Innocent Devil’s Harem

Chapter 44: Chapter 13-3: Needing Help After All

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Copyright © 2020 Kaizer Wolf


Innocent Devil's Harem | Chapter 13-3: Needing Help After All

I felt like I couldn’t think straight, my mind feeling panicked.

And then it hit me, instantly making me feel like an idiot for having forgotten.

My phone was in my car, but I still had another one!

Reaching down while trying to pull my legs up by twisting sideways, straining my abs, I began fumbling in my pocket to grip the phone, hoping desperately that I didn’t drop it as I finally managed to get it up in both hands.

Unsurprisingly, it was locked, but I recalled Nick saying something about the emergency contacts. I tapped on the screen, and then started a call to the single number listed.

I was sincerely shocked when Gabriella answered it.

“Kai!” she exclaimed. “Are you alright?”

I coughed again, trying to speak. “The guy is dead, but I need help. I’m hurt really bad.”

It sounded like she was about to cry. “We’re coming, Kai. We are already almost there. Nick had us leave soon after you did – he used his phone’s GPS to track you. He didn’t want to risk it. And it’s the same for me too. I didn’t want to risk it either. She’s my best friend.”

“It’s okay,” I tried to reassure her, my voice sounding hoarse. “I was wrong to think I could do everything myself. I guess you were right to tell me I’m not a god.” I coughed up more blood. “The fact that I’m superior to regular people must have gone to my head.”

“Oh Kai! I’m so sorry!” she exclaimed. “Don’t talk anymore, we’re almost there.” She then spoke to Nick. “Hurry! He sounds like he’s dying!”

I shook my head weakly in response, suddenly smiling at the fact that I’d just done what I teased her of doing – giving nonverbal responses over the phone. “No,” I managed after a second. “I don’t think I’m dying…” I paused. “Well, I’m not sure, actually. I can barely breathe.”

In the distance, in the direction I’d come, I heard a vehicle pulling up outside.

“Kai!” Gabriella said urgently on the phone. “We’re here! Where do we go?”

“There’s a door. It’s the only one. Just go through it,” I instructed, knowing they might not be able to see it as easily since there were no lights outside, aside from the headlights of the car they were in.

“Oh! Over there,” she said to Nick, seeming to have spotted it.

I continued, my thoughts feeling foggy again. “The hallway leads straight to us. I think I’ll be fine though, so check on Serenity first. She’s been drugged. Make sure she’s still breathing alright.” I paused. “And please cover her up. That…” I coughed. “That bastard took all her clothes off.”

I could hear them running down the hallway now, so I finally let the phone slip away from my ear, still clutching it in my hand, but not having the strength to keep it up. I realized they had a flashlight with them when I saw a shift in the darkness to my side from the light shining behind me. And then I knew when they caught sight of me, because I heard Nick curse and Gabriella gasp in shock.

They both ran up to me, with Nick rapping his arms around my lower legs, as if he was trying to lift me up to support some of my weight, but it didn’t do much since I was so high. Gabriella was looking up at me the most panicked and helpless I’d ever seen, completely ignoring the dead body at her feet, her eyes full of tears.

“Kai! Oh Kai!” she exclaimed. “What can we do? How can we help?”

“Serenity,” I replied weakly. “I’m okay. Check on her. Make sure she’s okay.”

I could see the torn look in her eyes, but Nick spoke up then.

“Go ahead. I’ll look for a way to get him down.”

She gave him a quick nod, only to look up at me with an apologetic expression. “I love you. I’m sorry. I’ll be right back.” She then turned to run over to my housemate.

I focused on Nick, seeing him looking around with the flashlight for any sign of where to begin searching, his light unable to reach far enough to see whatever contraption had shot these harpoons.

“That man,” I whispered, catching his attention. “He came out that way,” I said, pointing in the appropriate direction. However, when he nodded, shining his flashlight over there, I recalled a random detail about what I’d just learned. “And Nick. This guy is the one responsible for your mother’s death. He hired the man who killed her.”

That got his attention.

He looked up at me in complete shock, before shining the light down at the man, looking at him more closely.

“Holy fuck,” he hissed in disbelief, taking a step back. “Fuck,” he said again. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. This can’t be…” His voice trailed off.

Gabriella looked over, having gotten Serenity’s clothes laid on top of her. “What’s wrong?” she asked seriously.

Nick didn’t respond, just staring at the man for another long few seconds, before shaking his head. His expression was pained as he abruptly turned around and began jogging toward the other doorway on the far side of the room.

Once he disappeared, I started listening to Gabriella again, hearing her speak to Serenity. “Can you move your fingers?” she wondered.

I could see that she managed it, just barely.

“Okay, I’ll probably have to flip you over to get you dressed, but first we need to be able to communicate. I want you to blink once for yes, and twice for no. If you aren’t sure, then blink three times, okay? Blink once if you understand.”

My friend blinked once, being very intentional, a low groan escaping her throat as well.

“Okay, good,” Gabriella replied. “Were you able to move your fingers just a few minutes ago?”

She blinked twice.

“Okay, so then the drug must be wearing off. Do you feel like it’s wearing off?” she asked, sounding uncertain.

Serenity blinked once.

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 “Good,” she repeated, sighing heavily. “We haven’t called the police yet, since they’ll see Kai. But we might have to call an ambulance if you need to go to the hospital.”

Serenity immediately blinked twice.

“No to the ambulance? Or you don’t think we should call the police?”

She blinked once.

“No to both?” Gabriella tried clarifying.

Blinked once again.

Gabriella hesitated. “Is it because you’re worried about them finding out about him?” she wondered.

One blink.

Her voice was even quieter. “Did you already know?” she whispered.

Serenity didn’t blink right away, clearly hesitating, before blinking three times. I figured that meant the answer was more complicated than a simple yes or no.

Gabriella took a deep breath, her voice still a whisper. “I’m sorry we didn’t tell you. Kai was just afraid of what you’d think. But he’s still the same person. He didn’t even want to tell me either, but I sort of found out.” She paused. “He’s the reason I wasn’t killed last night. He saved me. As soon as he found out, he came to my rescue. He’s been doing that for the last couple of years. He told me that whenever there was a serial killer case that made you really upset, he would stop them for you. He did it for you, because he didn’t want to see you so upset. Because he loves you. Probably more than you even realize,” she added quietly.

Suddenly, the cables loosened, causing me to abruptly sink down to the floor, creating enough slack for me to fall to my knees.

Gabriella immediately looked over at me in alarm, startled by my abrupt descent.

Without hesitation, I grabbed the cable in front of me and pulled it into my mouth, beginning to gnaw on it.

She hesitated again, before returning her attention to Serenity, since it was obvious there was nothing she could do to help me. “Here, I’m going to try to carefully flip you over so I can get you dressed.” She then grabbed the tray of knives, set them on the ground, and then carefully began to roll my friend over.

In the meantime, I was beginning to make progress, though it was painful, the metal frays I was creating cutting into my gums. Still, it was nothing compared to the pain of trying to pull the barbed spikes out, and at least this way Nick should be able to pull them all the way through once I got the wires cut.

Finally, after what felt like ages of feral chewing, I cut through the first cable, immediately turning around to start working on the second, not wanting to use up all my remaining strength trying to pull the harpoon out. Plus, the one in my shoulder wasn’t the one affecting my breathing.

However, just as I was starting to get the metal to fray, I heard Nick come running in our direction, only for him to tell me to stop.

“I found some wire cutters,” he explained. “Let me try with them first.”

I’d obviously already gotten through one, but I needed the break, my gums raw and bloody at this point. However, rather than be relieved, I was almost dismayed when Nick began easily snipping through the individual wires that made up the cable, feeling like I’d just put myself through an extra hell for nothing.

Oh well. There was no way for me to know he’d have a solution.

And no way I was going to wait around for one.

However, once Nick finished cutting through it, he stopped as if he was waiting. I looked up at him, assuming he knew what I was going to say, but was hesitant to do it. “You’ll have to pull them out,” I explained simply.

“Are you sure?” he wondered, seeming worried. “Right now, they are probably the only reason you aren’t bleeding to death. If I pull them out, you might be dead before we can get help.”

I shook my head. “I can’t go to the hospital. I’m not sure if I can stop looking like this while I’m hurt,” I admitted. “And if I can just…” My voice trailed off when I heard Gabriella run over to me, turning just in time to see her fall to her knees next to me, holding out her arm.

“Kai, you need to drink my blood,” she said firmly.

I pulled away from her in shock. “Absolutely not!” I exclaimed, coughing again. I could suddenly feel the spike in anxiety and tension coming from Nick, knowing he was probably shocked by her statement.

Unfortunately, Gabriella wouldn’t let up, moving her arm up to my face. “It’s not going to kill me! But you heard him, you might bleed to death otherwise. And even if you could look normal, do you really think you could go to the hospital in this condition? Imagine the questions they’d have! You’d have the police all over your case.”

I shook my head again, even though I knew she was right, unable to accept drinking her blood as an option. Because blood wasn’t just some random thing. It was her life. It was the reason she lived. It was the thing that allowed everyone to live.

And what if I drank too much? What if I lost control again and bit her somewhere else? What if I went for her throat?

The idea was unforgivable.

And I certainly didn’t want to hurt her and cause her pain for my own benefit.

Glancing over at the dead body, I wished that was an option instead, but the blood had already coagulated quite a bit, not to mention no heartbeat meant no blood pressure to push the blood out of the body, even if it was still drinkable.

Gabriella looked over too. “Can you drink his blood?” she wondered. “Will that work?”

I shook my head, coughing. “No, he’s been dead too long.” I then glanced over at Nick. “Just pull them out. I can try to go track down a deer or something afterward.”

Gabriella was skeptical. “But will animal blood even do it? Kai, look at me.” She waited until I did. “Do you know for a fact that animal blood will help you heal?”

When I didn’t have an answer, she held her forearm up to my mouth again, pressing her skin against my lips. Except, this time she wrapped her other arm around my head to try to keep my mouth against it.

“Kai, it’s not going to kill me. Just do it already. If you don’t, then I’m going to grab one of those knives and do it myself.” She paused, her tone a little mocking. “I wonder which will be worse, me slicing my arm open with a knife? Or having you bite me? Either way, I’m going to bleed.”


Copyright © 2020 Kaizer Wolf

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