Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 34: 34

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Ch34 - Chicken Stewed With Mushroom

Mu Yan chose two of the most tender-looking napa cabbage, placed them in the center, and went around a short distance to see if he could find something else.

Mu Yan, who was fortunate, made a new discovery. A small piece of radish was growing in a small clump of grass. The exposed green leaves outside were both familiar and pleasing to the eye. 

Mu Yan stepped forward cheerfully and pulled out several radishes, and the fat white radish looked even more appetizing.

Mu Yan was pleased with today’s harvest. As a result, there were two more ingredients on the system upgrade task, and the progress bar advanced once more.



If Ah Chen was successful in hunting pheasants or rabbits, he would prepare meat and cabbage stew, stir-fry radishes, and the remainder could be roasted and eaten.

Mu Yan happily considered the menu to be prepared, and then asked 005 to check nearby for a water source. 

005 had always been very quick in assisting Mu Yan before the meal, but this time Mu Chen came back first. He hunted so quickly!


Mu Chen held a half-dead rabbit in one hand and a flapping pheasant in the other, which was considered a full harvest.

“Wow, Ah Chen. You’ve taken down a rabbit and a pheasant. It’s incredible.” Mu Yan’s eyes twinkled with stars as he looked at Mu Chen, who was carrying the two wild animals.

“If you like it, I’ll go hunting again.” With an adoring smile, Mu Chen said.


Mu Yan’s little face began to heat up uncontrollably. If 005 were here right now, it would definitely say that Mu Chen had bad intentions and ulterior motives, and it would do everything it could to convince Mu Yan not to be tricked.

Unfortunately, 005 was away this time, and when it returned, this conversation had come to an end.

Mu Chen tied the rabbit and pheasant together to keep them from fleeing, then took a few small items from his arms.


Mu Yan’s eyes brightened when he saw what Mu Chen was holding. 

“Eggs? You also found the eggs?” Mu Yan was taken aback, holding the egg in his hand and unable to put it down.

This trip yielded a bountiful harvest.

“This pheasant was sitting on these eggs when I came across it. I thought you might know if these could be eaten, so I gathered them.” Mu Chen was glad he had brought these eggs together at that time because he would not have seen Mu Yan’s lovely expression otherwise.

He enjoys seeing Mumu’s contented smile, especially if he smiled because of him. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ze Jtfc gfrbinfv atja ktfcfnfg tf mjwf jmgbrr rbwfatlcu cfk lc atf oeaegf, tf kbeiv olcv j rtjgf obg Zewe, tbqlcu atja Zewe kbeiv gfmbuclhf la jcv yf jyif ab fja la.

Pa kjr jirb vef ab Ze Jtfc’r vfmlrlbc atja atfs obecv wbgf fvlyif lcugfvlfcar jtfjv bo alwf, rjnlcu atfw j iba bo alwf. Ktfrf, bo mbegrf, kfgf obg ijafg.

When 005 returned, he glared at Mu Chen as usual, then said to Mu Yan, “Yanyan, there is a small stream not far ahead, and the surrounding area is quite large. Let’s go there now.”

“Mumu, I just returned and noticed a water source not far ahead. Let’s go there now.” 

Mu Chen spoke almost as soon as 005 finished speaking. He took Mu Yan’s radishes and cabbages very naturally.

“Hmph, I’ve already informed Yanyan about the water source; you’ve arrived too late.” 005 proudly raised its chest and said proudly, but Mu Chen was unable to see it.


Mu Yan thought everything was fine.

He had to come up with an excuse to let Mu Chen go ahead with him if Mu Chen didn’t say this. Because of his personality, finding an excuse was extremely difficult. 

He didn’t need to think of any excuses now that Ah Chen had taken the initiative, and he naturally agreed.

They walked to the stream, and as 005 predicted, the surrounding area was relatively wide and ideal for a picnic.

Mu Yan took the pheasant from Mu Chen and planned to go to the stream to deal with it, but Mu Chen took it back the next moment.

Mu Yan looked at Mu Chen, puzzled. 

“Tell me what to do, and I’ll do it.” Mu Chen had no idea how to handle a pheasant, but it would be bloody. Even if it was a pheasant, he didn’t want Mumu to be stained with that kind of blood.

But Mu Yan didn’t give it much thought. While Ah Chen dealt with the pheasant, he prepared the radish and cabbage. The speed would be much faster if they did it together.

“I’m going to heat up some water. You should drain all the pheasant blood first, Ah Chen.” It was far more convenient to remove the pheasant feathers with hot water.

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But then there was a problem. 

005’s space had kitchen utensils. When it was just him and 005, they could come and go as they pleased. Because Mu Chen was unaware of the existence of 005, the kitchen utensils could not be used at this time. How is he able to boil hot water?

Not only was there a lack of hot water, but the pheasant stewed with cabbage and stir-fried radish couldn’t be made without kitchen utensils.

Mu Yan frowned and remained tangled in the same spot.

005 used the occasion to say, “It’s better to leave that man at home, you see. Doing anything is inconvenient. We’ll go alone next time and not let him follow.” 

“Should we go back now that we’ve discovered two new ingredients? Returning to cooking will be far more convenient.”

Mu Yan thought about it for a long time before coming up with a good solution. The more he talked, the more convinced he became that this was the best method.

He stayed here for lunch because he needed more ingredients. He had discovered two, which was a significant gain. He was satisfied even if he did not look for it in the afternoon. He’d save the rest for another time.

“Ah Chen, there is no tool to boil water here, let’s go back and have lunch in the house,” Mu Yan said quietly to Mu Chen, who was handling the prey. 

Although Mu Chen had no idea why Mu Yan had changed his mind, he believed that any decision Mu Yan made was sound and would accept it.

He nodded without hesitation and cleaned up the bloodied rabbit and pheasant, planning to take them away together later.


“005, you go back and put the kitchen utensils in the storage room first, so when we go back, we can get them directly from the storage room.”

Mu Chen would not be suspicious in this manner. Mu Yan was pleased with himself for thinking so clearly. 

005 was hesitant to leave first, and even more hesitant to leave Yanyan alone with this man. Mu Yan, on the other hand, had clearly made up his mind. 005 had no choice but to leave first, but not before giving Mu Chen a vicious look.

Mu Chen abruptly raised his head and looked at the location of 005 with a deep sharpness in his eyes, as if he knew something was there.

005 was startled, and the fur all over its body exploded. If it wasn’t absolutely certain that no one else could see it except Mu Yan, the host, it would believe Mu Chen saw it.

In fact, Mu Chen had no idea why. He always had the impression that there was something in that location at the time, but when he looked around, there was nothing. 

005 couldn’t stand it any longer. It flew away quickly after saying a few words to Mu Yan, as if something terrifying was chasing after it.

005 was the first to leave, followed by Mu Yan and Mu Chen. During this time, if Mu Yan noticed any familiar ingredients or something familiar, he would stop and carefully observe. So the time to get home was also extended significantly, until the sun was above his head, at which point they arrived home.

“Let’s put these ingredients here, and I’ll go get something from the storage room.” Mu Yan said to Mu Chen before walking to the storage room.

Mu Chen gathered all of the ingredients, followed Mu Yan into the storage room, and took everything Mu Yan was holding in his hands. 

“I can carry this thing,” Mu Yan admitted, but a warm feeling flowed from his heart.

When he was at home, he used to do everything himself because no one would help him. However, after arriving in this world, he not only met Aunt Lin and Uncle Yang, both of whom were very nice, but also Ah Chen, who assisted him in every way. It was excellent!

“You still have to cook later,” you’ll be exhausted.

Mu Yan understood even though Mu Chen did not say the second half of the sentence. His heart became hotter with a sweet tinge, and a sweet smile appeared on his face. 

“Do I need to take anything else?” Mu Chen inquired.

“There’s no need; these are sufficient.” “Just put things here,” Mu Yan said.

When they arrived at the yard, they still used Mu Yan’s simple stove.

Because of their limited ability and strength, the stove was very irregular and difficult to use, but they had to make do for now. 

Mu Chen stowed everything and placed the pot directly on the stove for Mu Yan. His gaze was drawn to the stove for a moment before he went to wash the vegetables.

Mu Yan filled the pot with water and set it on the stove to heat up, ready to be used later to remove pheasant feathers.


Mu Chen had previously processed the rabbit, and the skin had been completely peeled off.

Mu Yan pulled apart the cabbage piece by piece for later use while the water was boiling, and then cut the white radish into pieces, intending to stew and stir-fry it later. 

Finally, Mu Yan washed some shiitake mushrooms he found on the way back and picked some of the same size to use in stewing pheasant.

Mu Yan must have been overjoyed when he discovered mushrooms in the forest. Despite the fact that he had never eaten pheasant stewed mushrooms, the aroma lingered in his mind until now. He had been wanting to try it for a long time.

He had previously passed a restaurant in town. It had a strong aroma that made him salivate and unable to walk away. After listening to the conversation of those around him, he realized it was the restaurant’s signature dish: chicken stew with mushrooms.

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