” X said, launching himself up to the hole. Seven followed suit with a super-jump.

Eight took a deep breath, and followed. She suspected the climb up to the surface wasn’t going to be as easy as she hoped, but it didn’t matter. She could use her blade, and she had hope again. That’s all that mattered.

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