Is This Really A Game?

Chapter 49: Chapter 50. Hardworking Players

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How long does it take to harvest 100 kg of mushrooms?

In fact, Lucius didn't know for sure, he usually wouldn't touch those things. His food has always been made by himself. It is not a last resort, and he will never choose fungi as food.

Yaya, who walked out of the refuge with a dejected look on his face. As soon as she stepped on the open space in front of the nursing home, she was shocked by the scene in front of him.

"This! Is this map updated?!"

A scene never seen before!

I saw a three-meter-high concrete wall surrounding the nursing home. Cement blocks and gravel formed a slope on the inside of the concrete wall.

On the top of the wall, a simple shelter was made with the hood removed from the abandoned car and the aluminum alloy strips picked up from the waste soil.

Looks pretty cyberpunk.

Not only the walls, but also two small houses of brick and wood structure, one big and one small, standing in front of the nursing home.

There are wooden signs hanging on the door of the house, one of which says a weapon shop, and the other says a bathhouse.

I haven't been online for three days, it seems like a century has passed. There are too many changes in this version update.

Yaya was dumbfounded.

It took a while to find the door of the fence, and when she walked over, she happened to see two players standing beside them, using hammers and nails to fix the sharpened wooden stakes in a row.

"What are you guys doing?" Yaya approached and asked curiously.

The two players didn't raise their heads, they were too busy humming and enjoying themselves.

????Yamasaa, I want to go to the bathroom: "Make fences and shelters, the task is to get it in the woodworking hut! It takes two people, you are late!"

????Ward's Beriberi Levin: "Yes! Fortify a bunker, you can get 5 silver coins and 50 tribute! If someone attacks, we will push the fence to the door. Even if they break through the wooden door, we can surround them with bunkers, and then Shoot from a distance! Very useful!"

"By the way, do we need to make such trouble? See what's written on the mission board. Isn't it enough to just make two wooden stakes horizontally?"

"You know my fart! I'm like a wooden anti-tank repellent horse from World War II! Wrap it with barbed wire if possible in the future, let alone a few tattered looters, even if the green-skinned muscular guy comes, you have to Get stuck in this door and be killed like a chicken."

"Blow it up, isn't it just a broken fence? I almost believed it."

As they talked, the two players seemed to be arguing about the practicality of the fortification.

Yaya looked dumbfounded and questioned when he heard it.

Silver? Is it the currency that was updated recently?

What is the quest from the logging hut? Didn't we all look at tasks on plastic cards before? Yaya thought in her heart.

It seems that this update has changed a lot...

In any case, I have to finish the punishment task quickly and restore my citizenship. Don't experience it in the last version, and the new version is coming again.

Thinking of this, Yaya decided to find a container for mushrooms first.

However, just when she wanted to pick up a plastic bucket, she found that the garbage piled up in the nursing home had been collected and stored in a wooden shed.

When she approached, she found a player sitting in front of a wooden table with his legs crossed. There was a notepad on the table and an oil-based pen hanging beside it.

Seeing Yaya approaching, the player raised his eyes and said in surprise.

"Huh? Are you alive?"

Yaya was stunned.

"You know me?"

The player said with a hippie smile.

"Nonsense, how can I not recognize you? You have the achivement of first death in whole server. You are technically a celebrity.

After hearing it Yaya was so angry that she wanted to hit him, but felt that she might not be able to win the fight, so she gave him an angry look and said, "Get out of the way, I'll take a bucket."

"1 copper coin for a small bucket, 2 copper coins for a large bucket."

"What?" Yaya's eyes widened, "Is there still money for this rubbish?"

Why don't you grab it!

"Sister, I didn't make the rules, I just work here," The player made a helpless expression, and turned the oil-based pen in his hand, "If you have any opinions, go to the NPC."

"But where did I get the money from when I was resurrected?" Yaya said dumbfounded, "Little brother, can you be accommodating, and I will return it when it is used up."

"No, no, no, you will be fined if you don't follow the rules. All you can do are those steel tools, and these rubbish are only sold and not rented," The player is also straight enough, shaking his head like a wave drum, "Didn't after version updates every one get 5 copper coins? It’s not expensive, you can just buy one and get it.”

Yaya was stunned.

"Ah?! Has the money been sent? Why didn't I receive it?"

The player obviously didn't know, and scratched the back of his head.

"Uh... Could it be a matter of favorability?"

"Did you offend the NPC?"

SHe lost her favorability after hearing it, and was so sad that she was about to cry.


I have already been punished, do I still want to lose my favorability?

At this moment, a voice like the sounds of nature came from behind.

"I'll pay for her."

Yaya turned her head abruptly, and saw a short girl of 1.5 meters, holding a pile of thick animal fur coats, walked to the table in the warehouse, and put the goods heavily on the wooden table.

"Hey, there are 2 pieces in total, please remember!"

"Wait a minute."

The player opens the book in his hand and writes a line of words on it with an oil-based pen.

[... On the day of..., 'Tailor' Shuri completed 2 pieces of hyena fur coats. ]

After working as a tailor, as long as a certain number of orders are completed every day, in addition to the guaranteed basic salary, you can get a reward of 2 silver coins for each finished coat that passes the quality standard.

Of course, players can also make their own coats by purchasing materials such as animal skins and fibers from warehouses, and then sell them to other players or warehouses.

Equivalent to self-employed.

The profit of a coat made in this way is about 1 to 5 silver coins. And if the production is particularly excellent, when everyone has money, maybe some players will spend a lot of money to buy it.

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Shuri plans to wait for his skills to become more proficient, save some money to buy a piece of land, and open a clothing store at the main entrance of the nursing home.

Isn't it more profitable to open a shop by yourself than to work for an NPC?


Yaya, who came back to his senses, grabbed Shuri arm, with tears of emotion in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, after I came out, the only person who extended a helping hand to me was Shuri who had had a quarrel with me.

Feeling a little embarrassed by her look, Shuri blushed and twitched her hands.

"...Don't look at me like that, it's just a copper coin, and it's not much money. At worst, you can pay me back in the future!"

"Sorry, I was wrong before, you are so kind!"

"...Well, I didn't bother with you either. Anyway, please do your best. I still have to make clothes, so let's go first."

Leaving a copper coin on the table, Shuri held the animal skins piled up in a wooden basket, turned around and was about to leave, but Yaya took it over and said courteously.

"Let me help you!"

"No, no, you go and do your work, just leave me alone."

Shuri reached out to get the thing back, but because of his height, she couldn't reach it, so Yaya dodged it deftly.

Raising the wooden basket in her hand, the enthusiastic Yaya said with a smile.

"How can I do that! You are such a small one, how can I let you carry so many things. Where is your work station? I will send it there for you."


Why does this guy speak so badly?

A black line appeared on Shuri's forehead, and her shoulders trembled slightly.

Woodworking hut.

Brother Mosquito sitting on the stool, holding a root of grass in his mouth, skillfully fixed the two pieces of wood with tools with both hands, sandwiching an aluminum alloy sheet picked up from the waste soil.

Then string a bowstring made of tanned tendons of mutant hyenas, and a simple wooden bow is completed.


Another order was completed, and 2 silver coins were received.

Mosquito hung the finished wooden bow on the shelf beside it, waiting for other players to pick it.

In fact, strictly speaking, it is far from enough to rely on these simple processes to make a real hunting bow.

Mosquito just heard that a good hunting bow, even the humidity of the wood used for the bow handle is quite particular.

But that being said, for players who don't have muskets, this thing is pretty good. Within thirty steps, shooting a mutant hyena is still no problem.

Of course, the premise is to shoot. Anyway, he himself has no such ability.

"20 wooden bows, required to be able to shoot through the skulls of mutant hounds within 20 meters...I'm afraid this order will have to be made the day after tomorrow."

Mosquito muttered, and glanced at the bottles and cans he put on the corner of the table.

It contained the saltpeter he extracted from the nitrate, the nearby bottle was gypsum powder containing calcium sulfate, and the black lump under the shelf was charcoal.

Originally, he planned to get out the black powder first today, but the reward given by the manager's order is really delicious.

As long as you make 5 wooden bows every day, you can get a guaranteed salary, and you can get 2 silver commissions for each wooden bow.

"Forget it, let's make money first..."

It's not good to keep doing chemical experiments in the carpenter's cabin.

He planned to save some money, buy a piece of land, buy some cement and bricks, build a small house, and sell the weapons he designed.

It couldn't be more fun than doing woodworking!

At this time, the door of the woodworking hut was pushed open, and Tomorrow, who had bought a bow from him earlier, walked in with strides.

"Give me 20 more arrows!"

"You ran out of it so soon?" Seeing Tomorrow covered in blood, Mosquito was stunned and said, "You must have forgotten that things can be recycled, right?"

"I know, but are you sure this thing still works?" Tomorrow placed the quiver on the table with a depressed expression.

Mosquito saw that it was full of broken arrows and arrowheads that fell off the shaft.

Sitting down on the stool next to him, he sighed and complained, "The quality of this thing is quite bad!"

Mosquito picked up the quiver, took out an arrow, glanced at it, touched his chin and said.

"Hmm... After a rational analysis, I think being able to keep the arrowhead in the body of the prey should be considered an advantage. But it is indeed like what you said, if you hunt... the loss is a bit high, I think about how to improve it."

These arrows are all made of sharpened metal sheets and fixed to the wooden arrow shafts with pine resin. The quality is really not good.


"You're welcome, this is my job."

Mosquito counted 20 arrows from a side shelf and handed them to Tomorrow's hand.

The price of 1 arrow is 2 copper coins, and 20 arrows are 4 silver coins. Tomorrow took out 4 silver coins from his pocket without hesitation, and arranged them lavishly on the table.

This is what he got in exchange for the prey he just killed.

"Thanks brother."

"You're welcome, I wish you a happy hunting." Mosquito smiled and waved at Tomorrow who walked out the door. "By the way, would you like to try my new weapon? I promise it will be very useful."

Hearing these words, Tomorrow, who had just walked to the door, almost tripped over the door frame and fell.

"Ahem, next time for sure!"

That was a life-threatening test!

Thinking of the 'Hell Shower' designed by this guy before, Tomorrow, who was standing firmly on the door frame, didn't even dare to turn his head, and walked away with his quiver in his hand.

Mosquito touched his nose with a puzzled look on his face.

"Is that an exaggeration?"

He originally planned to give his 'Hellfire 0.1' a bayonet for close combat.

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