Inkya no Boku ni Batsu Game ni Kokuhaku Shitekita Hazu no Gyaru ga, Doumitemo Boku ni Betahore Desu

Chapter 6: 3.1

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[P.S. I changed my tl style, so I hope it seems smoother than before, in terms of readability.]

I thought I had no regrets about my actions last night, but in reality, I regretted them early in the morning.

I was too quick to regret it, in fact.

“Last night’s tension was scary….”

I got up on the bed and muttered to myself as I held my head in my hands. I suddenly invited her during the night.

She must think I’m crazy, right?

But I don’t regret asking her out.

What I regret is that I might have scared Nanami, who was not used to boys. I reflected on letting my momentum get the better of me.

But well, at least the tone of her voice sounded happy, so I’d like to think that…it wasn’t a mistake to ask her out.

Still, I’ll apologize to her when I meet her in the neighbourhood today.

For the time being, I fixed my mood and got ready to go to school, and found my mother in the living room. I thought she was already at work so that in itself was unusual.

“Good morning, Mom.”

“Good morning. Yesterday and today…you were surprisingly up early, Youshin.”

…She’s perceptive. Maybe that’s what she wanted to hear instead of going to work?

I couldn’t honestly tell her that I had a girlfriend, so I said that I had some business to attend to at school, which was the same thing as the other day, and then I got my lunch money by hand for the first time in a while and went straight to school.

On my way out, my mother called out to me.

“Mom and Dad are going to have dinner together on Saturday. However, we both have to go on a business trip this Sunday morning…….sorry, but you’ll have to eat alone.”

“Oh, okay. I’m off.”

“Have a nice day.”

After exchanging morning greetings for the first time in a while, I moved to the place where I was to meet Nanami. My appointed meeting time with her was 7:30, but I made sure to arrive 30 minutes early.

We talked about the meeting time yesterday, but we decided not to do it an hour before. It’s not good for either of us if we both get sick from lack of sleep.

For that reason, that’s why I’m moving ahead so I can get there thirty minutes early…It seemed that I arrived at the meeting place before she did.

“Good, I don’t have to keep her waiting.”

“Too bad, I’m already here.”

After being startled by the voice from behind me, I turned around and saw a smiling Nanami.

Today she styled her hair like yesterday’s braided style plus a side pony, which I believe was also that character’s hairstyle. I’m so glad she went through the trouble…to make a change.

“Good morning, Youshin. You’re early. I wanted to be the one to arrive first so that I could complain about you being late.”

Could it be that I just thought she was cute?

No, more importantly, why was I suddenly startled?

Without knowing why, I asked her about it, and she said this was in return for the surprise I gave her yesterday. It’s true that I poked her on the cheek yesterday and surprised her……

That makes sense.

No, there’s something more I have to say. I can see it in Nanami’s somewhat expectant eyes. I have to make up my mind.

“G-Good morning Nanami-san. That hairstyle looks good on you…an-…a-and…and…you look cute.”

I was able to say it.

I was able to say it today. It wasn’t easy, but I said it. And judging from Nanami-san’s pleased expression, it seems my answer was the right one.

“Thank you. I’ll give you the right to hold hands with me on the way to school and a bento box for today.”

“…..Thank you for the happiness.”

Nanami seemed satisfied with my response and showed a superb smile.
Unlike her response from yesterday, she seemed a lot more composed.

Rather than calling it being composed, it seems more as if she’s blatantly excited.

Did something good happen to her……? Well, if she’s happy, that’s fine. It makes me happy too.

We went to school hand in hand, just like yesterday.

There were more people than yesterday, but fewer students were looking at me strangely compared to yesterday. I wonder if more and more people caught on to the spread of the rumour. I hope nothing strange happens.

“N-Nanami-san. Sorry for inviting you out of the blue yesterday.”

Hearing my words, Nanami-san held her finger against her cheek and tilted her head. It was a cute gesture that made me feel a little, no, considerably nervous.

“Why are you apologizing?”

“No, You see…Nanami-san is not used to boys, right? Yesterday, I let my momentum get the better of me and forcefully invited you out, so I felt guilty if I scared you…”

After receiving my apology, Nanami-san brought her finger from her cheek to her mouth. The boys walking down the road seemed to be captivated by her somewhat sexy gesture.

“Hmm…it’s okay. While it’s true that I’m not used to boys and am slightly scared of them, I’m still happy that Youshin invited me…no, I’m super happy.”

She turned to face me with a shy smile when she said that. Perhaps, the reason why she was so excited a moment ago was that I invited her out on a date?

Is it really alright for me to be that conceited? Supposing that’s the case, that alone makes me feel very saved….

“Huh? But did I tell Youshin…that I’m not used to boys?”

That was when I realized my blunder.

She never told me that she wasn’t used to boys. That information was just something I got that day by chance.

That day…I can’t say that I was eavesdropping on the punishment game.

“Yesterday, you said this is your first time going out with a boy, right? If that is true, despite you being so cute, then I figured you must be pretty shy with boys and not used to them. It seems as if that was true.”

I briefly rattled on and on in order to gloss over the question rapidly.

Against one’s better judgment, I tried to dodge the question by calling her cute, which again left her extremely embarrassed.

“C-Cute….”, She muttered.

Her cheeks shone a tinge of scarlet red.

Yeah, it seems that I was able to deceive her without any problem.

But, why is Nanami-san so uncomfortable with boys?

She’s such a pretty girl. If anything, she could lead as many boys around their noses if she wanted to. I wonder if she had experienced something unpleasant in the past….?

If that’s the case, I hope I can help her grow accustomed to boys, even if it’s only a little. After all, the world isn’t full of only weird boys—however, that isn’t to say that I ain’t particularly strange myself.

“A-Ah, it’s nothing particularly serious, so you don’t have to worry about it. It’s just…for some reason or another. I’m not very good at dealing with these kinds of things…it’s scary…..but it’s nothing more than that.”

She then looked into my face and gave me a reassuring poke on my cheeks. Is this some kind of revenge for yesterday?

Poking me on the cheek, Nanami-san continued to speak. Did she take a liking to the feeling of it?

“When I was in elementary school, boys used to be mean to me. However, I was never that scared or bothered by them, but…around sixth grade or so, the fear of boys rapidly grew within me…”

I suppose being mean to the girls one likes is one of the boys’ characteristics. Nanami-san must’ve been cute as a child, no doubt.

No, more than that…

“……How did she know what I was thinking?”

“It’s only been three days so far since we’ve known each other….”

I touched my face with my free hand as she pouted triumphantly. Was it that obvious on my face?

If that’s the case, I’d better brace myself. I absolutely cannot let them know that I know about the punishment game.

However…it would be amazing if Nanami-san stuck her chest out. It’s a shirt only thing…a bit of violent shaking here and there…just for a moment is enough to make me fill my tank up for the day.

As if she noticed my gaze, she twisted around and covered her chest with one hand. Darn it, this kind of thing must’ve been unpleasant for Nanami-san. I have to apologize to her right away.

That was the moment I thought about it.


The destructive power of that one word, announced with half-lidded eyes and dyed cheeks, was tremendous.

I desperately held myself back from writhing while I apologized more than I’ve ever apologized in my life, but I had no idea that it would cause me even more agony. Indeed, I had no idea what to expect.

“I don’t like it when boys look at me. However, if it’s Youshin, I don’t mind, so…I’ll forgive you.”

….Those few words were foul, Nanami-san.

It’s unpleasant with other boys, whereas it’s okay with me? How much agony do you have to make me feel?

I desperately struggled to keep my body from moving around as I entered the classroom. I didn’t have to face a barrage of questions today, but Nanami-san was once again being taken somewhere by Otofuke-san and Kamiechi-san.

I wonder if they were checking on the process of her punishment game. Don’t worry, Nanami-san was perfect again today. I wanted to say that to them.

Soon after, Otofuke-san and Kamiechi-san returned grinning after their conversation ended, and Nanami-san, whose face was bright red, returned to the classroom.

….Otofuke-san and Kamiechi-san flashed over a grin in my direction as well. Nanami-san, what did you tell them?

And like that, classes went on without any actual damage, and before I knew it, it was time for lunch. This was the lunch I was looking forward to.

I never thought I would be so eager for lunch…it was bad enough that I was so deeply moved…..

This incident happened during lunch break.

Lunch break, Nanami-san happily handed over a blue lunch box to me. It was the same lunch box that we bought together yesterday.

As I slowly opened the lid of my lunch box, I was left with a deep impression.

A beautiful yellow egg omelette, sausages that have been slightly charred to give them a savoury flavour, fried spinach and carrots, and for the main course, two large hamburgers.

It was a bento that embodied happiness….naturally, the photos were taken in rapid succession.

“Is this amount enough?”

“It’s enough. Thank you, Nanami-san. It looks delicious today.”

“Good. But, I won’t be able to give you an [aah~] if you run out.”

These words made me blush as I recalled yesterday’s events; coincidentally, Nanami-san’s cheeks also coloured as she seemed to remember too.

She seemed to have intended to tease me, but that in itself completely backfired. In a low voice, she corrected herself,

“Sorry, it’s nothing.”

As we were happily chatting and eating together…one large shadow suddenly appeared before us.

“Excuse me…..Nanami-san. Do you have a minute?”

“It’s not good because I’m having lunch with my boyfriend right now. Shibetsu Senpai.”

The shadow’s true form was that of a person.

Standing before us was a tall, good looking man.

He was pretty big. I’m sitting down, so he looks all the more larger on a grand scale. I think he’s close to 190 centimetres tall? He wasn’t doing anything. However, he looked intimidating as he stood before us, and….a little scary.

Nanami-san and I were about the same height. As a man, I felt a little scared, so it goes without saying that she might be more scared than me.

For that reason, I shifted my seating position closer to her and brought my body slightly closer to her. She was silently surprised, and I pointed next to her.

“Senior, if you don’t want to stand around talking, please sit here. There’s a space next to me. Also, I’m almost done eating my lunch, so could you wait until then?”

“Hmm…and what about you?”

“My name is Misumai Youshin. I’m Nanami-san’s boyfriend.”

My Senior’s cheeks twitched at my comment. He showed slight signs of hesitation, but after glancing at Nanami-san, who didn’t even give him a single glance at him, he sat down next to me obediently.

“Nanami-san, how do you cook such a big hamburger so well? I’ve helped cook hamburgers on a whim before, but the insides turned out raw. In the end, I just split it in two and baked it, so it became rather dry.”

“I didn’t do anything so difficult. It’s big but not too thick, right? You just have to pay attention to the level of heat as you bake it, so basically, anyone can do it.”

“The egg omelette was beautiful. It’s sweet and just right for my taste.”

“Really? I’m glad. In our house, my father likes egg rolls with dashi, but everyone else likes sweet ones, so it’s always a hassle to make two kinds.”

“You went out of your way to make two kinds? Your father must be very happy, having such a kind and affectionate daughter such as yourself.”

“Such a thing…”

I said what I was thinking upfront, and Nanami-san turned her head away from me. She really is a good girl, isn’t she. Looking at that, I couldn’t help but smile.

“I’m sorry to interrupt you in the middle of you’re conversation, Misumai-kun…was it? Can you tell me one thing?”

“What is it? Senior?”

The Senior who suddenly interrupted me was now staring at my lunch.

There’s nearly nothing remaining in the bento box by now. All that’s left at best were traces of the egg omelette and hamburg…..

Didn’t you come after eating lunch?

“By any chance….perhaps….was that bento box homemade by Nanami-san?”

“Huh? …..Yes, but?”

At my words, the Senior’s eyes widened, to the extent that his eyes were near popping out. And then, the Senior looked at Nanami-san, who was a little sulky from the sudden interruption, before looking at the bento box in turn.

I had a somewhat bad feeling about all this, so I payed no attention to the Senior and finished the last remaining traces of egg omelette and harmburg.

“Oh……damn….. I was hoping to get some …….”

Just as I thought. Stuffing my cheeks was the right thing to do before I said anything. No, even if you had told me, I wasn’t going to give it to you. This is mine. I won’t even let you have a single piece.

“Thank you for the meal. It was delicious again today.”

You are reading story Inkya no Boku ni Batsu Game ni Kokuhaku Shitekita Hazu no Gyaru ga, Doumitemo Boku ni Betahore Desu at

“Thank you very much.”

After the same exchange as yesterday, I handed my bento box over to Nanami-san and turned my body towards my Senior. With Nanami-san at my back, I tried to hide her away from the Senior.

“So, Senior, what is it that you want?”

“No, I have no business with you, it’s Nanami-san that I want…..No, it’s also related to you.”

“What is it?”

Just like that, the Senior stood up from the bench, and once again, moved in front of us.

And then, he crossed his arms and looked at Nanami-san and me in turn, looking a little unhappy…he gave a sidelong glance to me and opened his mouth towards Nanami-san.

“Nanami, are you implying that this boy is better than me?”

“Yes, but. Senpai, please don’t call me Nanami, call me by my surname. The only person who can call me by my first name is my boyfriend, Youshin.”

The Senior was easily cut off and stared at by Nanami-san.

Then, shaking and trembling, his face flushed a deep red. Shortly after, he pointed at me and shouted loudly from the bottom of his stomach, as if he were a gymnast.

“Let’s play, Misumai! If I lose, I’ll recognize the relationship you two have! But if I win, I’ll take Nanami!”

“No, I don’t want to.”

When I simply refused, my senior froze in a pose, pointing his finger at me. I wondered why he thought I would accept such a challenge?

“Ah, Youshin…you got a little something on your cheek.”


When Nanami-san said that, she took the grain of rice that was stuck to my cheek….and put it in her mouth. As though she was flaunting our act to the Senior.

This unexpected action made me freeze as well as my senpai. Seeing me like that, Nanami smiled shyly.

The Senior was quicker to be released from the rigidity.

“H….H-How pathetic of you to refuse to play! Sure enough, you’re a coward who isn’t fitting for someone like Nanami-san. If you’re not a coward, then accept the match!!”

I managed to break through my rigidity with the shout of my senior. However, my attention was not on my Senior, but on Nanami-san.

What are you doing all of a sudden, Nanami-san!? If you’re going turn red and embarrassed and turn the other way, then you shouldn’nt have done it in the first place!

……Okay, Nanami won’t look at me, so I guess I’ll deal with my senior first to calm him down.

“Senpai, this isn’t some old drama or manga where you bet your girlfriend on a game. Besides, what’s important is Nanami’s feelings, right? In the first place, there’s no point competing with a Senior who disregards other people’s feelings….”

“Enough of your sound arguments! Know that sometimes a sound argument hurts people more than slander!! That kind of thing, I know that better than anyone!!”

The Senior shouted while pressing down his ear. If you know it’s a sound argument, then you should know what to do, right? What a selfish Senior.

If I’m not mistaken, this person is Shibetsu Shouichi Senpai. He’s a handsome guy who’s been introduced at school assemblies in the past, and even I know him, he’s the captain of the basketball team.

He seems to be a famous player nationwide and one of the handsome guys that Nanami-san rejected.

When he heard that I was going out with Nanami-san, I’m sure he wanted to pick a fight with me and attain victory due to his sports-minded nature….but there was no advantage for me in accepting the game.

Even if this person doesn’t recognize the relationship between Nanami-san and I, we will still continue with our relationship, and I don’t want to give her to someone who treats her like a trophy, taking her just because he won.

Although she’s my girlfriend during the duration of the punishment game, it doesn’t change the fact that Nanami-san is my girlfriend now.

Besides, I have to get Nanami-san to like me. I don’t have time to worry about unnecessary things.

So, again, there’s no point in me accepting this match.

Well…the drawbacks of losing is far too great, plus it’s a match that no one with normal nerves would take.

Why would he think that I would consider that? This Senior.

“Youshin, let’s go.”


When Nanami-san and I were about to return to the classroom after the blush had faded, the Senior shouted indignantly at our backs.
[Tl notes: She ain’t blushing no more.]

“Aah! Wait, please!! Nanami, what’s so good about dating such a small and plain boy!? At least, I look better than him, don’t I!!”

If he said that, then there’s nothing that I can say in return. Certainly this Senior’s face…looks quite good, along with his body shape. He was tall, looking like a model.

Calling me small and plain is not a swear word or anything, it’s a simple statement of fact.

If people lined up, I’m sure ten out of ten of them would choose the Senior. That’s how hopeless the difference in strength was. So I’m not particularly angry.

However, Nanami-san was agitated by the words of the Senior.

“If you insult Youshin any further, I’ll break off our current relationship as friends! I’ll ignore you even if you talk to me at school!! Youshin’s a much better man than the good looking Senpai!! People who say these kind of things, I hate them!!”

It was the first time I saw her face filled with anger, a complete change from the smile she had just shown me a short while ago. I wondered if anyone had ever seen her look so angry before.

Moreover, she did this for me. She got mad on my behalf, even though I myself didn’t feel particularly angry. Is it despicable of me to feel so happy over such a thing?

Then, suddenly, the Senior collapsed straight to his knees. Because he was tall, a dull sound echoed around him, suggesting damage to his knee that seemed more serious than that of a normal person.

“H-Hate me….? You….h-hate me!? Nanami-san…hates me…”

Senior mental state is this weak!? No, was it effective because Nanami-san was the one who said it?

“When Senpai was confessing to me, you only looked at my chest, nothing else! I know that!! Youshin was just looking at my chest as…..”

As Nanami-san was saying that much, her words stopped for a moment.

Nanami-san must’ve remembered that I looked at her breasts quite a bit this morning. I’m sorry, Nanami-san. That’s what I was thinking….

“No, he didn’t!!”

What did you say!?

Nanami-san made a brilliant statement, saying that I hadn’t done anything this morning.

Then, with both his hands on the floor and a desperate look on his face, the Senior gave a backward glance at me for a slight moment, before sticking his tongue out at me like a mischievious child.

Was it in regards to the lie that had been told, or was it a protest towards the fact that I looked at her breasts….

Even though Nanami-san forgave me, I still feel bad for her, who is not good with men. But, it can’t be helped, humans tend to gave at anything that moves.

As Nanami-san began to take her leave, the Senior raised his face up in desperation. I thought it was in bad taste to leave him be, so I hurriedly stepped in between Nanami-san and my Senior and crouched down so that I was on the same eye level as him.

“Nanami-san, aren’t you too impatient in ending your relationship with him? Moreover, isn’t he you’re friend? Probably? No, as for me…I’m worried that Nanami has such a good looking male friend, and to be honest, I’m jealous. However, I don’t want him to be affected. And I feel slightly sorry for the Senior.”


The Senior looked at me as I stood between them, with tears streaming down his cheeks. Yes, that’s good. The Senior’s gaze was directed at me.

If the senior had looked up at that moment, Nanami-san’s skirt would have been in full view.

Even I didn’t get a chance to glance beneath that…Wait, nevermind.

I patted my chest, relieved that Nanami-san didn’t have to be embarrassed to be seen underneath her skirt.

“…If Youshin says so….then I won’t go as far as breaking off our relationship,…..ah, but, don’t you worry, I didn’t give him my contact information, okay?”

Nanami-san sharpened her lips, as if she were slightly sulky. I wonder if she’s feeling peevish because I protected him. Um…so what should I say in this case?

Clever words are too high a hurdle for me. For now, I’ll just give an honest compliment to Nanami-san.

“Thank you, Nanami-san. After all, Nanami-san is kind. And concerning your contact information, I’m relieved to hear that.”

“…..Did you fall in love with me again?”

The sulky expression on her face completely changed.

She tilted her head and smiled, showing me her beautiful teeth.

It felt as if I was knocked back by her great counterpunch. Even so, it’s not a bad feeling at all, but what’s the right way to respond?

In any case, let’s be honest.

“That’s right, I’ve fallen in love with you.”

“Hmm, you looked pretty cool back there…I’ll admit it just for a moment. But I won’t fully admit it. You’ll have to compete with me to prove you’re worthy of her.”

Just as I was about to make up my mind and say it, my Senior had recovered mentally and was standing up.

I let out a sigh as I looked down.

And then, I looked up at my Senior.

I guess Nanami-san was in the same mood as me, as the timing of our sighs coincided perfectly.

This was a rare chance to possibly say something clever to Nanami-san.

“And? What’s the game…we’re going to play?”

“It’s a three-point game. I serve as the captain of the basketball club. The ten-point game is a tradition specific to our club.”

Yikes, what a mess.

I don’t think I should challenge the captain of the basket ball team to a match. I’ve only ever played basketball during class, and the rest of my knowledge just comes from comic books and stuff…….

Nanami-san was also looking at the Senior with dumbfounded eyes. She probably didn’t expect the senior to challenge me to such a match.

However, it looks like the Senior won’t back down unless I accept the match….it can’t be helped then, wouldn’t want him coming back again tomorrow after all….

“I understand, Senior…but, in exchange, I’ll add three conditons to the match. I’m a beginnier when it comes to basketball, so that’s fine, right?”

“Hmm? Of course. I’ll give you as many handicaps as you want. Just tell me anything.”

If that’s the case, then don’t try competing in your own field of expertise from the very beginning. Well, it’s insignificant saying such a thing to this kind of person.

This guy is probably…an idiot. I don’t really want to say too much since he’s my Senior, but he’s an idiot.

Consequently, he accepted before I even stated my conditions. Well, he’s probably confident he won’t lose since he’s the captain of the basket ball club.

For the time being, I got a word in.

“First…before anything else, show me ten of your moves, Senior….no, please show me twenty of your moves. After that, please give me the first move.”

“Mm, okay.”

“Second…if I score even one, my victory is decided. In the first place, I’ve never hit a three-point shot before. On the contrary Senior…Well, how about if you score eight or more, you win?”

“Oh, that’s good. It’s a natural handicap.”

“The third and final point…… Regardless of the outcome of the three-point game, please let Nanami-san choose what she wants to do with the outcome of the game.”

“Of course I will! Come now, I’ll do all ten in style and let her choose me!!”

Then the senior, who had completely recovered, walked away from the scene with a refreshing smile on his face and a lightness that did not resemble his huge body.

He probably went to the gym. There’s still time before lunch break ends, so let’s finish the game before then.

I’ll have less time to spend with Nanami-san, but it can’t be helped.

“Youshin, are you sure? Winning something like that…moreover, it’s a three pointer…”

“Ah, yes. It’s okay, Nanami-san. What can I say…I’m also slightly angry that Senior treated Nanami-san like a trophy. So, Nanami-san, just rest easy and watch my hapless three-pointers.”

If my senpai is a brilliant three-pointer, I’m a hapless three-pointer. But I’m not going to lose. Well, under those conditions, I don’t think I’ll lose.

“But….if you lose….”

I placed my hand on her shoulder in order to give her a peace of mind as she looked down anxiously. She shuddered at my touch, then looked up.

….Oops, I just touched her, isn’t that kind of bad?

Ah. But, Nanami-san’s facial expression looked somewhat relieved…then Nanami-san? Why is she placing her cheek on the hand that I placed on her shoulder.

“No, I added a condition. No matter the outcome of the game, Nanami-san would be the one who decides what to do. Well, unless Nanami-san has a crush on the senior who scored all three points……but, that’s not going to happen, is it?”

…..Such a thing won’t happen, right?

Nanami-san showed little thought to my words, which made me feel a little uneasy…then she clapped her hands together in understanding.

“Oh, so that’s what those conditions meant.”

“Yeah, well, I guess he only remembers the first thing he said to himself, and that was getting Nanami-san if he won the game. That guy, I hate to say this, but…he feels pretty stupid.”

“Ah…..yeah…… he’s great when it comes to basketball though…….”

“Yes…. Well then, let’s go to gym.”

I held out my hand towards Nanami-san.

She was surprised to see me take out my hand, and yet, she still slowly grabbed my hand. Then we walked hand in hand to the gym.

When we arrived at the gym, I was slightly amused to see my senpai looking at us with an envious and jealous look in his eyes. His gaze was focused on our joined hands. I have a bad personality, if I have to say so myself. But this kind of mental shaking is good I guess.

Then I had a three-point contest with a senior who was jealous of me. Naturally, the conditions were the same. He honestly accepted the match according to my words.

The result was …….

In the same way as before, my Senior tumbled to his knees and placed his hands on the ground.

“Ridiculous…this is absurb!? I lost….!?”

“Yeah……I won, Senior. Nanami-san is my girlfriend……you’ll admit that, right?”

The senior was frustrated, but even so, he didn’t want to bend what he had said earlier….dumbfounded, he alternated between me and Nanami-san’s facial expression…as he let out a small nihilistic laugh.

“Ah, I lost, Misumai…and…Barato…you guys are a perfect couple. Damn, that’s frustrating.”

At the end of the day, the senior had a fresh, athletic smile on his face and congratulated us as he laid down on the floor.

I was a little embarrassed at myself for using such a dirty trick, but then again, he also suddenly asked us to play a game, so I guess we’re even.

We shook hands firmly, and the people around us cheered.

You can find story with these keywords: Inkya no Boku ni Batsu Game ni Kokuhaku Shitekita Hazu no Gyaru ga, Doumitemo Boku ni Betahore Desu, Read Inkya no Boku ni Batsu Game ni Kokuhaku Shitekita Hazu no Gyaru ga, Doumitemo Boku ni Betahore Desu, Inkya no Boku ni Batsu Game ni Kokuhaku Shitekita Hazu no Gyaru ga, Doumitemo Boku ni Betahore Desu novel, Inkya no Boku ni Batsu Game ni Kokuhaku Shitekita Hazu no Gyaru ga, Doumitemo Boku ni Betahore Desu book, Inkya no Boku ni Batsu Game ni Kokuhaku Shitekita Hazu no Gyaru ga, Doumitemo Boku ni Betahore Desu story, Inkya no Boku ni Batsu Game ni Kokuhaku Shitekita Hazu no Gyaru ga, Doumitemo Boku ni Betahore Desu full, Inkya no Boku ni Batsu Game ni Kokuhaku Shitekita Hazu no Gyaru ga, Doumitemo Boku ni Betahore Desu Latest Chapter

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