Is This Really A Game?

Chapter 12: Chapter 12. The Grassy Parking Lot

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After thinking about it for a long time, Lucius didn't come up with a result.

Although the principle of the generator is very simple, all junior high school students know that it is nothing more than 'the conductor cuts the magnetic induction line'. But it is not so simple to turn this sentence into a 10KW power generator.

After spending a lot of time, Lucius finally found some reliable tutorials, but considering the lack of materials, none of these materials can really be used.

Soon it was six o'clock.

With the sound of the hatch opening, the four players woke up.

"Let's study it later."

Lucius put his legs down on the table, adjusted his appearance in front of the mirror he picked up, and walked calmly to the next room. When he walked into the room, the four players were checking their respective attributes through the display screen of the training cabin.

"Sure enough, my genetic sequence is the strength system... the initial value has 7 points of strength, but the intelligence attribute is only 3? But I don't feel stupid."

"That sentence doesn't sound very smart... By the way, your beard grows too fast."

Bunny's beard is indeed a bit exaggerated.

Yesterday it was stubble, but today it is as long as a fingernail.

"I don't know what's going on. By the way, is there a razor here?"

"Obviously not, why don't you try it with an axe?"

"Get out."

"By the way, I'm actually from the Dexterity department. I thought I was from the Intelligence department." Tomorrow held his chin and fell into deep thought, as if he was thinking about something.

"I'm intelligence," Gale smiled wryly and raised his hand. "Is 3 points of strength too low? 7 points of intelligence... I don't feel like I've become smarter."

"I'm a perception department, so what's the use of perception attributes? Can you predict the future?" Walker was a little depressed.

Compared with such ambiguous attributes, he hopes that he has better performance in terms of strength or agility. No matter how poor your physique is, at least you can be a tank.

"It should be the intuition of the crisis. Have you forgotten how you avoided the sneak attack of the alien species yesterday?" Tomorrow thought, "This attribute is used well, maybe it will be quite a's a pity in your hands .”

"Piss off."


Lucius who walked into the room coughed and interrupted the conversation of the players.

Perhaps it was because I chatted with them last night about the degree of favorability with them as a planner, the four players looked at me differently.

For the players' sense of substitution, Lucius decided to continue to maintain his majestic image, and continued seriously.

"Time is running out, so I'll make a long story short."

"The work that needs to be done is piled up, but there is not much time left for us. In order not to affect the follow-up plan, we have to complete our outpost on the surface before winter comes."

"Food, drinking water, fuel...these all need to be stored, as well as building fortifications and surface shelters."

"I have sorted out all the work that needs to be done on the schedule, and you can check it on the notice board at the entrance of the nursing home."

The eyes of the players lit up, and eager expressions appeared on their faces.

Is the task system complete?

"That's the basic situation. Is there anything else to ask? If not, we'll set off."

"Wait, wait a minute, Master Manager!"


Walker blushed and raised her hand.

"Please, may I ask, where is the toilet?"



This is indeed a problem. The B1 floor of Shelter No.404 is more like a reception. Although there is a compartment for the training cabin, there are no living facilities inside.

Looking at the players rushing out of the nursing home after coming to the surface, Lucius suddenly realized that with the influx of players, not only eating and drinking would be a problem, but shitting would soon become a big problem. There are public toilets on Beit Street, and human and animal feces are collected, and it is said that they are sold to the nearby Brown Farm.

After coming to the nursing home in Wetland Park, Lucius has been finding a safe place in the woods to solve the problem, but he has never considered the problem of the 100th person. I don't know if it was a bad stomach, but the four players were limping when they came back.

"It's so f*cking uncomfortable without a latrine."

"There's no paper, I still wiped it with a almost didn't bleed."


"F*ck, why do I feel you feel it?"


"Did you wipe your ass with nettle leaves..."

"What, what is nettle leaf?"

"It's nothing, just bear with it and pass."


Lucius listened with embarrassment on his face. He seems to have forgotten to tell these guys that Tess can be used to wipe ass, which is also a little knowledge he learned from the survivors of Beit Street. However, they didn't seem to give him a chance to speak.

Bear with it. That's how they all came here.

"Master Manager," Tomorrow limped up to Lucius and said respectfully, "I propose that we should build a toilet."

Night Walker: "Reconsideration!"

Badass Bunny: "I also agree, and with toilets, we can also dig a big pit, collect the excrement, mix plant ash and sawdust compost in it, let aerobic bacteria and fungi decompose the organic matter and generate heat, and kill the feces. Disease-causing microbes and pathogens to make fertilizer."

Tomorrow Seeker: "That's right, and it's not just about producing fertilizer, we can also mix and seal part of the manure and organic debris, so that anaerobic bacteria can convert it into combustible methane! That's how the biogas digester in my hometown is made. , the biogas produced can be used for lighting and power generation.”

"It's a good idea, you can adopt it." Lucius nodded in approval.

Biogas. He had been worrying about survival all the time before, but he forgot about it. In my impression, although Beit Street does not have a biogas digester, the Brown Farm next door does.

Seeing the approving expression on the face of the manager, the spirits of the four players became even more excited, and they began to brainstorm with each other. It is not difficult to build a toilet, even a biogas digester. The only troublesome thing is the sealing and gas storage materials.

Fortunately, everything is missing in this wasteland, except plastic. Especially drink bottles and garbage bags. Due to the poisonous gas produced by burning, few survivors burned this thing, most of them used it as a kindling.

If you search carefully, you should be able to find quite a few in the nearby suburbs. Ever since, there was another task of picking up garbage on the task board-collecting plastic bags and bottles and cans.

"Master Manager, I have an idea about the generator." Gale, who had been silent before, suddenly spoke.

Lucius looked at him.

"Tell me."

Gale said, "Generally, cars will have on-board generators. I would like to know if there is a road nearby? Or a parking lot is also available. If you can find a car, this problem should be easily solved."

Lucius said, "It's not hard to find a car. There is a parking lot near the wetland park where we are, but I have seen all the cars there, and there is nothing worth recycling."

"I want to give it a try," Gale said unwillingly. "If we find a working generator, our outposts on the surface will be able to use electricity!"

"Then you go, but I can't let you go alone." Lucius glanced at the players in front of him, and his eyes fell on Walker, "Go to the parking lot with 8th Level Gale."

Walker said energetically, "Yes!"

Walker's gene sequence is a perception system, and his intuition for crises can come in handy.

Before setting off, Lucius asked them to bring two short knives for mowing grass, which are better than bulky axes when encountering alien species.

In addition, Lucius repeatedly told them that if they encounter a foreign species, they must avoid fighting and run as long as they can. But if the opponent has found out and shows obvious hostility, don't leave your back to the enemy anyway. Doing so would be tantamount to suicide...

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Holding the Wetland Park map and a simple guidebook, Gale took Walker out of the nursing home.

Bunny and Tomorrow who stayed behind looked at Lucius and asked.

"My lord, should we continue to cut down trees now, or?"

Lucius glanced around and counted the dozens of untreated logs on the ground.

"We won't cut down trees today, we have to solve the problem of toilets first... So, you go and get shovels and axes first, and I will teach you how to do it."


The parking lot is on the southeast side of the nursing home. For two hundred years no one cared about it. Nature has completely swallowed it here.

Tree roots had breached the hard concrete floor, and bushes and weeds grew knee-high..The rusted and mottled vehicle was covered with vines, and through the broken windows, one could even see moss covered with seats and air-conditioning vents.

Seeing everything in front of him, Gale finally understood what the manager said. There really isn't much left to recycle here.

Walker also showed embarrassment.

It looks like this, and I can still find a ghost generator, only in dream.

"Do you want to go back?"

Gale was silent for a while, and walked forward in disbelief.

"It's all here."

Walker shrugged and followed.

Having known each other for so many years, his biggest impression of this netizen is stubbornness, and he doesn't know what he is doing in reality. Many cars in the parking lot have rusted hoods and cannot be opened at all. Gale searched a lot in the parking lot before finding one that could barely be opened.

But after opening the hood, he was stunned.

This is……engine?

"What's wrong?" Walker leaned over and asked.

"It seems to be an electric motor...but it doesn't seem to be," Gale said, frowning tightly, "Do you know cars?"

"I didn't even take the driver's license test, how can I understand this." Walker said, "Haven't you been working for many years and haven't bought a car?"

"I live in the unit's dormitory, and I only have a bicycle."

Gale continued to rummage through the hood without giving up, and even went around to the back of the car, lying under the car... He checked everything he could. But suddenly, his hand stopped.

Noticing the expression on his face, Walker asked.

"What's wrong?"

"It's a little strange... I can't find the power supply." Wiping the muddy water on his face, Gale frowned and thought hard for a long time, "I can probably find the engine, but... I can't find the power supply."

"Could it be demolished?" Walker raised a possibility, "After all, this has been a wasteland for two hundred years, so it's normal for survivors to visit here."

"That possibility cannot be ruled out."

Closing the hood habitually, looking at the abandoned cars in the parking lot, Gale felt complicated. In fact, there is another possibility. In the background setting of the game, the technological level of the pre-war society is sufficiently developed, and it may have reached the point where the fixed power supply can be replaced by a remote power supply.

But no matter which possibility it is, it is not a good thing for him. It is impossible to expect to find a generator from a scrap car body now...


the other side.

New progress has been made in the construction of toilets.

Under Lucius's command, Bunny and Tomorrow first dug a two-meter-wide and three-meter-long pit in the open space outside the nursing home, which was enough to bury a person, and then inserted the sawn logs into the ground. The sides of the pit were used as walls, and some gravel and leaves were placed inside.

After the cesspit is repaired, the toilet is much simpler.

Lucius directly asked the two of them to build two simple sheds on the side of the cesspit, and connected the next cesspit with a plastic hose removed from the outer wall of the nursing home. In this way, a simple toilet is completed.

"The feces and urine have to be stored separately, and they are easy to form mud when they are mixed together. Moreover, the urine is sterile and can be used to irrigate the crops directly...but let's do this for today," Lucius approved of the two people's morning labor. nodded.

Bunny and Tomorrow, who were panting with a shovel, looked at each other helplessly. Although it is a 100% real virtual reality game, is it really necessary to be so real?

"There is also a problem with bathing... There is a water source within one kilometer nearby, but there are many alien species near the water source, so you have to be extra careful when fetching water."

It's time to build a bathroom. Otherwise, the smell is a small matter, but it can become a big problem when you are sick.

"Master Manager." Tomorrow raised his hand.

Lucius looked at him.

"What's wrong?"

"I think we should consider security issues," Tomorrow said, "Judging from the alien species we encountered yesterday, this wasteland is not safe."

Nonsense. It's up to you to say.

"I know, but the problem of sanitation should not be underestimated. There are not enough medicines in the shelters. If infectious diseases are caused, the consequences will be serious."

The safety issue is not so urgent. The alien species in the wetland park are not as active as in the urban area, and there are not many survivors around here. Even if there is danger, they can hide in the shelter.

But the hygiene of more than one hundred people is a big problem. Every household on Beit Street uses iron buckets to store water, heats and disinfects them on the roof, and scrubs their bodies every two or three days. It's not because the people there are so particular, but because it smells so bad that they will really be kicked out.

Tomorrow and Bunny looked at each other.

There shouldn't be an item of cleanliness in the AI ​​settings of this manager, right? Will have to pay attention to it later.

"Speaking of it... there's a question I've always wanted to ask, why is there no supplies in such a large shelter?" Bunny interjected, "And we've been on the B1 floor, what about the other floors?"

"The other floors are not open for the time being, but will be opened in the future."

Lucius did not explain the reason, but simply stated the facts.

Although the two players were curious, they couldn't figure it out, so they didn't insist on it. They just regarded it as a setting. At this time, Walker and Gale, who had gone out to explore, came back.

Looking at the wind covered in mud, Lucius asked.

"How? Have you found the generator?"

"Not found, but not completely unrewarded."

As he said that, Gale opened the plastic bag he picked up from an unknown trash can, and it contained a bag full of blue mushrooms.

These mushrooms are not big, only the length of the index finger, with translucent tiny cilia growing on the surface, and colorful luster can be seen along the lines.

Lucius took a look, with a surprised expression on his face.

"Where did you find this thing?"

With a hint of complacency on his face, Gale reported the truth.

"There is a concrete sewer pipe near the parking lot. It is about the height of two people. There are a lot of these mushrooms growing in the pipe. I wasn't sure if I could eat it, so I picked some back."

In fact, he wanted to take a sip at first, but the game was so realistic that he hesitated for a long time before he tried it.

"Its name is 'Blue Umbrella Mushroom,' and its scientific name is 'Blue Angel'. I heard that people who eat it can see real angels in at most one hour."

"Don't doubt it, unless you are a mutant who is invulnerable to all poisons, you must not eat this thing."


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