Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 127: Mysterious Master rystal

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Zhang Xingxing and company had just stepped into the room when she noticed the Gando. She instinctively brought her hand to her weapon.

"Relax, everyone. This is a scrawny Gando that Li Canyue hired at a premium. He poses no threat to anyone," introduced Domo.

"Do you even know how to be nice, you dwarf!" said Zhang Bao'er.

"This is our new friend. His name is Sarje. He probably knows Eternal better than us," I said.

"I'm in your care, everyone. I'll be in charge of security," said Sarje.

"Sarje, do you know how far away the palace is?" Zhang Xingxing went straight to the point.

"Palace? The place where the emperor stays? It's very far away. It's on the other side of the planet," said Sarje.

Everyone was speechless. We had not imagined that Kado would deliver us to the other side of the planet from our target.

"Are there any services that can bring us to the palace?" I asked Sarje.

"That's easy. Just get a glide-type shuttle," said Sarje.

"Where can we find one?" asked Zhang Xingxing.

"I never bought one before. I'll need to ask around," said Sarje.

Zhang Xingxing nodded and said to me, "Go buy a shuttle with Sarje. It's better for the rest of us to wait here to avoid any trouble."

"Canyue, I tested our communicators. They work on Eternal. Keep your communicator on and keep in touch with us at all times," said Old Du.

"Let me go with them as well," offered Domo.

Zhang Xingxing agreed to the request. It was getting late, so Domo and I left the tavern with Sarje. Despite the late hour, the street was still bustling with activity.

"The night here is twice as long as Blue's, so their nightlife is twice as long. Canyue, you should find a chance to properly enjoy yourself here," said Domo with a cheerful smile.

"Sarje, where do you plan to ask about the shuttle?" I asked Sarje instead of responding to Domo.

"I'll take you to my master. He knows this planet very well. He definitely has the answer you seek," said Sarje.

When we arrived at a shop, Sarje told us to wait, and he entered alone to do some shopping. When he came out, I saw that he had something that looked like a bottle strapped to his waist.

We followed Sarje on foot for about half an hour as we traversed the bustling bazaar and entered a quiet residential area. Sarje stopped at a relatively small building constructed in a style similar to a grass hut.

"We're here. Come with me. Master is old and erudite. We all know him as Master Crystal," said Sarje.

"Remember to watch your mouth in the presence of the master. We will pay for any additional expenses," I reminded Domo.

The Jido grumbled in agreement. Sarje pushed the door open, and we followed him in. We walked into a yard with blue grass. It was decorated with several rock gardens and ponds, and a massive tree was at the inner side of the yard. A series of buildings were built on the tree roots and the crown of the tree, each connected by a rope ladder.

Sarje walked respectfully toward a building on the tree root, placed his staff on the ground, and brought his palms together. He said, "Master, two Katar friends are seeking to learn about something. I beseech your assistance, Master."

After a long while, no response came from the building. Thus, Sarje stepped forth and pushed the wooden door open. Inside, it was completely dark. It took my eyes a while to acclimate to the darkness so that I could see an individual clad in a black robe. He was sitting upright on a cushion with his back facing us.

We all sank into silence, and only the sound of flowing water could be heard in our surroundings. Seeing that Master Crystal seemed to be in some sort of meditation, the three of us sat down as well, waiting for him to finish.

Sitting on the ground silently and listening to the sound of flowing water, I felt a sense of tranquility engulf my heart. After experiencing so many hardships, this was the very first time I was able to sit down with such calm. I felt my thoughts clear up and all my worries leave my mind. 

Minute after minute passed, and after an indeterminate amount of time, I saw the master stand up to turn to face us and then sit down again.

"Master, you're done?" asked Sarje.

Master Crystal had a small stature. His entire body was hidden in his black robe, making it impossible for us to see his actual appearance. He reached out with his right hand, but I couldn't even get a good look at his palm because it was covered by his robe.

"Did you bring the thing here?" an overcast voice asked.

"Yes, it's here," said Sarje as he handed over the bottle-like object.

Next, gulping sounds rang out. Clearly, Master Crystal was consuming some sort of drink.

'He's not drinking some sort of liquor, is he?' I wondered inwardly.

After a short while, the bottle was emptied.

"Why didn't you bring more?" said Master Crystal angrily.

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"Master, I'm sorry. Money is a bit tight recently. Just make do with this," said Sarje awkwardly.

"What are they here for?" asked Master Crystal.

"They're here to seek your assistance, Master. They wish to learn about the planet," said Sarje.

"Oh? They came empty-handed?" asked Master Crystal.

I saw that Domo was on the verge of saying something, so I hurriedly cupped my fist and said, "Master Crystal, we wish to ask for a place where we can buy a glide-type shuttle."

"Why do you need that?" asked Master Crystal.

"We need to go to the palace, and we need a shuttle to carry us there," I said.

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The master shot forward at the mention of the palace, as though he was trying to get a clear look at my face. Within the black hood, I seemed to catch the glimpse of a pair of blue eyes.

"Um. Neither of you is a Katar. Be honest. What are you planning to do?" said Master Crystal.

I was alarmed. This master was too incredible. He actually saw through our disguise so easily. Sarje was also stunned, not knowing how to react.

"Don't worry, Master. We do not bear any ill will. Even this disguise is out of helplessness. We only hope to get an audience with the emperor," I explained.

"Come, sit beside me," said Master Crystal as he pointed at me.

"Canyue, be careful. This old man seems to be extremely powerful," whispered Domo.

I nodded at him and stealthily activated my defensive system before moving to sit beside the master.

"Give me your hand. And turn off your shield. I won't harm you," said Master Crystal.

I turned off my shield and handed my hand over as told. Then, the master covered my arm with his wide sleeve. I felt a small hand roam around my palm and my wrist. Oddly, the hand felt familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time. The roaming persisted for about 10 minutes.

"You're a Blueling?" Master Crystal asked.

"You know about Blue?" I asked in astonishment.

"Yes. It's a planet housing a complicated race in a different star system," said Master Crystal.

"Have you met a Blueling before? Is it someone called Captain Zhang Han?" I asked.

Master Crystal shook his head. "I never met that person before. I have only learned about Blue from an ancient record. According to the record, Bluelings have a unique pulse—the same pulse I had felt from you. That was why I had guessed you were a Blueling."

"What record is it? Can I have a look at the record?" I asked.

"I don't have it. I saw it in the Imperial College's library," said Master Crystal.

"You were in the Imperial College before?" I asked.

After a short silence, Master Crystal replied, "A long time ago."

"If possible, can you take me to the book? How much would it cost? I can pay," I offered. An urge rose within me to take a look at the book upon hearing about it.

"It's a banned book. It has been sealed by the Imperial College. If you want to see it, you need to enter the Dark Hall in the college. That is where all the banned books are kept. Nobody has been able to see that book since it entered the Dark Hall," said Master Crystal.

"Is that so? There's no hope at all?" I asked in disappointment.

"Nobody has ever been able to enter the Dark Hall. Even for the books that have their ban removed by the emperor himself, nobody has ever dared to retrieve the books placed in the Dark Hall," said Master Crystal.

I felt greatly disappointed, but I did not dwell on it for long. After so many hardships, I was able to quickly recover my emotions.

"Master, can you help us get a glide-type shuttle and take us to the palace first?" I asked.

"It's pointless to go to the palace. The emperor is not there," said Master Crystal.

"What? Fille IV is not in his palace? Where is he?" I asked.

"The emperor was enraged by Principal Sosse's defection. Initially, he had the entire Imperial College placed on lockdown and all the scholars and theologians imprisoned, but he was eventually stopped by Empress Soffe," said Master Crystal.

"Empress Soffe, Fille IV's wife," I said.

"Yes, and she's also the mother of the future Fille V, Prince Yasse. She did her best to protect the Imperial College, but the subsequent defection of Theologian Fode infuriated the emperor."

"Theologian Fode. I've heard of that name before. When I had first arrived on Lidu, a bunch of Eternal soldiers had been hunting for him," I said.

"Yes. He had stolen the Imperial Golden Book, which Sosse hadn't been able to steal. He had then escaped to reconvene with Principal Sosse," said Master Crystal.

"Imperial Golden Book? What book is that?" I asked in confusion.

"The Imperial Golden Book contains the empire's highest level of secrets. Only the emperor and those of his blood are allowed to read the imperial book. Nobody else can read it," said Master Crystal.

"Since nobody can read it, what's the point in stealing the book?" I asked.

"It was rumored that Principal Sosse intended to borrow the capabilities of some aliens to reveal the book's secrets. The aliens he sought are none other than the Interstellar League formed by you Bluelings and the Gliesens," said Master Crystal.

'I did not expect the league to actually go against their promise of peace. Instead, they're secretly planning an interstellar invasion,' I thought to myself.

"Fode's escape angered the emperor greatly, so he went to the Imperial College personally. He intends to slaughter everyone at the college, and not even the empress can calm his anger. It's rumored that she had personally visited the imperial family's patron saint, the elder of the Sacred Wing race, to avoid unnecessary deaths," said Master Crystal.

"Sacred Wing race?" I asked.

"It's a mysterious race that has been protecting the Eternals from behind the scene for many years. After the empire was established, their elder reached an agreement with Fille I. The goal of their race is to protect the imperial family unconditionally without interfering in any imperial affairs. However, the subsequent elders have become greedy for power and authority, to the point where the goal and teachings of the race were distorted," said Master Crystal.

"You sound very familiar with them," I remarked.

Master Crystal sank into silence. After a while, he said, "The elder then personally moved to meet the emperor, directly violating the policy of non-interference. The two held a secret discussion in the palace but were never seen afterward. The empress became worried and tried searching the palace several times, but nothing was found. She ultimately had the soldiers surround the Imperial College. That is why I had said that it was pointless for you to visit the palace."

The explanation cleared the doubts in my mind. So it turned out that we were completely clueless about an event so major.

"Where do you think we should go if we wish to seek the emperor?" I asked.

Master Crystal stared at me before slowly saying, "Imperial College."

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