Into The Kaleidoscope

Chapter 14: Chapter 13

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I scanned the Starks standing before me, swords drawn, fearfully looking at me. Behind them I could see some guards moving into position as Maester Luwin grabbed the kids and their wolves, taking them away from the scene.

Weird. Why are they acting all hostile?

I thought we had an arrangement?

[Think about it from their perspective. If you saw a glowing man walking out of the forest, wouldn't you freak out?]

Huh, I suppose so. Maybe we can talk this out. Still, better to be ready. Ring, can you help me with the Reinforcement?

[Can't you do it yourself?]

I can. I just don't have enough experience to be confident in maintaining it. I still need practice.

[Fine. But don't blame me if you end up breaking a bone. I have only ever used it on video games controllers.]

So you can rage out without breaking them?



[You want that Reinforcement or not?] The ring grumbled. 

Yes, please.

My magic circuit flared with a shower of blue as the spell actualized in my body. Immediately I felt stronger, faster, more ...alive.

It was to be expected. The Reinforcement spell wasn't one that boosted your physical abilities the conventional way after all. Fate spells  were different in that way, since they all pulled on conceptual natures as their core. Reinforcement for example involved pouring magical energy into an object to enhance the purpose of its existence. It could make a knife sharper, food more nourishing, and a person stronger and sturdier.

A Reinforcement reinforced the very concept of my existence, giving me more weight against the local reality itself. So it didn't make my body stronger in actual terms, it just allowed it to display greater weight against all other existences in the local reality. Like a Yugioh battle, the Reinforcement spell gave me a higher attack so I can crush anything that has a lower attack than mine. This meant that with enough experience, I could shatter vault doors and tear through castle walls like butter but it also meant that if I had to face a cotton ball that was reinforced to the same or higher level, I couldn't even squish it. 

It was a form of selective reality bending, though at this level it didn't appear to be anything more than a physical boost.

I walked out, eyeing the men circling the entrance and raised an eyebrow.

"Lord Stark. What is the meaning of this?"

"What did you do to the cub? Did you sacrifice it?"

He asked, looking at the sleeping cub in my arms.

"I blessed him?" I replied.

I lifted him with one hand and stroked its head with another as it sneezed cutely.

Ned Stark looked and the sneezing pup and the look in his eyes softened.

"Why are you glowing?" He lowered his sword. 

"Because I am the herald of the old gods, blessed by their grace."

"It isn't blood sorcery?"

"It's a blessing. Not magic. It grants me the power to heal others." I lied.

Now that I had planted the idea that I was the herald of the old gods in their minds, it was time to make myself indispensable to them, and in a medieval world, that means the power of healing. It's non-offensive, has no evil, witchy connotations that could get me burnt at the stake and is very, very valuable to any and all civilizations. Also, it looks like a divine miracle, which, given Fate's system of magic, it probably is. Magic circuits are called the 'right to recreate miracles', after all.

Just then, Catelyn Stark walked down from the balcony, glaring at me as she pointed an accusing finger in my direction. 

"You cannot hide your sorcery behind lies." She turned to her husband, "He is just afraid of the guards. The moment you leave him alone he will bewitch our children. We should arrest him now and throw him in the dungeons till he reveals his true intentions."

I sighed, shaking my head.

Ring, work with me here. 


"Lady Catelyn." I caught her attention and raised my leg, before bringing it down onto the ground with all of my power. My foot slammed into the ground with a thunderous boom, shaking the walls behind me as it shattered the earth below me in a three foot radius to rubble, surprising everyone around me. I could see the looks on the soldier's faces turn to horror as they retreated a few steps away, muttering prayers. The Starks themselves stood frozen in place, shocked at my display as the terror seeped into Catelyn Stark's eyes.

I walked over to Ned Stark and casually flicked his blade, simultaneously activating a spell with the ring's help.


The sword crumpled, and then cracked like rotten wood, shattering like glass as it's top half fell to the ground in shards.

Ned Stark looked at me and then at his sword in utter puzzlement as the realization dawned on him. 

I could have done this anytime I wanted. I could have killed them all on the journey here. And yet I came here with them peacefully.

I smiled. Just as planned.

But still, I wanted to confirm his suspicions. Make sure they never tried such a thing again. Never even dreamed of it.

"If I wanted to butcher every last man woman and child in Winterfell, a hundred men couldn't stop me. I could tear down your castle as if it was made of mud. I am not afraid of the guards, Lady Catelyn, I am afraid for them. For what would happen to them should they be forced to pit themselves against me by virtue of your foolishness." 

I let my words sink in as a silence descended upon us.

"What do you want?" She asked, her voice cracked, shivering in fright.

"I have already told you what I want." I turned around and paced about, leaving my back exposed.

A powerplay. One that no one checked me on, out of fear. 

I smiled.

Now to hammer the nail in the coffin.

I put on an affectation as I spoke.

"The old gods sent me here to help you and get your help in return. To warn you of the coming end. 

Winter is coming. The Long Night is nearly upon us. The White Walkers have returned and the wall is woefully under-manned.The seven kingdoms are shattered, lost in their own petty squabbles. They cannot win like this. We cannot win like this.

If life is to survive the long night, the tides of the dead, it must do so united, as one. And its first stand will be made here, in the North, under the Starks."

"If you are so powerful, why do you need our help? Can you not kill them yourself? Why do the gods need our help?" Ned Stark asked.

"The gods do not need your help. The white walkers cannot touch the gods. But the gods care for you. That is why they sent me here. But I cannot defeat the army of the dead alone." I replied, spinning a tale, "As powerful as I am, the Night King, the first of the White Walkers is far more powerful. He can tear dragons apart with his bare hands, summon storms and freeze the seas with a thought. Even I cannot face both him and his army on my own. Not if I have to protect you all. I need an army for that. I need the wall to be manned and well supplied. Ready to withstand a siege from an army ten million strong, filled with giants and ice spiders as big as hounds. I also have reason to suspect the Night King has possession of an ice dragon, larger than any ever seen."

"An ice dragon?!" Arya squeaked from the balcony. She had sneaked back out from wherever Maester Luwin took them. 

Catelyn fixed her with a stern gaze as she hid behind the rails again, before she returned her eyes to me. 

"You expect us to believe this drivel?" She asked.

"You can choose to believe me Lady Catelyn, or you can choose to ignore me. The Long Night will come nevertheless. Just ask yourself, will you be prepared to face it alone?" I shot back.

"Cat...let me." Ned held up a hand to stop her from souring any more of the conversation.

He turned to me.

"If he is so powerful, why hasn't he conquered the world already?" Ned Stark asked.

"Because he is bound by the cycles of the gods. A grand destiny." I explained, "He cannot attack till the Long Night arrives and casts the sky with darkness. That is in six years. That also gives us six years. Six years to prepare for a battle that will determine the fate of the world." 

Finally, he put down his broken sword and sheathed it, gesturing at the soldiers to do the same and bowed.

"Tell us herald, what do the gods need us to do?"

"All will be revealed in due time. But the first thing you must do, is revive the faith." I pulled out a weirwood branch I had torn off the tree from my pocket and held it up to him with both hands, pretending to mutter a prayer.

Ring, do your thing. Just as we discussed.


No, tomorrow. Yes, now!

Quick. We can cement ourselves a position of benevolence right now.

[Sure.] The ring replied as I supplied it with the mana, [Healing.]

My hands glowed and mystery actualized around me, congealing on the branch in my hands. Slowly, but visibly, it began to wiggle and squirm, sprouting leaves and buds, roots and small blood red flowers as it transformed into a sapling, ready to be planted.

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I handed it to him gently, and grasped it firmly in his hands and watched as his previous resentment turned to reverence.

Robb too looked at me with respect and awe, and Jon looked utterly baffled and confused. 

Even Catelyn Stark's expression changed as she battled with the dissonance in her faith after seeing such a miracle before her very eyes.

Behind me, I could hear a soldier whisper.

"A blessing from the gods...", followed by a cacophony of voices in the crowd of servants in this part of the castle that had gathered around after hearing the explosion earlier, full of amazement and prayer.

I smiled. 

They fell for it, hook, line and sinker. 

[Don't let it get to your head. Fooling medieval peasants is easy.]

I know. I won't. 

I turned my attention to Ned Stark again and ordered.

"Plant it by the stream, upon the body of the direwolf mother, and nurture it into a new heart tree. Consider it the first test of your faith."

Ned Stark nodded, and bowed ever so slightly. 

"As the gods wish." He turned to Robb, "Get Maester Luwin to clean a room by the eastern wall and guide-"

"Actually, Lord Stark, before that, I have one more thing to do. Do you remember the soldier I shot at the tower. I need to heal him before I settle down to rest. It is only right."

He nodded, and gestured at Robb to accommodate me.

"Let me guide you to him." Robb told me, gestured me to follow.

I nodded and off we went.

[I didn't think you'd be so...nice to them. Doesn't power make people more arrogant?]

Most, sure. But I wasn't arrogant because I liked being arrogant, though I can't deny I enjoyed it more than a little bit. 

My attitude earlier was a strategic choice, not only to create an air of mystery around me but even more importantly, to guide their attention away from the obvious holes in my story that I couldn't just patch.

Like why I, as a merchant prince, don't have any money? 

Or where I got the gun, or why despite claiming to be a traveler, my clothes were hardly travel worn and my travelling shoes didn't have a speck of dirt on them. Or how I ended up there, in the middle of nowhere, in the forst place. 

If I let them think rationally and calmly about all this, I'd have been thrown in the dungeon as a spy or more likely, assassin after they found the rope in my bag and learnt what the gun could do. They look suspiciously like assassination tools. 

So I had to disturb their thoughts, dumb them down. And there are two easy ways to do that.

To make them angry or horny. 

[Clearly you chose the worse of the two.]

I almost snorted in laughter at that and covered it up with a sneeze as Robb looked over at me curiously.

"It's nothing. Just getting used to the cold." I replied, wiping my nose.

That seemed to tide him over and I returned to my thoughts again.

Dammit ring. Almost got me labelled as the crazy prophet.

[You mean you're not crazy already?!]

The ring laughed with mock shock as it replied.

I rolled my eyes.

Say, I can't just keep calling you ring. Do you have a name?

[Only took you five hours and 18 minutes to ask.]

Yeah, sorry about that. Didn't really have time for a proper introduction. But hey, better late than never, right?

[I suppose now's as good a time as any.]


[No. I don't have a name. Maybe I should pick one out? New world new me and all that?]

You know what, that's a great idea. I want a new name too. Leave the old life behind.

[Nicolas Sutler-Freidmann sounds like a good name. Why do you want to change it?]

Wait, Hedge told you my name? No, of course he did. 

But yes. It's not a bad name. I just want something cooler, you know. A multiversal traveler has to have an awesome name. Something that inspires awe and respect, has that air of nobility when you first hear it.

[Uhuh? Any ideas?]

Actually, yes. I do have an idea. 

How about.... Ardwyll Heathschilde Ymirsson, Adventurer Extraordinaire and Magus Supreme!


What? It's cool. I muttered.

[No, nhoohahhahahahahahah... it's a...hehhehehe.. it's a fin-hhaiahahaha!]

Yeah, fuck you too. 

I've decided on it and I'm keeping it. And that's final.

[Haah! Okay, okay.....heh....not gonna...heheh...not going to laugh at you. You do you, Magus Supreme~]

"I regret everything." I sighed, speaking out loud by accident.

"What?" Robb turned to me again with a worried look.

"No. Nothing. Just thinking about something."

"If you insist...." He gave me a weird look and led me to a shack by the wall.

"The soldier you are looking for is in there. I will leave you to it?" He asked, unsure.

"Yes. Please do. I will come find you when I am done." I nodded and he walked away muttering something to himself.

I sighed.

I'm definitely getting called the Crazy Prophet.

[I'd say you've all but earned it.]

Yes. Yes, I have.

I closed the door behind me and got to healing the poor dickless man. 



A little late for an update but as the mc says, better late than never.

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