Inky Future

Chapter 6: Chapter 4: The Moon

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Artemis stretched as classes finally ended for the day, heading out into the afternoon sun. Going straight back to her studies after saving Inkopolis sucked, but she was still riding on a high after that and she didn’t want it to stop anytime soon, so she was trying to not let school get to her.

Walking with her were all five other agents. All of them were in their school uniforms - the unspoken plan was, as usual, to head back to their dorms and switch to their fresher gear.

As they approached the school gates, Orion pointed to someone waiting just outside. “Hey, isn’t that…?”

Artemis blinked, taking a look. Standing there, smiling and waving to them, was an unmistakable face with black hair, but this time, instead of armour he was wearing a Takoroka Nylon Vintage jacket, a nice pair of black pants and Black Seahorses on his feet.

Oh, dope! Hey, X!” Artemis grinned, dashing ahead. “I wasn’t ex-ASRRRRHHHHFFFFOPFSMFMDMFKSSS-”

That sound was due to her tripping and tumbling several times over until she stopped face-first on the ground, eliciting winces from everyone around her. “Ow.”

Are you alright?!” X asked, helping her back to her feet, with a look of concern.

I’m good, I’m good, I’m pretty tough!” Artemis said, forcing a grin through the pain, “still hurts, though.”

You’re way too reckless, Arti,” Karlene said dryly as the group caught up with her. “Looking pretty fresh, X.”

I wasn’t gonna care much about clothes, but Marie told me that if I was gonna walk around in Inkopolis I should at least get some more normal clothes. She then dragged me to a few shops,” X chuckled. “I need to pay her back someday.”

Well, the plan was to get changed and then do some good ol’ fashioned Turf War,” Liam grinned, punching his palm. “Wanna come with? Both our teams could use a fourth player.”

I can watch, sure, but I don’t think I’d be able to compete. I don’t exactly have an unlimited ink supply… And also my weapons would not be legal by any standard,” X said with a shake of his head.

You sure you’re okay just walking around looking like, well… That? Even without the armour, you don’t look like an Inkling at all,” Orion said, as the group began to head for the dorms.

I’m sure. As I said to Marie, I’m not going to hide who I am,” X nodded. “I’m the only robot in this whole world active as far as I know, and the closest thing to a live human anyone has seen in thousands of years, but I want to put my best foot forward.”

Not wanting to hide anything, huh…? Artemis glanced around, seeing other students gossiping about the strange person, but they didn’t seem to be wary, just curious. Wish I could do that

Well, nobody seems to think you’re super out of place or anything,” Koji said. “Inkopolis is populated by all sorts of species.”

Well, nobody flying into a panic is a good start,” X said. “Though if word really gets out about an actual robot hanging around the place…”

Aw, you’re worrying too much! You’re like, a super nice guy, there’s no way anyone can dislike you!” Hinata said.

Says the Pollyanna,” Liam said dryly. “I’m still kinda bummed out we can’t tell anyone about… You know.”

That’s what we agreed to when we signed on, Liam,” Karlene said. “At least some of us are mindful about operational security, unlike some people.

Artemis winced when she realised that Karlene was looking at her. “Okay, I slipped up that one time, but at least it meant you two signed on, right?”

You should’ve talked to us about it when you first signed on,” Karlene said. “Don’t get me wrong, you were doing the right thing overall, but just you and Orion doing something so dangerous was a bad idea. We should’ve set up respawn points powered by Zapfish so we had backups in case something went wrong. Does the NSBS not have proper government backing or something?”

Honestly, I never thought to ask,” Artemis admitted. “It did feel like something of a limited-budget effort, though…”

Maybe Marie and Callie can fund some stuff, they’re rich… Right?” Orion asked in a hushed tone. “Their solo careers have taken off like crazy…”

Even Artemis knew it was a bad idea to expose the fact that they knew the Squid Sisters personally. Though, at this point, Marie felt more like a big sister to her more than a celebrity. And Callie seemed super nice too… Well, now that she wasn’t brainwashed, that is.

Probably?” Koji winced, “they don’t seem to be living the super high life… Maybe they’re just frugal?”

Callie does not seem like the type to save up all of her cash, though,” Karlene said. “Marie, though, I can totally see it.”

Or she can’t be bothered to go on a spending spree,” X chuckled, “first night I stayed in their apartment, she was grumbling about wanting to just make instant noodles but she felt it’d be rude with a guest present.”

Yeah, that sounds like her, alright,” Orion laughed nervously. “Don’t call her ‘lazy’ to her face, though.”

Artemis winced. Marie could be scary when she was mad.

As they came up on the dorms, X stopped. “The Turf War lobby is at the Square, right? I’ll go and wait over there.”

Right, sounds good. We’ll be there and lookin’ fresh as fresh can be!” Artemis grinned.

Artemis walked with the rest of the group towards Inkopolis Square, adjusting her fingerless gloves. She had picked her Red V-Neck Limited Tee, Squidlife Headphones and Black & Blue Squidkid V shoes.

Orion was walking beside her, wearing his White Arrowbands glasses, a Zekko Hoodie and a pair of Sesame Salt 270s.

I’m not used to what Inklings consider ‘fresh’, but I think you guys look nice,” X remarked, leaning against a pole right outside the lobby entrance. “You sure you’re fine with missing a team member each?”

Eh, it’s a minor inconvenience, a lot of folks don’t have a team and just join teams on the fly each day,” Liam shrugged. “Just harder for team coordination, really.”

We’ll make it work,” Karlene agreed, “I can handle a random or two. Not sure about Liam, though, his leadership skills need work.”

HEY! Say that to my face!” Liam snapped.

There’s a limited number of arenas available at any given time,” Artemis explained, “have you seen the ‘stage announcements’ on Inkopolis News? That’s where each rotation is announced. Anyhow, we should get inside and get ready.”

Just remember to have fun, it’s just a game,” X chuckled.

R-Right! You’re right, it’s just we haven’t gotten back into Turf War properly since… Well… Nevermind, I’m sure we’ll be fine,” Orion said.

"No need to take it that seriously, it’s just a game in the end,” X said. “Go get ‘em.”

You got it!” Artemis grinned, as the kids went to sign on for the day’s matches.

Artemis sighed as she sat on the edge of a balcony overlooking the square. She felt good. Exhausted, but still good. Apparently saving Inkopolis was good practice, because she actually went up a rank.

Not gonna hang out with your friends?” X asked, coming up behind her and sitting down.

Artemis could see the others down at a table in the square, talking together. “I just wanted a moment to myself, that’s all.”

Nothing wrong with that, I suppose,” X said. “Artemis… The name of the ancient Greek goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, wild animals, the moon, among other things, back when humans were still around. I’m surprised that name still survived to this day.”

Huh… I didn’t know that’s where my name comes from. Mom and Dad said it was associated with a skilled huntress, but I guess the ‘goddess’ part was forgotten,” Artemis blinked. “Was ‘Orion’ also a god?”

Nah, he was a human who was once Artemis’ hunting companion,” X said. “I guess Dr. Light left a lot of information in my head, just in case, which is why I know these things. Why the names of hunters, though?”

Ah, that,” Artemis said, rubbing her arm. “Um…”

You don’t have to tell me if you don’t me prying,” X said, with a soft smile. “I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.”

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No, it’s okay,” Artemis said. After everything that had happened, if there was anyone she could open up to, it was him. There was no way X would judge her… Right? “My bro and I used to live in the countryside, you see. Dad’s a ranger and a hunter, and part of his job is handling certain kinds of wildlife. While humans didn’t survive the mass extinction event, a variety of other land-dwelling species managed to tough it out, mostly birds, small mammals like mice or rats, and certain types of reptiles and water-dwelling mammals. And… Not all marine life on land is… Civilised.”

Like the Salmonids,” X frowned.

Oh, the Salmonids are a problem, sure, but there are some big ugly beasties you can find here and there out in the wild,” Artemis winced. “Before I became an agent, I wasn’t so used to risking my life in combat. But I’m more used to the sight of blood than most other Inklings. And… I’ve killed more than a few animals, too. I used to take more pride in that than I really should’ve.”

Well, I guess your father wanted you and Orion to follow in his footsteps?” X asked.

Artemis nodded. “Orion wasn’t quite so keen on it, even if he got Dad’s hunting instincts. As for me, I loved going out with Dad on hunts. It’s just that while I’d like to say I’m good at it, well, I’m not the smartest tool in the shed. It’s part of why I’m going to school here in Inkopolis. Dad wants me to shape up and get smarter, see the world beyond our backyard.”

Your dad’s a smart guy,” X nodded. “Was it hard, moving here?”

At first, yeah. Then I started making friends,” Artemis said, smiling as she thought wistfully back to those early days. But then came the next part, and she frowned. “But I’m not doing so hot with my studies. I like to go with the flow, you know? I don’t like getting tied down, I’d rather be flexible. Which is a both a blessing and a curse.”

Meaning you can be somewhat unfocused sometimes?”

Yeah. Thank cod I have Karlene and Hinata to help me study, otherwise I’d be doing a lot worse,” Artemis sighed. “Part of why I love Turf War matches and got into saving Inkopolis is because I love the thrill of the hunt. Except it turned out ‘hunting’ other people is a way different experience than hunting wild animals, especially when they’re more than able to fight back. I think that might be the other reason Dad sent me to Inkopolis.”

I’m not sure why you’re so uncomfortable with telling other people about this,” X blinked.

X, how would you feel if you got sent to some city school not because you wanted to go but because your parents thought you were a failure and wanted you to shape up?” Artemis said flatly.

You really think that’s what they think of you?”

At the time… It sure felt like it. Part of me knows they just want the best for me and stuff, but… Uuuuuggggggggghhhhh,” Artemis leaned forward, resting her head on her hands. “I know, it’s stupid, but I just can’t help but feel I let them down. And that I’m still letting them down by not living up to their expectations.

I sympathise, even if I can’t exactly relate. Apparently I had brothers and sisters as well,” X said, looking out towards the square. “Sheldon found recordings in Dr. Light’s lab. A ‘time capsule’, if you will. Various robots coming in to visit Dr. Light in his dying days, hoping they’d still be around when I wake up. So hopeful for the future. Yeah, so much for that.

Turns out a lot can happen in just thirty years, huh? Sorry to hear that, X,” Artemis said, now feeling a little guilty. At least she had a family who was alive and she had fond memories of. X didn’t even have that.

You don’t have to feel guilty just because you have a better family situation than I do,” X shook his head. “How much do your friends know?”

Bits and pieces, just not the worst bits,” Artemis said. “Either I change the subject or use half-truths to make myself seem better than I am.”

Well, if they really are your friends, they’ll understand,” X smiled. “It’s okay, Artemis.”

Artemis looked over at her friends, and ultimately swallowed her pride. “Yeah. I guess you’re right. The sooner I get it off my chest, the better. Thanks, X.”

She went back down to the square, walking over to the table where the rest of the group was talking. “Um, hey, Karlene, Hinata? I guess I haven’t been as open as I should’ve been about myself.”

Orion just sat silently as he watched his sister open up to her teammates about a past she had been too scared to really tell them before. When X came to sit down, it was obvious to Orion who talked her into it.

Well, I guess that explains why you beg us to help with your studies so often,” Karlene said. “Arti, I get it, don’t beat yourself up about that.”

It doesn’t help that I can’t even tell Dad I helped save Inkopolis,” Artemis sighed.

Maybe you should talk to Marie about that,” Hinata said. “But it’s not too late to get your act together, you got us to give you a good kick in the rear when you need it!”

Not what I’d say, but she ain’t wrong,” Karlene said. “We’re with you, Arti. Just don’t be afraid to ask for help. Everyone’s got their issues.”

Thanks, guys,” Artemis smiled softly.

Ori’s a bit more open about that sort of thing to us,” Koji said, turning to Orion, “you said you’re not so keen on hunting, right?”

I mean, I’m not bad at it, and it’s not like I don’t enjoy it on some level? It’s just that I’d rather do other things with my life,” Orion sighed. Coming to Inkopolis for the first time was like a dream come true for him.

What do you want to do with your life, then, Orion?” X asked. “Or are you still figuring things out?”

I mean, I’m leaning towards tech research, but yeah, pretty much the latter,” Orion nodded. “That being said, I’m not a super people person like Sis.”

He could barely speak a word at a time when he first started living in our dorm,” Liam said. “Koji and I gave him some space and let him get used to having us around.”

Orion remembered those days. He was used to the pair now, but originally something about them got him too worked up and anxious to really engage in conversation. Somehow, he had felt more comfortable around his sister’s dorm-mates than his own. Not because he didn’t like Liam or Koji, but… Well, he still wasn’t sure why.

Liam seemed to notice his unease about this topic, and he switched topics, addressing X. “Speaking of living situations… You’re living with the Squid Sisters.

And?” X tilted his head to the side, confused. “Yes, I know they’re celebrities, but you make it sound like a way bigger deal than it really is. I’ve just got nowhere else to go right now.”

Don’t bother getting worked up about it, Liam, he knows them better as normal people than celebrities,” Artemis chuckled.

I’m not getting worked up about it!” Liam snapped back, in his usual way.

Then why are you saltier than the sea about it?” Koji smirked, “I think you’re missing the forest for the trees, we know the Squid Sisters personally. We celebrated our victory with them last night, after, you know, saving Callie. And they’re our superiors, it’s not like we won’t hang with them again. Seriously, dude, count the blessings you already have, a lot of Inklings would do almost anything to be in our position.”

Orion just chuckled to himself. That was the dynamic Liam and Koji had - Liam was headstrong and a capable leader, but could get grouchy and had a habit of suffering from tunnel vision, so to speak. Koji, on the other hand, was the second in command who was way better at keeping the bigger picture in his sights and often helped Liam calm down and refocus.

Yeah, you’re right. Could’ve at least given us tickets to their next concert or something as thanks for risking our lives,” Liam grumped.

They haven’t done a concert together in a while, so we’d have to wait on that,” Karlene said. “I’m personally more curious about what happened to the Captain and Agents 3 & 4.”

Marie said she hasn’t been able to get into contact with them,” X said.

Haven’t heard a peep from them the whole time Ori and I were agents,” Artemis nodded, “it’s been over a week.”

Orion couldn’t help but feel worried about that. “That’s pretty concerning, hope something hasn’t happened to them.”

And we can’t go looking for them, either, we don’t even know where we’d even start,” Koji crossed his arms.

Aren’t Ethan and Ayane like, a year or two older than us? Why aren’t they going to school?” Artemis grumbled.

Gonna have to ask Marie about that, or the Captain when he comes back,” Karlene said, but then her phone vibrated. She checked it. “Grizzco just put out a notice for a sudden double-paying shift, but it’s gonna be a rough one, apparently. Up to eight people in a crew.”

Yikes, must be really rough if he’s asking for crews of eight,” Orion winced. He’d been on Salmon Runs before, and they could be scary.

We’ve only got six people, though,” Artemis frowned.

You’re forgetting me,” X said. “I’ve wanted to see what Grizzco’s deal is, might as well get some on the ground experience.”

I mean, if Mr. Grizz will let you use your buster, then we ain’t got anything to worry about,” Koji said, standing up. “Alright, we’ll go to the Grizzco office, you get armoured up. We’ve got a Salmon Run to do.”

As everyone got up and X teleported out, Orion gulped. He had heard stories about these sorts of sudden shifts. He just hoped this wouldn’t become one of them.

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