Is This Really A Game?

Chapter 3: Chapter 3. Is this guy for real?

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All right. Facts have proved that I misunderstood. There are indeed five rewards from the blind box. The system does not do such immoral things as 'Swallowing Equipment' and there is indeed no such thing as 'thank you for your patronage. However, the prize from the fifth blind box was overwhelmed by the other four prizes...

What was placed in front of Lucius at the moment was a vacuum-packed compressed biscuit with a net content of 100g, and three lollipops with a net content of 25g—apple, banana, and mango flavors.

And, a note.

The packaging of the compressed biscuits is intact, without bulges. Although the shelf life and production date are a mystery, they should not kill anyone. This thing is a good thing. The calories marked on the ingredient list are 500 calories, whether it is eaten dry or boiled into mush, it can fill the stomach. As for lollipops, although they are not low in calories, they cannot provide a feeling of satiety.

However, for Lucius who was so poor that he was about to gnaw on the bark, it was already very good. By the way, this system is too stingy, because I was afraid that he would be too full or something, so I sent him with this little thing.

Lucius, who was standing next to the delivery port, stuffed the food into the backpack he was carrying, then picked up the note sent out by the conveyor belt, unfolded it, and took a look. There are some words written on it, in the language of this world.

[... Is there any creature in this world more suitable to be a leek than a player?

Not only do they have strong curiosity, but they are always full of enthusiasm. They will face difficulties and will not despair in the immediate predicament. Of course, the most important thing is that they can even consider issues from the perspective of operators and help operators harvest themselves together!

I'm a genius at packaging this setup as a game! BuaaHahahaha...

——The First-Generation Manager Of Shelter No.404; ( I put this note in the fifth primary blind box, this is an easter egg I left for my successor!) ]

Lucius: "..."

To be honest, not only did he not feel the slightest surprise about harvesting eggs, he was even a little speechless.


What does the device mean?


"What's the matter, master."

"Did you know the original managers?"

"I don't know, my main program was only activated when you entered the shelter. According to the records in the shelter database, it was more than a century ago that the previous manager handed over the operation authority."

Lucius continued to ask, "What year is it?"

Popo replied, "January 1, 2157."

The war ended in 2129, and human civilization entered the Wasteland Era, and 2157 is the 28th year of the Wasteland Era.

From now...183 years!

Lucius has been very sensitive to numbers since he was a child, especially this kind of key information. He basically remembers it and will not forget it easily.

"That is to say, the first-generation managers 183 years ago invented this device capable of projecting the consciousness of the parallel world onto clones and packaged it into a game, but for some reason, they have not used the device?" Maybe it's because of the nuclear winter. Or for other reasons, the refuge did not meet the activation conditions. In any case, people who lived a hundred years ago should have passed away no matter how you think about it.

"Probably," Popo said.

"What's his name? The first-generation manager," Lucius asked suddenly curious about his identity.

The person who came up with those bad taste settings is not necessarily a genius, but the person who can invent such awesome black technology on his own after the decline of civilization, the word genius is no longer enough to describe him. Project the consciousness body of the parallel world to the original plane, and put it into the clone as a container.

Lucius couldn't imagine how this was done. Technology beyond cognition is no different from magic to him.

"I don't know. There is no detailed information about him in the known database. Could it be deleted?"

"Forget it... asking you is like asking for nothing," Lucius said with slightly disappointed, but not discouraged.

Currently, the shelter is only unlocked to the B1 floor. With the continuous advancement of the mission, the secrets buried in this refuge will one day show the whole picture in front of him.

Stuffing the note into the drawer of the computer desk, Lucius tightened his backpack.

Noticing his movements, Popo, who was squatting in the corner, asked, "Master, are you leaving?"

That voice without ups and downs sounds pitiful.

"Well, players won't log in until three days later. It doesn't make any sense for me to continue guarding here. Why don't you go back and prepare."

This shabby place is said to be a refuge, but it doesn't even have food or drink. Lucius now only has half a palm-sized pancake and half a bottle of water left on him, as well as the compressed biscuits and lollipops he just bought with reward points.

This supply can last for less than three days. He has a crude den in a nearby survivor colony where he keeps some supplies and useful tools. Lucius planned to go back and clean up, and slowly picked up everything he could bring. This will be his new base from now on.

"That's right, Popo."

"What's wrong master?"

"I need you to do me a favor."

After a pause, Lucius continued.

"Our official website is too simple, I need you to add a forum function, data, and picture book function to it, can it be done?"

Simply put, he wants players to know more about this 'Game'. It's a bit difficult to fool people into a pit with just one mouth, at least you have to do superficial skills.

"Of course, you have the editing authority of the official website. In addition to the game reservation page, you can add subpages or make changes to existing pages."

"Very well, then I'll leave it to you."

"I will handle it!"

Popo seemed very happy with the task assigned to her by the master, and even raised the volume of the speaker by half a decibel. Of course, this may also be Lucius's own misunderstanding.

"Master, when are you coming back?"

Lucius thought for a while and said, "Three days at the latest. Maybe by tomorrow night if all goes well."


In this world, Inside the Cowboy Club.

The odd guy named 'Light' disappeared after dumping the website link. I don't know if he went offline or hid aside to watch the screen.

Originally, the topic of 'Fully Immersive Virtual Reality Games' was almost over, but a few minutes ago, the old brother's show operation in the small group brought back the topic in the large group.

Quit Smoking: [ Fuck me, is this guy for real? ]

This quit smoking is also an active group member who is often bubbling, although not managed.

Badass Bunny: [ Well, after you ordered the appointment, he created a small group, including several of our group managers. ~(˘▾˘~) ]

Badass Bunny is the leader of the group, so naturally, he is also in that small group.

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Hearing this, the group members instantly boiled.

[ Do you know the name of the company brother Light joined? I want to report his PY transaction! (=^ェ^=) ]

[ Just kidding, return the company! Last year, there was a company in cancer stocks that was engaged in VR, and the boss was imprisoned for losing money! The current trend is no longer VR! ]

[ Please discuss in a low voice, Light, might be spying on the screen. (ᵔᴥᵔ) ]

[ What do you think he is planning guys? Just for a joke? ]

[ Ghost knows, it might be to lure you, brothers, to the spinach website, and cut leeks when there are too many people! ]

[ I don't think this guy is a good thing! Well done. ]

The topic is getting less and less interesting. Even rose to life attack.

Johnny frowned and was about to say something when he saw the group leader stepping on the brakes.

( Mute the whole group )

Badass Bunny: [ Everyone, don't do this, the new group members may not know Light, but he is still pretty good, his marksmanship is a bit sloppy, his eyes are a little bit blind, and he is a bit poor at people, everything else is fine. ]

Tomorrow Seeker: [ Indeed, I believe that Light didn't go astray and engage in spinach. We are not sure now, whether he has been hacked. If yes, our management team will deal with this. After a while, I withdrew all the news, let's change the subject. (✿◠‿◠) ]

( Group ban lifted )

The group owner and management all came out to speak out, and everyone stopped talking about this topic in a face-saving manner, and soon strayed to the European Cup.

Johnny doesn't watch football, so he loss all interest in group posts. He glanced at the time in the lower right corner of the screen, it was already 18:00, and it happened to be lunchtime. After uploading the unfinished homework to the cloud disk, Johnny pushed away the chair and got up, went downstairs to the cafeteria and ordered a spicy chicken fried rice, and ate it happily.

When he leisurely returned to the dormitory, he saw the cardboard box on the table, and he suddenly froze for a moment.

express delivery?

"Adam, what did you buy? Such a big thing??" Johnny asked with a frown.

The buddies in the dormitory came over, and the other two animals also turned their attention here. All are talented people.

Johnny was not in the dormitory before, so it was not easy to touch his things. Now that he is back, it doesn't matter anymore. They were all curious about what this guy bought.

"I didn't buy anything... Who sent this stuff?"

The three roommates met at a glance.

"I did not notice……"

"I didn't pay attention either."

"I don't know, I just went to get takeaway."

Now, this is little weird! Usually, the courier is delivered to the courier station downstairs in the dormitory, but today it was delivered to the door. What's even more sinister is that Johnny wondered which seat he was sitting in, as he didn't write in the online shopping address.

Are all the couriers now so awesome?

Open the cardboard box, and there is a helmet lying inside. The shape of this thing is very similar to that of a motorcycle helmet. It is painted black inside and out, and it looks ugly. If there is something special, I am afraid that there is no front face, and the whole head can be covered when worn, and nothing can be seen at all.

At first glance, Johnny thought it was a pot.

"What the hell is this?"

The buddy at the next table picked up the helmet and fiddled with it, put it on his head, took it off again, and returned it to Johnny in a daze.

"You ask me, whom do I ask."

Is it really a pot? Johnny also tried to put it on his head with a dazed expression. The field of vision was pitch black. However, just as he was about to take it off, a beam of light blue light suddenly penetrated the darkness and reflected into his retina.

[ Waiting for game activation: 71 hours and 19 minutes ]

This...Could it be that gaming helmet?! Fuck, is the delivery so fast? Johnny was completely dumbfounded.

"Didn't you see it?" Taking off the helmet, Johnny looked at the roommate who was wearing the helmet just now and asked.

However, that roommate also looked at him in a daze.

"See what?"

Johnny hurriedly said: "That countdown! It says waiting for the game to activate!"

"What? Can this thing be a game console?"

"Get out of the way, Adam's eyes are bad, let me take a look."

Another roommate took the helmet and put it on, but after a while, just like the previous one, he took it off in a daze.


"I come."

Now all three roommates tried it again, and without exception, they saw nothing.

Looking at each other, they both looked at Johnny with strange expressions.


Johnny: "...What?"

"Why don't you go to the hospital?"


Johnny snatched the helmet cursingly and put it on again in disbelief. The small light blue characters arrived as expected.

[ Waiting for game activation: 71 hours and 17 minutes ]

The countdown has advanced by 2 minutes. not only that……At this moment, he suddenly discovered that no matter how he turned the helmet, the countdown line would always appear in the center of his field of vision. Even if he closes his eyes.

Johnny took off his helmet and looked like he had seen a ghost.


What the hell is this?

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