Inkya no Boku ni Batsu Game ni Kokuhaku Shitekita Hazu no Gyaru ga, Doumitemo Boku ni Betahore Desu

Chapter 10: 5

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What are the chances of meeting the other person’s family on the first date?

It would probably be lower than getting a character I wanted in a social network game. I was thinking about this as I looked at the man in front of me.

Nanami-san referred to this man in front of us as her father. He’s a large, muscular man, who, with all due respect, bears no resemblance to Nanami-san.

He’s a head… no, maybe two heads bigger than me. Still, he looks much bigger than Shibetsu-senpai, even though he should be shorter than him. At a quick glance, I got the impression that he was a pro-wrestler.

[Nanami… I’m going to ask you one more time. Who is that boy over there?]

Despite his terrifying smile, which seemed almost menacing, his tone was very gentle. Moreover, he was quite good-looking.

Maybe he just has a scary face.

[That… He’s… my… boyfriend…]

Nanami-san muttered in a thin voice, as if contemplating. The father’s reaction to this seemed calmer than I expected, although he did look surprised for a moment.

I thought he was going to get riled up, but the father looked like he was thinking for a bit, then his smile disappeared and he let out a quiet voice. He looks less scary when not smiling.

[I see, a boyfriend. It’s late. I don’t want to stand around talking… so let’s talk about the rest at home]

I’m sure the rest will be a family story. There’s nothing much I can say.

[…I’m sorry I kept your daughter here so late. I’m the one who held her back, so please… don’t get too mad at her]

I can’t do anything, but I’ll at least apologize for what I did. I hope Nanami-san won’t be offended in the slightest.

Behind me, Nanami-san shouted [No, I was the one!] but I shook my head and stopped her. This was caused by my carelessness and my desire to be with Nanami-san.

For parents, it’s understandable that they would feel uneasy about their daughter being late at night with a stranger.  The parents would surely know about Nanami-san’s situation.

She squeezed my clothes from behind. I smiled back at her. I wanted to tell her not to worry, but I wonder if she got the message?

That was the end of my role. As I was about to leave, I bowed to the father, when he said something I didn’t expect.

[It’s late. I’ll drive you home. So I’d like to talk to your boyfriend… at home, if you don’t mind]

…It was an invitation to go to her house, which I didn’t expect. And it was from her father no less. I got an invitation to their house from her dad before she did…. 

Eh? Why? Isn’t this a family story from here on out?

Frankly, I’m not prepared for this and would like to refrain, but Nanami-san behind me muttered my name in a small voice.

It’s a small, thin, weak… anxiety-filled tone.

Alright, I made up my mind.

[I understand. I’ll take your word for it. Ah… I’m sorry, my name is Misumai Youshin, and I’m dating Nanami-san.]

I can’t go home after hearing Nanami-san’s voice. I’m her boyfriend, after all. The boyfriend is the one who protects the girlfriend. Well, it’s her family, so I don’t know if any protecting is needed.

[I am Nanami’s father… Barato Genichiro. Nice to meet you, Mitsumai-kun]

Genichiro-san held out his left hand and asked me to shake his hand. …Did I mention that a left hand handshake means hostility? If that’s actually the case, it means I’ve not been accepted yet.

Well, it can’t be helped if you’re dealing with a boy who’s been taking your daughter around at this time of night. I responded to his handshake.

[Well then, let’s go inside. We’ll catch a cold in the cold weather.]

We followed Genichiro-san as he urged us. The short walk to the house… Nanami-san was trembling, as if she was worried about something, so I held her hand.

I was a little hesitant to hold hands in front of her father, but it would be fine while Nanami-san is behind me. He shouldn’t be able to see her behind my back.

Nanami-san looks at me in surprise and I tell her in a whisper and smile to reassure her.

[Don’t worry, I’m here with you]

At those words, her trembling stopped and she smiled reassuringly. Yes, that’s the kind of smile I love. …Though I don’t have the guts to tell that directly.

But my shallow thoughts were seen through by the adults, and unexpected words came from his mouth.

[…I can’t believe Nanami is holding hands with a boy]

Genichiro-san was holding his eyes and shaking his head from side to side. Does he have eyes on his head? Though, instead of being angry, his voice sounded like he was deeply moved.

I was sure he would be offended that I held hands with her, but what does that mean? Then we entered her house.

There was… one woman, and one girl at the door.

[Ara ara, welcome. Fufufu, I can’t believe Nanami brought in a boy~♪]

[That’s big sis’s boyfriend? I don’t know, he doesn’t seem too flashy… But, well, it’s not too bad? He doesn’t look like Rambo…. And wouldn’t he be a good fit for big sis?] (TN: Rambo here is implying that he doesn’t look like a rough/harsh person)

The woman with narrow eyes and a soft smile… who looks just like Nanami-san is probably her mother. Is this what Nanami-san looks like as an adult?

Next to her is a girl of middle school age with her hands on her hips… Is it her little sister? She’s also similar to Nanami-san, but her eyes are a little more upturned. But she looked at her sister with a smile as if looking at something shiny(?)

[Why are you both…?]

Nanami-san gives them a puzzled look as she stands at the entrance, but they look at each other as if Nanami-san is incomprehensible and sighed heavily.

And that gesture was like two peas in a pod. 

[Big sis, are you seriously saying that? You hardly use any makeup when you go out with Hatsumi-san or Ayumi-san, yet you’re preparing that much…]

[Well, and before I knew it, there was one more bento box, and although it was a secret, you were strangely happy about it… it’s impossible not to notice]

Her sister shook her head from side to side, and her mother put her hand on her cheek and tilted her head. Nanami-san, you were trying to hide it, but it looked pretty obvious…?

Nanami-san hides behind me, her face a bright red, but I can’t hold her hand in front of her family, and I can’t help but feel nervous.

The two of them looked at us smiling. 

[It’s the front door, so let’s leave it at that. Let’s all talk in the living room. Mom, get the tea ready]

It was Genichiro-san who helped us out. A little bewildered by the unexpected help, we were led straight to the living room.

The younger sister waved her hand in the air and simply said [Good luck, sis!] and went back to her room.

It could be that she only wanted to catch a glimpse of her sister’s boyfriend, and after completing that, she wasn’t interested. In my opinion, I appreciate her choice not to get involved any trouble.

We were ushered into the living room and sat down facing each other. Nanami-san and I sit next to each other, and Genichiro-san and his wife next to each other.

What I see in front of me is Genichiro-san, but he was looking at Nanami-san.

[Nanami, I have a little something to be mad about. Do you know what that is?]

His face is stern, but his voice is gentle… he has a big gap, but he is still angry. Nanami-san speaks her own thoughts anxiously.

[Because… I… didn’t say anything… about my boyfriend?]

[No, that’s not it. Well, as a father, I can’t help but feel very happy about it. Even more so when I consider Nanami’s circumstances]

He smiled as if to congratulate her, even as he denied Nanami’s words. My feelings lightened slightly in response to being told that he was pleased.

If so, what are they mad about? It seems that Nanami-san thought the same thing, tilting her head.

[Then… what?]

[That is, because you lied to us, Nanami]


With just one word, I could feel Nanami-san’s agitation. And I was as nervous as she was. Because those words are also hitting me.

Of course, the lie that Genichiro-san told and the lie that we think about are 2 different things. But the fact of the matter is, Nanami-san and I are upset. It was different from what Genichiro-san thought, but he nods his head as if convinced and sighs one more time.

No one knows the real reason why he’s upset. No, maybe I’m the only one here who knows why.

So Genichiro-san goes on to explain what he thinks is a lie.

[Everyone has something they’re embarrassed of. So I don’t generally deny the means of deception. But, Nanami lied…. And was at her boyfriend’s house, right?]


My eyes met Nanami-san’s, who glanced at me sideways.

Incidentally, Otofuke-san was also contacted while she was at home, and due to that, found out about Nanami-san’s whereabouts.

It’s a development that often happens in manga and the like, but if they find out in the first place, there’s nothing to talk about. As a result, it just makes the parents worry.

I took Nanami-san’s words for it, it was my fault.

[I’ll tolerate a lie as long as it’s just a date, but if you’re going to a man’s house… at night, especially your boyfriend’s house, I wish you could tell us that. Were his parents home?]

[…They weren’t there… so… I wanted to make Youshin dinner… after that…]

At the mention of that word, Genichiro-san’s temples twitched a little. Nanami-san’s words must’ve struck a chord in his heart. But he remained calm.

I can see that he feels irritated inside. However, he never lost his tone of voice. I think this is an admirable attitude for an adult.

[You went to your boyfriend’s house when his parents were away. I see, that must’ve been hard to say, for sure. But I wish you could’ve been honest with us… Did you think we would object?]

At Genichiro-san’s words, Nanami-san slightly nodded her head. I’m also equally guilty, because I thought they would object, so I didn’t stop Nanami-san from lying.

It could be said that I made her lie to her parents.

It’s not even funny that we, who are connected through a relationship of lies, would pile even more lies on top of that. Nanami-san, who thinks I didn’t know, also piled on the guilt with the words of her father.

It may be counterproductive, but I tried to cover for her… then Genichiro-san looked down and then looked at me.

[Well, yes, I won’t deny that I might disagree. Still, as a parent, I wanted you to be honest with me, and this may be my parental ego. But…]

Genichiro-san looks me straight in the eye. I did the same without looking away. They don’t look alike at all, but in this way, it was just like Nanami-san’s.

It was here that I realized that they are, indeed, father and daughter.

[Nanami is the one who makes bento with such joy every day. Besides, seeing that you took the trouble of sending her home at this hour, I guess you are as nice of a young man as I imagined you to be]

My cheeks were hot from the sudden compliment. I thought it would be rude to look away, so I waited for his next words.

[If Nanami had told me you were the one she’s with on a regular basis, then… I wouldn’t object if she went out to cook dinner for you.]

He was nonchalant, but with a smile on his face, he evaluated me. His smile scared me a little, but his words made me feel relieved.

But that turned out to be momentary… 

[Well… I don’t know what I would’ve done with you if this had turned out to be an overnight stay…!]

The moment Genichiro-san finished saying that sentence, my whole body started shaking. His gentle voice remained the same, but for some reason, my body was moving regardless of my intention.

[Dear, please calm down…]

[Ahhh wife, sorry. I’m just a little distraught by the thought of it. I shouldn’t have done that]

For a moment, really only a moment, something different from anger dwelled in Genichiro-san’s eyes and it hit me hard. However, it made my body tremble regardless of what his intentions were.

…Is this… what they call murderous intent? A chill runs down my spine, an emotion I’ve never received in my life before.

If that’s really the case, it feels really cold and chilly. If someone like him would attack me, I’d be at their mercy.

One of my hobbies is muscle training, but it’s only at a hobby level. This person has a different level of muscle than I do.

I’ve heard that big muscles are not muscles for fighting, but that doesn’t matter, simple force would defeat me.

Genichiro-san is calm now, and my trembling from earlier almost seemed like a lie.

[Nanami, who was never good with boys, started dating… I know it may have been hard to say, but I couldn’t be happier. I wish you had told me. Well, I understand how it feels… to be embarrassed to report it to your parents]

I guess it’s natural for parents to feel that way. I was about to understand when Nanami-san, who had been silent next to me… suddenly raised her voice.

[Because… that’s what dad said!!]

That was the first time today Nanami-san raised her voice. No, not just today. I was surprised by her distraught appearance, which I’ve never seen before.

She always smiles, makes fun of me, and occasionally self-destructs. It was the first time I’ve seen such a lovely girl so distraught. Her sad face made my heart ache, too.

I wonder if this is the first time Genichiro-san has also seen Nanami-san in such a state… he was surprised at first, but he stayed silent and trying to listen to the rest of her words.

[I couldn’t… tell that I was dating Youshin because… my dad said some weird stuff]

[Nanami, calm down. I’m sorry, I don’t recall mentioning anything in particular about Nanami’s male-female relationships…? Can you tell me what you’re referring to?]

Genichiro-san has a puzzled look on his face, and Nanami’s mother is calmly watching him…Her gaze also swam a bit too. This may be the first time her parents saw Nanami-san like this.

Apparently, the reason why Nanami-san hasn’t told her parents that she’s dating me is because of her family situation. For me, that was a surprise.

I assumed that the reason she didn’t confess to her parents was that this was a punishment confession. But, Nanami-san said that the reason lies with Genichiro-san.

In a family with good parents like this…. What in the world could it be?

But my doubts were instantly answered by Nanami-san’s next shout. She stood up and shouted at Genichiro-san.

[You told me that when you were drunk… that my boyfriend had to be stronger than you for you to accept..!! There’s no way Youshin could beat you, that’s why I didn’t tell you!!]

….Eh? I have to win against this person to be allowed in a relationship with Nanami-san?

I was impressed that such an anime-like story really existed, but at the same time, I despaired when I imagined the situation I would be in if I were to fight him. I thought to myself earlier, there’s no way I can win.

…Surely then you wouldn’t tell anyone that you’re dating someone. There’s no way you could. It’d be harder than if it was just a punishment confession.

I glanced at Genichiro-san’s figure again. No matter how I looked at it, I didn’t stand a chance. I’ve never been in a fight before, let alone beat anyone, there’s no way I could do anything about that.

It’s a punishment relationship, to begin with. What’s the point of me going that far? I did it because Baron-san told me I should make her fall in love with me, but this is unexpected.

Normally I would give up here and end the relationship. I have the right reasons, there’s nothing wrong with that. Yes, normally.

But I remember what I had done until today.

We held hands, ate lunch together, saw each other differently from at school, watched a movie together, talked in a coffee shop, and cooked dinner together.

Even though it’s only been a week, I have a lot of memories built up.

That’s why, for Nanami-san’s sake… I feel like I could do my best. If I could challenge him as many times as I want, I would keep going until I won. And I will be recognized.

In my heart, I made up my will.

From Nanami-san’s shout, silence loomed over the place. Nanami-san was having a bated breath, probably from the effect of standing up and screaming. And there were tears in her eyes.

The moment I saw that, I immediately got up… and found myself hugging her. I was comforting her, forgetting that I was in front of her parents.

I was surprised at my own actions.

[It’s okay Nanami-san, if that’s the case… I’ll challenge your father as many times I have to. I told you, didn’t I? I’m not going to let you go?]

[Youshin…. Uuuu… yeah…. thanks…]

As I was comforting Nanami-san who’s in tears…. Her mother looked at me in interest, saying 


Ah…  I forgot I was in front of her parents. I was impatient and looked at Genichiro-san, but he had his arms crossed and was tilting his head. He didn’t even look at me. What? Why is he tilting his head? 

[Na-Nanami… I’m sorry… I’m really sorry…]

I had a slight bad premonition about that somewhat stuttering comment.

It’s a very bad premonition, as if Nanami-san’s premise were to be overturned. And such premonitions often come true.

Perhaps wondering about Genichiro-san’s reaction, Nanami-san, who sat down, also tilted her head. Ironically, both of them looked very much alike in their tilted head posture.

Then Genichiro-san opened his mouth… with an apologetic look on his face.

[Did… I say that? I don’t remember that at all…]

That comment from Genichiro-san… Nanami-san, me and Nanami’s mother were all stunned. Nanami-san was especially stunned.

It was the most stunned face I’ve ever seen. I was thinking at the time it’s so amazing that it was still cute. Mostly me though.

That’s because it became clear that the father didn’t remember what he had been worried about. He also makes a face like this. I wonder how much they’re feeling in their hearts.



Just as Nanami-san, who had been stunned, came back to her senses and was about to rage with an angered look on her face, the mother next to him opened her mouth. With a terribly cold tone in her voice, her gaze turned to him… to her own husband.

The soft, cheerful smile that was on her face just a few moments ago hasn’t changed. However, the depths of her eyes weren’t smiling at all. It was so frightening that it sent a chill down my spine.

[What do you mean… you forgot such an important thing? I’ve never heard of such a thing. Because of that, Nanami didn’t say anything about it, right?]

[W-w-w-w-wait a minute, wife! Nanami, did I really say that!? I really, really don’t remember!!]

Probably on purpose. Panicked by the mother’s threatening voice, Genichiro-san asks Nanami-san for help, and Nanami-san responded his call with a cold gaze.

[When I was in junior high school, Oto-Ani and dad were drinking as they discussed it…]


Oto-Ani? Who’s that? As I tilted my head at the mention of someone new, Nanami-san gently whispered [Hatsumi’s boyfriend… her brother-in-law] to me.

I glanced at her and saw that Nanami-san’s tears were gone. In contrast, Genichiro-san was cluelessly tilting his head, trying to desperately remember the time mentioned…

The mother is smiling with a cold stare, Nanami-san is keeping a straight face with a cold glare, and Genichiro-san is holding his head with his hands under such pressure.

What the hell is going on? What am I supposed to do?

While I was also worrying about things differently from the family meeting getting out of track, a change came over Genichiro-san, who held his head.


He looked up, his eyes widened, and cold sweat was gushing out his cheeks in what could be best described in a “blubbering” manner. Apparently, he remembered when he said it.

[Maybe… Maybe I did… Say that…]

[See!! I knew you’d say that!!]

[No, Nanami! That was just a conversation with Soichiro-kun!! It was just to cheer up Soichiro-kun!!]

[Cheer up Oto-Ani…?]

The conversation proceeds without me, focuses on Genichiro-san, who remembered. But I was relieved that Genichiro-san wasn’t serious enough to think I had to defeat him for Nanami-san.

No, I seriously thought I might have to go to a martial arts dojo or something. It looks like I won’t have to do that.

After that, Genichiro-san’s explanation continued. At first, he slurred, but as he spoke, his memories became clearer and his words became less stagnant.

[Back then he was fed up and worried about all the men who were courting his sister. So I told him that I would only accept a man who can defeat me…]

[Hatsumi was very popular in junior high school, but did he ever say that?]

[Ahh. Well… To think that the little sister, moved by Soichiro-kun’s words, would end up dating her step-brother with marriage in mind upon becoming a high schooler… Way too unexpected…]

Didn’t you push their backs…?

No, I don’t think that’s a bad thing, but Otofuke-san and the others really are manga-like characters. The characters are too much. They’re a couple of step-siblings

Frowning at the truth, Nanami-san puts her fingers to her temples, as if trying to endure a headache. Then she looked at Genichiro-san with a sideways glance, looking a little taken aback.

[Then, even if I’m dating Youshin… He doesn’t have to fight dad?]

[Yes, I swear by my trained muscles, and my wife, whom I love so much. I don’t train to fight anyone in the first place]

He showed his own power and his relationship with his wife. The mother looks happy with her adorable cheeks.

That smile on her was a world different from the icy smile she had earlier. Even Genichiro-san’s smile had less fear in it.

Perhaps it wasn’t meant to be a threat until a moment ago. Nanami-san was relieved and patted her chest. But I had another question.

[Um… Uh… Nanami-san’s father is…]

[Is this the standard “you don’t deserve to call me your father-in-law” scene? No, don’t be formal and call me by my name, Misumai-kun]

[I see. Well, I’ll take your word for it. Genichiro-san, you’re very well trained, but are you perhaps a fighter?]

[No, I’m just a regular businessman, you know?]

My prediction was wrong. I thought there would be no ordinary businessman with those muscles, and I thought he was a fighter like Oto-ani…

[Then why do you work out so much? I do some muscle training as a hobby as well, but I don’t usually go that far…]

[Ah, when I saw Youshin’s, his muscles looked like they were packed. Dad’s just way too over the top…]

The moment Nanami-san said that, I felt the temperature in the room drop.

I don’t have to tell you that… the cause of this is the murderous intent from Genichiro-san. It’s also more powerful than before. It makes my body tremble, not slightly, but much more than before.

[Misumai-kun… you… don’t tell me you showed my daughter your naked upper body? Under what circumstances? …No way… it couldn’t be… It’s not like that is it? Right? Can I trust you?]

He was upset, frustrated, or at any rate, his imagination has gone into a completely wrong direction. I felt a sense of urgency that was contagious, even though I had nothing to be guilty of.

[T-t-t-that’s not it! I was sleeping in the infirmary when my clothes got wet, and when the teacher took off my clothes, she happened to see me!!]

[That’s right!! Youshin saved me! Don’t imagine anything strange! We haven’t even kissed yet!!]

Well… I did give you an indirect kiss…. Isn’t that right, Nanami-san? Why are you blushing and putting your hands on your mouth after saying that?

Even if he allowed me to go out with Nanami-san, I don’t think he’ll forgive me for that kind of behavior, wouldn’t that be counterproductive to Genichiro-san…?

However, I’m not sure if he was convinced by my words, but Genichiro-san pulls back his murderous aura. Instead… he narrowed his eyes at Nanami-san and complained bitterly

[Nanami, I believe your words this time. But if Nanami continues to lie, her words will gradually lose credit. As a father, I want to trust Nanami, so there’s no need for me to go into details, but next time I want you to tell me honestly that you’re going on a date with Youshin-kun. So that I can feel safe.]

[Well~, I’m relieved if Youshin-kun is Nanami’s boyfriend. He’s kind of cute. He’s thin, but he also seems to have a good amount of muscle… Nanami, I like dad who works out… I wonder if we’re similar in that area?] 

Nanami-san blushed at her mother’s words, and then slumped down without denial or confirmation… Yeah, it’s good to have a close family. I grinned a little and Nanami-san gave me a little glare.

[Actually… there’s a reason why Nanami doesn’t like boys and a reason why I started working out…]

Genichiro-san abruptly began to answer my earlier question. It was of course from our original topic, but that’s what I wanted to ask in the first place.

With his hands folded in front of his face like a commander from an anime, Genichiro-san quietly began speaking.

[Nanami… do you remember when you were having a hard time with boys?]

You are reading story Inkya no Boku ni Batsu Game ni Kokuhaku Shitekita Hazu no Gyaru ga, Doumitemo Boku ni Betahore Desu at

[Well, I think it was before middle school… Maybe around 6th grade or so? …something suddenly made me not like boys]

[Right, well…. That… was when I started working out]

[Mom said it might be because of puberty, so I didn’t think too much about it… but what does this… have anything to do with Dad suddenly working out?]

I glanced over at the mother and saw a troubled smile on her face. I’ve certainly heard that older girls look childish to boys of the same age… but I wonder if that’s true?

Then, as if remembering something, Genichiro-san stood up and brought out an album.

When I opened the album… I found many photos of Nanami-san as a child. 

It was heartwarming to see how cute Nanami-san was when she’s little, but at the same time, I also saw Genichiro-san of the time.

….At the time, Genichiro-san had a very, very normal body shape. In fact, he was thinner than I am now… it’s amazing how far you can go by working out… the human body works in mysterious ways.

[As you can see from this picture… Nanami has been very cute since elementary school. So cute that she can be compared to an idol. Don’t you think so, Misumai-kun?]

[I think so too]

[[Wait, you two!?]

No, I can’t really say [I don’t think so] here, and that’s also how I really feel. I can’t fake it. Nanami-san has been cute since she was a child.

However, in contrast to Nanami-san’s blushing face next to mine… Genichiro-san looks as if he’s eating something bitter.

[And… that cuteness turned out to be a double-edged sword. The lovely Nanami was bullied in elementary school by a group of boys her age… And the worst was about to happen as a result]


My voice and Nanami-san’s voice overlapped. I looked at her face and… I saw that she was also confused. The first thing I did was to hold her hand to reassure her.


Normally I wouldn’t do this in front of her parents. But I felt like this was what she needed right now. So I chose to take her hand.

….Well, I hugged her in front of her parents earlier, it’s too late now. 

Apparently, the choice was the right one, and both Genichiro-san and his wife nodded their heads.

[I think in hindsight it would be something peculiar to boys who wanted the attention of the girl they liked. It’s a story I remember]

You want to bully the person you like. That’s certainly common among adolescent boys. I don’t remember doing it, but I can somehow get the feeling of seeking attention.

[In the midst of it all, a case… no, an accident happened. Fortunately, the teacher helped us right away and she was saved from the accident. …But perhaps because of the shock, Nanami didn’t remember it…] 

Genichiro-san wouldn’t give any details. And the word he was about to say was probably “something”, although Nanami-san didn’t notice anything. So he reworded it as an “accident”.

I’m sure that was done so that Nanami-san wouldn’t be reminded of it, just in case. Nanami-san still can’t seem to remember, tilting her head, looking puzzled.

I wouldn’t pry into what happened either. If there’s a possibility of hurting her, it’s not something I would dig into too. 

[But fortunately, I don’t have to force her to recall those scary and painful memories. But it was around that time Nanami began to develop fear of men]

…So that’s how it happened…

Even though her memory was blurred due to shock, she’s still traumatized by men. That’s why she can’t handle men… She didn’t remember that until now? 

It just didn’t remain as strongly as it did, so… I guess you can say it’s a blessing in disguise?

[That was when I started training my body… in order to protect Nanami from anything. I also took a martial arts course to show Nanami that men are not all scary. Soichiro-kun was one of them]

[…I remember the first time I met Hatsumi was at the dojo when I followed my father]

[Yes, and then Nanami was blessed with friends, and her dislike of men gradually decreased over the years… until… today, she brought her boyfriend home…]

Nanami-san squinted nostalgically and Genichiro-san squinted happily, but both him and his wife had tears in their eyes.

She told me before that there was [no big reason to dislike boys] but… this was an unexpectedly heavy reason for such a story. As if to show this, her hand was holding mine really tightly.

That’s right, I guess she’s worried again when she learned such a thing happened to her…

That’s why I…

[It’s okay… Genichiro-san]

I open my mouth, and I dare to change the way I hold hands with Nanami-san.

We intertwine our fingers with each other… the so-called lover’s connection. My heart beats faster, but I don’t care about that.

Nanami-san looks surprised by that, which I took advantage of to dispel her fears as much as possible, but she smiles happily and also squeezes my hand tightly.

[I… will protect Nanami-san from now on. No matter what happens, I will never let go of her hand and I will never make her sad. I promise you here. So… once again… please recognize that me and Nanami-san are in a relationship]

As I looked into Genichiro-san’s eyes when I spoje, I could see his eyes widen in surprise. Then I saw Nanami-san and her mother gasping as well.

The mother, in particular, was writhing in the spot happily with her hands on her cheeks.

…Did I say something weird? I’m sure Genichiro-san was worried, and from now on I was going to protect Nanami-san when she’s out of his sight.

When I glanced to the side, Nanami-san’s entire face was bright red and her mouth was agape, unable to speak.

[Ara-ara~, I have already admitted the relationship itself. Yes, I’m embarrassed when you said that again… Ufufu… what a passionate proposal]

[….I see… Will I finally have a son in law? I thought I was ready for it, though I feel both happy and sad. …If you’re prepared to go that far, I’ll admit your relationship, Misumai-kun]

Areh? Not the reaction I was expecting? But… proposal…? What do they mean?

…I think back to my own words.

Forgetting that this was a punishment and that we’re dating, I thought I’d reassure Nanami-san anyway, so I said those words. It certainly sounds like a proposal, depending on how you look at it.

I looked at the people around me, worried that I was an annoyance, but their reaction was…

Nanami-san next to me had a sparkle in her eyes, as if impressed.

Genichiro-san wipes his tears in relief.

The mother happily has a smile on her face.

Everyone seems to be sincerely pleased by my words. I wonder how Nanami-san took my words? I don’t know what she’s thinking, but her reaction seems very happy, which makes me a little puzzled.

…Well, whatever. I just have to do my best to protect her from now on. In that sense, what I have to do now is no different than before.

I will make Nanami-san like me. That’s my course of action.

I shook his hand and he shook mine back, and we had a firm handshake. This time the handshake was… also with our left hands.

[Ahh, I’m sorry if I misled you. I’m left-handed, and when I shake hands with people, I tend to give them this side of my hand. I don’t mean anything else]

I was impatiently wondering if I was actually not recognized… but it seems that was a misunderstanding. Thus, my relationship with Nanami-san has been officially approved by her parents.

。…No, today is my first date. How is that possible? I wouldn’t know since I’ve never been with a girl before, but is this normal for a dating relationship?

[Nanami-san, from now on…]

I was about to call out to Nanami-san next to me, but it was then I noticed that she was acting strangely.

After hearing the proposal-like words I made, Nanami-san’s face kept turning red afterwards, and simply put… she was acting stiff.

[Nanami-san? Are you okay? You seem… to be in a daze…]


[Nanami, you’re using these gyoza for tomorrow’s bento, right? I’ll put them in the fridge, okay? You’re already seem like a married couple making it together.]


[Nanami… Misumai-kun… no, should I call him Youshin-kun… Do you like Youshin-kun? Do you love him?]


No matter what we ask her, all she says is [Unn..] without a care in the world.

Her mother and Genichiro-san are toying with such a daughter.

 I would be embarrassed too, so please don’t do that.

Then Nanami-san didn’t come back for a while with a grin on her face, though I don’t know what she’s thinking.

…Well, this is cute though. I wonder what she was imagining? 

[Hm… Nanami was so moved by Youshin-kun’s words that she seemed to have fallen into her own world. It’ll be a while before she comes back to herself, so I’ll drive you back home]

[Ah, I’m sorry. Um, Genichiro-san… I’ll impose you on that]

[Youshin-kun, you can visit anytime, okay? You can have a date at home in Nanami’s room this time, right? Oh, but please keep it in high school bounds, okay?]

[Uhm, Nanami-san’s mother… Thank you]

I don’t have the guts to do that, so there’s no need to worry, but Nanami-san’s mother seemed to welcome me, even though I was firmly nailed to the wall.

I thanked her very much for that, but her mother’s cheeks puffed out in frustration a little at the word of my thanks.

[Ara-ara, I wonder if you’ll call me by my name? …Well, I haven’t introduced myself, have I? I’m Nanami’s mother, Barato Mutsuko. Ufufu, please call me Mutsuko-san, Youshin-kun?]

[A-ahaha… nice to meet you… Mutsuko-san]

Mutsuki-san was tilting her head with her finger on her own cheek in a cute gesture. The gesture was somewhat reminiscent of Nanami-san. Nanami-san must be like Mutsuko-san. 

She looks so young that if they were to stand side by side, it’d be acceptable to call them sisters. 

What was her sister’s name? …I hope we can get along since she’s Nanami-san’s sister.

[I’m sorry to have disturbed you. Nanami-san, I’m going home, okay? I’ll call you later, okay?]

Nanami-san came to her senses at my words, but she didn’t seem to remember much of what had just happened. 


[Eh? Where are you going? Because we already live together… ah…]

Nanami-san puts her hands over her mouth, as if to say “I slipped up there”

Apparently… In Nanami-san’s own world, she and I had progressed to the point where we were living together. I wonder how far she had imagined in this one moment.

But still, Nanami-san has such fantasies. No, should I feel honored? Genichiro-san and Mutsuko-san were watching their daughter with a grin-like smile.

[Nanami, Mom thinks it’s too early for cohabitation, isn’t it?

[Nanami, who isn’t good with men… as a father it feels complicated… but let’s congratulate her…!!]

Nanami-san’s face turned bright red at her parents’ words, but she still came close to me and squeezed my hand firmly.

[See you tomorrow!]

She shouted loudly and cheerfully to blow her parents’ grins away and smiled at me.

I was worried about you because we talked about painful memories, but you seem to be ok. But I’ll have to follow up with you after.

[Yeah, see you tomorrow, Nanami-san. Genichiro-san, I’ll be in your care. Mutsuko-san, sorry to bother you too]

[Eh, wait wait, why are you calling my mother by her name, what happened?]

…Well, Nanami-san didn’t hear the exchange we just had…. How do I explain it to her? As I was thinking… Mutsuko-san grabbed Nanami-san by both armpits with her arms and dragged her backwards as it is.

[Ara-ara, Nanami, come here. I want to hear all about what you’ve been up to. Ufufu, a love talk with my daughter]

[Wait, Mom, explain it properly! No! I-I have weak armpits! Stop, I feel weak!!]

Nanami-san said she has weak armpits… Yeah, I’ll keep that in mind. 

Nanami-san was carried away. It’s impossible for me to rescue her from that place, so I only gave her a small wave of my hand. 

Nanami-san, perhaps taking a hard look at the situation, waved back at me with a wry smile.

[Umu, Mom’s been dreaming of having a love talk with her daughter, so I guess her excitement is at an all-time high] 

With a somewhat distant look in his eyes, Genichiro-san told me this with a smile.

I went straight home and Genichiro-san offered to drive me home. On the way home, I was warily wondering what to say to her father…

Genichiro-san spoke to me in a friendly manner. 

It’s a story about Nanami’s cute episodes in the past, the story of when she started using her gal fashion, the story of how she was afraid of him when he tried to protect Nanami-san, his face couldn’t go back to normal… 

I learned a lot of things.

I felt that Nanami-san is a good listener and talker, perhaps like her father. She never breaks conversation, and she talks pleasantly without being burdensome. 

I guess she has the face of her mother and the personality of her father. They are a good family.

And finally… Genichiro-san told me this.

[You are the first person aside from my family to know about Nanami’s past. Youshin-kun. This is something even her friends don’t know about]

The fact that he taught me something that not even those two knew about put a bit pressure on my back.

[…Why did you tell that to me?]

After a short pause, Genichiro-san told me why… in a gentle tone.

[That’s right, you always seemed to act with Nanami in mind. When I came out of nowhere, you were the first to shelter Nanami on your back, and when she’s anxious, you hugged and cuddled her… Seeing you like that, I judged you to be a man worthy of my trust]

[I’m sorry about that… that was the first time I’ve met you, but Genichiro-san, are you sure you trust me so quickly?]

[I’m good at judging people like that… and… I trust you because you say things like that]

I feel like I’m under even more pressure. Expectations are heavy. I’m not that great of a person. It’s true that I’m always thinking about Nanami-san. But that’s because I’m also lying to her… 

No, I can’t help but think about that now. I feel like the moat is being filled more and more, though. …I was sure there was a part of me that didn’t mind that.

We then continued our conversation, and I was surprised to find that I exchanged contact information with Genichiro-san as we talked.

Is it normal to exchange contact information with her father? He told me to contact him anytime I needed help…

Well, let’s take it positively that we now have a reliable ally.

I finally go home… and turned on my computer as usual and logged into my social game. Today’s event is almost over. Let’s join in for a bit.

I then give Baron-san a brief recap of the day’s events.

[…So my relationship with her is now officially approved by her parents]

『Just marry her already』

As soon as I reported it, Baron-san said that as a response. That kind of reaction is rare.

One after another, other members sent short messages such as 『Go get married』,『Explode!』『I’ll celebrate!』etc., one after another, they have sent short messages.

No, neither I nor my girlfriend are old enough to get married yet, so that’s not possible… Though I won’t say that out loud.

[Baron-san, aren’t you a bit hasty?]

『Tomorrow is almost a week since you started dating, right? I’m not hasty, what’s with that progress!? After all that, all that’s left is marriage! Uwaa… Kids these days are scary…』

Baron-san was unusually down.

『Canyon-kun, you’re absolutely lying about never having a girlfriend, right? I bet you’re a playboy and all the things I taught you didn’t actually mean anything to you, did they?』

No, for my part, I don’t like being told like that. Nanami-san is my first girlfriend and I’ve never been popular. In general, have you forgotten the incident about my fashion?

I still have much more to learn from Baron-san.

[I’ve never kissed her at all, even though I can hold hands with her. I mean, I don’t have the guts]

『Isn’t the order wrong? Why did you skip kissing and proceed with greeting her parents and proposing first? You’re much quicker than I am!』

No, meeting her parents was something inevitable, and those words weren’t exactly a proposal..

Well, I left out a large part of the explanation for that, so it sounds like I proposed to her. I guess that can’t be helped.

As expected, I’ve not reported about Nanami-san’s past.

That was completely a private topic and not something to be talked about lightly. It’s something that only family members and those close to them should know about. So of course, I left it out.

『And there’s been no kissing… I honestly think you could’ve kissed today. Yeah, it would’ve been perfect』

[Would it..?]

『Yeah, I think you could’ve if Canyon-kun hadn’t chose gyoza for the dinner menu』

[Gyoza…? Ahh… is that what you mean?]

I didn’t realize until he mentioned it, but I did have a very good garlic-filled gyoza for dinner. I guess that would smell bad on my mouth.

I’ve never been a part of that kind of thing before, so I didn’t pay attention to it, but maybe Nanami-san did?

Then, if I had something different for dinner, I would’ve…

I wonder… if we would k-kiss?

I wonder if we actually would!?

Wow, I’m kind of grinning from my fantasy. I’m feeling a mix of embarrassment and happiness though it’s just a fantasy. I don’t even have the guts.

『Canyon-kun, it’s bad to be delusional… But don’t you have to say you’d contact your girlfriend? You said you would, didn’t you?』

How did you know what I was thinking, Baron-san? Anyways, I was about to contact Nanami-san when I got out of the game I participated in for a little while.

One more message was added.


It’s from Peach-san.

I wondered if she would complain again… I thought that, but she sent me a different message than usual.

『If Canyon-san is happy, I have nothing to say. But… if you ever get hurt, please come here so I can comfort you』

『Ah, you finally admitted it, Peachy. Well, I don’t think that time will come, but if it does, come here. We’ll console you as much as we can』

I don’t know their faces or their real names.

But I consider them to be important friends I’ve made through the game. So I’m very happy to hear those words and it warms my heart.

Everyone else wrote the same thing, one after another. I really appreciated it.

My eyes are watery, but I hold it in because I can’t cry before I call Nanami-san.

[Thanks guys. I’ll do my best to make sure that doesn’t happen]

That’s all I wrote and I contacted Nanami-san. …Come to think of it, it’s kind of a first for me to contact her at night.

We’ve exchanged messages every night, but… this is the first time I’ve ever spontaneously tried to make a call like this… thinking back on it, yeah.

A little nervous about this, I wait for her to answer.

This time, Nanami-san didn’t answer after a few rings, and when I thought that the timing was bad, the call connected.

『Youshin! Thank god you called! Mou~ it’s already too late for you to call~… I’ve been having a hard time, you know!?]


Nanami-san’s voice on the phone sounded impatient and a little angry, as if she’s a little out of breath.

『Oh my god! I was so embarrassed! I should’ve asked Youshin to sleepover at my house if this is the case!』


The shocking word “sleepover” jumps to my ears. Staying there in that situation… Let’s see… sleeping together in Nanami-san’s room? Oh man, I can’t stop thinking about weird things because of my earlier fantasy.

Is Nanami-san in her pajamas when she sleeps at night…? No, no, she’s got school tomorrow and can’t stay up late anyway. Yeah, no, stop. Calm down.

『…Yeah, sorry… sleepovers are different. About that… I often sleepover with Hatsumi and the others…』

It seems that Nanami-san also realized the destructiveness of her statement, and she went quiet. Cute.

As I was thinking this, I heard a voice from behind her.

『Na~Na~Mi~… I won’t let you get away~…』

『Tell me sis… What do you like about future brother in law~?]』

Behind her, I hear the voices of 2 other women in Nanami-san’s house… I see…. They’ve been talking about love since then, Nanami-san…

『Ah, since Youshin-kun is here, we can ask through the speaker…』

『Youshin! See you tomorrow!!』

Mutsuko-san’s comment made Nanami-san flustered, and she abruptly hung up the phone. Yeah… I wouldn’t dare to interrupt the ladies’ love stories either… Though I feel a little sad.

But right after that… One message came from Nanami-san. 

『Thank you for today, it was fun and a pleasure. Once again, I look forward to being with you in the future. And… Let’s go on another date next week』

I couldn’t help but grin and smile at the message she sent, and said [Sure, let’s do it again next week. See you tomorrow. Good night], I replied aggressively, which is unlike me.

Starting tomorrow, I’ll spend my days with Nanami-san again. This time, it’s family approved. The things I feel guilty about are disappearing one by one.

[Nanami-san, see you tomorrow… I love you]

I blushed a little as I looked at my phone and muttered to myself in a way different than usual, then I slipped into bed and went to sleep.

I hope those words reach Nanami-san. 


Later that night…

[Nn…N-Nanami-san…N-Nanami-san, w-wait, n-no!? We’re still high school students…serving…no, but to be dressed like that…Nanami-san!?]

I jumped out of my bed. Nanami-san appeared in my dream…approaching me while saying she loved me, in such a shameless outfit no less. Saying that it’s shameful may be a little too old…but I myself was understandably trembling.

[Maybe it’s because I’ve had so much fun today…but…I love her… it’s making my delusions fly all over the place…]

The awfully realistic content of the dream…it really makes me feel like Nanami-san truly said those words…as I thought about that, I quietly slipped back into the bed.

You can find story with these keywords: Inkya no Boku ni Batsu Game ni Kokuhaku Shitekita Hazu no Gyaru ga, Doumitemo Boku ni Betahore Desu, Read Inkya no Boku ni Batsu Game ni Kokuhaku Shitekita Hazu no Gyaru ga, Doumitemo Boku ni Betahore Desu, Inkya no Boku ni Batsu Game ni Kokuhaku Shitekita Hazu no Gyaru ga, Doumitemo Boku ni Betahore Desu novel, Inkya no Boku ni Batsu Game ni Kokuhaku Shitekita Hazu no Gyaru ga, Doumitemo Boku ni Betahore Desu book, Inkya no Boku ni Batsu Game ni Kokuhaku Shitekita Hazu no Gyaru ga, Doumitemo Boku ni Betahore Desu story, Inkya no Boku ni Batsu Game ni Kokuhaku Shitekita Hazu no Gyaru ga, Doumitemo Boku ni Betahore Desu full, Inkya no Boku ni Batsu Game ni Kokuhaku Shitekita Hazu no Gyaru ga, Doumitemo Boku ni Betahore Desu Latest Chapter

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