Is This Really A Game?

Chapter 47: Chapter 48. Alpha0.3 Version Is Online! New Gameplay Unlocked!

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Next morning.

Outside the walls of the nursing home, there was a lot of voices and shouts.

"Transporting stones at the abandoned construction site, the group of four is third and first, the rent for two small carts has been paid, and the speed to get on the cart is D."

"Do you have any friends in the strength department? Wait for a teammate to join us, chop down trees and earn money to level up!"

"The agility department is looking for a group! The perception department is prioritized, the intelligence department is on the sidelines, and the scavenging task of the northern row building!!"

"Damn, is there no human rights in the intelligence department???"

"The outpost is recruiting a part-time job as a warehouse administrator. The daily fixed salary is 9 silver coins and 100 contribution points. The working hours are from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, with a 3-hour shift in between. The job content includes checking books, inventory, material procurement and sales, The intelligence department is the priority, only two people are recruited. Be careful, the manager will always watch you, and if you find favoritism and fraud, you will be severely punished... Damn it! I signed up!"

"The carpentry hut is also recruiting people! The daily minimum salary is 10 silver coins and 200 contribution points, and an additional commission is received for tool making orders. Uh, carpentry experience is required, and they can handle logs, and can make good quality furniture, bows and arrows, spears... Slip away."

After the version was updated, each player received a novice gift package of 5 copper coins from the generous manager.

What can 5 copper coins do?

There are actually quite a lot of things that can be done. For example, you can rent an ax for 5 hours at the logging hut, or rent a cart, cart and other tools for 5 hours at the warehouse.

In addition to renting, you can also buy a half kg of croissants, green wheat, or 100g of jerky in the warehouse. The purchasing power is still leveraged.

It has to be said that players are always the easiest creatures to adapt to.

If the scavengers on Beit Street heard that someone was going to replace the chips they had used for nearly a century with metal sheets, they would probably stand up and fight that person immediately.

But players are different.

They are a group of particles doing Brownian motion in the bottle, and there is a duality between chaos and order in them. As long as they still have to put the helmet on and take it off repeatedly, it will never be possible to jump out of the bottle.

The game has rules of the game, updates and adjustments are the norm.

For players, this is common sense.

In less than an hour, these self-taught little geniuses have already become familiar with the rules of the new version, and began to ponder the rules to adapt to this version of the game within the rules.

The open space in front of the wall.

Tomorrow didn't leave immediately, but called Bunny, Walker, and Gale over, and sat around for a battle meeting.

Tomorrow: "The biggest change in the Alpha0.3 version is the change of the economic system and the identity system. I just consulted with the manager's assistant. If you want to get contribution points, apart from making major contributions, you can only get them through employment. Take the warehouse manager with the lowest threshold as an example, you can get 100 contribution points for a day of work , if you start with a 0 base, it will take 20 days to reach citizenship under normal circumstances."

Gale touched the bridge of his nose, raised his hand and said, "I would like to add that it is not only through the employment system. There is a guarantee for daily tasks. For example, if you cut 20 trees and drag them to the woodworking hut, you will get 80 contribution points in addition to the reward for cutting the tree itself...but you can get contributions for daily tasks. The upper limit of points is only 160 points, and almost two missions are completed."

Tomorrow: "Well...Using the rotation time of professional tasks to do daily work, the theoretical maximum contribution point that can be obtained in a single day is 260, and it will take 8 days to accumulate 2000 points. But for ordinary people, it may be difficult."

Walker whispered, "Damn, let's put it this way... Isn't my 3000 contribution points a bit awesome?!"

Bunny rubbed the back of his head, and laughed.

"5000 for me."

Walker: "Damn it!"

When entering the game for the first time, the contribution points for cutting trees are settled according to the length and thickness of the wood. For a tree with a thick arm, 1 point is contributed per meter. Thigh-thick trees contribute 2 points per meter.

Maybe the numerical planning of the game was not well designed. As a result, Bunny of the strength department directly achieved 800 points by cutting down trees, and even Tomorrow, who had the worst physical strength, had a single-day income of 300 points.

This is obviously unreasonable.

Sure enough, from the Alpha0.2 version, the income from cutting trees has been slashed. Up to the Alpha0.3 version, the income from cutting a tree is only 2 or 4 copper coins according to the thickness and length. And if you don't have your own ax, you have to pay a rent of 1 copper coin per hour and accept credit.

Even if you cut down 20 thigh-thick pine trees a day, you can only earn 80 copper coins, which is 8 silver coins in conversion.

Coupled with the 80 contribution points for the settlement of 20 trees, the job of lumberjack is an epic cut compared to when the server was first launched!

However, the outpost is indeed not short of wood, and the cutting of trees is probably for the next spring to facilitate farming.

"Thanks to the overflow of contribution point data at the beginning of the game, the four of us now have the highest contribution points in the game. I have already exchanged my citizenship, and you will upgrade your identity in a while. In this way, we have a total of 20 square meters. A plot of land could be enclosed close to the sanitarium."

"What are we doing in circles?"

"Stupid! Build a house! It's okay to build a three-story building for a small apartment of 20 square meters, right? As long as the height does not exceed the sanatorium in the middle. The first floor is used as the facade, the second and third floors are used as partitions, one room per person, one bed Wouldn’t it be nice to put a box or something?”

Tomorrow rolled his eyes at Walker, how could this guy ask such a stupid question.

"It makes sense..." Bunny's eyes lit up, "we can do business!"

The facade is facing the gate of the nursing home. The resurrection point of the players is simply the golden location of the golden location. You can make a fortune selling anything!

"That's right! That's what I thought about!"

Tomorrow snapped his fingers and said confidently with a smile on his face.

"The new version obviously encourages players to be creative, organize production and trade spontaneously! Do you still remember the dog-cough, what was emphasized at the beginning of the planning, the goal of Wasteland OL is to create an economy that can truly reflect the relationship between supply and demand System, and this also determines the equipment and supplies of players in the future, a large part of which may have to be obtained through transactions between players!"

If you don't enclose the land now, when will you wait!

It's a pity that the identity system restricts the upper limit of the land that each player can buy, otherwise Tomorrow really wants to save money to buy all the land around the nursing home and directly develop wasteland real estate.

Isn’t this more cost-effective than buying a house New York, and Washington?

Is there a possibility that the public beta of this game will not be popular?

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"Awesome!" Even Gale couldn't help giving a thumbs up this time.

This analysis is too much in place!

Walker and Bunny looked at each other with excitement written all over their faces.

"How much does it cost to buy the land?"

Tomorrow said with a smile.

"I've checked, and it only costs 10 silver coins per square meter. What we have to do now is to grab 200 silver coins before all the players! Buy the 20 square meters closest to the nursing home!"

Bunny hesitated: "What if someone is faster than us?"

Tomorrow made a helpless expression.

"If there is, then let him join the gang."

At present, few people have been promoted to the citizenship level. Even if someone is faster than them, how many can there be? Two more people in gang are still fine.

The three nodded, and had no objection to the matter of bringing others into the group.

"I have another question." Walker raised his hand and said, "What should we do to save money? I checked, and the job of burning cement is the highest-paid job among occupations with no experience threshold, but the daily income is only 10 silver coins. Counting the 20% production reward, there are only 12 coins at most... Besides, there are only two people."

Gale pointed in the direction over there and reminded, "And there are no more seats now. Look at the cement kiln... the smoke is already rising. It is probably full of people."

Although the cement kiln was built by Bunny and the others, after the land system was updated in version Alpha 0.3, the facilities inside the walls were listed as public facilities.

As the builders of the facility, both Bunny and Tomorrow have a 30-day right of first refusal.

But the location of the cement kiln is too far away, almost touching the base of the wall. It is not certain that someday foreign enemies will invade, and it will be destroyed with a single bullet.

Neither of them intends to waste the precious 'land purchase quota'. After all, the technical content of this thing is not high. It is better to wait until 30 days later when the assets are disposed of and the fixed assets above the land are officially confiscated. The manager will also compensate them for a sum of money and contributions .

They even wish to confiscate it now and use the demolition compensation to buy land.

Tomorrow touched his chin and said, "Even if there are no full recruits, I don't recommend applying for those fixed positions. If you want to outperform other players, you must find another way."

Walker looked at him and asked, "For example?"

"Like hunting!"


Tomorrow nodded, "Well, I just saw at the warehouse door that a carcass of a mutated hyena can be exchanged for 5 silver coins. If the prey weighs more than 30 kilograms, you can get an extra 2 copper coins for every kilogram over it."

Walker widened his eyes.

"5 silver coins? So much?!"

This is still the minimum standard!

Although the weight of the mutated hyena is basically around 30 kilograms, but now it is autumn, most of the prey are hoarding fat, and the weight is generally heavier than usual.

In those kinds of points, this game is very detailed.

"...Well, in addition to mutant hyenas, there are also mutant reindeer on the purchase list, and the price of each prey is at least 12 silver coins! Basically, we team up with four people, as long as we can kill 8 mutant hyenas a day, It can stably exceed the income of four people making cement together! Every extra head is profitable!"

This is the fastest way Tomorrow can think of to earn 200 silver coins.

"But...where can we find so many prey?" Bunny hesitated, "The wetland park seems to be full of birds and small animals. We can only find bigger prey if we leave the wetland park and go to the urban area, right? "

Before Tomorrow could answer, Walker, who was sitting next to him, raised his hand.

"Don't worry about this! I have been hunting with the manager these days. I remember those places in this area that are dangerous and where there are many prey. And yesterday, the manager and I also found a migrating deer herd. As long as you follow the deer It is still very easy to find the prey with the footprints of the flock!"

Gale nodded.

"Well, our Walker is in perception system. The perception of 9 points is currently the highest among all players. It shouldn't be difficult to search for prey. Now the question is, how to hunt? The weapon dealers NPC haven't start work yet."

Tomorrow smiled confidently and said.

"There is no need to use guns, throwing spears, slingshots, bows, crossbows... as long as they are used properly, these weapons perform no worse than guns at medium and short distances."

Gale asked with a frown, "Have you ever used a bow? It's not easy to shoot with that thing."

When the university organized an archery club to build a team, he tried archery once, using a bow with a professional sight.

Not to mention hitting a target 20 meters away, with a bag of 10 arrows, being able to touch your own target after shooting is considered a bit of talent.

Many people are clearly aiming at their own targets, shooting at other people's targets or spreading protective cotton on the floor and ceiling everywhere. .

If there is no bow and arrow with sights...

Gale couldn't imagine how touching the hit rate would be.

However, Tomorrow didn't seem to be worried about this problem, and he still had a confident smile on his face.

"Don't worry about this. Archery is left to me. I have a little foundation. You are in charge of making traps and making up swords, Bunny is in the front row, and Walker is in charge of detection and security."

"Trust me, this lineup is solid!"

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