Is that a Wisp?

Chapter 47: There is One Right Below Us.

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Shinja was ready to move at any moment, but she found out that there was no need for it, Although Yusa can't defeat the demon beast straight away, she totally had the upper hand, she couldn't help but remember when she was at the 5th stage of the Foundation Establishment, she definitely wasn't as strong as Yusa, and they the same element focused, she finally admitted that she was worse than any of them. What Pure Yin Body? It can't even beat effort.

While Yusa battled, Krune took notes and sent a Divine Sense message now and then telling his opinion and what might help improving her water element control, but Shinja didn't know that, she only saw that Yusa was getting better and better as the battle continued, what kind of improving ability is that? It couldn't be helped, they stayed in the city for more than a month doing nothing but practice, Krune's group had a lot to test out but no opponents which they could go all out.

In the end, Yusa defeated the demon beast, she didn't kill it though, this is another thing that Shinja didn't understand, Krune's group never killed anything unless necessary, as for the reason, she heard from Yusa that Krune asked for that.

The demon beast fled, the group was just about to leave when Shinja approached Yusa. Yusa looked at her puzzled, for some reason Shinja looked somewhat embarrassed.

"Is there something?"

In the end Shinja gritted her teeths and asked.

"Errr… Well, you know, I noticed that your control during the battle was getting higher and higher. How did you do that?"

Yusa was surprised the Shinja asked that out of her own accord, she then laughed out loud, she didn't expect that Shinja could act this cute.

'It looks like she changed quite a bit.'

Yusa smiled and pointed at Krune.

"That you ask to the block head over there, he kept sending me Divine Sense messages every time he saw something he thought was wrong, of course, he wasn't always right, all he does is give his opinions, but usually they are right."

Shinja looked surprised after that comment, so it was really Krune, but she felt somewhat awkward to ask a cultivator a lot weaker than her for pointers, and a man on top of that, well, a demon beast in human man form, but since she already stepped forward, she might as well go to the very end.

Krune didn't mind that, he just told her to show her skills when some strong demon beast appear, he will check it and give his opinion, but he remembered her that those are just ideas, there might be some that are not really suited to her, but before he started, he made a question she didn't expect.

"Are you virgin?"

One must remember that Krune isn't a real teacher, he didn't go through any apprenticeship to get where he is, he is basically saying whatever he thinks, although his zero EQ gives people headaches now and then, it also has its advantages, he will never stop to think about how sensitive a topic is, for example, like how the virginity of both men and women could affect their yin and yang. Yusa probably still remembers when Krune started to give his opinions about water element to her, he often touched over the virginity topic and even demanded to know beforehand if she was virgin or not, just like with Shinja now, although she was angry back then, time proved that talking freely about this accelerated her progress.

Now that Shinja asked for it, she would come to know that Krune didn't give a damn to any of that, Yusa tried to comfort her though.

"You will get used to it."

Shinja wanted to cry, she didn't want to get used to it at all!

Time passed and it has already been six days since they left the city, if Shinja had some doubts about Krune proficiency regarding elements before, they are now completely gone, the deeper they went into the Raskie Danger Zone, the more often they found strong demon beasts, by holding herself back, she was able to show her skills in front of Krune, the most surprising thing was that not only Krune was helping her, even Yusa gave her opinions now and then, as a water element user, she also understood things more clearly when women were related, Shinja's prowess was getting better with each day she spent with Krune and the others.

There was only one thing she found strange, during their journey, Krune asked them to not kill any of the demon beasts, but there was one exception, beasts that were harming wisps, be it Yusa, Ao or Krune, they didn't show any mercy to those demon beasts at all, it puzzled her quite a bit, but since it wasn't putting them in any risk, she simply ignored it, she even helped them with this kind of task when she was the one to notice a wisp in danger, it took very little effort from her anyway, Krune saw that and his opinion about this ice block improved quite a bit.

Shinja didn't notice, but by now she was already talking to them normally as if she was really part of their group, they never tried to take advantage of her even once, if advantage is to be mentioned, she was the one taking advantage of Krune's group abilities to improve herself, that feeling of siting with the others while Krune made food for everyone, talking naturally, laughing, getting angry, beating Krune now and then, she came to love this atmosphere, she has completely forgotten her status as the ice block.

When she finally noticed her carefreeness, she was surprised and conflicted at the same time, it was then that she remembered something, this is all going to be over when the Furiu Realm closes, she will be free from both blood contracts and won't need to stay anymore, that had affected her greatly, but she didn't show it in front of the others, deep down, she started to wish for the Furiu Realm to stay open for all eternity so she would have an excuse to stay.


On the seventh day, they had finally reached the fog leopards territory, during the past week, every single member of the group had improved a lot, Shinja had also excluded the idea that they accepted such mission because of her, they totally have the skills to deal with it by themselves. Krune then came forward started talking first.

"So, those leopards are one of the few demon beasts that changed because of fog forest, to make sure that we won't be ambushed, I will have to keep my Divine Sense going on all times, also, you all probably already noticed but, this fog is very weird, it restrain the use of Divine Sense, usually I would be able to extend my Divine Sense over seven kilometers, but I can barely reach two kilometers here, so you all better be careful."

Yusa and Ao nodded.

"Shinja will stay far away, unless absolutely necessary, she won't intervene, so don't count with her, let's go."

Krune spread his Divine Sense to the max and they quickly moved into the fog leopard's territory, everything was going with the plan, after Krune found one of the leopards with the right cultivation, they pretended to be lost in front of it, and when the leopard saw then, they ran away, the leopard immediately ate the bait. It wasn't that the leopard haven't thought that it could be a trap, it was just that with Krune's group cultivation, it was very confident to be able to deal with them even if they had prepared one. Of course, Krune's team didn't prepare any trap, their objective is to be able to beat this 8th stage Fog Leopard head on.

Ao took the vanguard as always, as a wind element user, he had superb dodging abilities, especially when using the vacuum blade, his attack power wasn't the least bit weak either. Yusa stayed behind, her task was support, before being able to use powers like space, time, light, etc, water element was the best one for the job, there was water frames, water prison, water wall, water dragons, so on and so forth. Yusa really played the support role as if it was part of her very being.

Krune stayed in the middle, he is a wisp, not suited for head on combat, so he focused on long range attacks, Blazing Wind Blades weren't the only skills he used anymore, during their travel to this place, Shinja showed her skills for Krune's group to analyse and help her improve, she got a lot from that, but Krune was even more so.

"Let's try lightning and water."

He had thought about trying it before but he understood that this combination was as strong as his Blazing Wind Blades, which meant that the previous demon beasts that he battled wouldn't be able to resist the attack, in the end it wouldn't help him comprehend anything at all, so this was the first time he was going to try it.

Krune focused on both water and lightning element, he then summoned the Myriad Water Dragon and the lightning skill Thunder Line, just like that, the Myriad Water Thunder Dragons were born!

Shinja was alarmed, that was HER skill! She had used it before and Yusa and Krune had given quite a big help improving it, Krune was even able to say a few things about the Lightning Element involved in it, but it has only been a few days, how can he use her best attacking skill that easily?

Krune was just about to send the dragons forward when suddenly, he felt a ripple coming from inside his foundation, that ripple grew stronger and in the next instant, the water dragons crumbled.

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Krune was taken aback, what just happened? All he could tell was that that ripple came from his future rainbow core, but this wasn't the time to check things out, since he can't use the thunder dragons, he will use his blazing wind blades and if the chance appears, his lava lake and stone prison.

The battle continued and the fog leopard finally couldn't hold anymore, even with his fog merging skill, it couldn't keep itself hidden from Krune's Divine Sense, his Divine Sense was too powerful, the Fog Leopard finally decided to flee, but how could Krune and the others let it go? They have long prepared for it.

Ao switched his stance and went from evasion to attack, Yusa went from defence to restraint, her water skills sealed all paths of retreat, like that, Krune finally found a chance to trap the leopard into his stone prison. Shinja was really impressed, this was a superb coordination, her respect for krune's group abilities became even stronger.

It was now time to bring it back to the city, as to how to do that, of course, was by making it sign a blood contract.

Krune came forward and took a blood contract out of his spatial ring.

The Fog Leopard, as a Late Stage Foundation Establishment demon beast, of course already had sentience, when it saw the blood contract, it knew what it was straight away, it then sent a Divine Message to this group.

"If you are thinking to enslave me through the contract, then forget it, I won't accepted being anyone's slave, you might as well kill me now."

It was furious with the fact that it lost in a head on battle against cultivators that were three of more stages below it, there was no way it could become a slave.

Krune just laughed, he had never forced anyone to sign a slave contract, first of all, the other part must be willing in both mind and heart or the contract won't work to start with.

"Don't worry, our mission is to capture an 8th stage fog leopard to help with a concealing formation research, simply put you have two choices, one is to die, the other is to help with the formation master's research and then be freed after that, which one do you want?"

The Fog Leopard was quite surprised with that.

"How long will it take?"

Yusa answered this time.

"I can't say the exact time, but at least a year, at most five years, I don't think it would take longer than that, but of course, I can't guarantee it either."

Yusa had the best knowledge about formations in the group, so she knew a little more about the time a research would usually take.

The Fog Leopard pondered for a while but accepted in the end, other than that was death after all.

Yusa wrote the contract terms and the leopard signed it, after that she told the leopard to go back to the city by itself, according to the agreement with Jorei, there would be someone waiting for the leopard's arrival to go through the process of entering the city.

The Fog Leopard accepted the orders and moved out straight away, before the blood contract was over, it couldn't harm Krune's group in any way, so they weren't afraid that it would call stronger members of its group to deal with them.

Ao then asked.

"Should we go back or stay a little more? The mission will be considered completed even if we don't come back anymore, so there is no need to worry about the time limit."

Krune shook his head.

"Let's stay a little longer, this is a good opportunity for training, we better use I well."

Yusa and Ao nodded, and Shinja will just follow as always since she doesn't have a choice to start with, but she couldn't help comment.

"I wonder how the Furiu Realm is going at moment."

Krune looked at her and asked.

"What does this Furiu Realm looks like?"

Shinja was simply said.

"What you know is the same as what I know, that this was the house of a supreme expert from a long time ago, it has been closed for over 500 years, the entrance is closed through the use of the power of the five elements and when it opens, some kind invisible gate takes place while surrounded by the five elements. I heard it's quite hard to find, if not for the fact that the powers of the continent know the exact place of the entrance, it would be difficult to notice it, the gate connects to another independent space, just like Jorei's room, but absurdly bigger."

Krune was a little surprised with those words.

"Does the five elements at the entrance spin around it?"

Shinja was surprised that Krune knew this simple detail, although it wasn't any secret, unless you have gone there by yourself, you wouldn't know about it, very few paid attention to this fact.

"How did you know that?"

Krune smiled bitterly and pointed down.

"Well, there is one right below us."

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