Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 27: 27

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Ch27 - I Won’t Hurt Him

In the morning, Mu Yan went to the next room to check the injured man’s condition. He was relieved that the temperature on his forehead had returned to normal.

“The fever is gone, it should be all right.” Mu Yan murmured in a low voice. 

This world was really magical. A small pill could heal a fever overnight. In his world, quite a few people died because of colds and fevers. If they could also have such magical small pills, wouldn’t many people survive?

Mu Yan didn’t think about it for too long. After all, he could never go back to that world. That world had nothing to do with him anymore. He should live his life for a better future here.



The man’s fever had subsided, but the injury on his body hadn’t healed. The man’s clothes and bandages were probably soaked in sweat because he was recovering from a fever.

Since it was like this, it was better to change the medicine and the bandages as well. Actually, Mu Yan was embarrassed to trouble Uncle Yang every day. After all, Uncle Yang and Aunt Lin have work. 

It was said awkwardly the first time, and skillfully the second time. Mu Yan took off the man’s clothes, revealing a body covered in bandages. Although his face was still slightly flushed, he was no longer nervous, and his heart was beating wildly like the first time.


“Eh?” Mu Yan looked at the wound exposed under the bandage and was surprised. The deep, visible bone wound had faintly healed, but other scrapes or small wounds had already scabbed over, even shedding to reveal the new tender pink skin.

The man’s wound healed so fast that it was no longer a big problem in just a few days. Wow, this world was really amazing.

Mu Yan once again sighed at the wonder of this world. In his world, a wound like this would take several months of treatment to heal, but this man was almost healed in a few days!


As long as the injured person woke up, he would basically be fine.

“Wake up quickly, you’ll be fine when you wake up.” Mu Yan said to himself while carefully applying medicine to the man’s wound.

As if hearing Mu Yan’s prayer, the man whose eyes were closed suddenly opened, and those deep black eyes revealed a trace of confusion and dependence.


Mu Yan bandaged the man, packed up, and planned to make a bowl of nutritional soup to feed the man’s hunger. But when he turned around, he saw the dark eyes staring straight at him and was immediately shocked. 

Everything on his hand fell to the ground in an instant. Mu Yan was more like a frightened rabbit with a frightened expression on his face.

The man seemed to be in a hurry, anxiety flashed in his dark eyes. He struggled to sit up, and his outstretched hand seemed to want to grab Mu Yan.

“You still have injuries, don’t move first.”

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Mu Yan was afraid that the man would move too much and break the wound that had finally started to heal. He hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed the man’s hands, and he also put his fear behind him. 

“It was great for you to wake up so that you wouldn’t die.” Mu Yan thought of this and immediately laughed happily.

He was worried that the man would not wake up. Now that he was awake and the wound was healing quickly, he believed that he would recover and act freely soon.

“Where am I?” the man asked, but his eyes never moved away from Mu Yan.

“This is Taohua Village, I picked you up in the forest.” Mu Yan replied, always feeling that these words sounded familiar. 

“Taohua Village?” The man murmured in a low voice, leaving a blank in his mind. He could not find any information related to Taohua Village, not even who he was, where he came from, or why he was here.

However, for the man now, none of this matters. He felt comfortable here, especially around this person.


Probably because this person had been taking care of him and because he was the first person he saw when he woke up, he felt the warmth emanating from this person.

“What’s your name? Where is your home? Your injury is about to heal. It’s better to inform your family to pick you up.” Mu Yan asked with his head tilted. 

However, the man shook his head and said, “I don’t know where my home is, and I don’t know my name. I… I can’t remember anything.”

Mu Yan was very surprised. It was the first time he encountered such a situation, and he turned around and ran out without thinking.

The man lying on the bed saw Mu Yan running out with a terrified face (not at all!), his heart suddenly throbbed. A strange and flustered emotion slowly spread from the bottom of his heart, choking him out of breath.

Ignoring his injuries, he immediately got up from the bed and chased him out, always feeling that if he didn’t chase him out, he would never see this young man again. 

Mu Yan didn’t think much of it at all, he just wanted to find Uncle Yang or Dr. Li to see what happened to this man. How could he not even remember who he was?

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Mu Yan was also lucky. Just as he left the door, he met Yang Wenyao, Hao Hao, and Yingying. Seeing this, Yang Wenyao hurriedly asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Uncle Yang, he… he woke up. But he has no memory of anything.” Mu Yan stammered because he was running too fast.

“I’ll go take a look with you.” Yang Wenyao was actually on the way to Mu Yan’s house. 

Mu Yan walked back with Yang Wenyao, and then he saw a man with bandages standing at the gate, staring at Mu Yan tightly, as if he had been abandoned, his eyes were full of grievances, and the whole person looked pitiful.

“Why did you get up from the bed?” Mu Yan rushed over and carefully examined it, fearing that the wound on the man’s body would rupture, and he was relieved to see that the bandage did not ooze blood.

“Hello, I’m Yang Wenyao. I heard that you don’t remember anything after waking up.” Yang Wenyao asked quite frankly.

“Hmm.” The man replied lightly, looked at Yang Wenyao on guard, stepped forward, and blocked Mu Yan slightly behind him. 

Yang Wenyao saw this and frowned.

“Even your name, home address, and family, you don’t remember?” Yang Wenyao asked again, staring at the man all the time, trying to judge whether the other person was lying by observing his expression.

The man shook his head, indicating that he really didn’t remember anything.

“To be safe, we should let Dr. Li check him. Mu Yan, can you invite Dr. Li?” 

Mu Yan nodded and raised his leg to go, only to find that his sleeve was being grabbed by someone. Looking up along the slender fingers, the man was clutching his sleeve tightly, looking at him with a stubborn expression.

“I’ll be back soon.” Mu Yan promised. Although he didn’t know why he said this to the man, he always felt that the man just wanted to hear him say it.


The man pursed his thin lips tightly, but then reluctantly released his sleeves and watched Mu Yan leave until he could no longer see him.

When Mu Yan was absent, the man’s momentum was different from how he looked just now, and his aura unconsciously confronted another person near him. 

Yang Wenyao was startled, and hurriedly adjusted himself, looking at the man with more cautious and complicated eyes.

He had seen people with strong abilities, but he never expected to meet one in such a small village. This man’s identity was not simple.

But this person has now lost his memory. It might be a good or bad situation for them.

From his observation just now, this man seemed to be somewhat dependent on Mu Yan. Probably because Mu Yan saved him, and the first person he saw when he woke up was Mu Yan again, so subconsciously he would rely on Mu Yan and want to get closer. 

“Your identity may not be simple, but don’t you want to get your family back?” Yang Wenyao asked.

The man didn’t answer immediately; his eyes became much deeper, and the temperature around him also dropped a lot, as if he was thinking about something.

It would be a lie if he wasn’t curious about his past, but when he thought that he would leave here and leave that person if he regained his memory, he was subconsciously conflicted.

A man was a more casual person. Since he didn’t want to leave here or leave that person for the time being, he wouldn’t rush to find his memory. Let it recover naturally. 

“I don’t remember them.” The man replied lightly. The implication was, I don’t remember, I can’t find them, so I don’t need to look for them.

“Judging from your temperament and behavior, it is very likely that you are not from our planet. If you leave here, it’ll be easier to find your family, but here, you may never find it in your life.”

“But the first thing that finds me may be my enemy.” The man replied calmly.

Despite having no memory of who he was, the fact that he had landed on such a planet, his body was riddled with injuries, and… 

The man unconsciously placed his hand on his abdomen, where it felt empty. Although he did not remember, he always felt that there should be something there, but now it was gone.

Despite his memory loss, he was able to calculate that the likelihood of his accident being caused by “accident” was very low, and he estimated that someone had pursued and attacked him.

Yang Wenyao was speechless. This man was very rational and reasonable, but it was dangerous to let him stay here, especially because he looked like he wanted to stay in Yanyan’s home.

It was probably because of Yang Wenyao’s concern that the man rarely said voluntarily, “I won’t hurt him.” 

There was only one figure and one voice in his blank mind. For him now, that person was everything to him. How could he possibly hurt him?

Yang Wenyao also wanted to say something to the man, but he caught a glimpse of Doctor Li and Mu Yan in a hurry from the corner of his eye and then swallowed the words on his lips.


“Dad, Dr. Li is here.” Yingying trotted all the way back to report.

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