Is This Really A Game?

Chapter 51: Chapter 52. This Game Is For You To Understand

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Seven o'clock.

As players went offline one after another, the official website gradually became lively.

It has been 12 hours since the release of Alpha 0.3 version. Whether it is the prospective players who have made an appointment but not yet qualified, or those cloud players who have not made an appointment at all, they are all waiting for the first-hand information of the new version.

Lucius delivered a meal to Sumeria, then hummed a little song and sat down in front of the computer, opened the forum and began to peek at the screen.

The first post I saw was from Mr. Garbage.

[ Today is finally confirmed! The tire factory three kilometers north of the abandoned site is a raider camp! The number of people is probably between 50 and 100! I wanted to bring back a prisoner, but there were too many of them. Fortunately, those people were obviously scared by me. I slapped the dog that was biting my arm unconscious, and escaped while they were reloading. ]

[ Damn it, that dog almost bit off my tail! The predators encountered this time are much more fierce than last time! ]

Lucius: "..."

What is written in this post is different from what I heard half an hour ago.

Lucius remembered that this guy said that he didn't take the initiative to provoke those predators? The injury was caused by running into a Marauder patrol on the way back.

However, according to the post, it seems that he took the initiative to attack a prisoner.

The kid wasn't telling the truth.

Lucius thought for a while, then shook his head.

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

The first posts that come out are usually less nutritious.

Regarding Mr. Garbage’s predator camp, the veterans in the forum have listened to him bragging for almost three days. In the end, after squatting for three days, he was beaten and fled.

Everyone in the building expressed that they could not accept it.

Quit Smoking: [ What the hell is the number of people between 50 and 100, how many is it! You're more of a Teletubbies than a Scout.]

Irena: [ I take off my pants and don’t fart, hey, it’s just for fun. <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>]

Bear Hugger: [Spicy chicken, less than a hundred blame you for being a hammer! Can't kite? Kill one at a time, won't they be killed after repeated several times? Bah, what am I talking about, this game doesn't even exist! ]

Sisi: [ With a special profession, I can't beat mobs, it's so embarrassing! Why don't you let me play! ]

Picking Up Trash Level 99: [ ??? Why don't you show me how to move? F*ck! Even mobs can tactically outflank, shoot alternately, and even let dogs go, can you believe it?! ]

Quit Smoking: [ I really want to! Give me your number, and I'll show you off. ]

Picking Up Trash Level 99: [ No thanks! ]

The post was completely crooked, and it turned into a lizard brother fighting with the Confucianists, very much like the moment when the free Yaya was fighting with a group of players.

However, no matter how he described the situation at that time, it could not change the fact that he was labeled as a idiot in the hearts of players.

Perhaps, only when the camera function is released in the future can his name be justified.

Lucius is very aware of the combat effectiveness of those predators.

These people may not have strong equipment, poor physical fitness, and poor discipline like goblins in the fantasy world, but their street fighting talent is almost full.

After all, since the first year of the Wasteland Era, these people have never stopped fighting, and the gene of plunder has already been integrated into their blood and bone marrow, and has been passed down for countless generations.

After revisiting Mr.Garbage's post, Lucius closed the post and continued to browse the forum.

It has been a while since the players went offline, and a lot of high-quality content has begun to emerge.

What surprised Lucius the most was that many new faces he had met for the first time appeared in these high-quality contents.

For example, an ID called 'Mole In The Hole'.

Lucius looked at his personal information, he was a newcomer to the game in Alpha0.2 version.

According to historical statements, it can become judged that he found the official website of Wasteland OL through the link shared by his friends because of the urban legend circulating in the stand-alone game circle. In a word, he is also a guy who is relatively free at night.

Mole Letters: "Hardcore observations about the new version! Cloud players and Mengxin please detour! "

"Hello, everyone, I'm your big-nosed mole. After launching today, I found that the game has changed a lot. The production team finally cashed in a small piece of the big pie he drew. I really love the new version! Yay!"

"Let's talk about the conclusion first: I'm going to blow up the newly designed economic system this time! Although there are only a few simple supply chains, some details are enough to see the ambitions of the production team! They are indeed playing a big game!"

"But I won't brag about rainbow farts here, just briefly talk about my findings, which may bring you some help!"

"Currently, there are 2 low-threshold high-return ways to make money recognized in the game, one is burning cement, and the other is hunting. The former has a stable income and can be operated by a single person, but it needs to be rushed, because there are not many people needed every day. The latter's income is unstable, there is a need for equipment, and it is almost impossible to farm alone. If you want to take the hunter route, it is best to form a team with a perception system!"

"There is no technical content in burning cement, here we only talk about hunter gameplay!"

"A mutant hyena weighing 30 kilograms can be sold directly to the granary for 5 silver coins. After some time butchering, it can produce 12 kilograms of raw meat, which is worth 40 silver coins in an instant. Isn't it amazing?"

"Of course, what I'm talking about here is only value! Focus on it."

"The granary at the outpost does not accept raw meat, only unprocessed prey and air-dried meat that can be stored directly. And like other games, there is a price difference in NPC shops. For example, air-dried meat costs 5 silver coins to buy a kilogram, but If you recycle, you will only be given 1 silver coin per kilogram, and if the price difference is five times the price, you will be asked whether it is too far!"

"You can make more money by making air-dried meat from your own prey and selling it to NPCs, but if you buy raw meat from NPC shops and smoke it yourself, you may even lose money!"

"But it's actually okay. I've seen even more outrageous ones in other games. This is nothing. Especially in online games, it's basic practice to buy something for 1,000 game coins and only sell it for 1 game coin. The cleverness of this game plan is to use the price difference between buying and selling goods in NPC stores to encourage players to trade between players instead of buying inventory from NPCs."

"Here is a small idea. The hunting team can find one or two players to cooperate, slaughter the prey by themselves, and make it into air-dried meat and fur."

"Part of the air-dried meat can be sold to players at a price lower than that of the granary. Cut ten pieces per kilogram, and sell it for 1~9 silver coins, depending on yourself and other players' wallets. It doesn't matter if you can't sell it all, sell it to the granary before dark Get rid of it and make some more money."

"Although this operation will take a little more time, the theoretical income of a mutated hyena can at least double, wouldn't it be great?"

"In addition, according to my research, running a business is actually a way to play, but at present, the operation is difficult and unprofitable. It takes 5 silver coins to buy a kilogram of bacon at the NPC store and transport it to Brown Farm It can be exchanged for 5 kilograms of grain ( Theoretically ). And the latter is only worth 5 silver coins when transported back to the outpost! And this is the price of the NPC store! The price will be lower! Whether it is sold to NPC or players, it will be a blood loss."

"Considering the name of the current expansion pack is 'Winter is Coming', it is estimated that the focus of the production team's testing is not on the trade system. I am very much looking forward to the next version, and the production team can focus on developing the trade system."

"An economic system without exports and only domestic sales is incomplete. Wouldn't it be more interesting to balance the relationship between production and imports and exports through tariffs and prices? Please think about it! If the server CPU allows it!"

After reading the post, Lucius liked it, but did not make any comments.

Nice idea, but not very relevant at this stage.

Keyboard economists often fall into the misunderstanding of idealists, and excessive grand narratives do not actually help solve the immediate problems.

From the perspective of planners and players, this idea of ​​enriching game playability is really good.

But from the perspective of the shelter No.404 manager, it was a different situation.

For Lucius, everything in the refuge, even the bodies of the players, is his, so why does he let them take their own things to do business with their neighbors?

Unless they can do better than themselves. But this is obviously impossible.

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Even Lucius himself is often excluded and suspected by some scavengers on Beit Street because of his accent, and because he doesn't understand the market and rules, even if he has sales experience in his previous life, he can't use it at all.

This is wasteland.

A dystopian conglomerate of scum and villains. Ship sales scum and crooks selling bad financial derivatives will do better than well-behaved bankers or economists.

Let the players go to do business with these local rich men, not to mention whether they can use 1% of their eloquence normally, even if they can use it, so what?

It's better to bring more guns in the past.

Lucius suddenly understood the old leech on Beit Street—oh no, the old mayor.

This guy is indeed not a good thing, and his eating looks are ugly enough. The exploitation is just for pleasure, and he has no long-term plans for the future of Beit Street.

But let the scavengers go to trade with the merchants by themselves, those poor people will only be squeezed even worse.

This is not just a matter of ignorance.

Only a certain degree of naivety would think that a merchant from Boulder City would be more merciful than a wealthy landowner in the outer suburbs.

It's like comparing bats and leeches, which sucks better.

"It is meaningless to encourage players to trade with indigenous forces. Every large transaction involving export must be carried out under supervision. For example, setting up a fixed caravan, planning routes and trading varieties, listing commodity prices, and players are responsible for transportation as guards, and NPCs are responsible Handover, return 55 or 37... This can also take care of less hardcore players and simplify the transaction process."

"But tariffs are indeed a good idea, and this can be remembered! In the future, according to actual needs, we can consider allowing outside NPCs to directly participate in the player's market... The premise is to barter or use the currency of the shelter."

And under supervision.

"Free trade?"


"When I need you to fight, I will naturally tell you who to trade with freely."

In addition to the strategy post posted by 'Mole In The Hole', there are also civil engineering dogs sharing house building skills, and metallurgical engineering dogs discussing how to use limited materials to efficiently make steel.

Some people chatted and threw the link to Island A of Station N, and continued chatting in another place, and finally attracted a lot of new traffic to the website unexpectedly.

The urban legend about 'fully immersive virtual reality online games' is showing signs of growing. Although the vast majority of people took it as the setting of the mouth, but a small number of people took it seriously and clicked the button to make an appointment with a half-joking mentality.

The number of appointments is growing steadily.

What surprised Lucius was that Tomorrow Seeker, who is usually the most popular and 'knows himself best', didn't share his game experience on the forum this time.

The sun really came out from the west.

While Lucius was wandering around in the forum, the Cowboys Club was also very lively.

Although Brother Tomorrow hasn't bubbled up these days, the topics in the group basically revolve around Wasteland OL.

At least in the morning.

Badass Bunny: "Tomorrow Seeker, did you read the post on the official website? It's the one written by the big-nosed mole."

8th Level Gale: "His I'd is Mole In The Hole."

Badass Bunny: "It's not important!"

Tomorrow Seeker: "I see, the method proposed in that post is interesting, but not very meaningful."

Badass Bunny: "Huh? I think it's okay! Selling a prey directly to an NPC earns 5 silver. If you find someone to butcher and dry it, the value will at least double."

Tomorrow Seeker: "Hehe, a theory is a theory, but he ignored the existence of contribution points."

Get Up Ten Times A Night: "What do you mean?"

Tomorrow Seeker: "You can think of shelter as a rental property and citizenship as a tenant, and contribution points are settlement points.."

8th Level Gale: "Bro, your metaphor is a bit flamboyant..."

Tomorrow Seeker: "One more thing, among all the players, except us who have upgraded their citizens, Mosquito who do carpentry and Shuri who make clothes can barely make up 2000 points. In other words, except for these six people, everyone else needs to make contributions, to become a citizen, and then to make money."

You have to become a citizen to buy land. Even a fool can see that the sooner you buy the better location.

Tomorrow Seeker: "After considering this issue clearly, let's analyze the others. Among these six people, who do you think is more suitable to be a butcher? Do you have any experience in butchering?"

Badass Bunny: "Uh, this is indeed a problem."

Get Up Ten Times A Night: "No, I just want to ask, is it difficult to butcher?"

8th Level Gale: "...but anyone who has gone to the supermarket to buy vegetables can't ask such a question."

Tomorrow Seeker: "Walker is still in school and has no normal life experience. Just talking about the method mentioned in the strategy post is not feasible at present. We need to find another salesman, a butcher, and with six people to share the proceeds, we will earn more. Actually, I have already settled this account, but I just didn't say it. When the Scrambled Eggs is promoted to citizen, we can try to talk to him about cooperation, although I don't think we should hold out too much hope."

Get Up Ten Times A Night: "Why?"

Tomorrow Seeker: "You are stupid, why do people cooperate with us? Save enough money to buy a piece of land, open a restaurant by yourself, and take over the slaughter business by the way, isn't it good?"

Badass Bunny: "Damn it! If you put it that way, then if you know how to butcher and cook! You can make a lot of money in this game!"

Tomorrow Seeker: "It can only be said that it is at this stage, and it may not be possible if we wait any longer. Our first priority is to upgrade, and then to increase proficiency. In any open-ended game, it is relatively easy to make money at the beginning of the life career game, but in the middle and late stages, the first echelon will always be those who are really strong!"

8th Level Gale: "Hey, the game is understood by you... I have never figured out why you don't become a professional gamer."

Tomorrow Seeker: "There was no chance before, but now, hehe, I feel that the opportunity has come."

Picking Up Trash Level 99: "Boss! Please accept my knee!"

WC Really Has Mosquitoes: "Take me one too!"

Tomorrow Seeker: "Yes, haha! We are all in one group. From now on, the guild will be called The Cowboy Guild!"

Badass Bunny: "Ahem, why don't you change your name?"

Get Up Ten Times A Night: "What are you changing, what a nice name. (¬‿¬)"

Tomorrow Seeker: "It doesn't matter if you change your name or not. But let me tell you, your contribution should be enough for Mosquito, but Mr. Garbage has been playing wild these days, so it is probably not close. Your first priority now is to become a citizen, then save money! When the time comes, let’s form a group and build the house directly in front of the resurrection point, with the first floor as a street shop, and the second and third floors as partitions, one large standard room for each person, wouldn’t it be beautiful?”

Badass Bunny: "From now on, it will be our guild stronghold! ≧◠ᴥ◠≦✊"

WC Really Has Mosquitoes: "Brother, be steady!"

Picking Up Trash Level 99: "6666!"

Quit Smoking: "F*ck! I really want to play!!! ಥ_ಥ"

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