Is that a Wisp?

Chapter 44: Go and Die!

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Recently, Krune has been feeling downcast, he felt like he got a new shadow, it's just that this shadow had a face, a very cold one on top of that, not to mention the blue hair, this shadow followed him everywhere, what made Krune even gloomier was the fact that when they were walking in the streets, this shadow like person attracted the attention of everyone around him, worst of all, he could see hatred in the eyes of the human males specially.

'My low key life… after a few months without causing any problems, people had finally started to pay attention somewhere else and left me alone, but then, out of nowhere, an attention magnet attaches itself on me! What have I done to deserve it? It's a curse! It must be! A curse directed to the wisp race!'

Krune wasn't the only one annoyed, Yusa was fuming! She wants to try out her skills in the Raskie Danger Zone, but in the end they had to give up the mission, fortunately, they haven't applied for it at that moment.

Krune noticed that Yusa was angrier than she usually is, although Ao was also annoyed, he could feel that she was a little different than normal.

'I'm still lacking in human knowledge, I will do some research later.'

After that he went back to his activities.


It was night time and Krune was back at his small house, through his communicator, he, Yusa and Ao were discussing the actual situation. Yusa seemed to be upset still, but she talked anyway, she went back to the mercenary guild to question Lu Ganan.

"So, supervisor Lu said that her mission is to protect you until the end of the Furiu Realm exploration, but since we didn't enter, she has to protect you while on the outside, her end term is the end of the Furiu Realm exploration, although Lu Ganan didn't say it, I believe that she is bound by a blood contract to keep protecting you until then."

Ao agreed with Yusa

"That can be the only explanation possible, since we didn't enter the Furiu realm, she had no reason to stay here, as far as I can see, we have two choices, one, we wait for the Furiu Realm to close and then she will leave on her on accord, or two, we offer her a blood contract for her to keep silent about our activities and not harm any of us while at that."

Yusa then said

"I don't think that she is the type to accept a blood contract that easily, it has more to do with her pride, like not coming down to our level or something like that."

Krune then said.

"Then let's wait, we are not going to die just because we stayed in here for one or two months, we can cultivate slowly and use the arena to practice our skills with the concealing formation on, it won't be as good as real combat, but it can help us polish our techniques before we leave next time."

Yusa and Ao nodded, they know that Krune is a wisp, he doesn't have so much time to wait like they do, so, if he himself decided to stay, then they would accompany him, Krune's eyes then shined.

"Besides, I can spend more time concocting pills, I will be able to make a lot of spirit stones this time, who knows, I might be able to get enough to create my eighth Spiritual Energy Meridian!"

He then laughed out loud.

Yusa, who wasn't very happy to start with, cursed him to the point where he got numb, she was like a cat whose tail was stepped on. Ao had finished the call at some point so Krune was the only one to surfer in the end.

When everything was over, Krune couldn't help but sigh.

'Something is definitely wrong with her, I better look into this now.'

Days passed and Yusa was back to normal, much for Krune's relief, he had found out in the network that human women have certain days in the month where they often get more sentimental, it had to do with their body functions and reproductive system, even female cultivators were no exception for that. He was planning to console her a bit but in the end she calmed again, so he had no need to point it out.

On the other hand, Shinja Avril was getting angrier by the day, of course, it had nothing to do with what Yusa went through, it was just that now and then she received news from the people in the Furiu realm finding great fortunes, some of them were even able to breakthrough into the Core Formation Realm, she might act cold all the time, but she also had feelings, and at moment she was feeling like killing a certain wisp who imprisoned here in this city.

Krune didn't notice though, for him she looked as cold as the first time they saw each other, so he kept his daily activities, today he was going to have some combat training in the arena with Yusa and Ao to see if there was anything wrong with their element control and at the same time test his own skills. Of course, they would select the concealing option of the arena, fortunately, Shinja had no interest in their combat training, and so she simply stayed outside waiting.

Krune went forward and said.

"Alright, you two come at me together, with your control over the elements, now you are already strong enough to be my match while I'm in my human form as long as you work together, it will also help me finding where to improve you and myself, I'm going to be serious here, so you better be prepared."

Yusa and Ao nodded, Yusa then said with a bright smile.

"My cute brother Krune doesn't need to worry, I have mastered the Myriad Water Dragons, and you are the best target I could ever hope for."

For a second, Krune felt that it might not have been a good idea to have two against one, Ao was also fired up as well.

"Yusa might have her Myriad Water Dragons, but I have a new skill as well, it's just that I don't have a good control over this at moment, so you better be careful, you probably saw this one in the Mercenary Sales Room, it was quite expensive to buy the manual, it's the vacuum blade, by slashing the wind around with Sword Qi, I can create a vacuum which greatly improves my speed."

Krune then took a deep breath.

"Very well, let do it."

Ao and Yusa coordination in the last few months had really soared, Yusa was capable of use the Myriad Water Dragons to cover Ao's attack even though Ao didn't have a full grasp of the vacuum blade yet, his vacuum blade also increased the speed of the water dragons, Krune had a hard time avoiding the attacks, and he attacked, Neither Yusa or Ao had too muc difficult to deal with it, Yusa's water frame made his Blazing Wind Blades miss her while Ao's Vacuum Blade eliminated the air around, so when the Blazing Wind Blades entered its range, they lost a lot of their attack power due to not have oxygen to be burnt, of course, those Blazing Winds Blades are created from spiritual energy, so it only lost the power from normal flames, the spiritual fire still burned nonetheless.

Shinja Avril could hear the explosions coming from the arena, although she couldn't see it, she could more or less determine the power.

"The 6th stage of the Foundation Establishment, to think that I need to stay here looking at this level of cultivator, what was the guild head even thinking when he thought in sending them inside the Furiu Realm? At this point I could have already found a fortune for myself to breakthrough into the Core Formation Stage."

She decided to stop thinking about that before she loses her rationality.

Too bad though, although Krune's group was taking the training seriously, they are far from using their real power, they don't want to cause serious injures, things like all out combat can wait for when they leave to the Danger Zones, what they are doing is to practice their coordination and checking what is wrong in their element manipulation.

The day passed and when it was mid-day, they stopped for lunch, Yusa and Ao had been led into the bad path, now they also can't do without a good meal at specific times, just like Krune.

This time he brought them to his house where he cooked himself, he had got quite proficient with his cooking skills, it might not have much use for cultivation, but it was one of the few things that made him happy, not to mention that his food tasted really good.

Shinja, of course, would never accept a single grain of rice, so she just stayed outside, the simple fact that they would stop training just to eat made she even angrier instead.

'What they think training is meant for?'

Inside the house, Krune had activated the concealing formation so that their voices couldn't be heard.

"Yusas Myriad Water dragon is really good, as long as her control over the water element reaches mine, she will be able to bring the full power of the technique, the same can be said for her other skills. From what I could see you just need to change the spiritual energy flux, when your water dragon are moving, the spiritual energy inside them doesn't change according to the direction they are moving, you simply filled them with it and controlled the direction, forcing the spiritual energy to follow, if you can make the spiritual energy change its course together with the skill, your technique will get faster and won't lose much power."

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Yusa looked puzzled

"But how do I do that?"

Krune then gave her his ideas, he couldn't dictate every single step, it would make things more difficult instead, everyone has their own way to do things, and he is just showing the door.

"As for Ao, your vacuum blade is very good, but I believe that the reason you haven't mastered it yet is due to the way you control your Sword Qi."

Ao was even more puzzled than Yusa was before, but he waited for Krune to continue.

"The vacuum blade is a wind type skill, it uses the control over the wind element to get rid of the air around you, but air is also part of the wind after all, by eliminating everything you are also limiting your control over the wind element, at least that's what I feel when I look at you, today was the first time I saw the vacuum blade skill, but I still believe that as a wind element user, your power resides in the wind element itself, by eliminating the air around you, you are cutting your own flesh."

Ao seemed like to understand.

"Does it mean that this skill isn't suitable for me?"

Krune shook his head.

"Not necessarily, if I'm not wrong, the vacuum around you is formed due to the Wind Element Sword Qi which can be shoot from anywhere around your body, correct?"

Ao nodded, that was the pre requisite for the vacuum blade, the user had to be able to use Sword Qi with focus on wind element, there are several types of Sword Qi, elemental ones are a few of them, and Ao Sulian is obviously using Wind Element Sword Qi, Elemental Sword Qi takes in consideration the users understand of the specific element plus his understand of the sword, it's not something easy to create, thankfully, Ao was a sword manic, his understand of the sword was already very high even before he came to know Krune, as for the wind element, with Krune by his side, it would be a joke if he didn't get to master it.

"This is just a guess, but when you use sword Qi around your body to create the vacuum area, you eliminate any contact with the real wind, but what if you only start eliminating the wind, let's say, 10 centimeters away from your body? The wind that stays inside will be trapped by the vacuum blade, you can use it to boost the power of all your abilities while using the vacuum to accelerate them. Of course, the air that stayed inside will still somehow hinder your speed a little, but the gains should overcome the losses."

Ao's eyes were shining, he had never thought about using the vacuum blade like that, but he also knows that it is bound to be very difficult.

Krune then gave him a few ideas of how to practice to achieve that effect, but he remembered Ao that in the end, it was all just a guess, only by seeing the final product could the both of them know if it was worth the try or not.


Days passed and finally a month went by, the Furiu Realm was still open, much for Shinja's displeasure, yes, she was jealous of the people inside, the danger didn't scary her.

Krune's group was still giving her the cold shoulder, of course, that's mainly because of how she acted every time she was with them, it made her even more upset, everywhere she goes people would idolize her, but Krune's group seemed to think about her as air now, they simply ignored the fact that she even exists. It started to even affect her emotional state.

One day, she finally couldn't take it anymore! Krune, Yusa and Ao were outside the city gates making a… barbecue! The group easy going attitude was making her crazy. She knows very well that Krune has a universe foundation, just like hers, but instead of training hard they would spend their time with things like a barbecue.

But that wasn't the worst of all, the worst of was that Krune's barbecue smelled too good! Even she was salivating, for the first time she had the thought of asking if she could get a piece, Shinja thought she was getting crazy already to think something like that.

Unfortunately for her, after an apocalyptic battle between her pride and her desires, her pride lost in the end, don't look down on Krune's culinary skills, he uses the same spiritual fire that he concocts his pills as an alchemist, not to mention the he himself loves to cook good food, it was capable to even crush the 'ice block' guard.

She gathered all the courage she had to say those words.

"Can I get a piece too?"

But to her surprise, Krune's group completely ignored her, she finally couldn't take it anymore and then… she fell on her knees and cried.

When Krune, Yusa and Ao saw that, their eyes almost popped out of their sockets! Is that really the worldly famous ice block Shinja Avril?

What they didn't know was that the world had a misconception about Shinja, she is, in the end, a girl! But because everyone had only seen her talents, beaut or Pure Yin Body and Universe Foundation, she had never got along with anyone, nor did she ever join a team afraid that she would only be used. She too doesn't like to keep her distance from the others, but in end no one wanted to know the real her, this led her true self to create a shield that kept everyone away, a shield to protect herself against other people's greediness.

But ever since she started following Krune's group, they didn't give a damn to her, Krune is one thing, he isn't human after all, Yusa could also be understandable since she too is a woman, but even Ao, a human male through and through, had never spared even a glance at her.

Krune asked through his Divine Sense, he was the one with the least understanding about humans after all, he didn't want to risk a guess.

"Why is she crying?"

Ao then answered through Divine Sense too.

"For a moment a few seconds ago, I thought I heard she asking for a piece of the barbecue, but then I remembered who she was, so I thought I had heard wrong."

Yusa was surprised.

"You two are as dumb as mules, can't you see that she is still crying? Is it time to think about it? We won't die if we give her a piece anyway so give her some."

Of course, as a woman, Yusa could see that there is much more behind those tears than simple desire to eat barbecue, she couldn't imagine what could have happened to make Shinja break down like that, she even felt some pity.

Krune, on the other hand, just nodded and cut a piece of their barbecue, but he was still puzzled, is it really necessary to cry over a piece of meat, sure, he is very confident in his culinary skill, but he doesn't think that people would cry over it.

It was then that he felt like he was enlightened! It immediately got him exited!

Krune crouched in front of her and presented the plate with a piece of his barbecue, he then put one of his hands on her shoulder and said

"Don't worry! I know what you are passing through."

Shinja looked at him and was puzzled, how could he know what she is feeling? Could it be because of their connection through the universe foundation?

Ao Sulian turned away, he didn't know what Krune was going to say, but he is absolutely sure that it would be catastrophic!

"I read about it in the country's network, you are on your period, right?"

For some reason, he found himself flying away in the next instant, it felt like he had been kicked out of nowhere! He could only her Yusa's shout in the distance.

"Go and die!"

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